I've never played a Legend of Samus game before. I've always wanted to play Super Metroid but it's expensive...

I've never played a Legend of Samus game before. I've always wanted to play Super Metroid but it's expensive. Where do I start? Is there any connective story that would benefit from playing them all?

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play zero mission, it's a remake of the first

you can skip 2 and play super, nothing is really important in that game aside from the ending which connects the games. prime is its own thing and can be played whenever.


>it's expensive
what are roms, my friend

start with super or zero mission

there's a timeline but it hardly matters

Metroid Prime Trilogy > Super Metroid > Metroid Zero Mission > Metroid > Return of Samus > Fusion > Other M

This is actually pretty accurate, I would almost put corruption on optional tho, but that's just me, also maybe mention the need of a physical map for the original metroid (or a guide)

>what are roms
Lame. I have a snes and a nice Trinitron I want to play it properly.

autism shouldn't stop you from playing one of the best games but sure w/e

Start off with Zero Mission, then play Super Metroid, AM2R, Fusion and then onto the Prime games.

I mean I'll get it but I wanted to play them in order or see here if it even matters. I just wanted one to play and get a taste for the series before dropping the money on super metroid. There's a method to the autism.

Just looked it up and now I know what the new 3ds one is supposed to be. I'll wait for that.

Why not play both? AM2R is fun and free.

If you had to choose an order I'd say play Super first, then move onto Zero Mission and Fusion, then play AM2R or wait till september for the official remake of 2, get Trilogy and play the prime games in order, avoid Other M like the plague, and if you feel like wasting some money on side games get pinball and a used copy of fed force since it's not terrible but not worth 40 buck

>shilling a free game this hard

Don't completely dismiss Other M. The story is crap, but it is pretty fun to play.

Start with Zero Mission. It's a remake of the first game and a good entry point to the series. It has all the basic components of what makes a good Metroid game and has enough handholding to guide new players in the right direction if they need it without telling them exactly what route to take. You could also start with the original Metroid if you're into punishing NES games, although be warned that you'll spend a lot of time tediously farming for energy/missiles unless you're immediately very good at the game.

If you want to follow the continuity then play Metroid II. It's also got a different structure to what the Metroid series is known for, rather than having an interconnected world that is "gated" by power-ups, you have to kill off a certain number of Metroids in an area before you can lower the lava/acid level and progress further. It is getting a remake this year so it may be worth waiting for that if you can't stomach the dated graphics and controls.

Next play Super Metroid. It's widely regarded as one of the greatest games of all time for good reason. Even if you skip Metroid II, definitely play this one (the prologue summarises the key events of Metroid 1 & 2 anyway).

After that, you could give Fusion a try. It's more story-heavy compared to other Metroid games but it's still solid.

The Prime series is also worth playing. These can be played any time after the first and the story is quite self contained. Obviously play 1, then 2, then 3. Hunters has a pretty mediocre single-player campaign and the multiplayer is officially dead since Nintendo killed their DS/Wii servers.

Other M's gameplay is okay at best and the story is awful. If you already have the means to play it then feel free to give it a try. Just don't expect much from it.

Federation Force is mediocre as well. Again, if you have the means to play it then give it a go if you don't mind spending the time/money on it.

Move super and corruption down to optional, move Prime 1 to recommended, move Prime 2 to Must-Play and you've got the optimal list.


What the fuck did you just fucking say to me, you little bitch?

>but it is pretty fun to play
It's fun until you have to turn your wiimote around to aim in first person.
The game would've been a much more enjoyable experience, gameplay wise, if they allowed us to play with wiimote AND nunchuk.

Super stays in must play. All the Prime games are recommended+, even corruption.
I do agree that Prime 2 is the best Prime game though.

The floaty movement makes it difficult for me to tolerate. Additionally, the fact that shit like the quicksand in maridia actively punishes the player for exploring by forcing them to circle around the world again is inherently irksome to a newer player. Ergo, it's not a must-play initial recommendation.

buy a flashcart then
stop buying games from jew merchants

>I don't like it therefore it's optional
Most people consider it the pinnacle of the series for a reason. The controls aren't really floaty, they're just not as weighty as the GBA games. Unlike the GBA games, Samus actually has vertical momentum in Super Metroid. She also has more combat options with her charge beam combos. And the levels are completely designed around Samus's movement so the "floaty" movement is a non-issue. People who just take the games at face value generally prefer Zero Mission, but those who genuinely love the series almost always prefer Super Metroid.

I just finished Metroid zero mission, is AM2R the next title I should play? I'm planning to play in chronological order.

