You guys getting the new Atari console?
Do you think Atari will become a big competitor again?
You guys getting the new Atari console?
Do you think Atari will become a big competitor again?
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>You guys getting the new Atari console?
I might buy one for novelty and shitposting pictures, but not actually play on it.
>Do you think Atari will become a big competitor again?
Double no.
It's gonna be awful and probably weaker than the switch
I want to believe, but we all know what's coming
99% Chance it's just an emulation box like the NES Classic. Would I buy it? Maybe.
If they wanna become a big competitor again they should start small, probably just making strong but simple and cheap to make IPs based on old classics.
Then, when they have success and are on top they can crash the industry again, this time with no survivors.
its time for microsoft to die, even with what 3 or 4 consoles their game library only gets thinner and thinner.
>t. non-ataribro salty about how he won't get to play Airworld
I find it difficult to see Atari compete in the console space. There's already the PS4 and X1 and their upgraded counterparts for those who want to play multi-plats and console exclusives in their living room, the Switch to play Nintendo games, indies and some console games anywhere, and the PC has the largest game library and the most efficient multimedia platform.
How is Atari going to compete against all that?
They would need unique first/third party launch titles to go with it. The Atari would either have to be more powerful than the Xbox X(which would jack up the price more than it), would have to have a lot of third-party support, or exclusives for it or would have to have a gimmick that works with it. Plus they would need millions to fund this mystery console's development and launch, with no gurantee it will even sell in the first place.
Curious to see how they will pull off. They can't ride on nostalgia/brand recognition as deeply as Nintendo. We'll see what they do.
Hey daddy-o's, what is happenin' in this thread? Aint no jive turkehs up in here, aint they?
>it's just an Atari plug n play like the NES one we had last year
Maybe, if it's easy to develop for we might get a lot of gems again, these days videogames just cost too much to make.
I'm definitely getting it one if the price is right.
I think the best thing they could do is wait until the next generation of consoles is around the corner (2020 probably) and launch a competitive system then. If they launch this thing too late in 8th gen or too early in 9th gen, it'll be irrelevant or too weak, respectively.
Come on, Frojack Steve. No need for the hostilities. We're all welcome in the Clubtari. All you gotta do is boogie to the rhythm and get with the beat.
>Atari replaces Microsoft
>SEGA comes back and replaces Sony
>no bullshit
>couch multiplayer
>gameplay is king
Atari will save this shit-tier industry. There will be arcades and discos on every fucking street corner
save this and add a feature and post
The wojaks are the greatest blessing to come out of the Atari reveal.
Everytime you start it it should play a random disco song.
Atari probably isn't going to do well
It'll probably become like the Ouya, which granted, had its own flaws, but the fact still remained, it wasn't made by nintendo, sony, microsoft, or even sega. The problem with the ataribox is that it will be new, and noone trusts new things. And yes atari made home consoles before alot of us were born, but that was an incredibly long time ago, they're dealing with a new player-base, one that just can't trust new things
it's not just microsoft, big releases are fucked for every platform this gen. there's a handful of good games on each system and jack shit between them.
you're bringing bad vibes in this disco man, keep those out
Alright, fuck off. Replacing Microsoft would be mandatory but Sony is dominating right now and have the best games. Don't say such fucking nonsense.
>atari made home consoles before alot of us were born
REEEEEEE Jaguar came out in 1993
new-age yuppies LEAVE
It'll be a rebranded Kindle that plays exclusively games from Amazon's storefront. Joystick sold seperately.
And how many people bought a Jaguar compared to every other console on the market?
Atari literally went unknown by people who aren't informed on video game history in the 2000s, and its going to be like that until they finally advertise the ataribox
We need all those hardwired switches like in the old Atari, even if they're literally pointless nowadays
>Everyone goes to see Blade Runner 2049
>Sees the groovy as fuck product placement
>AtariBox comes out
>Second golden age of vidya begins
We also need a mini drawer/compartment area to store afro combs.
>Sony has AAA games, great graphics and multiplats
>Nintendo has the casual audience as well as their own fans with their own great IPs
>Microsoft is similar to Sony
What does Atari have?
Why would you buy one over any of the above?
>What does Atari have?
>Why would you buy one over any of the above?
we have the groove baby
>mfw the Atari console bombs but the memes it spawns eventually revives disco
>the groove he says
The groove isn't going to save it from being DOA
>What does Atari have?
