what went wrong?
What went wrong?
Other urls found in this thread:
>what actually happened
a series of bad design decisions lead to a game very few people found entertaining
>what the industry will believe
They tried appealing to the fabled "wider audience"
>mfw they even confirmed the Necrons aren't even being worked on as a new DLC because the overwhelming amount of flack the game got made everyone scramble at Relic and redirect their entire focus on fixing this shit pile of a game
This, I hate this shit
At least the fps genre fell like a brick when Call of Duty flopped, let's hope the same happens with this Battle Royal bullshit
I hope they film their live suicide soon. Fuck this studio. Who fucking thought this game was a good idea?
Eternal Crusade might be underwhelming and have a ton of problems, but even they managed to get chaos in their game
I don't know but their betrayal of their extremely small yet loyal fan base makes the Horus Heresy look like fucking child's play. Fuck Relic for this genuine kikery
>try to appeal to people who dont give a shit about rts' or dow
>game comes out and the people you were trying to attract predictably dont even know the game exists while all the long time rts and dow fans are not only not interested in it but rightfully offended by it
>this happens
Gee, disnt see that coming
it's like they made a f2p game then scrapped that idea at the last minute and sold it for $60
it was going to be a moba at one point
I wouldn't even play this shit for free
>niche game in a niche genre focusing on a niche brand name
well the wider audience doesn't want to play war hammer real time strategy games you stupid fucks.
This game is actually the amalgam of three projects. The original DoW3 post-THQ bankruptcy, a moba, and the current frankenstein that is this game.
There was no fucking way this game was going to end up good.
Fuck you, faggots. I love this game.
>.01 cents have been added to your account
keep up the good work
that number's for people who follow the game
fuck how new are you faggots?
Wait, what?
The fuck are you talking about?
the smartest thing they could do is drop DoW3 and release Dawn of War: Necron Bugaloo as a standalone game but not shit this time, give people who bought DoW3 some extra skins or something
It's only a matter of time before the game goes free-to-play in a final desperate attempt to draw in more players before the games inevitable pathetic whimper of a death.
could you explain to me why this game is crap? i played dow 1 and 2 but 3 totally passed under the radar for me. I liked 1 and i thought 2 's campaign was ok if a bit too grindy and dota/diabloesque for my liking
Man, what a shit show. I'm a casual rts player but I still enjoyed both 1 and 2. DoW3 seemed kinda bland.
I have never seen such a huge amount of smug self importance and autofellatio in my life. If I ever have to hear a single word from that guy ever again in my life it'll be too soon.
all warhammer games are mix score. why?
You won't like it unless you want a (imo) funner SCII with more micro and less tactical requirements.
It's not necessarily bland but they fucked all over the people who liked DoW 1 and even who liked DoW 2.
Think of the people who liked DoW 1.
Then the people who liked DoW 2.
Now think how many people liked both, AND Starcraft II micro elements, AND MOBA characters in an RTS.
Moba shit inspired rts
I knew this game was going to be fucking trash.
Suck shit user I had a argument with enjoy your shitty game and buyers remorse.
the number 3 for RTS is cursed
no spic pandering
Dawn of War never had huge online. I was able to get into top 50 of ladder in DoW1 at some point because the game had a few thousand players even in peak hours
>starcraft era
genre is niche, developers are aware of this and cater to their small but refined playerbase. Their niche playerbase likes what the developers are doing.
>starcraft 2 era
Thanks to hype, genre is now massively popular, developers are now trying to appeal to people who have never played before to keep it going.
>modern MOBA era
genre is niche again, but developers are still trying to appeal to people who have never played before. Their niche playerbase does not like what the developers are doing.
>Age of Empires 3
>Empire Earth 3
>Warcraft 3
Any others I'm forgetting?
Cossacks 3 is an exception though
>warcraft 3
They wanted the moba audience and instead got no audience.
If by niche you mean millions of players with gigantic online numbers not counting the entire e-sports industry in South Korea that still operates to this day then yeah, niche
Doesn't mean it was bad, but it killed it off
WC2 > 3 > 1
It's only in worst korea, though. It never got anywhere near that level of importance anywhere else. So yeah, it's a geographic niche.
red alert for the purist, and i doubt WC3 was bad, i dont know C&C 3
Honestly, as much as dow3 fucked up, i think the only way the rts genre can prosper is to get new people onto it. Going for the moba audience is retarded since they play mobas BECAUSE they can't handle a full rts.
