I don't get it Sup Forums. I needed to replace my cpu using a z97 motherboard and went for a i7-4790k...

I don't get it Sup Forums. I needed to replace my cpu using a z97 motherboard and went for a i7-4790k. PC Gaming is the only hobbie where old parts are actually more expensive than new parts. Can someone explain this meme to me?

Supply and demand

Because they stop making them. Supply and demand

Its not like they make the same cpu every fucking time OP. They only make a limited amount and thats it

>459.99 Canadian

These plus people like you. They know that nerds won't always have the motherboard they'll need for the comparatively cheaper modern CPUs. So they hold onto the older ones and then jack the price up for the inevitable demand.

Better parts cost more money, that's nothing new.

supply and command

I was thinking of replacing my i5-4690k with a i7-4790k but there is no point now.

just bought one I payed $400 and wont be hear til monday I hate you! the 4790k is still a beast though

>tfw fell for the i7 is bad for gaming meme

lol I bought mine with credit so money wasn't an issue. Still damn what a big steal.
I did exactly this and I am still not sure if this was a good idea or not. My mobo is fried so I need to repair it or buy a new mobo.
This is a common meme. I have yet to see my fps gains, I mainly play Nier Automata.

the i7 would help mostly for streaming/"content" creation. but certain games like BF1 would also like the i7

>tfw 90+ CPU in BF1 on a i5 4690k

im looking at the ryzen 5 1600X

You know user, I have actually tried to get into mouse and keyboard gaming inside a FPS, but don't like it for some reason.

You are right, the i7 would help in those games but I would prefer if it helped in games like Nier Automata.

Also my i7-4790k is stuck inside my dead mobo. I feel so anxious to use it but there is no more credit for pieces (hoping for a repair of the mobo).

Streaming some Nier automata using an i7 would be pretty cool, too.

I work in semiconductors
Newer does not necessarily mean better performing.
Aside from that, pricing is more based on the level of production currently active of a certain product line. This is true for almost anything sold to a consumer

for example, maybe Intel recently ramped up production on a certain chipset A; returns are much higher per unit with bigger levels of mass production, and they can push out these A units for relatively cheap. Whereas, Intel might be downgrading production on another chipset B; suddenly they have irregular levels of production on this B unit and cannot appropriately predict the yield per B unit sold. They then compensate for the unpredictability by simply raising the price to something safer for them.
Unit A or B could be the newer or older unit, it doesn't matter

Next time get a used Xeon
They're literally better than i7s and cheaper because servers are always being replaced.

Why don't you just buy a newer CPU then?

Because I am locked to the z97 chipset. I can't go newer than Haswell Rewind.

Better start looking for a used one, unless you live near a microcenter. The price of older Intel CPU's is rarely lowered.

PC gaming is a horrible meme

>pay $400 for this cpu
>pay $600 for this gpu
>pay $200 for this ram
>pay $300 for this cpu cooler
>pay $200 for these skins and dlc

it never ends

>PC gaming is a horrible meme
Indeed, but once you are immersed in the experience you never wanna go back to a console.
>Pay $400 for this cpu
>pay $600 for this gpu
>pay $200 for this ram
Never, only like $70 for 8GB
>pay $300 for this cpu cooler
lol no
>pay $200 for these skins and dlc
This also happens in consoles.

Yeah LoL and dota are great

>tfw just grabbed an i5 6600k and a solid Gigabyte mobo for like 250 from MC

You're a tech illiterate faggot if you think an 3 year old 4790k can't compete with a more recent CPU. A 4790k is still top of the line. That CPU won't be a bottleneck until at least 2020. For gaming, you might see a 5% increase in FPS with the newest CPU compared to a 4790k at 4.5-5Ghz. Moore's law faggot. Get what ever is cheaper. DDR4 is a meme. Not worth the premium. Stick with your current z97 for a few more years then you can get an upgrade worth while.

>tfw canada doesnt have many decent IRL PC stores

bestbuy is a joke for pc parts

I am jelous of you faggots with your MicroCenters.

>$71 for a g4560
>$175 for a 1050 Ti
>$71 for 8GB RAM
>$32 for a case
>$37 for a psu
>$146 for a monitor and $117 for speakers I use with my ps4 too

without monitor and speakers it's $386, would probably be much cheaper in the USA, performance is the same or better than on ps4 and I have backward compatibility not to mention I can run most of my dev software better than on my old laptop
it's the lowest tier of modern components but for as long as the current gen of consoles lasts most of the games will run on it in low/medium settings and that's okay for me

for fuck sake that's bullshit. This ''PC gaming is cheap'' meme needs to die.

When you go PC you never wanna go the same as ps4, you always end up expending more than $1000 for a good gaming PC.

>i5-2500k OC'd to 4.6
>benches on par with an i5-6500
I've been running the same build for 5+ years except for the GPU which went from 560 to a 770 to a 1060 and I run every game on high/max settings 60/144fps.

If you do some research and don't pick shit parts they pretty much last forever aside from gpu. Most people make atrocious builds because they can't be bothered to learn anything though.

>I run every game on high/max settings 60/144fps.
sure you do lmao

>year of our lord
>buying a quadcore cpu

why on earth are quadcore cpus bad now.
>and I run every game on high/max settings 60/144fps.

I've been buying nvidia cards since the 7000 series and it's usually more cost effective to just buy the X60 card, run it at highest OC, and using the saved money to sell it in 1-2 generations and get the newest card, rather than buying the X70/80 and holding it for 2-3 generations.

The only reason I got the 770 was because it was on a great sale, also got the msi 1060 6gb for $190

Except the demand goes down because of the viable substitutes

you guys should reread your textbooks

Cause there's no point in getting one except for the 7700k.

>he doesnt change to the X70 every gen
fucking poorfag lmao

Memes aside, over the years I've never found a point. The only game I've played that I had to turn down settings was BF1 which I turned down to high for 144hz. If there was something else I could use x70's on I'd get it though, but there never is.

>The only game I've played that I had to turn down settings was BF1 which I turned down to high for 144hz. If there was something else I could use x70's on I'd get it though, but there never is.
you obviously dont play many games nor do you play at max/high settings

>I bought mine with credit so money wasn't an issue
you're a fucking idiot