Defend this

defend this

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the game would have gotten a 10 anyway because its really good

A perfect score should be impossible as a perfect game does not exist.

How does this explain the numerous other 10/10s BotW received from most publications? Don't tell me Nintendo hired every single reviewer who gave Zelda a score of 10?

they always hired Nintendo shills from IGN, but truth is so does Sony and Microsoft. they usually give them some shity community manager title and tell em to read there online forums and handle their twitter all day.

you can pay anything

you can also destroy anything

if the numbers are rigged and made up to influence certain actions, what can you do about it? nothing

>good game get good reviews
wow op its almost like you and that faggot arent faggots

Shitty flamewar bait. Ban urself.

Good thing 10/10 doesn't mean perfect

it literally does

10/10 realistically means the best a game can be. This doesn't mean perfect. 11/10 would be perfect, but 11/10 doesn't exist either.

it does exist and it's called breath of the wild

>10/10 realistically means the best a game can be.
Well that clearly still doesn't apply because it runs like crap and has an ingredient that invalidates almost every other ingredient in the game

>perfect game = open world filled with 900 pieces of shit, ubisoft towers and copypasted 5 kinds of enemies all over the map
thanks but i rather stick with the 8/10 'trash' then

Scores are subjective, my dude. Things that bother you about the game may not really bother other people. Just because someone gave it a 10/10 doesn't mean YOU have to give it a 10/10. Not all of the reviews are 10/10. If they were, THEN the game could be considered perfect.

>Man with an English degree, experience in the industry, experience with mass media, and a passion for Nintendo games gets a job at NoA
Back to /kia/ please. The only person they could hire without you throwing a fit is Jim Sterling.

If he gave it a 9 would it no longer be a conflict of interest? What about a 9.5? Like, how low do you have to rate all games before your reviews are used against you in the court of Sup Forums conspiracy JPGs?

>Jim Sterling

This somehow explains the other 40 10/10 Breath of the Wild got.

Also the entire industry is a joke, most of the ads that are on gaming websites are games they review.
Thats the reason you see scores below 7/10 very rarely.

Your right user, we should send death threats to women and work to ruin their careers

Remove your tripcode

fuck off

Why set aside a scoring point that can never be achieved? Nobody says this about something getting five stars out of five.

you post like that's a bad thing

Practically every reviewer gave the game a 10/10

Should Nintendo not hire any writer? Should they specifically only hire writers that give them bad reviews?

I only give movies thumbs down, because a true perfect thumbs up doesn't exist.

If a test in school is too hard and nobody ever scores perfect on it, should we give people perfect scores even when they made errors?

Which side is worse?

you :)

The person who isn't Jim Sterling


Fat contrarian with terrible show, terrible taste , buttugly wife that whines about Nintendo every few weeks .
Pants on the head retarded fanbase that suck his tiny cock on every occasion

>RIght side

Literally who

Nobody to date, or in that class, or whichever increasingly specific sample size you want to take, scoring perfect on a test is different from rating the subjective quality of a game. A test is made to be scored. They are often created with a metric for adding up points together to find the total score, with the expectation of eventual perfection. A more comparable example would be the teacher arbitrarily knocking a point off on a written section because they decided in advance it was impossible to do it perfectly.

Fucking retard yes it does. On a 1-10 rating scale you are supposed to round down. Or any rating scale for that matter.

If you say "well if this was out of 100 I would have given it a 99" well on a 1-10 scale you just remove the last number.

10/10 is literally a 100% simplified for morons. If it's not a 100%, don't give it a 10/10

What if the scores were just made up?

Heck most of the review companies are probably all owned by 1 entity if you dig around enough.

>A more comparable example would be the teacher arbitrarily knocking a point off on a written section because they decided in advance it was impossible to do it perfectly.
I've had professors do this to me on multiple occasions. They unashamedly admitted this.

Incorrect, 100% is objectively impossible. Thus 10 would not exist on the scale if it's value was perfection.

Pic related, even IGN despite their shit taste knows this. Masterpiece=/=perfection

God damn kid

Lets take OoT as example:

Ocarina of Time is one of the best rated games of all time because it was nearly perfect on release.

Without taking into account the incredible inflation of review scores over the last decade the game would have probably got 99/100 on today standarts.

It was a masterpiece in therms of graphics, gameplay, music, dungeons,secrets, atmosphere and waifus.

The only thing that got critic was the Hyrule field ( it was barren ) and the difficult yof the water temple

And because of that most people gave the game 99/100 points

But most sites have a 10/10 system so the score was 10/10

Or even worse some sites have 5/5 review sets that means even a game with 9,1 gets a fucking 5/5 = 100/100

Just because it hasn't happened yet doesn't make it impossible





















video game "journalism" is an advertisement branch of the video game industry. it`'s literally all bought. it started during the original xbox days and its completely sold out now.

My god, someone in video game journalism is clearly corrupt and acting in a conflict of interests? And it's at IGN?

Stop the fucking presses!