I really dunno what audience could give RTS a chance, the clash of clans audience?
I been under a rock
>At least the fps genre fell like a brick when Call of Duty flopped,
When did that happen? Are you sure it jsut didn't get overtaken by Battlefield?
>let's hope the same happens with this Battle Royal bullshit
Do you mean games like Smash Brothers? I like those kinds of games.
Preaching to the choir brother.
Relic should not have dismissed initial outcry so passively.
they lost the entire warhammer crowd when they switched to the sleek cartoony design. It doesn't look or feel like warhammer at all. Atop of that the gameplay is just starcraft with gimicky hero characters thrown in and not at all the intense and extremely aggressive nature of the first 2 games.
mmmm... with the battlefield and cod revival, rev up the enrichment
>What went wrong?
It's not a Dawn of War game.
I hope there never is another warhammer game
What went holyshitwhydidtheyevenwhatthefuck?
it's one of the few game series in the world that actually suffered from improved graphics
RTS is objectively dead commercially though, simply because they cannot be played on cucksoles
Nobody asked for it and it had horrific netcode.
Plus after the disaster Operation Racoon City was people were wary of Umbrella themed spin-offs
>if it isn't putting out blockbuster numbers, it's dead
this idea is pure cancer. There are markets for RTS games that don't suck. If someone made a better rise of nations or kohan1, i'd buy that shit in an instant. But those markets aren't going to be huge. Trying to make them huge is just going to piss off the people who would've otherwise given you money.
This isn't fucking rocket science. Make games for the audience you know is there, not the audience you really wish would give you all their money.
>because they cannot be played on cucksoles
RTS are dead because the market for RTS is growing up and not playing video games anymore. Every genre has a time and place when it shined. Platformers will never be as big as they were in the 90s, and RTS will never be as big as they were in the Starcraft 1 days.
Not being dismissive here just saying the Clash of Clans audience is even a better version of what you were saying about Moba players. The audience is so locked in to their game, it might be a decade or the next technological transition (like mobile phones were) to get them off the game.
wow, i actually thought people were exaggerating, but the game was probably that bad if so many people left
its been only two months and over 93% of people left, i think this crashed harder than battleborn
At least we have remakes of 20 year old games to look forward to... right? ;_;
I'm unironically hyped for SC and AoE1 remastered, it just sucks we won't get another AAA RTS for a very, VERY long time
He's wrong about CoD and FPS, It hasn't outright flopped yet, but it is on a downward trend and DOOM, Quake, and Wolfenstein are back to save FPS. Battlefield has won the common idiot for the moment.
>Battle Royale
he means like pic related
>Caring for AoE1 remake when AoE 2 was already re-released.
fuck, i mentioned clash of clans because they share SOME similarities, but if they are as stuck up as mobafags then fuck them.
So not only are shooters not on the decline, they are in fact more popular than ever and just gotten a new genre. And fighters, hacknslash and beat'em ups are stagnated
fuck this gay earth so much.
>Looks worse
>Play's worse
>So much basic gameplay wasn't even in the game
>They did everything wrong and yet they act like it's the best shit ever
>Only thing we got after 8 years is an awesome trailer
This guy kind of reminds me of the tool my ex was friends with. He always tried to put on an English accent, and it always, always sounded so fake and bad. It was the cringiest shit. Fucking Canadians.
>Fantasy is getting big budget, highly successful vidya
>Dawn of War 3 is shit and flopped
if only fantasy still existed
But... pic related is a fun, well designed (albeit unpolished) game.
The same thing that happened to 2. The disregarded their consumers wishes and decided to change the game. They lucked out with 2 because it found its own new group of fans that was enough to keep it going even though they lost most of their original consumer base. They must of looked at that and let it get to their head because they changed the game even MORE and alienated fans of the first AND second games.
This is why you cant just change an I.P. willy nilly. People expect certain things if a product shares a name. Hopefully this doesn't kill 40k games for a while and they learn their lesson and get off their high horse.
did I imply it wasn't? You're not you when you're hungry, a chicken dinner should snack you right up
>genre is niche
KEK get fucked
everyone I knew was obsessed with RTS games back then. Age of Empires was the Call of Duty of those days
tfw I enjoyed AoE3
Fuck no, they tried to cater to the "muh pvp esports" niche. I mean come on, a short garbage campaign, sync kills removed and everything streamlined in favor of multiplayer.