Where does fusion takes place in sequence?

yes 2/AM2R is set after zero mission. fusion is the very last game

it goes metroid/zero mission ->II ->super -> fusion

prime games are probably set somewhere between after zero mission and before super.


I'm really digging this, wonder how Nintendo's gonna top this off

>Metroid Prime Pinball is a Pinball game

Well thanks for pointing THAT out.

You could have mentioned how it's a fucking GOOD pinball game, and that it does a bunch of shit well, and uses some unique ideas like shit walking over the board and has boss fights and neat nods to the series and shit. It's good for a pinball game. And pinball games are usually pretty great as is.

>Primes are all in must or recommended
>trilogy is in optional
>"trilogy is best way to play primes"

Get this amateur shit out of here.

who knows, AM2R is pretty much zero mission 2.0 while samus returns seems to be taking a whole new direction.


They won't.

You should add a bit about how Trilogy can be downloaded from the Wii U virtual console. Leaving that out and saying "these games are hard to get so don't count on it" feels kinda mean.

Samus Returns is completely redesigning the maps, while AM2R was fairly faithful and ended having a fairly shitty map because the original game had a shitty map.

>Telling people to play the garbage that is Hunters while telling people not to play Other M
>FedForce not on the chart despite being the link between Prime 3 and Prime 4
>Giving newcomers to the series half of the whole story.

You're a terrible individual.

Super Metroid, Zero Mission, the Primes. Usually your favorite part of the games is the exploration so then move on to Symphony of the Night and indie games.

That image was made a while ago, i.e a time where DS Wi-Fi was still functional (so Hunters wasn't completely shit), the Prime Trilogy wasn't on the Wii U eShop (so it was incredibly rare to find copies of it) and Federation Force didn't exist.

Then it should stop being posted. It's misleading at this point.

Hunters is far better than Other M even in its crippled form and FedForce is complete garbage so you may as well just watch the secret ending on youtube.

>The floaty movement makes it difficult for me to tolerate
git good; Super's movement mechanics have more depth than any other game in the series and there's ample opportunity to use it all

That's a terrible opinion and you should feel bad.

>not a title to avoid


Hunters was shit m8. I'd honestly rather play Other M over it.

I'd kill for the opportunity to play Hunters online again, that shit was tight. Other M I don't even want to think about any more.

The Prime series are just spin-off games. It's stupid to compare them to real Metroid games.

Gods among men tier:

>Super Metroid
>Metroid Prime

Great tier:

>Metroid: zero Mission
>Metroid Prime 2
>Metroid: Pinball

Okay tier:

>Metroid: Fusion
>Prime 3
>Metroid 2

Disgusting Trash tier:

>Metroid: other M
>Metroid: Federation Force
>metroid Prime: Hunters

Unreleased, but will be trash tier:

>Metroid Prime 4
>Metroid 2: Samus Returns

Fed Force is the best Prime game though.

The only people who think this are muh atmospherefags who don't actually like Metroid games for the gameplay and just play it because it's a Nintendo series that isn't all colourful rainbows and shit. Other M has a shit story with mediocre gameplay. Hunters has shit gameplay, even the multiplayer was shit and only enjoyable because it was multiplayer (almost every game can be fun with friends).

>trash tier
>prime 4 and samus returns

Sure, Jan.


>AM2R being that high
If you have no idea what makes a good Metroid game then sure

>Still sucking AM2R dick

>nearly mandatory online co-op garbage

Nah, it's closer to Call of Duty if anything.

Hello Treehouse!

Play Super first.

It's on VC for like ten dorrah.

People latch onto and blindly defend AM2R in the same way that the baby Metroid latched onto Samus and defended her. It's quite poetic actually.


Hello Prime kiddie.

and yet you have no reason to actually hate it.

What does liking AM2R have to do with liking Prime?
Surely you should be calling him a GBAbby instead.

I don't think anybody hated AM2R but the flaws are glaring and obvious.

>not sucking a game's dick means you hate it
AM2R was good, but it's by no means close to being the pinnacle of the series.

Play in order:

Zero Mission > Super > Prime

Want more 2D? Fusion and either AM2R or wait for the 3DS one

Want more 3D? Prime 2 + 3

Want the roots? Play the original 2 but prepare for games that aged like milk

Avoid Other M.

Why is the first Samus shooting cum?

>Zero Mission > Super > Prime
This is stupid
Prime shouldn't be part of the sequence at all, it should simply be played at a random time after ZM
And AM2R should come before Super

The list gives you the best entry point followed by the peak 2D and peak 3D. If you want more, there's more, if you don't then you've already played the best.

It has flaws, but they're far from "glaring". The reason I give it so much praise is because it fixes so many problems inherently found in Metroid, while still remaining faithful to what made it good.

