Steam Sales Are A Goddamn Joke

Stop getting scammed by Valve.

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Honestly the STEAM DRM is the biggest case of the wool being pulled over gamer's eyes in history. It's DRM you morons, stop sucking it's dick.

How so? Because someone is giving a bigger discount?
The only scam here is buying early access indie shit, you should kill yourself.

the only scam here is that valve has trained you to be it's bitch boy and fucks you in the ass constantly. normalfag idiot underage.

I only buy shit from shady russian key sites, child. Keep shoveling garbage games down your throat like the braindead fuck you are.

>looking at or caring about early access games on any platform

I think we all know who the real joke is.

The resident Valve Defence Force powered by Reddit™ has arrived very early.

Didn't answer the question, how does it feel like to be sheep?

Tbqh i dont even search steam store for games anymore, its just filled with shitty 2$ indie crap and anime shovelware garbage that i just dont even bother.


Why the fuck do I care if it is DRM or not?
Steam provides functionality and features I want to use and that's the start and end of it.

this has been pandered day and day for the last 8 or so years but the drones doesn't care

>muh gamur facebook
you're cancer, stfu

Keep crying, bitchboy


Fuck off fag
Get a life or some shit

How did this site got their key ?
I'd rather pirate than buy stolen key, I least I don't have to pay to be a thieft

kike shill

They have made zero effort this year to hide how pathetic their sales are now. 30%'s fucking everywhere. It's kinda sad that something that used to be an event is pretty much dead now. And there are so many things not even on fucking sale, holy shit. Did Valve just stop pressuring companies for good sales? It's like they fucking gave up.

Anyone spotted any instances of the 'raise normal price prior to sale then mark it back down to normal price and say it's a discount' scam this year like some publishers have pulled on Steam in the past? GTAV was the most notorious example but a lot of other pubs pull the same trick every year



>only shows games that have better discounts on the same website
Really makes you think.

Steam is a near-monopoly and no monopoly is good in the long run.

so yeah make sure you diversify your collection a bit before Gaben jumps the shark

Eventually they will just cut the ability to insert steam keys that have not been purchased on steam store by yourself if you keep this up
So dont listen to this fag above and simply buy normally on steam like a non-loser with stolen reseller keys. You dont want to be like OP

I dunno my dude, I bought dynasty warriors yesterday for 15€ on steam. Just because your favorite game didn't get a good discount doesn't mean it won't ever. Why are people even bashing steam for a difference of 2 Euros when people buy shit before release for 100?

>difference of 2 Euros
>4 Euros difference on some shitty indie title
>10 Euros difference on Dark Souls 3 - Deluxe Edition

hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, I wonder who could be behind your post

If we were on Reddit, I'd think you were being serious.

quick reminder that killing floor is free on the humble bundle right now

yes this is why I use enhanced steam so I can tell when a game is cheaper somewhere else or if it's been on sale for less before. it's saved me a bunch of money over the years

Why you guys hating?
Just because your favorite hentai girlfriend simulator with extra puffy fox ears is not on sale you are upset?
Quit being a NEET virgin faggot and stop bullying other guys for choosing to buy good titles.

I sure do love to buy keys from sites like G2A™ or GameBillet™.
I prefer keys from third party sites, so i can feel the thrill of never knowing if that key is going to get revoked by the publisher for being stolen or meant for another market
Also FUCK developers. Why would i want to give my hard earned money to the people that worked on a product i enjoy if i can sen cash to a bank account of a shady figure in Cayman or Philippines?

>anything like G2A

Look at this cockroach ready to defend his masters at Valve. I shit on you. I remember when you cocksuckers called GMG the same thing you're calling GB right now.

lol look at this loser having a meltdown

Wow user, it's almost like different stores sell the same things at different prices. Like they're not the same store.

>buying stolen keys
might as well just pirate

Buying from a third party key reseller is like bringing your own beer to the october fest you cheap fuck, at the end of the day you're still activating it on steam
I understand and support other sites, like GoG, hell, even Origin and uPlay are legit, but buying from a reseller is as morally good as pirating, with the difference youre wasting your money and making a rich twat even wealthier

>Doom 21.99 on GameBillet
>14.99 on Steam

these sales feel like an insult since i can find most of these games cheaper on keysites

What a fucking scam.

> XD im different then the NORMIES get on my level I argue with other about where they spend THEIR money. Now exscuse me I have some special deepweb fedora shopping to do, they have the best deals and only the highest quality.

>he doesn't manipulate his steam location to get the games the cheapest way possible


You are the reason why more and more are turning to pirates and alternate key sites.

They're not a grey market reseller, you disingenuous faggot.


Take your low IQ back to Reddit.

GMG and Gamebillet aren't third party resellers you retard, they get all of their keys strictly from the publishers.
Make some research before you embarrass yourself further.

Ok. Thank you, it doesn't even have the game I want. So what are you trying to say here? Don't buy the game because if its not on GAMEBILLET ITS NOT GOOD? NO FUCK YOUR FUCK YOUR SHITTY WEBSITE KYS. THAT GAME IS TRASH ANYONE WHO ACTUALLY BUYS IS WASTING MONEY ANYWAY.


I'd rather pirate a game and keep all my sheckles than give my money to some shady keyseller that will prolly get revoked anyways, but I agree with steam being garbage

>not buying Dark Souls when it was 5 roubles because of Steam error

>t.gamebillet employee
also fuck off with your shill bait thread

I don't know
I got some game called EYE: divine cybermancy for 3.99 and think it's actually a decent find. Never played a Fps rpg.

