Why girls don't play Dark Souls?

Why is the female community in SoulsBorne games so small?

How do we make it more inclusive to women?

Have you ever met a girl who plays one of the games?

Yes. My friend introduced me to the Souls franchise, actually.

Also by I guess not caring. 'Catering' is gonna make everyone sick and attract nobody.


Honestly? Better character creation and romance options. Nothing too fancy.

Because women are shit at games.

except mario kart

because dark souls is only popular with a small-ish group of autists who screech about it at everyone they see. anyone outside that group only played it because le difficulty turned into a meme and beating it is apparently some amazing feat of strength.


begging you to have sex

especially mario kart, if she picks Peach/Yoshi right away, you know what kind of "gamur grill" she is

You asked a question and I answered it, girls only play games if they have character customization or romance options

You two anons sound hurt. Everything okay with that one girl you liked?

Kiss me and make it better

Fuck you psycho.

my ex enjoyed bloodborne

she got really pissed at it, but she one-shot cleric beast, no joke.

though she got spooked by father gascoigne when he morphed, so had me beat him for her, the casual scum

girls generally have different tastes than boys

and you sound like a beta faggot

Girls don't actually play games because they enjoy it. They do it for attention.

Bloodborne is not hard, I platinumed it in 10 days.

This. There are even studies proving it.

I know two girls that like Souls. I dunno what would make girls like Soulsborne more. Maybe more of a plainly presented plot. My sister doesn't play games often but if something has a plot that interests her she'll play it no matter how difficult. Women seem to want to have everything presented to them rather than hunting for items and reading descriptions and stuff.

>female community of any game

Are fucking retard or what? Fighting is a mans job, so it's only natural that mostly men would get attracted to any form of violence and direct competition at all.

>liking a girl
sounds pretty gay senpai. you sure you're okay?

>i'm a big fan since a few years
>it is not harder than any action rpg
>i just like it and most critic is on spot
What now?

An ex of mine played Dark Souls when it came out and the day she told me I knew something was deeply wrong with that series and stopped playing at Demons Souls.

Git gud

Could you word your post better? I don't understand it.

Girls hate having to put forth effort.

>Why is the female community in SoulsBorne games so small?
Does that matter?

>How do we make it more inclusive to women?
You don't.

>Have you ever met a girl who plays one of the games?
Yes, several. Pretty good at the games too.

>Yes, several.
Prove it.

My ex gf only ever played Puzzle Bobble 4, Crash Team Racing, and Kingdom Hearts.

The commonality I can draw up between these games are
>cuteish character design
>vivid colors
>can be easy or hard depending on what you're doing

Dark souls is
>non cute characters
>hard all the time (if you haven't figured out how combat system works)

I dunno

Because it doesn't give them the ability to socialize in a way that draws attention to themselves, the game doesn't play itself, the mutliplayer is incredibly competitive, not story focused, not romance focused and what this guy saidThe only way to appeal to women is to completely ruin what Souls is and turn it into AAA trash.

> it doesn't give them ways to draw attention to themselves
What are you talking about? I healslut in Dark Souls 3.

They should probably add more QTE's and make the whole experience generally more cinematic. Requiring skill to play a game is literally a tool of patriarchal oppression. That's why everyone played ME: catalyst.

Women play video games for the same reason they do anything in life, attention.
Souls games are the most noninclusive and unwelcoming games you can find, the tagline is prepare to die. Changing that would defeat the whole purpose of the entire series. You might as well just make a completely different game. Or play literally anything else. Which is why girls don't play souls games..

git gud at reading

