>"You want the honest truth? This machine is not so strong as you think," Fares said to Engadget. "This is like a five-year-old PC. If consoles were as powerful as PCs are today, you would see all different games. Most of the work developers put out there is to make them work on consoles."
"You want the honest truth? This machine is not so strong as you think," Fares said to Engadget...
how to blacklist yourself from Sony/Xbox/Nintendo forever the guide
He said he "loves the xbox one" on numerous occasions unless he's just been lying about it. He just seems like your average fanboy really. Can't imagine EA won't get him back into shape though cause that's some of the dumbest shit you can say when you're promoting a new game in a conference dedicated to "diversity in gaming". lel.
corporate jews are greedy news at 11
Didn't the Austrian dev behind Ori and the Blind Forest spaz out on NeoFAG about how shit the Switch is before it turned out he was salty that they didn't send him a dev kit
>consoles lag behind always having older and less powerful parts
if people actually didn't know this then they are retarded
probably, every dev has a preference, that's no secret. The only ones that hide it well are the large firms with 100+ employees.
Chances are that it's probably a situation where the Xbox scales down well and is pretty good at dealing with overload by dropping frames or something but the PS4 just shits itself and crashes. That or engine optimization things where the game just runs better on Xbox because that's what it's designed to do.
Most sites are just using it to flamebait the dev because he called out the ps4 as it's the only system that's really relevant in the current market and more people can easily associate with it.
But all the same, saying what everyone knows is different than just acknowledging it without blabbering about it in a fucking interview. He shot himself in the foot and after a way out is published I wouldn't be surprised to hear that sony wants no part in having his next game on their platform.
Also he had no problem putting brothers up on PS+, guess it doesn't bother him that much about the power when he's getting paid because of it.
Devs running out of ideas for a unique and fun game more than anything.
>Game development in the 80s and 90s
>Devs would find clever workarounds to get around technical limitations.
>Game development now
>wooooow i can't do anything
What went wrong?
>I wouldn't be surprised to hear that sony wants no part in having his next game on their platform.
That's not how it works.
Sony isn't going to say no to free platform royalties, don't be stupid.
That said, the game looks like shit and is only held up by a gimmick.
Eh, another PC MUSTARD RACING memer. There's no "different games" because corporate suits don't wanna risk funding wacky ideas for games, they wanna stick to the safe stuff. The hardware literally has nothing to do with anything.
That's why a lot of indie titles are different than the AAA games that studios shit out as a standard practice.
>Games in the 80s and 90s
>2D, with early 3D games running at literally 20 FPS and calculator resolutions
game engines and games having to be more complex.
If anyone here has played Out of this World; they need to go see what kind of black magic they made to get that game to run. They essentially have the game running in a virtual machine, and they just recompile the machine for a new target platform instead of the game itself. It's crazy. It involves bit-level arithmetic to adjust for graphical differences between platforms.
>that's not how it works
I don't know man, it worked for steam when they removed paranautical activity, it worked for sony when they took down all those PSP/PS3 minis when one of the coders was shit talking sony saying they were taking money from him, and it certainly worked when MS told blinx fans to get fucked.
but the ps4 was like an mediocre to old PC when it came out
>It worked for these indie games, remasters, and emulators
Are you stupid?
No user, it's not going to work on a AAA dev studio.
but he's selling his game on xbox and ps4 and not on pc i take it. who's the greedy one here
>it's not going to work on this AAA studio
what? he's not a AAA developer, nor is he part of one.
>EA is not a AAA publisher
I'm sorry
I was wrong user,
Can we be friends again?
>Playstation 4 is like a 5-year-old PC
Guy is retarded. My PC is five years old and greatly out performs the PS4.
>In other news, Sony Cancels A Way Out. Israel strongly condemns the action.
>being published by a company means you're bought by the studio
golly gee I guess re-logic is actually 505 games and not it's own company
I guess mojang doesn't exist either, shit man. My bad.
>and not on pc
Uhh, the game's on PC m8, are you stupid?
"Our games are bad because the technology we make them for is like, 5 years old!"
I know it's bait and OP doesn't share his opinion, but God that dev is a fucking cunt
Yes, user, I forgive you. XOXO
This the same guy blaming the PS4 for "holding games back?"
He DOES realize that developing games for Xbox One X, PS4/Pro requires developing games for fucking XBOX ONE/S?
The only console holding back this generation is the Xbox One since every XB1X game HAS to be able to run on XB1 as well.
The dude is just a retarded shill.
You dumb fucking nigger, why do you think they need a publisher in the first place?
Who do you think is paying Sony their platform royalty?
Get the fuck out of here you dumbfuck.
Sony isn't going to do shit so long as their games are still published by EA, and the studio itself is funded by EA.
