It's nice that we all agree Sony won E3 again.
It's nice that we all agree Sony won E3 again
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Sonybros are having a really tough time that they lost for the first time in history.
It's pretty sad.
"People's" choice? You mean a bunch of normies who voted for Spider-Man because he's an extremely popular superhero? Surely it wasn't for the actual game.
False flagging sonybro detected.
You have NEVER won.
Yes, Sony won with such exclusive announcements such as
uh.... games that were announced at last year's E3?
>Spiderman best of E3
what the fuck? do people seriously like batman that much?
Meanwhile Ninty won by doing fucking nothing.
I bet you honestly believe every year that Nintendo won E3.
If Nintendo loses...everybody loses.
>If Nintendo loses...everybody loses.
designated ninten-year old
>this is what nintenbabbies actually believe
It's alright, just cover in you security blanket with Mario on it, as you always do.
>spiderman arkham assylum
yeah no
You should step outside Sup Forums for a little while. In the real world people hate gameplay and love QTEs.
Because every year we do win
>Because every year we do win
>announced not one, but two metroid games that please both 2D and 3D fans. One of them comes out in two and a half months
>announced a new kirby game
>announced a new yoshi game
>more on fire emblem warriors, mario odessey, and xenoblade chronicles 2
>announced that a mainline pokemon game is in development for the switch
>all while showing gameplay for everything above except for prime 4 and pokemon switch
PCfat here. I give zero shits about any of this except for the metroid 2 remake. However, they showed games with hard gameplay. I'm sure that there's people who are very happy with a lot of those announcements.
To say that nintendo didn't win E3, let alone had nothing, is straight up bullshit.
A giant four and a sequel to a series. It's not much, you have to admit.
>a sequel to a series. It's not much, you have to admit.
>a sequel to a series. It's not much, you have to admit.
I dunno what your point is.
>a sequel to a series. It's not much, you have to admit.
Yes, those are sequels to a series, and yes, it's
not much.
Why do people say this like it's a bad thing?
lol you're proving his point for him
Nice job exposing yourself, shill.
I wouldn't go that far, they won 2015 by announcing games that were straight up dreams.
2 years later and we have still no info about those games though.
The only thing good about that Spider-Man demonstration was the confirmation that there was no moonswinging, and the final Spider-Man pose. Everything else was hot garbage. Brainless Bamham copypaste combat, Spider-Man constantly talking on the phone ala Infamous, cutscenes and quick time events up the ass, Yuri Lowenthal as Peter instead of Josh Keaton.
Put it in the trash were it belongs.
See you all when Half-Life 3 gets announced in 2033. Then we'll see how "not much" sequels are.
no the point is everybody has some kind of sequel to some kind of series people want to have a sequal for
> nintendo dies
> every dev and their dog start making dvid cage like games
> tons of articles about how archaic actual gameplay is and how players don't have to feel bad about not being as good as someone else
everything good dying with nintendo is a bit much to say but it could lead into the death of things as far as gameplay is concerned.
>None of Sony's actual games
>It's Fucking Spider-Man
Sony didn't win, liscencing did
Would love have josh keaton doing spiderman again just to getaway from the shitshow that is voltron.
When Sony can win by lying year after year, doing nothing is better.
Love to have*
When nintendo died with the nintendo 64 things went good
>boring QTE Arkham combat
Platinum Spider-Man when?
>A game you can't even play
>every E3
These two had actual trailers, hell BG&E had Ancel showing alpha footage of what the game's concept would be like
MP4 is "lol here's the number four next to the title of Metroid Prime, we don't have gameplay but it will totally be out next year ;)"
>anything but shit
S-Sony w-won!
Woah I can't wait for Spidey Senses becoming more fucking witch time bullshit
Fuck off
who even cares
E3 2008 will never be topped. Final Fantasy getting announced for Xbox was the high point of console wars.
Companies don't win E3, games do
Nintendo didn't win, Super Mario Odyssey did
I'm honestly surprised.