Seriously though, this shit isn't new. Mass Effect 3 has Jessica Chobot in it, to which IGN gave the game a 10/10 and she defended it online. And don't forget the constant ads for games that you can view/click right above the review which gives the game a 10/10 score. There's nothing to defend or be surprised by. This is nothing new, this is just an average day for video game "journalism".

Review score inflation is inevitable. What was a 9.5 6 years ago is a 10 today.

Gaming journalism is a joke and the faggots who take it seriously are worse. Its a fucking hobby not something relevant to every day society


if something is given a 100% it is statistically perfect and cannot be improved on

Not that guy, but you're so obnoxiously autistic I'd beat the shit out of you, you fucking retarded sack of shit

>tripfag uses reddit spacing
of course




Nepotism is the sad state of how the real world works.

Whoever is upset over this, however rightfully so, must nut and deal with it. Since that is how alot of people get good jobs that could be more deserving for others based simply on merit.

Its indefeasible ye. But that is how the real world works so you fags better nut and change there world or just stop whining like the bunch of fag lords who ever is upset over this actually is.

>They literally give a guy a job after he gives them a 10/10 review
>Ninten-drones actually defend this

Didn't Audrey the girl who works at Tree House work for IGN?

Fuck what is going on between IGN and Nintendo?

>Audrey gives Black 2 a 9.6/10

Granted it was a good game but makes me think brehs

Nintendo blows and so does its fangirls? Get a job you fucking losers

Nintendo hires English majors with industry experience? Should they hire car mechanics instead?

I mean. Should Nintendo be disallowed from hiring like 90% of critics just because they liked their game?

>caring about twitter drama
>caring about IGN
>caring about reviews

Get Alex Jones on this

>Gamergate still at it

No one cares

Shouldn't you have moved on to pol by now?

good score = company tweets out review everywhere = maybe get your publication quoted in commercials or on the box = big hits and cash

>Sup Forums thinks reviews are paid because Nintendo hires former game journalists
Sure is 2006 in here.

Explain this

>clearly corrupt and acting in a conflict of interests
These aren't the same thing, though. Just because there's the impression of a conflict of interests that doesn't prove that there's corruption. If you're going to level serious accusations at people you should be careful and get some evidence. Of course it's better to avoid the impression altogether but that can't always be helped.

So what about the times they gave shit scores to Nintendo games?
Stop cherry picking.

>Defending Jim
How much of a cuck are you?

Ah yes, the global Game Journalism Industrial Complex is at it again

BotW is just really good dude

Those times they haven't been immediately hired by Nintendo.

The more you know those individual reviewers who gave Zelda a perfect score, the more you'll realize it isn't some conspiracy but those are just a bunch of idiots who fanboy like they are still in junior high school. You can tell by reading the reviews.

>literally "It's ok when Sony does it"

>Work at company A
>Review product of company B
>Leaves company A
>Get a job at company B

You'll have to explain the "issue" to me, because I don't see it.

If Nintendo had some sort of arrangement wouldn't they want to keep this person at IGN where he could write more fluff pieces about them? Hiring him defeats the point as he's now openly working for Nintendo. You don't think it's just someone who likes Nintendo, saw a job opportunity, applied, and got it? Would Nintendo even care if he ever wrote a review on one of their games?

yeah but it isn't a woman who is having sex with people, i only care if there's someone i can call a slut and threaten to rape

It's just gamergaters being gamergaters. They see a connection and imply something vague and ominous without really stopping to think what the issue is or who possibly benefits. It's essentially the stereotypical wall covered in pictures and red wires connecting fluoride with contrails and autism.

>I'm sorry Mr. XY, we can't hire you because you gave a game of us a good review in the past

A 10/10 doesn't mean it's a perfect game dipshit. You fuckers around here are full retards

>infinite full heals you can carry at any time and can use instantly and without any limit in a menu (game would be 10 times better if the amount of cooked foods you could carry was limited to inventary spaces like weapons)
>5 copy pasted enemy types with color swaps and 3 mini bosses
>20 shrines consist of 1 room with a small sentinel to fight, no other enemies
>half the shrines require an IQ of 50 to pass
>besides plants the world is mostly empty

BOTW is a 7/10 game at best, it's a good base but needs some fucking content.
It suffers from the same gameplay flops of Skyrim but having much worse exploration since there's soo much copy paste everywhere.

Nivr dude I totally love disrespecting women too it's all I care about
Also it's okay when Nintendo does it

>A 10/10 doesn't mean it's a perfect game

This isn't new, companies hire writers to shill games all the time.

Thinking Nintendo wouldn't do the same is asinine.

what's the name of that guy who was fired for giving switch 7.4?
besides Jose Otero is a Nintendo fan boy

Wouldn't you want to hire them before they write their pieces in that case?

>Make a 0-10 scale for rating video games
>don't give anything a 10 ever because "perfection doesn't exist"
Why not just make a 0-9 scale if you're going to be autistic?

i love twitter screencaps from literal who's

>because on a 0-9 scale a 9 shouldnt be possible since its a perfect score
repeat arguement until we reach 0

reddit needs to leave