FF 15

I know im beating a dead horse here but i always was a big FF fan and now i own a ps4.

If my favorite ff games are older ones from the psx era, could i have fun with 15?
From what ive seen it seems a bit "soulless" and the battle system looks weird...
Can someone give me a quick rundown on what they thought about this?

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Just get WoFF

I enjoyed it, but soulless is a good descriptor, product placement out the ass.

meh, wait till all the dlc comes out then play it

Literally a early access game. Wait until it's finished.

I actually enjoyed the melee combat a lot. Magic was lame. the open world was large and boring, like most of them are. Didn't care for any of the characters. The only song I remember from the 18 hours I spent with it is the title track, which was pretty good.

If they ever finish the game, I'd like to give it another go. It's a mess right now though

The first half of it has a lot more charm and soul than FF14, especially in terms of the characters and their relationship

The combat system isn't anything special and the second half kind of shits the bed but I look back on my time road tripping around and exploring the world pretty positively

they should have had hidden villages in the forest, and monster villiage. They also should have let you wonder the dark world

It's very mediocre at best. If you can get it for like 20 bucks you might enjoy it a bit, everything over that is too much.

I stopped playing FF's at 10 because I absolutely hated that game and most of what Square has done since. I gave XV a try because I haven't really tried anything of theirs in almost half a decade and the result is it's ok/10.

I like most of the technical aspects of the game it looks nice and it plays a little better than most open world stuff, but the story is just bland beyond belief and the characters are like cliches of cliches at this point. I'm not expecting the greatest story of all time either, in fact my expectations were in the toilet concerning this game, but it doesn't even reach the levels of their past successes I'll never get something as complex and great as FFT again or even as fun stupid as FF4/6/7/9 it's just boring current anime characters in a flat unimaginative plot and it has two hundred and one call backs to earlier games which at first seems endearing but it gets real fucking tiring quick when you realize nothing new is being done with all this amazing tech and the well designed aesthetics of this fifteen years in the making game.

I like the world and the food system and the dudes in the party can feel like real bros at times, but my immersion and interest is broken pretty quick at constant intervals due to stupid characters and the ongoing terrible "Hot Topic-ization" of the series and it's designs.

It's a fun game, goes from open world to linear towards the end when shit gets serious. The best thing to do is play up to the point where it gets linear then jump back to the open world part and do sidequest. Once you get bored of that finish the game.

I just beat it thanks for the thread.

What the fuck was his problem?

You shouldn't ask questions like these because people will attack you and tell you that you were supposed to read some random ass notes in the world, watch a fucking movie, watch an anime and the 200 streams before the game was released to actually know what the fuck was going on.

The PSX era FFs are the most story-heavy ones, and this one's story is complete ass, so no, you probably won't like it.

I saw the movie and a couple episodes of the anime. I know fucking zip about Ardyn except that he wants revenge for something and is immortal.

ok, thing is, why is it so hard to just make a comfy FF game again? I just want some likeable Characters, an ok story, interessting world/towns to explore.

I mean would it have sold so bad if they just put a little more effort on what i would call "soul",then graphics and photographing stones?

in short: what were they thinking?

It's rushed and mediocre. The story lacks a second act. Side quests are mostly MMO tier. Monster hunting can be kinda fun, though.

Eventually, you get a magic ring that lets you fuck basically everything without much effort. It's a story item - it doesn't take any effort to get.

Its development cycle was just a huge clusterfuck. I also think they focused way too much on having an action based combat system and an open world

The game seems rushed and oddly paced. There isn't enough information about characters to really give a fuck, same with the villains. I appreciate their ambition to go for such a large scope but it just isn't that good, I enjoyed it and it is actually fairly charming. But it is definitely missing something.

The final battle is damn gorgeous though, the dungeons were cool, and the gameplay was fairly fun. They also plan to do more content in the future which is story based and will include things such as ardyns past or additional characters to play as so that is nice.

Wasnt worth the 10 year wait. I checked vidya news everyday hoping for news and well, this is what my wishful thinking and wasted youth turned into.