I get faggots like open world shit ass boring games that haven't evolved for 6 or so years now, since in them at least you can burn time doing all the recycled content. But in Spiderman only the traversal looked like it could be good.
>QTE riddled bullshit with Arkham combat
>winning anything
Next you're telling me the new God of War is looking good.
There's universal agreement Nintendo won salty fuck.
that's because sony followed he same formula where gameplay still mattered nuSony is all about muh cinematic experience. But I dont mean nintendo not being on top I mean actually not existing at all. i dont really car who's "relevant" to the mainstream audience as long as they put out something I can enjoy.
There's a difference between a game people have already been knowing about and an announcement for a franchise nobody thought would ever come back
We knew BGE2 were coming, it was just a giant waiting game
Damn how did I know what I was thinking this morning.
Don't you dare compare these two games.
Batman had way fewer QTEs than this mechanically sterile pile of trash.
Kek even PS4 players don't want to watch Cage's tripe
Only on loud echochambers like this one
In real life we won
friendly reminder that consolewars are only a thing because most parents only choose to get one video game console for their kids.
if you're over 16 and do this shit, kys.
>MP4 is "lol here's the number four next to the title of Metroid Prime, we don't have gameplay but it will totally be out next year ;)"
So is that why Sony won E3 2015 by showing a CGI trailer for FFVII and a kickstarter for Shenmue 3?
I'm happy that Microsoft is doing well and winning back a bit of faith with mainstream consumers.
Competition is good for us, wouldn't want Sony getting too comfortable again. That's always when they make their WORST decisions.
People were just happy about the backwards compatibility and they also showed some good indy games that people liked. People were just happey that they get the option to avoid the shitty new AAA western releases coming out.
>We knew BGE2 were coming
Nobody saw it coming. People saw a dumbass open world prequel coming even less.
I mean, FF7 was a trailer showing off Midgar that was rendered in-engine and Shenmue 3 had pre-alpha footage of what the game would look like
Sounds more like a feeling of relief after that last garbage trailer. How the fuck did Cage make an interesting setting and then just fuck it all up as usual?
Xbox showed the most games and a lot of those were good too so they win.
All other conferences were full of games and the only ones who didn't show anything new were Nintendo, they only showed a png
So Sup Forums, you're gonna have to make a choice. Do normie opinions matter, or not? If they don't matter, then I don't have a reason to care about Nintendo's E3 because the normies who like it are wrong. But if normies DO have a say, then you can't argue against this people's choice thing. You can't pick and choose when you want to listen to the casual masses. Either their opinion always matters, or it never matters.
I refuse to acknowledge their """""win""""""
At least so you shows trailers for their games never coming out
Nintendo literally just had a 4 and some fucker say" Oh yeah, we're making it. Please be excited." and assholes like you claim that was enough to win E3
I remember actually liking the idea of Kara when it was about a robot having to hide her emotions even though it made no sense
Then when it resurfaced as Detroit, I remember the first trailer killing all my interest in the concept as it was turned into social commentary with robots
Not going to post the strawpolls?
>You have NEVER won.
>ps4 announcement at E3 couple of years ago
>BTFO of nintendo and microsoft
>ps4 launches and kills it in sales
theres a reason why ps4 is still the top selling console right now. even if it lost a few months. overall its still ahead of everyone else.
you gotta be pretty delusional to deny this.
>for the first time in history
They've only ever won like once or twice.
The falseflagging is funny
Seriously does it really make you that butthurt when a game overshadows another at a game show? Or when a game is given praise?
Who gives a shit, just hype the games you want
>that was rendered in-engine
>People actually believe this
You can't say Mario Odyssey is a normie pick and the go for a normie fans choice at a website with a game you like
I'm afraid you're not allowed to cherrypick. You can't say "normies are only right some of the time, but only when I say so". That's biased and is grounds for instantly discarding your argument.
What the fuck are you all smoking? It's real obvious that Ubisoft won with a trans Rabbid
Sony counts with third party support that have gameplay,also people like the " cinematic bullshit" that's why they dont stop making them.
>anyone on Sup Forums
>giving spiderman a single positive comment