DoW1&2 lived on the campaign for the initual success, the multiplayer population was just a bonus
I just wanted more Last Stand.
Can't really say that either. Not to put down AoE, quite the opposite, but there wasn't the public acceptance of a franchise (or most vidya tbf) back then. Mario and Sonic maybe, if you go by numbers and not by social response.
With that all said, yes, I do think AoE had a standing across the game industry. The industry just wasn't quite as big or multifaceted as it is now.
I think it really depended on if you had friends to play with, much moreso than its predecessors.
Are you retarded? DoW1&2 were massive successes, and Total Warhammer is doing amazingly.
How about just admitting that DoW3 is a piece of shit, not the genre or setting
>niche genre
>t. underage who has no idea what he's talking about
Educate yourself, dipshit
>massive successes
They were modest successes. They never even came close to stuff like CoD or LoL.
no it definitely was
>4 million copies on a single platform, making it one of the best selling PC games of all time is a "modest success"
2 worked because it had a long campaign with loot and character leveling and co-op. It appealed to people who dont give a fuck about multiplayer garbage. Also Last Stand.
DoW1 worked because, again, it had a focus on the campaign that casual players could enjoy. It focused on the spectacle with missions that were perhaps simple, but offered cool setpieces. (Except Soulstorm which was the weakest in campaign stuff).
DoW3 is selling like shit because they dropped the Warhammer look, they didnt focus on the spectacle, and the campaign was an afterthought.
By today's standards anything that sells less than 6 million in its first two weeks is a failure.
>you have to beat LoL to be more than a modest success
Are you mentally challenged? Honest question.
This. Singleplayer has always been the core of these games, with multiplayer being a draw for a tiny fraction of the people who played. Way too much effort has been wasted trying to be the next korean starcraft, and that wasn't what got the genre noticed in the first place.
Exactly how fucking dense are you? The success of a game is determined by how many copies are sold VERSUS the amount of money put into it.
Your game can be a massive success with a couple hundred thousand initial sales. Only triple A games which pour humongous amounts into marketing with hundreds of people on dev teams require multimillion sales to get even.
>you don't have to be in the same ballpark as the massive successes to be considered a massive success
are you? honest question
I was just letting you know what modern developers believe. It is why most Japanese franchises are dead because they would rather make no money than some money.
Investment versus the revenue you get, idiot. If you invest very little, and get very much out of it, thats called a massive success.
>thinks they care about ROI
>when the entire industry is all about AAA blockbusters with huge budgets
No, nigger, the only thing that matters is the raw profits. Making 1 mil off a 10k investment isn't considered a massive success, it's considered a sidenote.
Are there RTSes that don't devolve into APM jerking to play competently, but has a lot of tactical depth?
>falling for the APM meme
For the vast majority of RTS APM matters fuck all and it's just there to stroke your ego.
There were. Supreme commander, kohan, rise of nations (sort of). RoN was weird in that it took a lot of apm to set up stuff like expansions, but once set up it took very little to maintain.
maybe for the absolute top of AAA development in the last two years
>AND MOBA characters in an RTS.
so wc3?
Reminder that Supreme commander has a small active community faforever.com
AoE2 is still played, voobly and HD
Play TBS
It is too late now. Black Russian female sniper pre-order hero pack for coh3 soon
>mfw its just a small crew of dedicated players left
>it's always a riot to play
Looking at the SteamChart active numbers it seems like this game didn't even crest a a hundred thousand sales, which would translate to some 8 million dollars.
For what it matters. Rent is probably a cool half million to a million a year.
I'm willing to bet that Sega is sitting there and saying, "Look, this is what happens when you design exclusively for a single platform" in reference to how Bayo, Valk Chronicles and Vanquish are more or less pure profit by porting to the PC. I feel like this ends RTS development from Sega, which if you think about it, is the only competition in the genre for Blizzard.
Even with a 17.5% labor cost tax credit for making video games in the Relic location, it still got fucking burnt.
One day I'm going to actually run into someone who worked on this thing and will have lost their fucking job because this more or less ends Relic at its current staffing levels and ask them what the fuck happened. It will be an interesting story. They're just going to get stripped down to a porting company by Sega with a skeleton crew getting by off sweet tax credits until they just get shutdown because they found some random company in China who will port for even cheaper even taking tax credits into account.
This. Just make more Last Stand maps, heroes, etc.
>make RTS games
>put in shitty weak campaign
>don't support custom anything
>be shocked no one plays your game.