I put in over 60 hours in the game, but dropped it when I reached Altissia. I literally did EVERY sidequest before leaving the mainland. In my opinion, despite what others say, the combat is excellent. My favorite aspects of the game where going through the dungeons. Even some of the hunt sidequests were pretty epic. I had a 20 minute battle against Liches in the dead of night, where I barely held out, until my summon came to the rescue.

As for the narrative, well, there's a good story somewhere in there. The problem is the game has no interest in telling it. It's not a matter of poor writing; the developers very intentionally avoid anything storyline based. The cutscenes are far and few between. The characters' pasts are almost never explored. Relationships are only seen in the present. And the relatonship between Noctis and Luna is never explored.

So once the dungeons/open world dried up, I dropped the game. The story just wasn't interesting enough for me to finish it. I've heard the ending is heartfelt, but there is literally no moment in the game prior to that where I felt any emotion towards the story or characters.

Well world of Final Fantasy was pretty comfy

I want romance, in addition to all that.

In short, it's graphics. If you think about it, despite the open world meme most modern games are actually quite restrictive and less functionally open than classic games. That's because with the current expected level of graphical fidelity, it's just not practical to create the sheer number of assets required for a game with the scope of say, FFVII. Even though XV's story was a mess, it could've been a decent game if there were actual towns and places to explore, but instead we get one extremely bland continent, a pathetic excuse for a town, and only one proper city which ultimately feels about as interactive as the prerendered backdrops of yore.

As far as story, there was definitely a lack of clear leadership/vision which I personally attribute to a couple of factors. The first actually goes back to graphics again, because with the inflated budgets(i.e. higher financial risk) executive meddling and focusgroups are much more of a force than they used to be, resulting in simpler, more generic stories.

The second is the saturation of the games industry and tech in general. Basically all the actual competent workers are getting spread thin across a bunch of competing companies, and no one company has a monopoly on all the good guys. This might sound like more of a technical issue, but I think people vastly underestimate the degree to which the "grunts" are actually responsible for the meat of the game, even if it's the idea guys like Nomura/Tabata that get all the credit.

The third is that we're living in the information age. People thought it'd be characterized by enlightened discussion and debate, but instead it turned into re-re-re-re-re-regurgitated ideas, memes, otaku culture, and unprecedented circlejerking and extremism. That Hayao Miyazaki quote is extremely relevant. Stories and culture ultimately arise from physical reality. What we're doing now is like saving a JPEG over and over.

It's a mess that tried to use the rotting corpse of versus, a bunch of dumb decisions from both directors, still fixing the game and putting shit in 8 months later, and are now trying to put in everything they can think of in attempt to make it seem like they actually care
If you still want to play, do what everyone here that isn't an autistic ultrafanboy says: Wait for the complete edition that they'll eventually release

>Even though XV's story was a mess, it could've been a decent game if there were actual towns and places to explore, but instead we get one extremely bland continent, a pathetic excuse for a town, and only one proper city which ultimately feels about as interactive as the prerendered backdrops of yore.
No, no, no, fuck off.

Fuck off.


you didn't play the game. There ARE multiple towns, and there ARE places to explore. The dungeons in this game are the best in any game of the series. Stop trying to apply FFXIII memes to FFXV.

FFXV is the most classic Final Fantasy in terms of exploration since IX.

The story is the problem, not the world or the exploration. If you disagree, you haven't played the game.

Or you can just listen to what Ardyn and Bahamut say in the game.

Long story short, he's a Jesus allegory that became a very salty demon after Pontius Pilate stole his crown and made him become the world's most hated man.

If you like that gameplay loop you should finish the story since there's still a lot of dungeoning to do post game once you get the dungeon seal key and the flying regalia.

>a section based on a romance worse than Rinoa and Squall

No thank you. Luna should have remained a big sister character because Noctis showed little-to-none interest in her romantically wise. Even the kiss at the end of the game was lackluster. Although with SE trying to pull off this alt timeline shit maybe it's supposed to feel like two entirely different characters interacting.

Don't do it.

This is one of the few times Sup Forums was right. FFXV is a terrible game. They tried to copy Skyrim. It plays and feels nothing like n FF game. Little emphasis on story or characters, Kingdom Hearts combat (but somehow, much worse). It's about as much an FF game as the online ones are.

