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Video Games #3816
Video Games
Just copped this. What am I in for?
You did romance best girl, right Sup Forums?
Im scared anons. Mgs 3 is one of my favorite games and i also loved peace walker...
What did he mean by this?
ITT: Games everyone forgot existed
Bad Parts in Good Games
What vidya related death hurt you the most?
I have a giant physical PS3 library I want to replay, but my (60gb Fat) PS3 is dead...
Will this place ever stop crying over Breath of the Wild?
Why do tranny devs always seem to go crazy?
Was it autism?
Monster Hunter World interest is very bi-
Sony always wins baby
What are some split screen/co-op games I can play with my nephew on steam?
Help me Sup Forums: explain to me why I should not buy this the day it comes out
What do you think when you see this image?
Why isn't there any other games that give user the freedom to add whatever they want into the game like the Elder...
Just 7 years of progress
ITT things only oldfags will understand
Daily reminder that you will not play any of the games you purchase during the steam sale and you still have a 10+ game...
Steam Summer Sale thread
These are your new SFV costumes
Now that you've seen extended gameplay, will you still be getting A Hat in Time, Sup Forums?
Is Attila or should I get another Total War game? I've never played a TW before so I dont know which one should I get
Post your battlestations
Video games
You either die a casual scrub life or live long enough to git gud at fighting games
Are there any good places to discuss video games beside Sup Forums?
Check a game tutorial on youtube
What if GTA 6 took place in houston?
ARMS Thread I guess
If you haven't played LISA you're a terrible person. Amazing story, art, and soundtrack...
Tips for babby's 1st blind playthrough?
The message this game is trying to convey is NOT okay
Path of Exile: Babbies First POE Edition
What is your favourite jRPG, Sup Forums?
How do we make Kairi relevant again?
Fate grandu orderu
Buying any video game for over $24
So I finally finished Remodelling my house
What went so fucking wrong? IMO the atrocious health system and clunky movement and EVERYTHING relating to the guns...
Chun-Li will never be your girlfriend
REEEEEEEEEEEEE how the fuck do I beat this game? On easy I get crushed by the flagship
If her purple/lavender color scheme is called "Twilight", why couldn't they name this one "Sunset?"
Risk of Rain
FF XIV : Stormblood
He's not watching anime on his Switch
Say hello to the best controller ever made
It's the year 1999...
About to play this for the first time. Not a huge gamer, but I enjoy Disney and the concept seems cool
Are you ready for the return of the king, Sup Forums?
So why did leon chose ada over the president's daughter again?
Why are kids better than adults?
Does Sup Forums know the secret to making a great gaming channel?
Make game for Moba players instead of your core audience
Fighting game controls aren't arbitrarily har-
Why do people like game remakes, but not movie remakes?
Japanese indie devs are the only ones who are pushing the envelope
BG&E II gameplay
Don't mind me just taking a copy of this ham
How did we go from this
Why does Sup Forums get so absolutely assblasted over the PS4's success?
ITT: good games to play stoned
Video game characters that share a name with you. If someone already posted one, find another
I can't fucking believe it's 2017 already and we still haven't got a single video game featuring a female black...
Anyone else really enjoy CoD zombies? I think its gotten worse over time but can still be fun...
ITT: Casual filters
What an obnoxious and terribly designed character
Reggie: "AM2R was a commercial product, that's why it was shut down."
Diablo 3 Necromancer pack coming out soon!
How much would you pay for a PC port of this
Post comfy vidya forests
What are the best co-op games out there?
Sm64 controlls discussion
How is this thing going?
[game] is a brand new open-world sandbox survival game
The great debate
What would you say the odds of this game dethroning Budokai 3 will be?
Secret Worlds Legends is free why aren't you playing it?
Youtube gaming channel devolves into having a gf/wife involved
Are you going to play this game, Sup Forums?
Gothic 2
My girlfriend, makoto, is so cute
Steam Summer Sale Thread
ITT: That game you really want to be good but know it won't be
Pirate game
Little things you love in vidya
Webm thread
I only have money for one game. Out of these two, which one do I pick?
Besides Armored Core, what are some good mecha games. Bonus points if they are on steam sale right now
Perfect games don't exi-
Picked this up and not sure how I'm liking it. Thinking of refunding it only because it's surprisingly easy...
