/HKG/hollow knight

This game is the greatest metroidvania ever.


I love Hollow Knight but starting a thread with !greatest metroidvania ever" is autistic as fuck.

That's the least autistic part of this.

Who is pumped for the DLC?


Fuck off with the shilling og this nu male indie dark souls game.

i love this game and bought it at full price.
but this shilling have to fucking stop.

have just one thread to discuss and recommend to others,
not fucking spam it everywhere all the fucking time.


doesn't mean that you have to spam it at every chance u got, nigger.
one single thread is enough for each games.

When is the DLC out?

Atop this fucking shilling already jesus, one thread is good enough. If you wanna spread it out further Cherry make some youtube ads.

Don't believe that this is the developers, that would be retarded. Or OP is just a massive faggot trying to slander the game or shilling autistically in the OP became a meme in HK threads.

>all that falseflagging from one assblasted faggot
Why? Don't you have anything else to do?

Ok, these threads have to be made by one autismo retard who is shitting his pants because people like Hollow Knight.

yeah, probably, same image every time too.

so how about that trial of fools huh? still stuck on the wizards

Fuck you I 100% unironically love Hollow Knight.

July some time

But that's the only part of the OP that is in there

why was nosk such a disappointment

his parents thought that too
literally a neckbeard in his cave

Wow is this the new undertale?

Sup Forums simply WILL NOT STOP sucking it's cock!

Nah undertale sucks.

how is this game in terms of difficulty?

I am debating between this, Furi, and hyper

How to trigger Lamulanafag the post.

That said, great game, really enjoyed it.
Looking forward to the free content patch next month.


But he's not wrong

Nothing too difficult for the most part, there's only really this one area and the true final boss.