By comparison, FF13 at least tried to stay close to the series roots with its gameplay, even if it abandoned loads of the things which made the series great like exploration, intricate towns and cities, cool dungeons, and so on.

>gladio leaves your party for some reason
>dragoon chick joins your party
>you don't get to learn anything substantial about her
>no important or dramatic storyline moments happen when she's with you
>she leaves
>gladio shows up again without ever explaining why leaving you was so important
It's little touches like this that make me wish misery on the development team.

>lovers who met as children
Kill yourself. Literally kill yourself and die. There shouldn't be a single person on any board of Sup Forums with an opinion this shit. Childhood friend romance is sacred here.

>The first half of it has a lot more charm and soul than FF14
You know nothing of 14.

Jesus christ I'd be inclined to call you XV-kun if you didn't at least acknowledge the story has problems.

>There ARE multiple towns
Two technically counts as "multiple," so you're not wrong there, but nobody likes a pedant.

>The dungeons in this game are the best in any game of the series
That depends on how you define dungeon. FF has historically eschewed traditional dungeons for the most part and tends to combine dungeons and story locations. That said, if you go strictly by "dungeon-only" locations, then yeah, XV has the other games beat. It's more of a QoL improvement than anything game-changing, though.

FFXV doesn't feel like traveling the world. It feels like a bland roadtrip interspersed with some cavediving and then a very rushed and railroaded ending scenario consisting of a handful of barely-finished setpieces.

I went in with caution. FFXIII was a massive disappointment for me and the decade in development hell didn't speak well for this one either.

However, it won me over quick. The first few chapters are very good and exploring the massive map is exciting. I felt like standing on the precipice of something immense and was thrilled for more.

Then, some 30 hours in, the reality hit me.
It's literally impossible to get a game over in this. The whole sense of dread that night time brought in the beginning evaporated, and much of the immersion with it. There's no danger, you can clear the game at lvl1 while spamming basic potions, which is idiotic. The combat became a chore and questing with it. There's no meaning in leveling up. You don't need money either. Selling shit you find on the field makes you more gil than you ever need.

Then, what you thought was a prologue to a grand adventure comparable to the classic FF games turns out, in fact, to be the whole deal. Leaving Altissia, you clear the rest of the game in less than two hours.

The game's like fireworks. It starts out cool and burns brightly for a while, but then fades out quietly well sooner than you'd like. The ending managed to pull things together in an emotional fashion, but couldn't undo the bitterness left by all the wasted potential.

I did end up putting nearly 80 hours into the game and platinum'd it, and don't regret playing, but I'm still galled. It COULD have been a 10/10 game. Because of that, the 7-8/10 conclusion feels downright criminal.

>The dungeons in this game are the best in any game of the series.
12 had better.

>Childhood friend

He met her when he was a kid and then afterwards they never met each other again. Their big romance is reduced to them sending flowers and shit back and forth in shitty notebook. Last I checked having a penpal doesn't equal a childhood friendship or a romance. Prompto is more of a childhood friend to Noctis than Luna is.

>The combat became a chore
Yeah. Seriously yawn-inducing at times. The dumbest was during that final boss where it's literally:

combo boss
boss hits you
"die", drink potion
repeat until you win with no risk of real death

this being the final boss of the game, it felt unbelievably poorly designed

>Two technically counts as "multiple," so you're not wrong there, but nobody likes a pedant.
There are multiple settlements, as well as people spread across the wilderness.

>That depends on how you define dungeon. FF has historically eschewed traditional dungeons for the most part and tends to combine dungeons and story locations. That said, if you go strictly by "dungeon-only" locations, then yeah, XV has the other games beat. It's more of a QoL improvement than anything game-changing, though.
Stop changing the goal posts. Before you were criticizing the lack of exploration. Now you're saying, "w-w-well the dungeons don't have anything story related". Those are separate arguments.