>actually challenging
>new game plus
>sequence breaks to be found
>intro cinematic is skippable
>all the disgusting, filthy sex fanservice is restricted to the ending, and only when you have 100% completion
>modifiers that allow you to make the game more challenging by changing enemy health and damage variables, and even letting you use harder AI
>hell run
>removing the mandatory lava wall that stops you from exploring further areas until you kill all the metroids

I could go on and on.

Are some of these recent changes? I played AM2R when it first came out and this seems like bullshit.
>sequence breaks to be found
>removing the mandatory lava wall that stops you from exploring further areas until you kill all the metroids

>removing the mandatory lava wall that stops you from exploring further areas until you kill all the metroids
The entire purpose of Metroid II is to eradicate all Metroids, you shouldn't be able to skip that. In Zero Mission and Super, your mission is to kill the space pirate commanders and Mother Brain. You can skip other mini-bosses but those remain mandatory (even if you can beat most of the in any order).

AM2R is great for people that don't actually like the original Metroid II.

>AM2R is great for people that don't actually like the original Metroid II
...and also believe ZM is the peak of Metroid.

>Where do I start? Is there any connective story that would benefit from playing them all?

No. There's a chronology sure, but it doesn't amount to anything and the few games that are story driven are contained.

Start with super and ideally play in release order. If you like the series try metroid 1 and 2 to see what they are like.

>I've always wanted to play Super Metroid but it's expensive.

Emulate it.

It's some of the fan patches made by people who followed Dr. M's work. 1.2.9 is the most recent. You can find the most recent update on plebbit.

>AM2R is great for people that don't actually like the original Metroid II.
Well, it wasn't called the black sheep of the series for nothing.

Could you go into more detail then?

>Legend of Samus

>it's a remake of the first

People need to stop saying this, it has nothing in common with the first game except samus and the same genre. I bet 90% of the people who say that shit haven't played more than 5 minutes of the original.


What's the point of doing a remake if you keep everything the same? Yes ZM changes shit, that's why it's not pointless.

Remake is generally a catch-all term that refers to remasters and reimaginings (the latter being what Zero Mission actually is).

I could go into more detail, but I think it would be easier to give you a changelog of everything that's happened in the patches so far. Let me pastebin it for you.


And if you want to try it out, I was actually wrong. The update is up to 1.2.10. Just google that and you'll find it.

I'll have to givve it a shot some time.

This. You don't even need a $200 kike cart, the chink shit gets the job done

I believe there's also one more update coming, where you can damage the metroids with your basic beam weapon, but if I'm correct, they said the beam has to be charged, and it won't do alot of damage, but it's mostly there for people who don't have alot of missiles. I'm cautiously optimistic.

Super > Fusion > Zero Mission > AM2R > Samus Returns

Prime 1 > 2 > 3
Always play in release order.


What are you even talking about? It's you guys who are calling it a remake when it's not. It's you who tell people to play zero mission over the original as if zero mission was a straight modernization or upgrade when they in fact are COMPLETELY different experiences. People should start with super if they can't handle the original, not the piss easy joke game that is zero mission. Feels less like proper 2D metroid than fucking prime.

Metroid NES/Zero Mission
Metroid II Return of Samus/Samus Returns
Super Metroid
Metroid Fusion

>it's not a remake if it's not a port
whatever m8, go learn what words mean

So hardcore.

They're still "real" Metroid games, you're using that word in a way that's meaningless. What you mean is they are 3D Metroid games.

You can't even form a coherent sentence nor argument. Stop being an underage plebbit newfag and go play the original instead.

Are you, as they might say, a fucking retard?

>You don't prefer [game] because you didn't play it
Who's lacking an argument?

>People should start with super if they can't handle the original, not the piss easy joke game that is zero mission. Feels less like proper 2D metroid than fucking prime.

zero is harder than super

Also theres a hard mode unlocked on 2nd playthrough. If OP likes a challenge grab a complete save file

wtf? i love hope now

>Release order also happens to be the order of quality

Someone needs to update this to point out Trilogy is all the Wii-U eShop.

Play Zero Mission, then Super, then Fusion. After that just play the Prime Trilogy in order.

>They're still "real" Metroid games
Not him but no they're not, It's like comparing Halo to Halo Wars. The series may have art style, music and weapon, and abilities to the main series but it's a completely different genre, just because you like the main series doesn't automatically mean you are going to like the spin offs too. You Metroid fans need to get over that.

It's funny, you never see this kind of talk when discussing 2D and 3D Zelda games even though they're completely analogous.

Super and AM2R are the best Metroid games.

AM2R is worse than ZM, Fusion, Prime 1 and Prime 2. And Super, of course.
