Final Fantasy XIV possible for the Switch and Xbox One. Sony possibly holding it back

What the fuck?

>However, Yoshida has said he wants both companies to meet one major condition: "the game has to have the capability of cross-platform play." One of the issues Yoshida noted, however, was that many companies don't consider how updates to the way online services are operated and regulated can impact an MMORPG.

>"Those can become a hurdle when we consider operating FFXIV for an extended period of time," he said. "So when I talk to those first-party companies, I ask them, 'Do you have the capability to prepare for that, do you have the resolve that you're going to make sure to take responsibility and take care of those, do you have that willingness?'

>"If we are able to come to some sort of agreement, a handshake so to speak, or if it does end up being that unfortunately we can't do a handshake with Final Fantasy XIV, either way we'll make sure to communicate with our players. But we have been tenacious--we've been trying to keep at it and be persistent about our conversations."

>Getting Sony to open up its online services to Xbox and Nintendo customers may be an insurmountable obstacle for Yoshida and Square Enix, however. Sony has previously opted not to support cross-platform online player for Rocket League and, more recently, Minecraft.

Other urls found in this thread:

even if sony agrees, square enix will find another way to say no.

>xbox doesn't sell well in japan so we're not making a port
>switch is too underpowered for our next expansion so no port

>up system requirements for SB
>player model and armor textures are still 256×512
How can he keep getting away with it?

Anyone have the Naruto Axegod comic?
FF14 didn't come to Xbone because MS was refusing it back then
>"The policy has not changed on Microsoft's side," he revealed. "The main reason from our side is that I don't want the community to be divided; to be split into two or more. For example, one player might be on the PC version, another might be on the PS4 version, and I'm playing the Xbox version - but we're not able to join the same game servers. That is just... I just don't like the idea. I disagree with it."
It seems like it's different since they got a new CEO.

Won't the Switch hold it?


??? Final Fantasy is more popular in the west than it is in Japan.

Aren't MS complete cunts with updates to their games?
Where they charge stupid amounts for them, and in some cases they tack on a fee?

Also that back then microsoft refused cross play as well.

You're not missing out on much

why are you posting my wife

who /comfyatishgard/

how many xbox fans in america and europe buy japanese games for their console

What the fuck sony, what jews

The game ran on the fucking playstation 3 and support for that recently removed. The game is already meant to run on toaster PC's they could probably make it work on a switch. Still think it would be kind of silly honestly the game is 100% online only so the portable function of the switch is useless without a wi-if connection.

Probably around 200k max. We're talking about a Wow clone baby first mmo here. They are not as retarded as you to ignore players.

I'd also imagine that the battery life on the switch would be shit if you're constantly using Wi-Fi and stressing out the CPU. You could always dock it but then why not just play on PS4 or PC at that point.

I would want to. I buy any that come out just to support them.

Dunno, don't have sales charts for japanese games on Xbox 360, also are there ANY japanese games on Xbox One that isn't a fighting game?

alright I'm gonna need a quick rundown on Ten Chi Jin

use before or after trick attack?

>company enacts beneficial business practice

so why are they having the exact opposite problem with miney crafta

Nope, in the case of FFXIV, MS are the ones that said no

Yeah they must have changed their stance seeing the crossplay with Nintendo now but MS knows they aren't in a position to refuse things consumers want like they could last gen. Regardless Sony has a lot of control over the game coming on other platforms because SE will never fuck over their PS4 userbase. The playerbase is split pretty evenly across PC/PS4 and Japan in particular the vast majority of players are on PS4.

What I find weird about the whole situation is that they had no issues allowing crossplay with the PS2 for Final Fantasy XI which was on PC/PS2/360 but that could have something to do with it only being available on a last gen console and not PS3.

Sony charges for patches as well no idea about Nintendo but Sony/MS both have fees for patch "certification".

>Just got rid of PS3 holding the game back
>People want the Switch to hold it back now

Please no

I hope this shitty game is never ported to the switch, we really don't need the platform with arms and spatoon players Shitting up the player base further, get a laptop if you really need this shit on the go

>You could always dock it but then why not just play on PS4 or PC at that point.
Yeah my point exactly its almost pointless for a Switch version to exist unless you exclusively only own a Switch and not a PS4/PC which I have no idea why you would.

Well it's still 3 hours of play which is enough for most people.

