Look out, Overwatch
Look out, Overwatch
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Battle born had a better chance
No one will play this game
Quake purists won't touch it
Casuals will play for 5 min and drop it because it's too hard
It's doomed to fail
>quake purists won't touch it
Kinda sad how they try to reboot Quake every few years. Just let the series die, it was good for its time but the genre has evolved, only nostalgia blinded fools think that id got everything right on their first go.
He's right though. Every retarded Quake purist calls it OverQuake.
the fps genre has literally only gotten worse since quakeworld, HLDM AG, and cpma.
Honestly, this.
Meh, I've tried worse games and it might be fun.
I liked it!
They should just remake Quakeworld and include mod support
Quake 4 had an open ending. I won't rest until they build on it.
>they try to reboot Quake every few years.
Quake IV was back in 2005, cunt.
can't do dat goy we need to make it more accessible for a modern audience ;0)
>no fakeshaft/truelightning 0 setting
>no a/d air strafing
>no rocket jumping
games have evolved grandpa get over it ;)
am waiting for lawbreakers desu
>Quake purists won't touch it
please explain all the old comp players are lauding it and in game im recognising a lot of high level players that i used to play with back in the day
No waifus? No buy. Get fucked.
The game will flop even harder than Battleborn even though it doesn't deserve it.
The open beta right now has so few people that it takes 10 minutes to get a random team match.
The game is beyond finished.
The beta isn't open yet. Still closed.
Is it on steam yet?
It's going to maintain a playerbase of the same 1,200 mlook nerds and drive everyone else out.
>2 in the picture.
I don't really care even if it ends up being a middling game, we have to support it in order to help take down Overwatch.
No, but they confirmed it is coming to Steam
Overwatch is fucking garbage, but sorry nigga, you can't kill it. Blizzard drones are loyal as fuck to their Jew company overlords.
I was at the event this guy was at. Some guys in line said "Hey, nice shirt" and all laughed as he walked past them.
2009 is the day now, huh
The lizard guy Is kinda hot
This game is actually awesome, extremely fun with a full group in customs cuz u still get exp and challenge completion
Completely forgot about this lmao. Got in on the first wave, played the first two betas and never looked back. The shitposting on here about one or two dudes complaining about "muh quake clones are all failures" also spoiled me on the threads.
Sorlag's female.
Who is the most fun character?
>no rocket jumping
Confirmed for not playing the game.
If they try to push their launcher + steam bullshit like UPlay I won't fucking stand it
There's character abilities. There's stupid voicelines.
This isn't Quake, suck my cock.
why us that metal box flying
silly metal box
Wrong pic
>There's stupid voicelines.
as opposed to stupid text chat messages?
>overwatch runs on my shitty computer
>quake champions runs 20 fps on lowest possibly imaginable settings
Because someone punched it and shit coding plus ragdoll is fun.
Overwatch casual here, I think this guy is right.
Those who can't aim probably won't touch this game.
Yes faggot. I don't have to hear my character talk to themselves about dumb shit or make cringe worthy quips.
Let's take the E3 trailer for example. "ITS TIME TO JUICE UP!"
Nah, fuck off. I don't want this garbage.
Champions is pretty garbo desu. If Lawbreakers beta is bad too I'm never going to touch an FPS again.
>he doesn't like quips
lmao faggot
The reason a lot of people won't play this game has less to do with gameplay mechanics vs. perceived slights to the sanctity of Quake.
>champion abilities
In practice these things don't actually make too much of a difference, but people won't touch it because of that reason, even if they would like it. Not that this game doesn't have it's share of problems, netcode, rocket delay, etc. but those aren't the immediate things that people see that would turn them off from the game.
Guys! Lawbreakers looks way better! Come on guys!
Quake 2 and 3 fags are mostly okay with it. They have their gripes, but they say they like it overall.
Personally I had more fun with Lawbreakers
Nah Cliffy, nah
As soon as I saw that fag open a fucking shield like that overwatch fag I dropped this turd.
what a bunch of mean cunts
Shubby was so shitty in Q1. Literally worse than a QTE boss.
I got into the last beta but I didn't feel like installing another game launcher on my PC I think fucking 3 is enough.
>8 may
There will be no reason to play this game when the new Unreal Tournament comes out. As someone who's always liked quake more than UT, the new UT is a better game.
whats the difference?
if u have 1 or 100?
its not like they conflict
u have a computer but dont want to install things on it
is this autism?
even with the horrible designs and marketing it IS a better shooter desu senpai
You can just get a key instantly quake.bethesda.net
There should be way more people playing, it's a sharp drop off from a month ago.
git gud
>Sup Forumsros constantly show how awful they are at video games, if they play them
>shit on OverWatch for being too casual
Never got this tbqh
Quake "Purists" keep getting shit on because they don't like the direction the franchise is taking their beloved game.
How is that a bad thing?
Wouldn't there be a huge uproar if Valve suddenly switched up Counter Strike's gameplay to include different heros/champions/operators (whatever) akin to Overwatch?
Counter Strike is successful now days, and it's formula barely changed, if at all.
Why is it any different when they choose to fuck with Quake?
Post the Team Fortress 2 killer
This reminds me of it
*Quake Purists who aren't just in for the esports money.
This sounds like something a 14 year old would say to the bullies at school and then he'd just get made fun of harder.
> instal launcher
> download game
> it doesn't work
Quake champions won't even last a month before it dies; as it should.
idk, quake dudes are streaming it all the time
Sup Forums is bad at fighting games, but skill gap between Tekken and Overwatch is fucking enormous. If you asked me about Sup Forums in 2010 I would say the board was mostly middle of the road intermediate, but now with all the Overwatch dickriders and political faggots I don't doubt most retards here actually defend Overwatch's insulting low skill ceiling.
That game was fun as fuck. I should reinstall just to play with bots.