Is this Perfect Cell shading?
Is this Perfect Cell shading?
You got a laugh out of me man, good shit
All joking aside, the three tone shading is ass.
as long as it doesn't exactly look like the tv show, it's not perfect cel shading. the should just draw sprites, desu
but you got a chuckle out of me
Whens the Cell revival movie?
Damn that was a good kek
When Toei diverts an entire arc's budget to it so they can afford to draw the spots.
If Toryama hated drawing his spots, why did he design him with them to begin with? Did he seriously not think ahead?
When Toriyama feels like recoloring him, saying "he trained" and call it a day
Goku's a fucking idiot for thinking "oh hey we should take Frieza"
Cell is MUCH less insane and especially with his Saiyan biology the idea of fighting people from other universes would give him a fucking hardon
Then again, Goku IS a fucking retard, so I guess it's understandable
So how is it video games can render Cell's spots with no problem, but apparently an animation studio can't?
>Did he seriously not think ahead?
Why ask questions you've already answered yourself?
The dude didn't realise that giving so many characters black hair would take a lot of inking
>cell trains for two days
>unlocks a new form
>emeraldo perfectu cellu
>shiny metallic green with no spots
Toriyama doesn't plan anything, have you never read or watched DB?
>Cell is ssj2 tier
>Freeza is ssjb tier
I don't think you understand the difference between the mediums
In video games you slap a texture onto a character model and it's done
In animation you need to draw the spots for every shot (and, back in the day, every frame)
>humans are SSJ level at best
>keep up with SSB
Checkmate, logic and reason.
the human eye can't see more than 10 spots per second anyway
Never watched or read any of his stuff, no
If they were going based on pure power level and nothing else, Yamcha would be coming instead of Roshi
Cell has a better head for combat and is much more likely to follow orders and isn't likely to try to abandon U7
Goku was holding back.
Why put another weakling in the team when you can add a fucking powerhouse?
>frieza's voice actor might die before he can record for this game
>even if he doesn't he'll likely be in no good shape to properly act
it's not fucking fair
Being blue doesn't mean being at 100% all the time retard.
Why people have so much problem grasping that but no one complained about Goku and Gohan doing everyday shit in SSJ?
who cares
>Dragonball is so shit that they had to bring back Freeza do make the show continue
Might as well just bring back Cell and Buu and have a new transformation for each next baddie.
who says cell cant train to be even stronger than frieza?
that lazy little shit never trained all he did was absorb shit and then stand around waiting for the tournament
>Cell is literally a combination of Goku, Vegeta, Piccolo, Frieza, King Cold, 17, and 18
>implying he couldn't become the next God of Destruction in mere moments
>who says he can't get stronger????
Apparently Toriyama.
Jokes on you, that's a pretty good shading.
I won't mind too much if they get LK from DBZA to take over
Cell is Freeza with better genes. If they can get away with " I did space squats and I'm 1 billion times stronger" with Freeza they can do it with cell too.
Freeza trained for 4 months for gold, they barely have hours before the tournament starts. Cell would be as useless as any of the humans.
>Cell is essentially unkillable
>Cell makes the perfect training dummy for everyone else since he gets a Zenkai boost every time he gets beat up
>Cell is ultimately far less evil than Frieza
>Cell could go do like, a gorillion sit-ups and be at Frieza's level in a few days
Pick one. Or come up with another one.
Isn't the point of him being 'perfect' is that he's already at peak performance?
Cell is literally the strongest chracter in the DBZ universe because he can abuse his zenkai by just exploding like he did in King Kai's planet without killing himself but they're not taking advantage of this
but after he achieved Perfect form he also nearly died and became ss2 tier, so there's room for improvement
naw family he was perfect then he blew himself up and came back as super perfect cell he can get stronger
Having Cell train and become more powerful is more plausible than Freeza doing the same, since Cell is part Saiyan, and they actually get stronger from having the shit beat out of them.
Maybe they wanted to bring back Cell, but instead came up with Zamasu and rehashed most of his concepts.
Reposting this to /r/Sup Forums
>Fat Buu is stronger than Perfect Cell, any of your retarded training logic applies to him too.
>The crew had like two hours when they went for Freeza, Cell can't do shit in two hours.
>Zenkais have disminishing returns.
Why people care for the shitties villain in DBZ to begin with?
They need to bring back the real deal: Garlic Jr.
Fat Buu can't train himself in a shorter amount of time as Cell can, he can easily teleport somewhere where there's nothing using Instant Transmission, keep exploding and regenerating and BAM he's OP
He has saiyan DNA so he becomes stronger after nearly dying, just saiyan.
>Zenkais have diminishing returns
Gohan as a halfbreed barely had any Zenkais, you think Cell can abuse them like Black could? Pure Zenkai abuse could take him to SSJ3 at best.