Are the other games this fun? this was a really good game
Hotline miami 2
Battle-hardened combat specialist in a top of the line, flying suit of full-body armor
Why didn't it sell well?
Are there any modern games out there with a strong mother / son storyline?
Is it over for our guy?
I can't believe someone actually thought this design was a good idea and someone actually okayed it
Hollow Knight thread
I came all the to earth and you don't have any good games to show me ?!!!
Could the Wii U have been saved ?
Oblivion trash
Wan wan
Why is this allowed?
IRL 3x3
So who won the console war?
Love interest is taller than you
Is Paradox Interactive still considered Jewish Sup Forums?
What do you want from a Star Fox game?
Vermin Fight Club: Workshop Edition
Name your personal GOTY from 2013,2014 and 2016
Why can't they make good gameplay?
Videogame Series uses the same final boss for every game
Uh oh, user. Looks like you just lost your heart, and now you have a Nobody!
Looking for an RPG with lots a player choice to sink my teeth into. Any recommendations?
How do I make myself autistic enough to enjoy Shmups?
Will it happen?
Do you think that this game is going to split monster hunter into two versions like how it is with frontier?
What went wrong
Zero Escape
Can we talk about old games that aged like wine?
FFXIV Stormblood
What is the edgiest game you've ever played?
Which MMO has the best ERP scene? I wanna get some sluts
Game lets you eat everything
Name 1 fanbase that isnt trash
Do you get to the Cloud District very often? Oh, what am I saying, of course you don't
Perfect vidya girls dont exi-
What's our endgoal?
Ah, scepter!
Noble Haltmann
League of Legends ruined the RTS genre forever
Skyrim switch porn
Anyone else fondly remember this game?
E3 sucked
Invite friend over to play video games
Filename Thread
Your age
If these two battled it out, who would win?
This triggers the dyke & /u/fags
What are your favorite games to play while high Sup Forums?
Steam Sale Thread [NO BEGGING EDITION]
Dota and LoL are dead, the chinks just released the ultimate MOBA
Can I make friends through Steam?
Is this design capable of a video game protagonist?
Is there a more anti-consumer video game company than Nintendo?
Why are nearly all streamer so shitty? Even Vinny...
Metal Gear Solid codec as your ringtone
Fangames are disgusting. I will NEVER play some fat neckbeard's interpretation of a property...
Why are they so f*king based, bros?
Go to
PlayStation is dead
What is the Golden Age for you?
Why are the first two Golden Sun games so charming? When playing them I remember the dialogue...
Platinum games
Justify this
Guerrilla War
What is the best Fallout in your opinion?
Golden Frieza has invaded the last game you played universe
'''''''''''best'''''''''' PC exclusive
*blocks your path*
The most powerful console ever
Why are there no Horror games based on wild animals?
Already dead
You will always be in our hearts, Pascal
ITT: games only you played
What does Sup Forums think of Fate Grand/Order?
It's over, crisis averted
Fire Emblem Heroes
Which Crash should I play first?
Could you not?
Who is THE most iconic video game character ever?
Dev Thread
Dual wield, double-blade or a single sword?
Overwatch Meta
Sony hopes Spider-Man will push PS4 to 100M units
Which neurological disorder causes people like Egoraptor to struggle with the controls in this game?
Sonic Forces will probably be decent
Why do black guys love weebshit and fighting games so much?
This kills the Sup Forums
PC will NEVER get bloodborne
Shitty mascot characters are back to being like Koromaru
Mfw sonybros think this is a shitposting thread but i'm just a PCfag who wants to wish them a happy and productive day
How come you haven't played this masterpiece yet?? hollow knight thread
What Should I Play?
Autism thread
What is the vidya equivalent of
What does Sup Forums think of Shibuya Rin?
The hypest upcoming games will all be released on PC
Hey user, please buy Battleborn otherwise they're going to kill me
What games feature beetle characters?
ITT: Surprisingly Official Art
Post subtle vidya fashion
How can we fix Skyrim's combat, lads?
What do you want to see in the inevitable Animal Crossing for Switch?