>FFXV doesn't feel like traveling the world.
Holy fuck, you are such a fucking shitposting piece of garbage. It's obvious you didn't play the game and want to force FFXIII criticisms on it, even though they don't fit. No one here is asking you to like this game. I don't even really like it. But don't come into these threads and start shitposting criticisms that don't fit, because you want the game to fit your narrative for the death of vidya. You WANT FFXV to not have exploration. You WANT it to be linear. You WANT to think that it's an empty world, because that allows you to push the retarded idea that the old games don't exist anymore. But they do. FFXV is an old FF in terms of gameplay. Sadly, it's not an old FF in terms of story. It's as simple as that.

>product placement out the ass.
What was there besides cup noodles?

That wouldn't have been a big deal had we actually gotten a cutscene or section of the game based around that, like in VII.

American Express

Kek. the entire map is flat and it varies between desert field and grassy field, that's it. XV has no world, it feels like an early access tech demo.

>FFXV is an old FF in terms of gameplay
i don't remember old FFs allowing you to invincibly heal yourself infinitely.

he's a petty dick

It's a great game and a ton of fun, but not without its faults. To call it "soulless" is kind of stupid, because there is no real way to measure that. Why wouldn't clicking through menus and waiting your turn in FFVII be "soulless?" Just a thought.

That said, the combat and exploration in FFXV is very different from the PS1 (and earlier) FF games. It's more akin to the newer ones. Not better or worse, just different.

I really like FFXV, but the jew in me says wait a few more months. Final Fantasy games inevitably hit $19.99 relatively quickly.

I read that as pretty dick at first.

It's like this:

>FF13 is being developed
>execs see the success of movie games where story is all that drives the game
>FF13 copies this meme and ends up being super linear, incidentally being released just as this meme is dying out

>FF15 is being developed
>probably starts out being like FF13
>at some point in the development execs realize the movie game meme is dead
>execs notice that the 'new thing' is open world games and player freedom
>completely change the course of FFXV development and turn it into Skyrim, GTA, whatever
>by the time FFXV is out, again, Square are behind the curve and open world being some kind of magic way to make a game good is regarded as old fashioned

Square habitually copy western trends to try to make their games have more appeal, and it seems to work in terms of sales, but it gets them a lot of criticism online because it's so clear what their game is

>i don't remember old FFs allowing you to invincibly heal yourself infinitely.
If you've ever once died in any FF game outside of I, II, or Tactics, you need to stop playing video games forever.

>the entire map is flat and it varies between Final Fantasy environments
Are you trying to make an argument here?

>XV has no world
Just say it. You know you want to. You were planning on spamming HALLWAY SIMULATOR months before it came out, and you're still trying to force it now. You're so pathetic that you can't handle the fact that the game doesn't fit your narrative.

Sorry, but XV has an open world and exploration, just like SNES and PSX Final Fantasies. It's the most Final Fantasy Final Fantasy since IX in every way but the story.

When people use the word soulless they probably mean something like they care about the characters, world, and events in the game, and this was something FF used to have but this one didn't, at least not until close to the end of the game.

I'm not really sure where this vitriol is coming from, but I think a fundamental issue is that we're defining exploration a little differently. To be more precise, the word "worldbuilding" might be more appropriate to what I mean. I don't give a shit if there's tons of shit to explore if it's not interesting or meaningful in some way. Hell, if I go by your definition of exploration, then the only FFs which have exploration are the REALLY early ones, like pre-VII. And even then they're not terribly open ended. I can't fathom why you would be into FF if that's what you're really after.

You also couldn't kill bosses in a few seconds at Lv. 1 in those games: youtube.com/watch?v=mfR06KrKWDU

Game is garbage, get off your damage control.

>FF13 copies this meme and ends up being super linear, incidentally being released just as this meme is dying out
Actually the game had to be made in 2 years and had no clear direction of what they wanted to do for a long time left it in a linear state
>execs notice that the 'new thing' is open world games and player freedom
>completely change the course of FFXV development and turn it into Skyrim, GTA, whatever
Versus was open world for a long time, even before skyrim came out. How big it was supposed to be originally though is unknown

Versus was more like XII in the world design, not straight up open world

Don't fall for the memes. FFXV is a definitive Action RPG masterpiece. The hi/v/emind has collectively decided to hate it though. Similar to how they don't like MGSV, The Witcher 3 etc.