5 minutes in MS Paint, Toriyama has no more excuses
They could hire LittleKuriboh
I really don't like them bringing back villains repeatedly and for long periods.
All I really wanted was to see the villains hanging out in hell playing cards.
Guess you dubfags are gonna need to hire Linda Young again eh
>abridged nuthugging
none of those amateurs should ever touch anything official with a ten foot pole
return to reddit
I wouldn't even be mad at this. Memes aside, his Frieza is actually great.
>linda young
>its actually 200 years old
This. I got irrationally angry at their Nappa being in Xenoverse.
It's a cringy fucking Youtube comedy series, they're not real voice actors.
>Less evil than Freezer
His original plan was to kill every living being of the universe just to witness terror in the eyes of every living being.
Freezer isn't a saint itself, but at least he just wanted to be the emperor of the universe.
shhhhh don't trigger the Cellfags...
Do that for every single frame in a 90 minute movie
I like it, but it's not cell
I'm italian, dumbfuck.
What? He wouldn't need to, he's implying they don't need to draw any spots in the first place. Why would they draw them just to erase them?
Seems like the only dumbfuck here is you, Pizza Pasta.
*I'm an Italian dumbfuck
Friza's soul refused to Carey on for all we know we might get an reincarnated version of cell just like we got one od kid buu.
Sounds like he's out of time
really? what a fag how easily amused can one person be, feel bad. kys
>real voice actors
This makes no sense, given all voice actors start as people making funny voices for laughs.
That and the amerifat dub staff are no real actors either.
That was supposed to be the point of Freeza's ultimate 100% form too but as you've seen no one cares about consistency
Cell has Frieza's DNA so he should be able to go Golden just like he had Super Saiyan aura in DBZ
Or if they want to go full bullshit maybe he'll go Golden Form Super Saiyan Blue Perfect Cell
I just realized him having freezers cells makes him have even more potential.
I wish this technology would hurry on ahead somewhat and get better fast.
You look at that, and think "wow that's good" I guess? I look at it and think "holy shit that deviantart tier shading is awkward as fuck, especially on the hands."
>Cell is MUCH less insane
He suicided because he got beat in a fight with a child.
He fucking baby raged out of the fucking game. He wanted to wipe out galaxies for the shit of it, at least Freezer wanted to own the planets.
I think it's the lighting and the colors being a tad too vibrant. You look at those Naruto games and the lighting was very tame, the color tones a bit muted but harmonious. ArcSys needs to take notes.
You mean exactly like when Freeza ragequitted by blowing up the planet?
Does Perfect Cell still have the Red Ribbon insignia?
that shouldn't have made me laugh but it did.
You got a laugh out of me man, good shit
Differnce is Freeza knew he could survive, Cell didn't know he would live. False equivalency newfag.
Vegeta and Freeza genes, he couldn't help being a sore loser.
Cell was a bitch to take out. And probably still would be. Frieza can just be cut into pieces after the tournament.
>>Fat Buu is stronger than Perfect Cell, any of your retarded training logic applies to him too.
With this logic Fat Buu should be able to get to Golden Freiza level then.
It's not that hard to give him another transformation or two that removes the spots.
These concept arts of a spotless Cell make it legit Cell.
>deviantart tier
>make it less colorful like muh edgy faggot ninja
kill yourselves seriously
>goku is a retard
well duh
>revive cell
if it helps at all? think of it this way. Frieza is pure mutant alien, born with amazing power and never trained.
Cell just by exploding only got enough power to rival ssj2 gohan. Cell is a combination of fighters which means, to me, that his structure would not reach the same levels as frieza. Frieza just trained and already beats out Buu and SSB when first revealed.
So Cell being mixed with other races means, to me again, that he can get stronger but not at the rate Frieza can.
I'm not saying Naruto looks good, but the games are definitely the closest an anime game got to its source material.
>Bring Cell back
>Suffer through animating him with spots for a couple of scenes
>Show he's gained a lot of power and has achieved a new form like Frieza's ugly gold one
>Make new form that looks similar to perfect with minor changes
>Including no spots
>Cell is included from now on and can be used without whining about animation troubles
But I forgot these people are retarded. It's not like anyone would freak out about him looking a little different any more than they did with Frieza. DBZ fans will eat whatever shit Toei puts out.
not when his cells mixed with other races.
Golden Freeza did it in the movie too and died until the faggot reversed time
But why would they even want to bring Cell back?
anime fags at least
manga fags eat up whatever is put out in manga form.
>Saiyans have Zenkai boost
>Namekians regrow limbs
>Androids are strong as fuck for some reason
Cell has the most potential out of any DBZ character. All he needs is to absorb some Buu and he's literally unbeatable.