Horizon Zero Dawn is #1 UK charts (again)
The Switch doesn't have any games
Game tells you to push start to play
ITT: Sup Forums things only turbo autists use
I think it looks great. Fuck you
Rate every Blizzard game you've played
This E3 video was shit
3x3 Thread
What is difficulty, Sup Forums? I mean if you really think about it
Why are ASSFAGGOTS still so popular?
So what games do you play on your phone Sup Forums?
Daily reminder if you play a female Draenei you're probably a trap or tranny
Why are healers,supporters,buffers a thing in multiplayer games? its the least exciting or interactive role
Think of a game. Now post that game's best girl
Final Fantasy XIV Stormblood
Be honest Sup Forums, how many controllers have you broken?
ITT: Artificial difficulties
Why do women need a different league in esports?
Puyo puyo thread
Pick Hanzo
I believe creators shouldn't be paid for their hard work because I'm a jobless poorfag
PC Master Race
Is this worth the 5$?
Post your vidya weapon
Friends claim to be into videogames
It's simple, if you're gonna be a piece of shit I'm not going to rematch you
Its 98 F°/37° here
Do you own a Wii?
Switch loses to PS4 in May US hardware sales
Why aren't you showing SEGA how much you want Phantasy Stay V?
Webm thread?
One Piece
Should people take Metacritic seriously?
PS4 #1, Switch #2 - NPD May
Is there an SFM model of Aloy with big tits yet
>tfw Daud isn't playable
Really America?
Unironically a top 5 FF game
When was the golden age of video games? When was the Dark Plague of video games?
6 hours in pic related
ITT Casual Filters
Is this the greatest videogame of all time?
You lose all your money if you die
Wanna buy 7700k
How can whitebois even compete?
ITT games that only you know of
Here are some steam keys for Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc
What went wrong?
New Dragon Ball Fighter Z interview!
What am I in for?
What was the first game you ever played. mine was lode runner on the commodore 64
What games let me play as a dick ass thief?
Comfy Vidya Music Thread
Final boss is God
I have never played a Metal Gear or Final Fantasy Game
Switch Dock Scratching Fixed or nah
Just picked up one of these lovely cunts
What the FUCK was her problem?
Several year lurker just lost a parent due to an illness. I'm off UNI and have paid bereavement leave from work...
I think its kinda retarded that people who defend Physical copies of a game use the If Steam ever shuts down you lose...
So let me get his straight
PC gaming can't be stopped!
Which games had the biggest gulf between the immediate reaction and long-term consensus about its quality?
Hidden Gems of 2017 Steam Sales - Post 'em!
Steam Summer Sale Thread
Red dead on pc
Select your character
Shit you always saw differently as a kid
I wish it was good. The driving plot is good. The gameplay mechanics are okay. But everything else :/
Is this game worth 20 dollars?
Tales Thread
You walk into a random cave and suddenly the entrance crumbles behind you, You hear the deepest, gravelly, demonic...
Ori is on sale
I want to get into Final Fantasy but i feel overwhelmed by the amount of games in the series...
Honestly, I hope the Switch keeps doing well. I love my PS4 and think it's the best...
Ys VIII comes out on Steam this Fall. Will you buy Ricotta's game? I sure will...
Yo! I humbly ask for your assistance Sup Forums
Dynasty Warriors 9
Closed source, proprietary software
Is Todd's game worth 20 bucks?
What are some games that let me date Stacies?
NAME 1 THING Sony, Nintendo, and Microsoft have over each other
What is the worst character design you've ever seen in a video game?
How did they get away with this?
ITT games that shouldn't exist
Why does Sup Forums hate Uncharted?
Why is Sup Forums so casual?
Metroid Prime 4 Discussion
What went wrong?
Pic related is 50% off, is it worth it?
I had never mastubated so much since SKYRIM with mods
Kojima still believes that the Iraq war was about oil and war profiteering
And just when I was starting to like Chloe this
Do you think Catherine would whore herself on PC?
Gamecube had less games but had more good games bro
Sup Forums claims that gameplay is the most important part of the game
What video games allow me to be a [SPEEDY SPEED BOY]?
Post your favorite videogame soundtrack
Just got Fallout NV What mods do I get
Best Bioware character
Are they a couple?
