the absolute madman
Boogie causing problems at VidCon because of his scooter
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>fat """""""""""""""""people""""""""""""""""""""
>e-celeb garbage
Why is he driving a scooter inside a building wtf?
If I pushed him off would he die?
America. We have that shit inside grocery stores
your joking but he would probably get seriously hurt like a broken leg that would never heal because of his lard assness
my dead aunt used to drive a scooter around. Not because she was crippled but because she was a lardlord like this waste of protein. What is wrong with fat people? I never thought much about it until now
No matter how hard i try to block boogies videos i still get his fat disgusting face posted somewhere in my youtube feed.
I dont hate him personally but i almost feel like vomiting when i see his disgusting fat neckbeard face, like fuck how does a person get that fat.
he physically can't walk you asshole. would you make fun of a paraplegic in a wheelchair?
Well try strapping about 100 kg of weight to your body and try walking.
>fat shaming is okay if you target men
Why a scooter though? Have some dignity and use a wheelchair.
Fat shaming is not only okay but necessary.
>he physically can't walk
So he should be on a wheelchair then.
I hope he realizes that this scooter fiasco is gonna get him more hate and made fun of, fuck this fat fuck
I'm personally fine with Boogie but it's clearly bullshit that Youtube doesn't let you block certain types of videos or channels from your feed, even if you make an account. They clearly have no incentive to give you the freedom to control what you want to see, or their most profitable content producers would get fewer views from their clickbait.
this, im fat and i despise fat acceptance because it's unhealthy and awful to look at, i wish i had someone fit telling me all day to not eat this, eat that, and maybe my compulsive behavior in eating would change a bit.
Nice bait faggot, I don't hate boogie personally but I have no respect for his lard ass he did it to himself so fuck off.
Fuck that. ALL Obese human being deserve to be ridiculed until they an hero. Fucking useless blobs of shit. GET OUT OF THE MIDDLE OF THE AISLE AT STORES AND LET ME PASS OH GOD WHAT IS THAT SMELL
>can't walk up a stage
>actually being so fucking fat you need a scooter
Can we just kill and chop these "people" up and give their meat to impoverished countries?
How does this guy still get views? Is all of his viewers underage or something?
I dont understand how people are content with being so fat they either need a scooter/wheelchair to move around.
except paraplegics can't help being handicapped.
Being morbidly obese is your own fucking fault.
Wheelchair would imply having to use his arms
American "people" are disgusting.
I thought he was trying to lose weight, not gain more.
You're beautiful as you are, girl. Don't let the bigots make you think otherwise.
Parapalegics lack neuromotor ability due to disease or injury.
Boogie's legs work fine, they just can't hold up his fucking obese body.
If you can't see how these aren't remotely the same thing then I hope your mother gets raped to death by niggers.
It would be extremely funny
No idea. I'm a fat fuck myself (consider myself a fat ass), but I can walk a mile without dying and don't use those scooters at all.
And then there are people 4 times the size of me and it's fucking insane
But then theyll become fat too user
Nothing you thin priviligied shitlord
The main thing that disguts me is that he thinks he is a vlogger or some shit and only does face cam and all his thumbnails are his big disgusting fat face.
Bitch I'm fat and was born with clubfeet I force myself to walk and get better theres no fuckin excuse for him
I'm fat and I spend most of my time lifting heavy objects and putting them down somewhere else.
Come over here so I can fuck you until you love me.
Ryan Davis died instead of this fat shit.
Social media, where the common person gets a voice, and the common person is an idiot. Where it used to be one person who was being an idiot being told to shut up, now the idiot is surrounded by idiots and they together decide that they aren't idiots because if everyone believes it then that must mean it's right!
Bullying was actually a good thing in some sort of fucked up way, because it made people feel shame. Now a days there is no bullying, because if you bully someone they could kill themselves then the family will sue your dick right off. This means everyone and their dog does whatever degenerate act they want to do and no one will ever tell them that they should be a shamed of it, because that will turn into "X Shaming".
