You lived long enough to see low-budget, hardcore Japanese porn games being sold on Steam

>You lived long enough to see low-budget, hardcore Japanese porn games being sold on Steam.
What do you think of this brave new world?
Personally, I think it's wonderful.

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I think the people buying this shit are kids and ironic weebs.

I think Steam desperately needs a "stealth mode" that lets you play games without broadcasting to everyone what you're playing.

seriously nigga im not going to play this shit in front of my friends but i'll play it

Wait, going offline doesn't do that?

Go offline and make your profile private.

Still shows up on your profile in recent games

does it have sex scenes or do you need a patch for that?

>He buys porn games without the porn
well and truly makes you ponder

Just be a man and don't give a fuck.

It's heavily censored, but the developer posted the R-18 patch for free on day 1.

A lot of games do that, it's the roundabout method that Steam is slowly becoming English DLsite.

>No easy way to scrub games off your profile
Nevermind the porn games, I have other embarrassing things forever staining my steam account.

I do but all my RL friends are
fucking cunts

>giving a fuck about what other think
found the nu-male beta cuck

Steam added a Friend Activity section to the store a while back. You can see all the games your friends play even if their profile shows up for you as private.

But you do can put in a support ticked to have games removed from your account, user.

oh I've told them it's because of weeb games (in my case Senran Kagura, but I'm also hiding Hunniepop... which I actually liked for the over the top voice acting and script and puzzle game more than the "sex" scenes.)

>not using offline mode
>giving a shit what people think
>using steam as a social platform ever
Jesus Christ you're such a fucking faggot.

You can't get rid of the clocked hours.

>not gifting it to your friends and taking them with you to weeb hell

Huniepop's voice acting was fucking horrible.
I only turned it on for the orgasm noises and that's it.

eh well shit. guess no more hunniepop for me.

well nobody's brought it up. so I doubt friends have been reading it.

I already got all the achievements and played through it a few times and got the alpha mode up to where it's almost impossible to win unless you get like 90 sentiment and then give her a pearl necklace anyway. But it was fun, for kind of a cheesy porn/puzzle game.

That's fucking stupid.

What? Audrey was hilarious.


>Be a man
>Play shitty weeb porn game for beta cucks

On the front page of the store, it's the first link on the left column called "By Friends". Click on the lifetime tab and you can see the entire library of all your friends.

Wow. Good thing I never bought anything questionable.

And my friends have some terrible taste.

I'm already in questionable steam groups so I don't think they are going to think any different from me anyways, time to buy some japanese porn games.

>using steam as a social platform
You're doing it wrong.

>OP thinks chinkshit shovelware is "hardcore Japanese porn games"
>muh friends muh friends can't let them see me play titty ninjas xD

This thread is pure reddit, fucking PC nuweebs were a mistake

>people give a shit about shitty steam social
Meanwhile my RL friend I showed him Senran Kagura Shinovi Versus and we still use the online function for it.

Wow thats totes epic brah

>ironic weebs

When will this meme die?
When will the one autist spamming it die?

As if we needed more evidence that Steam and Valve are pure garbage.

Don't give him the attention.

can't get anymore beta than doing that, but then being so self-loathing and pathetic that you feel the need to hide it too. if you're that afraid of being caught by people that genuinely don't care about you, you might as well just watch porn instead

t. Gen Z nuweebs

ironic nuweebs are very real, faggot

Fine with me I don't pirate much of anything besides really old games and these kinda games. Mostly because of this Your steam profile will still show that you have played these kinda games and I tend to be pretty stealthy about playing this kinda shit.

you know those guys who use ahegao profile pics of their handful of popular h-artists they haven't the trouble to look it up? the ones who bought neko-para on steam and say they only did it "for teh lulz"? the ones who spam the same tired appropriated memes non-stop instead of coming up with some reaction images on their own?

>people who listen to pop music are "ironic listeners"
>people who watch football instead of curling are "ironic sports fans"
>people who play wow and cod are "ironic gamers"
>people who browse Sup Forums instead of /an/ are "ironic channers"

You are stupid.

>he doesn't know about ironic weebs

This. You can already hide games on your profile, so why not allow stealthily playing them?