Games that have NO right being as good as they are
This game is AMAZING
It's the current year, why don't you main Juri Han?
What do I do after getting the c4?
Look who came out of his cave! our alt-righter boy xD
What does Sup Forums think of Vivian from Paper Mario?
Recommend me RPG. Bonus points if you can roleplay
Why is crapcom so shit bros?
So i'm a big hitman fan going back to codename 47 on pc...
Genderbend skins when?
You may experiment with open world
Choose 2 games, Sup Forums picks which one you should get
Hey friend
What did you think of fallout 3?
Bayo 1:Fly me to the moon
M-m-muh flavour of the month
What are some games that girls play?
Is Steam winning?
Steam Sale Thread
Retardento Does it again and its okay when Nintendo Does it
Games with rich universes and deep gamplay
It's been 5 years
He's right you know, name one (1) other game with bosses like Maiden Astraea, Yellow Monk, False King...
When is the smegma slurping cockwallet going to announce a new game?
Why don't you play fighting games?
What are some games that let me gamble?
I found the guy who made DVA
Give me a nice no bullshit, straight to the point linear experience
Switch sales surpass one million units in Japan
What went right?
ITT: games that are more inconvenient than they are challenging
Why do oldfags always hate new things?
Your raifu
Find a flaw
Switch owner here. I own Mario Kart, Zelda, and Shovelknight + DLC
Best spooky vidya level?
Nier is second best selling
I can't let it go I really want more MGSV. It's been almost 2 fucking years
Medieval 2: Total War
Tekken 7
This game is Platinum's Magnum Opus
Replace a word in a game's title with resumé
$450,000 just for Life is Strange!
Fallout Boy
ITT: franchises that got worse with every single new game
Filename thread
So this is the power of STEAM DIRECT
What is the MASH of video games?
ITT things only oldfags will understand
Reminder that "party game" is not a genre
A rosalina game with farm mechanics is dropping on the 3ds eshop
Is it ironic that the Halo killer we've waited for all these years, happened to be Halo itself?
Start playing multiplayer fps
ITT games that require too much intelligence for Sup Forums
ITT: games that remind you of a quieter happier time
You lived long enough to see low-budget, hardcore Japanese porn games being sold on Steam
What the fuck nintendo
Post steam avatars
Should i buy a PS4 or a good gaming PC?
"I didn't like game because of it's developer"
This is Aloy
Why can't we all just get along as Fire Emblem fans? Why must we fight?
ITT: post your favorite game and album
Steam Sale Thread
Just reminding you that you'll never have this game back ever again
Now that it's confirmed that Valve is making another TF2 short is anyone actually looking forward to it?
When the fuck are they going to add Doomtrain to FFXIV?
Should I buy Fairy Fencer F or Tales of Zestiria?
I want to marry isabelle!
Witcher 3
Does Sup Forums still love Rance?
ITT: Retarded shit you got stuck on as a kid
That one console or handheld you deeply regret buying
Not sure if I want to buy this or not, is it any good?
If you like playing video games so much, why don't you join the army?
*blocks your path*
Backlog Thread
Yooka Laylee
Zombie game
Are there any games you love that you've only ever watched on youtube/other people play?
Is it ever a good idea to buy single-player games at launch for $60...
How did a low budget, rehashed 3DS game manage to be better than Persona 5?
How hipster do you have to be to listen to vidya tunes on vinyl?
Is Sae Niijima an adult virgin?
Biggest problem with the game so far is that everything looks horribly easy. The bosses are easy...
Oh fuck, we made Akechi actually have a bit of a point about the changing hearts thing, people might agree with him...
Final Fantasy XV post game discussion
Is it a good idea to play old games on an old TV or Monitor?
So, now that it has been a few months what is the consensus on the switch? Is it worth buying?
I'm extremely afraid of the open ocean. Is this the game for me?
Sup Forums
This game is now out
Paying for video games
You can see Monster Hunter in the trailer
Skyrim Mods
Hey user, ready to tank Karazhan?
What the FUCK was his problem?
This time I posted an image of one of the most anticipated and talked about games of the last e3...
Princess Peach
"One of the key reasons [we're launching this] is the insight," Evans explains. "Within all the games...