More like
>the absolute fatman
>their "meat"
user it's all fat
I thought he had convinced a surgeon he wasn't a liability and was going under the knife, or rather chainsaw, for a bypass surgery this weekend.
You're a fat guy
How about you stop bringing so much food inside your home so there's nothing to compulsively eat.
Wait is Sargon a manlet?
in grocery stores in america you are allowed to ride motorcycles, it's fucking crazy
For you
I hate Americans.
No fucking idea how someone so disgusting became popular
Its been like a decade of excuse after excuse.
>Gets caught with like six liters of mountain dew
>BAWWWW! It was for a twitter photo!
Is that Saigon of Akkad?
Is Philip at vidcon?
Start cooking your own meal. Eat food with fiber it will make you full.
Don't end up like this.
>Tfw you live in the same city as Phil
Does he get fatshamed when he goes to events like this? I want to go to an event he's at just to follow him around calling him a FAT FUCK. If I can get kicked out for that then I'll just keep walking nearby and loudly discussing how disgusting and gross fat people are, without mentioning his name or signaling to him.
Fuck that's even worse than freedom units.
it's board culture, deal with it
How did your aunt drive the scooter around if she was dead?
Fuck that fasting the the only true way to lose weight
he's fucking fat
>I wash myself with a rag on a stick
>go to Disney World
>every other person is in one of these things
>lines are backed up because they have to stop and get in and out of their scooters
>they can't even fit in the seat let alone wear the seat belts or harnesses
>cause a scene when they have to leave because they can't follow safety procedures because being so fat
What an embarrassing country
i actually step outside a lot, im fat, not obese.
but cheap food it's always blocking my path
very carefully
he's literally so fat that he cannot walk
>was going under the knife, or rather chainsaw,
I always thought "degenerate" was just a Sup Forums buzzword.
That was until I saw this image.
>i wish i had someone fit telling me all day to not eat this
Why, are you stupid? I'm 20 pounds or so overweight, occasionally I'll still eat something I really shouldn't, but the simplest way to fix the problem is by cutting it off at the source.
It's very easy to cut out snacks if you only go food shopping when you're full. Without snacks, the minor inconvenience of having to cook your food is more than enough to prevent snacking.
I think we could make some decent cash making a service which had Chads and /fit/izens follow around hamplanets with motivation issues to keep them on the straight and narrow. Just have the find the line of harrassment and causing a lardman to neck themself. Gotta work out the kinks.
/d/ has a wonderful for people of such a disposition.
get cancer and die along your cumguzzling surrogate friends
he had that francis shtick that children thought was real/funy
I want to ask for sthe source but I know it'll just make me angry.
>i shit like twice a day and can eat whatever garbage i like and look fucking auschwitz
better than being fat i spose
Reminder his wife is actually a fat cow and she hides this by making sure every photo of her is just her face at a myspace angle
Thankfully, I haven't had to sit next to one of them on a plane. For that, I consider myself lucky.
But muh thyroids
But muh genetics
By cooking your own food and getting rid of microwavable food or junk food it will make it harder to consume a shitload.
It's from the imperial system just like pounds.
It's 14 pounds.
You've got a fit person in your head telling you all this already, if you don't listen to yourself you won't listen to anyone else. So sort yourself out.
IS this man even diagnosed with T2 Beets?
Didn't he ragequit Persona 5?
Dude, what is wrong with his tongue?
he can walk though, he's just too fat to support himself for a extended period of time
>i wish i had someone fit telling me all day to not eat this, eat that
You can be that person, you know.
Its mainly because he is a suck up to every youtuber and they give each other shout outs et, also sob stories about how hard his life was and begging for patreon support.
It always amazes how easy people throw their money at e-celebs.
>giving third world shitholes more aid so they breed more like the cockroaches they are
Please stop.
go visit /fit/ and click on a fph thread.
Honestly, that abomination should just be euthanized. It doesn't seem like it's enjoying existence much.