What are you even talking about? The locations in the game all had a distinctive tone and design. The buildings, people, music, and scope all varied between them. It's the same as going to different locations in any Final Fantasy game.

Again, the difference is that while locations had major storyline importance in previous games, they didn't always in XV, because the story wasn't there. You're free to criticize the story of XV all you want, but you cannot criticize the game for world building. That's not valid. Just because this is Sup Forums, doesn't mean you can shitpost.

The real issue here is that you just don't want to come out and say, "I didn't like this game because it didn't have a story". You think that that would make you less of a man or that you'd have to turn in your Sup Forums-card. That's why you're trying to force these nonsensical criticisms that don't fit.

>FFXV is a definitive Action RPG masterpiece.

>You also couldn't kill bosses in a few seconds at Lv. 1
You literally didn't play VII.

>Game is garbage, get off your damage control.
Fuck off and die you shit eating little faggot. I don't even like the game. I just hate tryhard anal warts like you who force shitty memes.

Just say you didn't like the story. Hell, you can even say you didn't like the combat. But you cannot criticize the game for lacking exploration.

Here's my opinion

The Good
Graphically, it's nice to look at. I like the combat, it reminded me a little bit of FF12. The little side quests you get to do while camping with your friends were pretty cool, makes you feel like you are really friends. You can explore the world almost immediately. I liked customizing my car, even if it was just colors and decals. I also kind of liked betting on the monster fights. I like that I could listen to past Final Fantasy songs almost anytime I wanted.

The Bad
You can explore the world but there's almost nothing to find except a lot of gas stations. All the side quests were pretty much fetch quests and monster hunting, which get boring fast. The driving is cool for a little while, but then it's a chore. You can fast travel but the loading screen takes a while. Also, you can't drive at night at the beginning without running into strong monsters, so you have to pull over and restablished till you are strong enough to fight night monsters. The story is a mess, you can quickly fly through it and I didn't care about any character that wasn't on of your 3 friends. A major event happens to every one of your friends but it happens all off screen. They barely even talk about it and then just move on. One scene involving Prompto and Ardyn is so confusing that after it's done, they put up a loading screen to explain what happened. Chapter 13, they supposedly fixed it to make it go by faster, but I think the length of the chapter was only part of the problem

Overall, I think it's a very mediocre game at best that feels unfinished

>You literally didn't play VII.

Guide: How to tell if you can trust Sup Forums's opinions about this game.

>the storyline is shit
>the storyline doesn't exist
>the characters are shit
>the game was too easy
>the sidequests were too repetitive
>the combat is broken
>the camera constantly fucks up


Story is bad, characters are bad, athmosphere is bad, the open world is average and empty and not impressive visually speaking at all, ALL sidequests are bad, the cities are bad and few, the peformance is bad, the animations are good, the soundtrack that is not old ff music is really good but only a few songs, the combat is unfinished and unpolished.. it might actually be the worst action combat se made yet kh1&2 are miles better, item use has no cooldown or inventory limit which makes the game easy on any difficulty if you dont go for a no item challange, most of the stuff you have seen from trailers in the last 10 years is not in the game, magic only has 3 different visuals fire ice lighting this is for ALL magic in the game, summons are "random" and very few, the hole game feels like a unfinished patchwork product.

Putting on caps and quoting strawmen doesn't make you any less wrong.

American Express was in the game? Where at?

Almost forgot...
the open world only has two enviroments duscae like greenery and desert this is all you get in the open world.

The terrain was so uninteresting. Rocks, dirt, desert and rock like in the dungeons.

People don't know what they're asking for when they say "open world" and shit like this gets made. Lightning Returns believe it or not had explorable areas that you could interact with and a good amount of desert, water, city snd slums. Even 13-2 allowed you to explore a huge city in 3 different timelines. You got to experience the technological advancement and see how the people interacted.

10, 12, 10-2 also gave diverse levels to explore. I mean who in their right mind called those games bad for being linear? 13s linearity stemmed on the idea that they were all L'cie and had to do whatever they were told in the beginning.