Gameplay wise, why was this considered a better game than Marvel 3?
New Vegas was the best Fallout game. Prove me wrong
Jesus Christ...I picked up DR4 during the Steam sale despite knowing the changes. I figured "hey, worse comes to worse...
Fate Grand Order releases in English in just 2 days!
Is there any hope for this series anymore?
The Evil Within
Name a more unappealing visual style in a videogame
What was her fucking problem?
Why did League of Legends and Dota never get super popular here but took the rest of the world by storm?
Look out, Overwatch
What are some games where the main character canonically dies?
Who is the most honest character in smash 4?
Mother > undertale
Who /literallycan'tplaygames withoutachievements/ here?
What does Sup Forums think of /our boy/'s game?
Still the worst quote to describe a video game I've ever seen
Ys series nes and snes version
Screenshot thread?
Friday the 13th
What is the best Scooby-Doo game?
How are left handed people supposed to play this?
Post vidya related things that have made you
*blocks your path*
Is this any good? Does it live to the original?
What am I in for, Sup Forums?
ITT: objective 9/10 and possible 10/10 games
What are they queuing for, Sup Forums?
What's this game's name again, Sup Forums?
Tfw no GF named Alison to whom I can sing Aisle 10 from Sega's popular title, Jet Set Radio Future
When someone uses "Skyrim" or "Diablo 3" to describe a game and means it as a compliment
Is it safe to have a Fallout New Vegas thread yet?
Who are some of your favorite functions in fighting games?
ITT:Name my weapon
What are the best video game soundtracks Sup Forums?
What went wrong?
Post your top 5 most played games of the last decade, other people judge you
"Trowza Snake?"
MMOs Thread: Sexiest Women Ever
So what do you guys think of Saints Row 4?
Monster hunter thread
Darkest Dungeon
I challenge anyone to make a cheap pc that can run 1080p 60fps with most games and use canadian prices
Tar 21 fmj Stopping power best gun in the game prove me wrong
Has a VN ever made you cry?
Sup Forumsidya Drawthread
Which final fantasy is your favorite?
ITT: Post a photo of yourself and have Sup Forums guess your favorite videogame
*camps in a shed for 30 minutes*
Who else fell for the fallout 4 is shit meme?
Hey Animal Crossing kiddies
What went wrong?
I finally gave in and got it on steam, is the single player at least fun?
She's on sale right now!
Mobile gaming
Is this worth picking up?
ITT: casual filters
Hi gamers :3
Y'know, Noct, this almost feels like a Final Fantasy XV Thread
It's. Over. Dota 2, LoL, Hots. All DEAD
Heal while moving
Arms really is a game of mobility and elemental arms huh
Maps redesigned by the map designer for Zero Mission and the director of Fusion
E3 2018
It's hilarious how stupidly broken Red Mage is in level 60 dungeons...
Nintendo listened to the fans regarding Metroid
What do you guys expect from Persona 6?
I don't get it Sup Forums. I needed to replace my cpu using a z97 motherboard and went for a i7-4790k...
Was Kino Kino?
100% Orange Juice
Name on vidya game bro better than Garrus fucking Vakarian
Steam sale thread
Should I? Opens in 3 days
ITT: vidya crush
Gaming Depression
"You want the honest truth? This machine is not so strong as you think," Fares said to Engadget...
Final boss is DLC
Sven coop
Am I the only one who is perfectly okay with gaming at 1080p?
ITT;Post the FF7 of their respective series
Videogame Auteurs
With the Metro games should I play the original versions or the redux versions?
Claim your wife
ITT games you need to play if you own a computer
Remember when Square Enix did that "Augmented Preorder" bullshit for Deus Ex: Mankind Divided and the backlash was so...
Is there any hope for the MMORPG genre? FFXIV is shit and WoW is just not the same anymore...
Is this worth getting a ps3 for? I loved DaS1, 3 and BB, and haven't touched 2 and Demons
Switch owner here. I own Mario Kart, Zelda, and Shovelknight + DLC. Which game should I buy next?
Why's it so hard to find one of these on ebay that doesn't come with ten shitty games I don't want...