Jesus christ I just finished fapping OP don't do this to me.

And now it's Sony being the pigheaded one about sharing online spaces with anyone but PC users.

It's why Rocket League will be PC-Xbone-Switch cross-compatible, but PS4 can only play against the PC userbase in that same game (causing a bit of a fragmentation). They do this because they have the majority hold on the console market and know it just nets them more hardware sales as a result.

Requirements were upped because they increased the general display load of the game by making all the areas have higher enemy/npc population density.

>stop ps3 support so it doesnt hold back development
>wants switch in it
Raiding on it will be so fun

does it really? I feel like anyone who knows all of this is going to be less inclined towards buying a PS4

Doing any kind of pvp arena or raids already puts a strain on the ps4, what the fuck is Yoshi smoking thinking that adding the switch in it is a good idea.

Isn't the Switch literally weaker than a PS3?

How would this even work?

>Not caring about the downsides for the players

They have said before thatps3 was literally holding it back, you seriously think the switch could even run it well? Don't make me laugh
not worth the time since there's so little players

DQXI was said to have performance issues on the Switch, so I hope Yoshi P isn't stupid enough to trade "PS3 Limitations" for "Switch Limitations". As much shit as the Xbone gets, it would at least avoid dragging down the game since it's not that different from the PS4 or average PC spec-wise.

Casualfags don't care
All they'll see is that the majority of their friends own a PS4 and that in order to play the latest FIFA, CoD, and Battlefront with them they'll need to buy a PS4 too
Hell most casuals will probably go a step further and start sucking Sony cock and fanboying for them simply because everyone they know owns one.

what are ya a commie?

yes because everyone has high end pcs to make those run smoothly

>FF14 director wants a Switch version
>FFXIV possible for Switch
Neither of these things were said in the Kotaku interview.

>accepted my refund request
>wont have to force myself to play this terrible expansion anymore

They stopped ps2 support aswell

What outfit is that, its pretty great.

Considering that you need an xbox live account on the switch to crossplay to play with xbox and pc, pretty obvious why sony doesn't want to play ball, it would be under MS's control.

>A Microsoft owned franchise requires you to use Xbox services
Holy fucking shit, boycott Minecraft this instant that would be like needing to log into FFXIV on my PS4 with an SE account due to it connecting to SE servers

They don't have their own server for FF14?

That is a lie user.

SE is 3rd party
And you can play minecraft online anyway within psn without an xbl account so they have 0 reasons to care.

>Sup Forums is only just now seeing sony is and always was the bad guys
holy shit, am i the oldest person on this board? does no one remember them always being slant eyed jews since the ps1 days?

Want to know how much memory the PS3 had? Fucking 512MB. Not even that, 256MB RAM and 256MB VRAM. The Switch isn't backing desktop PC levels of RAM, but 4GB is leaps and bounds more than the PS3 had, which is what was really holding things back.

If crossplay games are serious about making it work they can't allow Sony the upperhand. Sony only wants to do it with PC so a game like this or rocket league have already given sony what they want. If they were to revoke Sony's crossplay privileges with PC then sony would have no choice but to say yes. I mean it's kind of forcing their hand and i don't know the logistics behind that kind of move but it seems like the only real move to get it to happen.

>just got rid of the PS3 holding the game back
>now you want the Switch to hold the game back
The xbone fags can join the party but Switch fags can get fucked until Nintendo makes a console that isn't a underpowered gimmick

Are queues normalized yet on Balmung or Gilgamesh?

>Edilibus takes off his mask at the end of 3.0
>Use CheatEngine to flip the camera around to see his face
>He's still wearing the mask, and the one in his hand is just an object

Least they're learning from the time I and a few others spoiled some 3.X shenanigans ahead of time. He's a unique head model also, can't just 'unequip' the mask like you could other certain npcs.

So don't put them on the same servers? This is a no brainer.

It's Gaius

what downsides?
just play it on your PC.

Yes, having a thousand people in front of you when you play on an overcrowded meme server is normal you fucking retard

I so hope the true hero of the story is still alive

You realize before 4.0 started there was no queue on Balmung at all right? Im just waiting for it to go back to normal.

The same thing they said with PS3? Technical limitations of sharing the game with a shitty baby console like the Switch?