>using steam as a social platform ever
That's literally the only reason to use Steam or buy games in general. If you don't care for the social features like multiplayer, might as well just pirate everything.

Ironic weebs are a real thing though. It's the most cancerous shit ever and it needs to stop. I'd take a hardcore bandana wearing 2006 Narutard over these self loathing degenerates any day. Consuming anime and Japanese games almost exclusively but pretending they're above it and looking down on others who are more honest about it.

I'm pretty sure all the people on Sup Forums that sperg out whenever the phrase pops up are just ironic weebs that hate the idea that they're actually worse than legitimate weeaboos. I for one am glad other people are noticing this issue, I started realizing it was going to be a thing as soon as weeaboo stopped another word for Japanophile/Wapanese and started meaning "I played a Japanese game and kind of liked it".

It's 100% real

First we had people who only liked high budget action ovas
Now they transitioned into memers who only watch the latest most popular crap like Jojo (they actually think it's well animated and not a travesty compared to the original) and LOVE using the word waifu

"Haha this game has so many waifus xD"

I use it for convenience

I never have to wait months for someone to crack a new game, and I always get patches, compatibility with new mods, and multiplayer

If I have to spend more than 10 minutes on workarounds and cracks, I would rather just pay $20

>he thinks he needs to use the social features to use the multiplayer
Fucking christ you're an attention whore, fuck off.

Huh? Multiplayer is a social feature by definition, nigger.

Ironic weebs are just weebs.

>"I played a Japanese game and kind of liked it"
Not at all at apt representation of Japanophile which carries the ophile suffix which refers to a very strong liking of something.

>he thinks he must socialize and make friends when he jumps into a multiplayer game instead of playing the game
Multiplayer is a feature not a social function. As far as I'm concerned other players are no better then NPCs with a bit better AI.

but but but but us real weebs are guardians of jaanese-american culture, while these nuweebs are just consumer whores
i bet they dont even wear kigurumi all day and they eat things other than ramen, the fucking nuweebs, they probably kiss girls too, or cheat on their waifu by liking other imaginary characters on the side

only ironic weeaboos buy this shit so they can show it off on their steam profile

>As far as I'm concerned other players are no better then NPCs with a bit better AI.
People like you should be banned from MP games. If you don't interact with people while playing MP, you're fucking cancer.

There's no point if there's nothing to interact over. Just play the game you don't have to try to be friends with people you're never going to see again. Makes you look like a weak bitch.

damm my filter is eating half the thread are you ok there buddy

If you non weebs only knew how much trash there is in the erogame market, it puts the western indie market to shame.
This shitty game made in rpgmarker is like 20 bucks on DLSITE

Your shit stinks the same no matter how many layers or sarcasm you put between it.

I think you completely missed the point of what I was saying.

>Not at all at apt representation of Japanophile which carries the ophile suffix which refers to a very strong liking of something.
That is the point. The point is that "weeaboo", like "Japanophile", once meant someone that was obsessive often to the point of disowning their own heritage and wishing they were born Japanese. Eventually people started just calling everything Japanese "weeaboo", which devolved into "weeb" and led to ironic weeb culture.

>Ironic weebs are just weebs
They're into the same things but the behavior is different.

The point isn't to be elitist about being a "real weeb", the point is that these types of "weebs" are way more obnoxious and way more prevalent these days.

This is exactly the type of behavior I'm talking about. Plenty of knowledge about all the shit weeaboos obsess over presented in an obnoxious, ironic fashion.

All these normalfags need to go.
Steam is just a games repository you underage ironic weeb faggot.

Ironic weebs are just a more evolved version of the retarded kid that posted on Gaia online and came to school with the Naruto headband.
But at least the kid with the Naruto headband actually watched anime from time to time.

last anime i saw was that full metal alchemist reboot
i had to google how the full body pajamas is called

just because i am dedicated to shitting on you doesn't mean i enjoy mongolian scribbles

Dumb normalfag.

>Constantly using ironic names for anime
t. Ironic Weeb

thats not what irony means, you hamburger samurai

is an ironic weeb who wants to play the ecchi shit but doesn't want anyone to know and would probably be loaded with excuses if he got caught

is a normal person, not a weeb by any measure even if he's actually really into Japanese shit

A weeb in this scenario would be the one that takes it way further than the second guy and not only openly plays all kinds of questionable ecchi shit on Steam, but wants to talk to you about it constantly and acts like it's the best thing ever because it came from Japan.

