>Metal Gear Solid codec as your ringtone
Metal Gear Solid codec as your ringtone
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I've got the MHFU cooking theme as my ringtone and the Stalker PDA tone as my text tone, am I safe?
>not using quotes from Godhand as your notification mesaage
It's loud. It's noticeable. It's subtle. Most of the time you know it's your phone and not someone else's when it rings. Name one other gaming noise that's subtle, but also loud and not in an obnoxious way.
this is my ringtone for some reason:
text alert is MGS codec
alarm is:
>conan poster
Jokes on you, i got the tanker incident theme
>ringtone is from the soundtrack to a manga
talk about weebdom
Being loud and noticeable are the opposite of being subtle you utter dullard.
>tfw too smart for this board
>not writing and recording your own ringtones
I have Q2's "COMPUTER UPDATED" sound as my SMS alert.
The sound isn't subtle, but its link to vidya is.
But this is my ringtone
>anime as your background
I have the "!" sound as text sound and it always almost gives me a heart attack
My phone is always on vibrate and I have no idea what the ringtone even is
>tfw desperately want the 'puzzle solved' guitar riff from Killer7 as a notification tone
>tfw no audio rips anywhere
>navi text message notification
Always wanted a new ringtone but haven't been able to find anything better than the generic Jamaican ringtone that came with it.
using anything vidya related as ringtone or notification sound
I have mgs alert theme for alarm clock, i use everything else on vibrate.
>mario coin pickup sound as your text reception sound
encountered this on the train a couple days ago
My notification sound
Pretty pointless to have it since it's always on vibrate desu
>Alarm theme
Leave it to Sup Forums to be this autistic about what other people do, God forbid they be normies reee
This is my notification sound:
Is this okay?
I have the alert from MGS3 as my ringtone. The classic sound is too loud.
>Having the MGS1 codec as your ring tone
>Not the superior MGS5 codec
Shiet, good choice.
I have the little jingle from the Superintendent as my text tone
and my ringtone is just youtube.com
Not really, it's too sudden and violent a sound, it gets fucking annoying. I had it for a month and then changed it to a classical piece that increases in intensity and makes for a much better wake up.
i use the smirk sound effect from smt iv as my text tone
>want the WARNING sound from Megaman Zero
>nowhere to be found
It's on YT. Why don't you just download it from there?
I just need a good punch to wake up, normal shit like that doesn't have effect on me
This, just youtube-dl -f 251 youtu.be
I've long since been done with the series but I've always enjoyed having the flag pickup sound from Assassin's Creed 1 as a notification. I even modified it in Audacity so it doesn't have the bass-ey part at the beginning.
Tried uploading my modified version to vocaroo but it didn't like it.
>Literally just got a new phone today
>This is one of the first things I set up
Not telling you because you might copy it and I want to remain a special snowflake.
This one is the best ITT, might copy it :^)
Scratch that. I'll do you one better. I found some guy who put a ton of K7 SFX HQ rips into a sound file
link in description
I used the No More Heroes in-game mobile phone music
True Patrician. No one wants to hear your annoying sounds, no one cares what your ringtone is.
>using ringtones from anime/vidya/anything other than a default one
>Stalker PDA
My nigga
I have the "!" sound effect as a text message alert
More like you never get called so you can leave your phone on vibrate because you're never in danger of missing a call, amirite ;-)
>w-w-why don't you just have it on silent?
Some of us have different life circumstances? I work from home and since there's a lot to keep track of with my job, there's no guarantee my phone is always in my pocket or even in the same room as me, and it's nice to be able to hear if I'm getting an unexpected call from a client or teammate
Anyway my ringtone is youtube.com
Capcom games alway seem to have the best soundtrack.
>anime poster
>not wanting a subtle reference / vidya sound that dumb normies don't get but is recognizable enough to have anyone familiar with it to think "my nigga"
>Manga OST
but why
Actually I always have my phone on me or in my line of sight because I'm almost always writing or calling on it. So vibration or the default ringtone are the only thing I need.
Simple and subtle.
mine is the steel samurai ringtone that phoenix uses.
>my nigga
the only thing I think when I hear a "subtle" ringtone is "get a load of this turbo-sperg who thought I wouldn't know what's it from, I better avoid"
My ringtone is this and I don't give a fuck.
>tfw you realize half the normalfags aren't such and are just pretending to fit in society
Used to have the old spice whistle as a ringtone so I could pretend I was whistling in class when it goes off. Everyone said I'm a good whistler.
This. I don't need loud noises blasting out of my phone to notice when someone's trying to contact me because I'm not brain dead.
I have both /k/ youtube.com
and Sup Forums youtube.com
just scream SNAKE on top of your lungs every time you hear a person use it
>but why
lmao, I'll scream either this or LIQUIIIIID.
had that as an alarm for a single day, can't wake up with a fucking fight or flight response everyday
My ringtone is the theme that plays when Hestu dances
>mulatto butts as your ringtone
Mail (there's a proper version somewhere that I use):
>YFW your text tone is the intercom sound from Start Trek TOS
Just subtle enough that people won't think you're a massive faggot for having something like a Mario sound, but cool enough that it makes you happy to listen to.
>not posting best ringtone
>Oh no i was almost able to relate to someone!
There's a reason you're alone
fucking nerd
>not using this for texts/notifications
It's such a soothing sound, I don't even play Dota
There's a guy who has a MGS codec sound ringtone who's often at a cafe I sometimes go to so I thought he has good taste, but he plays World of Tanks on a laptop there.
Mine are Village for messages
and Beginning of Fight for calls
>Not setting your APRS message tone to sound like the MGS codec
Guilty as charged.
Also this for text.
Jesus, I think I would kill myself if I had to listen to that for even 30 seconds
Cringe as fuck
>hey this guy plays videogames too! I bet we'll be the best pals!
lmao'ing @ u
>no sound?
>turn up sound a little
>*breathes in* ROOOODINGU
Fuck you that shit went off full blast in the train fuck you man
>had that as an alarm for a single day, can't wake up with a fucking fight or flight response everyday
I usually end up being awake like 10isn minutes before it goes off.
Also my alarm app has a thing where the song starts playing at a low volume and slowly goes full blast
old phone had this and it went off full blast from the get go:
I've woken up to Stains of Time every single day since 2014.
>Not having pururin as your ringtone
This is mine.
>Being a weeb in public
My text alert is the DKC2 pause sound. Used to be the GT menu confirm sound. Ringtone/Alarm is various GT menu music.
I've got it as my ringtone. One time at the DMV I noticed some fat sperg had the same tone so I set mine off like a dozen times while i watched him wig out.
>user, why do you always answer on the 6th ring?
>using game/animu custom cellphone sounds as some kind of statement
>not just using vibrate all the time
ban everyone in this fucking thread, no way in hell you fags are older than 16
Call me a weeb but no one irl knows about Lain.
Static and nonsensical rambling for a ringtone?
Wew you're breaking ground