>asking to get fucked by region restrictions

Steam sales are shit. The prime passed 6 yeara ago. Only a fucking underage kid would get excited over this shit anymore, thus hello /v

>L-look, they wrote on their website in the section "about-us" that they are legit, they MUST be legit
Sorry bud, my trust is a little harder to earn

gamebillet com/about-us
greenmangaming com/about-us/green-man-gaming
Just fucking admit you made a mistake you prideful faggot. You're anonymous, no one's going to give a shit.

Just make sure your legs are ok

Alright pal, if this is a marketplace, then how do I sell my keys there?

You missed out Dude sex 1/HR/MD, SS 1/2 and Fallout 3/NV?

i liked Sup Forums a lot more before yurocancer refugees invaded

>JUST BUY MY GAME non steam version
the new toddposting

Russians can make so much moneys by just buying as a gift and reselling
This is unfair

Didnt GMG get fucked over selling stolen keys recently?

have they removed the daily deals? or should I still wait until the last day and buy then?

You don't have to make it about users selling lefty keys, you can buy stolen keys in bulk, you can import keys from other regions, some mught even be legit
When using steam i have 100% security that 70/80% (don't remember valve tax) goes to the dev and that my product is 100% secure and legit.
If you show me a bit on ubisoft/From software/EA websites that certify their keys on GB and GMG are legit i'll be fucking happy to get em, but i ain't gonna trust on someone's word

First time i hear about gamebillet.
Look like a shilling attempt.


I like all you have to do is press V to make all the bad go away
I couldn't get into FO3 or NV. I liked FO4 but got bored. Cool game to explore though.

because you're one of those retards who only buys from steam. fucking gamedeals exists for a reason.

Do people unironically buy games?
>not making 10 new steam accounts
>not buying payday 2 on all of them when it was free
>not trading your accounts for different accounts with different games
>not getting 9 more games for free
>not trading those accounts again and get 9 more games
>not getting 18 different games for free
>paying for 18 different games
>paying for something, ever
are you guys retarded or something?

>I liked FO4

But i also buy on amazon, gmg, humble store and but alright.
Even plebbit doesn't talk about this website and the only post are from the owners.

>new humble bundle is another useless software bundle

this steam sale has made me start pirating games that aren't multiplayer
fuck off steam, i haven't had a computer to see the sales in years, where the fuck are the daily deals and flash sales and community votes?

This, you're a retard if you don't use a price aggregate.

>Even plebbit doesn't talk about this website
i have seen gamebillet on gamedeals literally 2-3 times a week.

>inb4 gb2reddit boogeymand XD

Retards complained that steam should have a refund system.


>being so poor you have to trade accounts 10 times over just to get 18 shitty games
>doing all that instead of just pirating
are you retarded or something?

>retards complained that steam should have a refund system

why, if you buy a game and it's shit its your own fault for buying trash?

give me back my great deals you kikes.

Can't have flash deals and refunds.

just gunna pirate everything now fuck you guys

Really want to play prey 2017, how fast do you think it will drop in price?
It's €28 over at g2jew, checked with dishonored 2 that released back in november and it's still €22.

Just go for it now or wait?

>not getting the account recovered and losing everything

Enjoy your free games.

Yeah and most posts are from their account Ardozs.

Shitposting aside ,Valve ruined the summer and christmass sales by removing daily deals and now everything has either a 20% discount or it doesnt get a discount at all. Keep in mind that these are Valve's "big events" of the year.

Even if "we" stop giving them money its the new generations that will jump on their bandwagon because they dont know how much better things used to be. Its like DLC ,we laughed at it when the horse armor pack came out but 5 years later the Skyrim toddlers made it a successful business. Valve decided to stop creating effort costly products and move to supplying retards with the trash they love,be it hats or assfaggots events.

If you got disappointed with the sale just now then you must be a retard because it has been at least 2 years since things took the downfall.

Also daily reminder that Steam isnt pc gaming. Its just a shit platform ,and this what you get when you make saints of video game developers and multi billion corporations.

Pirating games will make you realize how many games are shit and you were just "enjoying" them because you've bought them

yes and if it was even remotely shady they would be banned from posting deals like gmg are.

Don't give money to assholes that ruin the industry. Buy indieshit with minimal influence and the rest grab them for a glorious 100% discount over

That game seems like a fucking joke.

Metroidvania with roguelike elements? It never works. It's not original. It's not substantial.

You can only switch regions once in like a month and you can't gift games from different regions for YEARS now.

its a zenibeth game, they wont price drop it on steam for a long time. if you can get it cheaper elsewhere go for it.

Never said they were shady, just said it was a shill.

>Dude sex

Must be a best seller

statiscally speaking, keeping it on russian currency, I do tend to change it while preordering full price games though if another region is cheaper or if the russian version has some region restrictions which another region doesn't have (for example CIS, India, or Hong Kong)

i can live without daily/flash, i want fun shit to do like summer adventure that promotes playing video games. hell even the monster clicker was more fun than a fucking e-sticker book, what a joke.


You must be the most ignorant gamer ive ever seen. At least do you know of Morrowind?

If not then it must be great being you because you have shittons of games to play for the first time

Why not just pirate at that point?

Buy it or not is my business stupid dick head !

That game is worth $7 on my end but $12 on Gamebillet. About the only good thing to come out of living in a 3rd world shit hole. That and the government's complete lack of fucks given with what its citizens are doing in the net.

>people unironically defending steam

This is how you know Sup Forums is fucking dead.