The ps4 is from 2013
>the studio itself is funded by EA
this is literally the first game published by EA, brothers was published by 505, there's no way in hell EA wants one of the devs they're publishing, especially some shit with no sales or experience under his belt to be shit talking a company with which they've had strategic partnerships for the last half decade.
>there's no way in hell EA wants one of the devs they're publishing, especially some shit with no sales or experience under his belt to be shit talking a company with which they've had strategic partnerships for the last half decade.
I doubt EA gives a fuck, what is Sony going to do, NOT put their games on their platform?
They're a huge AAA company and their games sell millions on PS4, Sony's gonna sit back and smile and grit their teeth.
Or they'll tell EA "we dont' want this little shit's games on our platform", like I was saying. Ball's in EA's court. Sour a relationship with the leading console platform's manufacturer, or dump some shit indie?
>If consoles were as powerful as PCs are today, you would see all different games.
No, I'm pretty sure shit hardware has, oh, FUCKING NOTHING to do with a complete stagnation of gameplay mechanics and any creativity. If the PS4, XB1, and NS were all as powerful as a $5000 PC we'd still be seeing eight sequel rehashed franchises and shitass waggle gimmicks.
And if it's graphics/visuals he's referring to, he's not one to complain when he's developing games that look like this.
>Or they'll tell EA "we dont' want this little shit's games on our platform", like I was saying.
And miss out on free platform royalties?
Again, that would be stupid, but now that I think about it, Sony is known for being both stupid AND arrogant, so I wouldn't but it above them.
>too stupid to think of a good game idea
>blame the hardware
you're talking about platform royalties like it's worth the $50,000 licensing fee for someone to literally talk shit about your platform. No company ever in the history of time has taken a pittance after someone shit talked them instead of telling them to fuck off. I guarantee you in a timespan less than a month we'll see either an apology, or a retraction of his statements, or some other form of reprimands from EA.
I want to believe you, but I don't know how...
I'm glad this guy has the courage to voice his opinion, but I'm still going to laugh when console warriors refuse to buy his game because he insulted their console religion.
>Deus Ex
>System Shock
>Age of Empires
Some of the best PC games of all time run on ancient hardware. Seems like a shit dev making poor excuses.
>you're talking about platform royalties like it's worth the $50,000 licensing fee for someone to literally talk shit about your platform.
$50k+ AND a cut of every copy sold (IIRC it's a little over 7%).
Yes user, that's a pretty easy sell, some faggot talking shit is irrelevant if I can still make money, but again, Sony does stupid shit all the time, so they'll probably do something stupid here too.
Uhh, many of those games required $2k+ PCs to run at the time user.
You're really not helping your case.
>If consoles were as powerful as PCs are today, you would see all different games.
You can't be working in the industry and still be this naive.
Then stop making console games. It's that simple.
Thank God PC is not restrained by hardware which is why it gets the most impressive games of all
And this post seems like it was made by a 26 year old male.
>at the time
The point is that now you don't need good hardware to run those good games retard.
It literally proves better hardware doesn't mean better games.
This fag is an indie dev, you dumb fuck.
>Games sell big on consoles and toasters
>People who finance games make their devs ensure that their games run on consoles and toasters
Put two and two together, dude. The high-end PC market is pretty niche and will never be able to support the freakishly demanding games people who have those PCs want to see.
What? 3D accelerator cards back then like the voodoo were 250$ at the very most, this was before nvidia's shenanigans.
I'm going to un-ironically act like an old man and blame this generation.
Kids back then playing those games are adults now running the game industry.
And they're all self-entitled little shits who would rather complain than fix anything and be clever.
PC here. This is why we hate you console niggers
>games in the early 80s and 90s ran at 20 fps
You know how I know youre under 14?
Ignorance isnt an excuse its a cop out faggot. If you did some homework you would know nearly all games built before the 5th gen were 60fps. The playstation ruined this trend and you stupid kids ate it up like the ill advised consumption generation you are
doesn't mean good games can not be made with current technology
dev is a shit
Because you're pushed off your PC and put on your knees in front of a Ps4 at gun point every day?
>being so poor you can only afford a single platform
Sucks to be underage without any income huh
Because you pirate everything so no one makes games exclusively for your platform?
Yeah, sure.
Come next generation of consoles and you'll all kinds of creative games that truly use the hardware to the fullest and totally not the same exact games you've been playing but prettier.
Funny that he works for EA of all places and thinks like that.
>Reading comprehension
Early 3D games ran like shit outside of arcades user, even early 3D fightan had trouble maintaining 30 FPS on PS1.
Nah, pretty much any PC CPU with at least 4 threads made in the past 5 or 6 years embarrasses these consoles.
Aside from AMD's low end stuff that is.
And believe it or not, things like physics, draw distance, even animations, rely heavily on CPU power.
It's why so many console and AAA games are just corridor simulators, even moreso than last gen.
yeah ps1 was the death of quality>quantity.