ITT: Subtle vidya clothing
Chess is a sport so video games must also be a sport
When you make a better asscreed game than ubisoft
In this topic, post the most perfect video game girl you can think of
Why did this game fail? It was fun as shit and a breath of fresh air
Did you guys ever learn another language just to import or play untranslated games? What games if so?
Rate my PS3 collection , i think its pretty solid
Is it dead?
I'm about to delete this game from my PC
This looks good
This game is so fucking slow holy shit
Vermin Fight Club: A New Era Edition
Combat Arms
Hey Autisamus Maximus that started that Garnett thread earlier. She'll never be real and you'll never have her...
Who was in the wrong here?
People only like this because it's popular. It isn't good
What modern games will be remembered 20 years from now?
Steam Controller thread?
One day I will own this store
Who is the strongest man in vidya history?
Where isn't Cave Story as popular, if not more so, as Shovel Knight or Undertale? It has everything:
What exactly do Conner apologists see in this one-note passive aggressive dullard?
Alright Sup Forums you may grab one game a movie and a snack
Tanabe in charge of the game
Has a video game taught you a life skill?
Can't decide
What are some good videogames that compare to a split in bowling?
So, Sup Forums
I finished pic related a few days ago and got the Yosuga ending
How do i get gud Sup Forums
Nier Automata:
It says here you buy video game merchandise
*beep boop*
What was his name again?
ITT: Trigger as much people as possible
Just got my 700th korok seed
Sonic Adventure 2 was released worldwide on the Dreamcast in June, 2001
Name a videogame duo more iconic than Drake & Josh
Xenoblade Chronicles 2
You are trapped in a room with DSP for 24 hours. The room will fill up with nerve gas...
Fallout 1 and 2
This kills the manlet
Resident Evil 7
God tier games that not many people played and it genuinely confuses you as why they weren't more popular
Both the N64 and Super Mario 64 are 21 Years old as of today
What does Sup Forums think of Silent Hill Homecoming?
I would cum
Was he a good big boss?
VR is literally perfect for a lightgun games revival
I'm not feeling so well guys
The voice of D.Va is cute! CUTE!
Why don't you own a Switch yet ?
What's your honest opinion about GR2 ?
Steam Sale General
Sequels that will never happen
Why do nerds like windows on their PC cases? Who really likes looking inside?
These three are suddenly transported to the last game you played. Post results
Does playing Mercy actually feel like this?
The demo was good
Is the PS1 tactics worth playing after I played this one? Which is the best Final Fantasy tactics?
Some asshole threw you in a TV and now you have to confront your shadow in front of Chad and his harem...
Have they ever won a console generation, in terms of games?
Sup Forums plays Crusader Kings 2
Childhood is idolizing Thief 2
Combat far inferior and less precise than MGR:R
Should I preorder?
What girl from the Persona franchise resembles your girlfriend the most?
Give me one good fucking reason you didn't go Tarma every time
FFXI is the most profitable Final Fantasy game ever
I found a wife for our bald white male protagonist
Every female charcater online is played by a male
Which one?
Give me one reason this game was bad
How hyped are you for Kingdom Hearts 3 Sup Forums? I'm a solid 10/10...
Random Dungeon
What are some of your favorite gay characters in gaming?
Who was in the wrong here?
The only thing to stop the decline is if they apologize and hire back their AAA staff back
Anything I need to know before starting these videogames
How do we save this man form his smartphone game hell
What games have difficult choices?
Leave Persona to us
I heard alot of good things about pic related and since it was on sale, I've decided to give it a download
Is this thing worth picking up? I'm worried they'll stop making them in the next 3 or 4 months
Is Boogie ok?
What's the "OH MY NEN" of vidya
Steam sale
How the hell did we go from this
But how? Can the Switch do anything about this?
Tfw being in full meltdown mode since WSJ but nobody gets it yet
Holy fuck this boss fight would be way easier if it weren't for the goddamn gravestones and trees all around the arena
You're playing this, right?
Which one will win GOTY?
What went wrong?
I'm thinking of getting a PSP to play PSP and PS1 games
Man the ray is fucking trash
You guys getting the new Atari console?
All that power within a gaming PC
Is anyone playing Ever Oasis?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...