We'll find out when the console is unveiled, faggot
>forgot my face
on it
But today's generation barely knows what Atari is let alone be in a position where they'd want to buy one.
The whole 'legacy' shit only applies to the older generation who for the most part grew out of videogames.
There will be no groove.
Meme magic is somewhat real. Just spread the Groovy Atari meme around and it'll be a fucking success.
>but Sony is dominating right now
>and have the best games
Literally false. They got to number one in sales and stop releasing anything.
Reposting this amazing OC
Probably an exception, but some kid I'm acquainted with (he's 14 or something) was telling me about how he wanted to buy an Atari 7800 but didn't have the cash so he bought a Flashback instead.
I still think Atari has some juice left in their name. Though some normie friends my age (21) don't know what Atari is, so idk
How disappointed will the guy making these threads be if it turns out to me some niche underpowered indie Ouya-style console?
>the guy
are you implying it's just one of us?
I hope it succeeds but it probably won't
Are we sure this isn't one of those "500 games in 1!" consoles with just atari classics?
>Implying SEGA at their prime wasn't the grooviest cats around
It'll just be either Ouya 2.0 or some sort of steam pc shit. It's almost impossible for them to have any meaningful exclusives which means it has to be either android shit or be a more "user friendly" PC.
Almost any other possibility is either doomed to absolute failure or completely unrealistic.
We have confirmation it isn't an NES classic style deal
Gimme some disco tracks to listen to.
now thats groovy
all these memes make me want to buy a mirror ball
Us segafags will never ride the wave of COOL and RAD again. The 90s died fast and hard. The blast processing just aint the same on these sega forever apps on these cold computer phones.
>all these squares who won't get to play ET 2
Time to jive
What anime is this from?
also here
When did Wojak get so...groovy?
But Xbone has more games on it than the PS4
>inb4 someone posts the inaccurate wikipedia page
Have you played Atari today?
>the guy
Hey boys, I found mahself a jive turkey!
That video gave me autism
Ranma 1/2
Confession time, how many you guys have Atari related merchandise?
Pic related
of course these threads will stop once the NEXT FUCKING ATARI FLASHBACK comes out, which this is gonna be, something you will be able to play atari 2600,5200 and 7800 carts on your HD tv and end up in the trash in a week.
I highly doubt it will be an actual console with physical release games due to their lack of funds. But how could it be another emulation box? I mean haven't they made like 8 versions of that plug and play shit? I started out with Atari but trying to go back and play some of those games, they look fucking atrocious . Even most OG Nintendo games look like shit with there rust rainbow color pallet. Honestly SNES is the cut off for retro gaming for me.
Thread theme
If any of you faggots make or even purchase a real life Atari sweatband, you'd be even bigger faggots
Come on man, don't be a jive turkey killin' the groove.
>implying only one guy will buy Skyrim: Atari Edition
Fuck you, I'm ready to drop some acid and play some first person VR Yar's Revenge
It'll probably just be a better Ouya.
Todd, mah man, how you doin' brutha? Everything fine? Everything groovay?
Fuck off, that song sucks.
Show me one fucking example that Atari was at all funky or hip.
Atari back then were like bran cereal in their presentation (aside from weird commercials but weird doesn't equal funky)
They were as funky as The Brady Bunch
end your fucking life
Not bad user, just optimising the latest edition of Skyrim to run on the brand new Atari console. Can't wait for you to buy it and then continue to support modders using Creation Club!
>that pic
Is Peter Singh going to return for the new age of Groove?
Thread soundtrack, boys!
>Fucking Atari somehow ressurected itself enough to come back from the dead
>Micro$ is nearly dead and will probably be replaced by atari
>Sony stock is doing shittier then nintendo stock
>SEGAfags will be forever assblasted about this.
man what a time to be alive.
>2018 Atari E3 Showcase
>Disco Dancers in the house tonight starts playing
Updated Ataribox
>Look at Atari's IP catalog
>It's fucking nothing
An Atari comeback is like Aluminum Christmas Trees making a comeback
There's nothing worth hyping up about
There's nothing to look forward for
>speaker that automatically plays disco tracks
>laserdisc player
>multichromatic lava lamp
>drawer for hairspray and afrocombs
>blast processing
jesus christ
>t. Sony pony