Literally the pinpoint of the degradation of fluidity in favour of le grafixxxx
>on PS1
did you even read the other user's post before you replied about reading comprehension? Because he already said that playstation had shit framerates
shitty devs dont know how to optimize. Im not saying ps4 isnt underpowered but if witcher 3 can run on it so is this piece of cinematic shit.
The PS1/N64 BOTH ran 3D games like shit, and they were the first consoles to really push for 3D gaming.
And he talks about games built before 5th gen, which were mainly 2D, which I never stated ran at anything but 50/60 FPS.
Unless, again, he's talking about arcades, which would make no sense since arcade cabinets were custom built and used top-of-the-line hardware, which would make his own argument moot.
Which ones? Fighters like Tekken, Bloody Roar, Rival Schools or Street Fighter EX were all 60.
>still talking about 5th gen the death of framerates
are you retarded by chance?
Why would Nintendo send them a dev kit when they work for Microsoft?
Yes user please, tell me about all those common widespread 3D games before 1994.
So what's the problem then?
>if I keep spouting 3D that will validate my point
No youre trying to talk about 5th gen ganes while I was making a point that gen 1 to gen 4 were 99% 60fps. Yes I know the PS1 was so shitty it couldnt provide enough power to keep up with what devs wanted. Moving the goalposts doesnt change the fact the playstation killed fluidity in gaming
no problem at all. Just laughing at poor niggers that dont have any income to enjoy their hobbies
>No youre trying to talk about 5th gen ganes while I was making a point that gen 1 to gen 4 were 99% 60fps.
And gen 1 to 4 were 2D games you stupid fuck, I stated that early 3D games ran like shit, I didn't say anything about older 2D games.
Fuck off you stupid nigger.
Then why did you say you hate console fags so much, that's implying they've done something to slight or anger you.
No, this indicates a lack of creativity and shows that devs are only interested in making interactive Netflix shows
Moon aren't a Microsoft-owned studio, they just had a publishing deal with them for Ori.
You know you can own a platform and still hate most of the people who play on said platform, right?
>why do you hate consolefags so much
I dont I hate poor niggers that get into muh favourite sticker wars. Thats why I linked the PCfag trying to shit on console players
>getting this mad you moved the goalposts and now look like an idiot
My 5 year old budget PC is still stronger than a console. I assume they mean prebuilt goyim PCs of the same price?
>gen 1 to gen 4 were 99% 60fps
I wished, massive sprite flicker and slowdowns completely plagued the NES library.
Try playing any megaman and you'll see.
Exactly this. This should have been the first post in the thread
Yeah but that would just make you look stupid. You wouldn't go on an imageboard just to make people think you're stupid, would you?
Then why are you engaging in it? If you want to act condescending, try not bringing yourself down to their level, otherwise nobody will be able to take you seriously, let alone react angrily to your posts.
>you moved the goalposts
>with early 3D games running at literally 20 FPS and calculator resolutions
Kill yourself.
They aren't owned by Microsoft but their own website does say
>In 2011, Moon Studios became a Microsoft First Party Developer and is now working on Ori and the Will of the Wisps.
>2D, with early 3D games running at literally 20 FPS and calculator resolutions
holy shit, you have no fucking clue, do you?
Every console up til the PS1 and N64 was running at 60 FPS.
>Then why are you engaging in it?
I hope you stretched before reaching that far, calling you a poor nigger isnt engaging in sticker war faggotry.
>casually leaves out the 2d
>implying I ever said a single thing about 3d games on the 5th gen
You shouldnt get so worked up on anonymous forums user. Its not good for your health
>PC exclusives still suck despite not being held back by a "5 year old PC"
Seems like useless bitching to me. I don't think consoles are especially healthy for the market either, but I don't think that saying that without consoles, games would be so much different. We've seen the shit people like on PC, it's the same shit people like on consoles, but at higher resolutions and better framerate.
Jesus christ, does everyone on Sup Forums have the reading comprehension of a 4 year old?
>>casually leaves out the 2d
No shit stupid, because I wasn't talking about the 2D games when referring to the 20 FPS and calculator resolutions.
Fucking hell you people are retarded.
I'm sorry.
Why can't consoles be superior just once in hardware performance?
>complain about console being to weak and that we would have better games with a more powerful console
>more powerful console comes out
>complains they can't make new and different games because they are too expensive to make
because as soon as they did make one powerful enough people would bitch about it being too expensive (see people bitching about the one x being over 500 dollars )
>the potential for impoved AI, increased player counts, or deeper complexity, is hampered by the slightly modified and ageing CPU used in both
No it isn't, developers are fucking CIA niggers who put shitty graphics above gameplay, and you can get perfectly good game AI out of very little resources.
This guy is an idiot, most people's PCs are even weaker than consoles and all the most popular PC games run on toasters. Games would need to run on weak hardware either way if devs actually want money.