Those people were honest about their interests, if obnoxious. I think this is an evolution of that guy that couldn't shut up about how much he hated anime anytime it came up, but when it came to Adult Swim stuff would always say something like "man fuck anime but I love Cowboy Bebop/Champloo/FLCL".

There are no ironic weebs. There are only weebs, no one cares about their breed. All weebs are retarded manchilds who should be lined up and shot

>The point isn't to be elitist about being a "real weeb", the point is that these types of "weebs" are way more obnoxious
I dunno. From someone on the outside I see labels being made and one group trying to distance themselves from others who share common interests. It comes off pretty obnoxious to me.

I came in here to bitch about Steam for still not supporting my currency.

>All weebs are retarded manchilds who should be lined up and shot
>he says while posting on an anime imageboard

>get out my safespace reeeeee

Get fucked weebshit. If you're over 18 and still consume anime faggotry as your main media you're fucking pathetic

What better place to round them up

>ii-rir-ironic weebs is the meme I swear!
When ironic weebs will finally fuck off? Are they SJWs of anime?

No please stay, people like you always give me a good laugh.

If only he was here to purge faggots like you.

look yourself in a mirror cletus kun but you won't laugh

You do know he left, because he couldn't stand the shit anymore and the NSA wanted control of this website. No one here seems to understand how much legal shit moot was in at the time of him leaving and he just washed his hands of us.

>I'm a manly manga enthusiast and I fuck 2D pussy all day every day. Faggots like you don't have no fap pillow and don't know about my waifus. Get real and watch jojo kiddo

That's how risible weebshits sound when they want to sound tough

If you don't consume anime you should probably leave this board kiddo, sorry. It's called an ANIME imageboard for a reason sweetie.

He left because Google offered him a job, under the condition that he stops affiliating with Sup Forums.

I don't see how you people aren't getting this. It's a label for a type of behavior, nothing more.

>From someone on the outside
Well maybe you can fuck back off then. I'm not trying to explain the concept of what an "ironic weeb" so that you'll accept me as some sort of real weeb, I'm just trying to explain my disdain for a particular group of people.

What the fuck was suppose to do when his project Canvas failed. Moot wanted to break away from this place for years.

I don't care about differences between different types of weebshits.
They're all trash

nani? baka senpai don't slash me with ur katana domo arigato

Ironic weebs are the types who farts, posts smug anime pictures and thinks its funny.

I enjoy weebshit, but I don't get why so many must embarrass themselves like this, unless of course it's entirely ironic.

Apparently Google through Canvas was good.
But I think Doodle or Die is the best implementation of this general idea, and it has few people playing.

Honestly Canvas was a novel idea. I liked seeing moot try to pursue his own projects outside of Sup Forums, it actually gave me hope to see this man be known for something other then Sup Forums and fostering douchebags.

And in your disdain lies elitism despite how much you deny it.

Obnoxious as fuck.

Because just admitting that you like anime is lame now. You have to pretend to hate your hobby, watch shitty anime for le waifus xD and post self deprecating humour images on twitter like I'm so depressed I wanna kill myself ironically

How the fuck is it elitist to hate the way someone else acts?

Anime "elitism" doesn't exist. You can't be elitist about a lowlife trash culture such as anime

Taking a moral high ground approach to justify your hate.

>Said a person posting on a video game board

video games aren't a culture, same for anime garbage

It's a culture? I always saw it as the cheapest form of entertainment.

Just create a second account.

That's the actual definition of "ironic weeb". Now, let's think about it together for a moment, what hell as that to do with this thread? Maybe, you know, some mad neets were using that label to shit on people who simply don't want show off the fact that they play porn games? That fact makes neets feel insecure and so they rabidly shitposted using that " "ironic weeb" label as excuse, that's all.


Anyone knew that Hatred was a precedent that would predict whether Steam would have hentai games on it.

Best thing is the dev has a stupidly generous refund policy where they'll personally refund you for any reason.

Effectively it means you could get the game for free if you really wanted to go through the hassle of submitting a refund request.

Tbf you can already get the game for free anyways, so I don't know why'd you do that.