XV sacrificed the extremely diverse areas for a continuous open world, and didn't even go all out or have us able to at least train travel to the cities to explore.

If only it were a strawman. Sadly, there are literally shitposters in this thread arguing that the game lacks exploration.

These people need to be permanently IP-range banned desu.

There was a "accepting American Express" sticker on some of the store windows.

The final chapters were great, sad ending though.

>XIII trilogy being good in any way
Stopped reading there.

Anyway, XV has lakes, forests, deserts, Venice, beaches, American West, power plants, Caribbean style resorts, swamps, volcanos, mountains, mist mazes, and more.

Just admit you're wrong and apologize for shitposting.

>If only it were a strawman
It is. You would be destroyed and laughed at in an actual debate about this game so you have no choice but to sit behind your greentexts quoting nobody.
>Sadly, there are literally shitposters in this thread arguing that the game lacks exploration
It does.
>These people need to be permanently IP-range banned desu
Yes, everyone who proves you wrong should be banned.

Did anybody like the summonings? I almost never hear anyone talk about them.

But the bros were the best part of the game

You've been raped over and over in every debate about this game you've tried to engage in. It's clear that you're a shitposting faggot who was spamming 'NO EXPLORATION' may mays before the game came out and couldn't stop even after you were proven wrong.

You're making a complete fool of yourself and are falling on your fucking face.

He never said any XIII is good? Just that they're better than XV, which goes without saying to anyone with a modicum of taste.


They're pretty cool. Reminds me of Odin and Gilgamesh in Final Fantasy VIII.

There were good things about 13 though, like the combat. And some of the monsters looked cool.

FF13 at least feels like an FF game in battle, wheras FF15 feels like some crazy mutant splicing of open world games, Kingdom Hearts and terrible character designs with the FF name slapped on it.

>shitposters in this thread arguing that the game lacks exploration.

You need to calm yourself

The XIII trilogy is objectively shit that has no place in Final Fantasy threads. There was nothing redeemable about them on any level. The characters, music, combat system, world, story, and even menus were an explosive bowel movement.


Trash WoW clone MMO with bad British voice actors who emote less than a dead fish.

>The XIII trilogy is objectively shit that has no place in Final Fantasy threads. There was nothing redeemable about them on any level
Even supposing this is true, it doesn't preclude all 3 of them from being better than FFXV.

No one will criticize you for hating this game. But no one will tolerate you posting memes about it, either.

>Turned big event bosses into borefests
>QTE guards and autododging
>hold-button combat with little variation (the occasional pause-combo move, and some generally awful d-lefts).
>Made magic less a tool and more a "skip boring fights" button.
>First FF since FF9 to use boring cutscene summons, and managed to make them even worse with them activating in dumb ways.
>The main mixup is teamattacks which are more basic than KH2's Limits, and also lack the resource management, so are just spammable iframes.
>Item usage is straight dumb, when they not only got this right back in KH1, but also in 13 LR.

If you like this game, get the fuck out of Sup Forums.

XIII isn't Final Fantasy. It is not relevant to these threads.

XV is a Final Fantasy game. However bad it is, we can still compare it to other games in the series, which is more than we can do for XIII.

I liked FF9 summons desu

I don't entirely agree with all of those points, but they're valid opinions to have. Good job.

The idiot claiming this game doesn't have exploration could learn from you.

thanks user had a good read.

>has a turn-based combat system
>is story-focused

>has an action-based combat system
>is not story-focused

One feels a lot more like FF than the other one

All XV shills are spergs

XIII has a shitty anime plot, because the director is a waifu faggot. It has nothing in common with actual Final Fantasy storylines.


Look how hard he had to reach to bloat that pathetically tiny list.. XV is such a shitshow.

>still trying to push this meme
the entirety of Sup Forums is laughing at you

>entirety of Sup Forums
I don't think you speak for every faggot here

Following a Ubisoft map isn't exploration.

He is right and you are wrong.

Speak for yourself, retard.

He's you and you're objectively wrong.

>i-it can't have exploration
>i-it just can't
You look so sad and pathetic right now. We're looking down on you.