Nah but it'll eventually get there since SE completely blocked transfers/character creation the pop can only go down

There is zero chance of a Switch port.
>killed PS3 for larger areas
>Switch if more powerful than PS3 it surely isn't by much
>game needs a constant internet connection which makes it awful for a portable console.

easy solution

enable cross platform play between PC, xbox and switch, let sony and their rotten fanbase die in a fire, they are all elitist assholes anyway

>implying you can play an MMO on the go for more than 3 hours

>block access to the largest console player base and the largest Jap player base
Great idea senpai

Kek, the biggest elitists in 14 are PC palyers though
Just keep the Switch limitations away from this game

I wish they'd just fucking drop console support all together

Your business decisions are amazing.

When is the raid dropping?

Pretty much this, Nintendo switch fans shouldn't get offended by this. But it's not going to be on the switch. It just isn't meant for that system, it's more likely to be on the xbox and even that is a stretch

>drop half the playerbase

Crystal tower set.

4 weeks.

>switch limitations dragging the game down
no thanks, I guess I'll be on the side of sonybros for the first time

>ps4 is a piece of shit and hold back the game
>lets port the game to a console even weaker than a vita

4 for savage. 2 for normal

You're being manipulated! They get you by telling your character how awesome they are! I see through SE's tricks because of my experience with many MMOs!

is this game subscription based?

Yes, but there's a free trial up to level 35.

Is it normal when i enter the areas that have roof but still have light sources(that place where you meet Hancock or the lazaret in Reach where Y'shtola and Krile healing people) i have 0 character shadows. And i'm playing on pc with maxed everything out. Does any one has this issue?

$13 a month

is the game any good? I mean i remember ESO having the subscription fee and dropping it because nobody liked it but this game has been out for a while so it be really good that a fee hasn't really damaged the game.

That's the going theory. I just wanted to see if the devs goofed again and made it possible to see ingame.

With how often NPCs are referencing Gaius in the side quests, his return is inevitable.

>Another game being held by Sony

Monster Hunter World, Cross Online Play and now Final Fantasy XIV. How many more games need to suffer under Sony's desperate attempts at trying to boicot it's competition with shitty tactics like these?

Give the free trial a shot. You'll figure out if you'll like it or not pretty fast.

FFXIV is really good for a theme park MMO. It's focused really heavily on the story like a mainline FF game though and there's about 100 hours of main story quests before you even hit Stormblood if you don't rush through them. The end game boss presentation is the best out of any MMO they all feel really cool and have shit like dynamic music that changes when bosses change phases. Like that other guy said there's a free trial until level 35 so you can always try it out and see if you like it. The beginning of the game is slow as fuck and will probably make you quit the game though if you don't somewhat enjoy the story

lol did you guys forget FFXV is on xbone

MS was really bad when the 360 was big
>forced valve to either charge for updates which were free on other platforms or not release them at all
>forced big releases to go up to $60 because they wanted a bigger cut

>internet explorer, netflix, youtube, etc all required gold subscriptions to use
whew was Mattrick a fucking jew, Phil Spencer is truly our guy for removing all of this.

It wouldn't be possible to accidentally spoil this via 3D model anyway because we've never seen Gaius without the helmet.

>this is the reason why they aren't doing glamour log

Because if they get switch/xbox they won't be able to.

No, but we'd be able to confirm it was a Garlean if he had the third eye, which would lend further credence to it being Gaius.

No. And if it ever did happen it would be like the vita version of pso2 and use lower graphics settings.

It has really nice endgame bosses but the start of the game is an absolute slog that you might not be able to get through depending on your tolerances

please sony, say no. last thing i want is to play my game with a bunch of xchads and nintendies running around

Just don't start with lancer or gladiator.

>reach royal menagerie, enter blind
>instantly amazed by basically everything
>learn alongside party members, come closer with every attempt
>not even mad when we finally get him to single digits and wipe because the tanks died and our DPS got akh morn'd individually
>gather a party in PF the next day
>get closer sometimes, fuck up other times
>every party member has that one weakness to a specific mechanic they just can't pass, which eventually wipes us
>final attempt
>everyone focused as fuck, mechanics down, even weaker party members step their game up
>suddenly in single digits, anus is clenched
>clear without a single death and everyone at or nearly at full health
This is just a MSQ trial, it shouldn't get me this hyped.
Post yfw you did and/or cleared the trial the first time.