Really America?

Really America?

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>hack 3DS
>play uncensored version with orchestrated soundtrack
piratebros always win

There is nothing wrong with wanting to look at the half naked female form.

Only fags and land whale feminists care.

Really Japan?


>desperate virgins have to rely on video games to masturbate. sad!

They should at least let you get the original outfit by entering a cheat code, that way perverted weebs would stop whining and amerifat moms wouldn't be too shocked by all this sexual imagery.

>fapping to 3d models and pixelated shit

pussy's porn

Probably byproduct of having 3ds owners who are not complete nolife shut-ins in the west

wasn't it also changed in the Japanese 3DS remake?

besides, the left pic is of higher quality

or just play the PS2 version. it's better in literally every way

>redditard can't even use meme arrows correctly

It was, OP is baiting like a mother fucker.

Fake shit. Even if Nintendo forced SE to censor Bravery Default, it's not the case here as it's fake.
>mfw people actually believed SE were the ones to censor BD
Why are people so fucking retarded?

>Why are people so fucking retarded?

because they can think that Nintendo does no wrong. Aka "It's okay when Nintendo does it"

the japanese version also has that though.


Nah, it lacks the extra content in the 3DS version. I still think it's better overall, though.

Yeh, it's even more hilarious those retards will keep pretending Nintendo America didn't force SE to censor the game when FFXIV has stuff like this completely uncensored. But sure they'll keep believing "it's SE who did it!" when they don't give a shit about sexualizing a race that looks like 5-year-olds.

You can thank the "moral majority" on the right for making the practice of censoring things they don't like for the belief on the left that this is ok.

Tell me another lie

Fuck off.

>post actual fact
>Nintendo drone can't argue back so the manchild says "Fuck off"

Truly the land of the cucks

They did seem to have a problem with this on a Sony console, though.

FF14 is a PC game though. Everyone I know kick PS4 players as they play like shit.


And people wonder why I don't even bother with western games.

>there are cucks who defend this

There is nothing wrong with free speech

>The United States Family Entertainment Protection Act (FEPA) was a bill introduced by Senator Hillary Clinton (D-NY), and co-sponsored by Senators Joe Lieberman (D-CT), Tim Johnson (D-SD) and Evan Bayh (D-IN) on November 29, 2005. The bill called for a federal mandate enforcement of the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) ratings system for video games in order to protect children from inappropriate content.[1]

>The FEPA would have imposed fines of US$1000 or 100 hours of community service for a first time offense of selling a "Mature" or "Adult-Only" rated video game to a minor, and $5000 or 500 hours for each subsequent offense. The bill also called for a FTC investigation into the ESRB to ascertain whether they have been properly rating games.[2]

>Similar bills have been passed in some U.S. states such as California, Michigan and Illinois, but were ruled to be unconstitutional[3] in Brown v. Entertainment Merchants Ass'n, 564 U.S. 08–1448 (2011).

Looks like it's been nothing but Democrats to me. Last I checked, they weren't on the right.

There is nothing wrong with playing Jap version either, go buy it no one cares

>There are man children who cry and throw tantrums the moment America takes the cleavage and ass shots away from their pwecious Waifus

>There are Man children that laugh at the other Man children obnoxiously because they like drinking their tears

Both are equally stupid, just play your shitty jap games.

You're absolutely right. Also you're a faggot and you should go kill yourself.

I take it you think that the Statue of David should have boxers put on it as well?

Yes, no and no?

>Looks like it's been nothing but Democrats to me.

Yes and Jews are why Mario is working with Rabbids.

censorship is cancer and you're a beta cuck if you defend it

You're correct. Nothing wrong with free speech. Something VERY wrong with hypocrisy, however. And Anita is nothing if not a hypocrite.

I always find it weird how in Japan, lewds are fine but violence is not while in America, it's the opposite.

No, I just want people to shut up because it's a stupid issue to even argue about. One side is boo hoo agenda and mah waifus! The other said is laughing obnoxiously and pointing with shaking hands because they just HAVE to.

>you're a beta cuck if you defend it

I'm not defending it, I'm calling both parties out on being annoying.

Hey, I wasn't the one claiming that the censorship movement was all from one side of the aisle. There are plenty of people on the right that agree with the left on censorship, but differ on what should be censored, or how it should be censored.

That said, feel free to post something from a right wing lawmaker that has to do with video game censorship, like I can with the left wing:

What do the Jews have to do with MCOM? I thought it was just some Nintendo fanboy in Ubisoft wanting to do a crossover.

>muh both parties

You are way more insufferable than anyone

>the right

Mmmm, nope. The right is deregulating everything and most of the people in power don't even know what a video game is or think they are great because consoles are actually the greatest military recruiters ever created at this point. (Sony advertises for the US Military regularly and has been since the PS3, pretty sure this goes for MS as well)

To add to it, I will say though, I'm more against the side crying about the "censorship" which I use in quotations because it's not really alot of it. Oh no your anime gaming waifu has less visable cleavage and a tie skirt thing for the beach.

Tell me, does that sound like the defense of artistic integrety? or "WAHH I CAN'T SEE HER ASS DIMPLES! FUCK YOU AMERICA!"?

Because honestly it sounds like the latter more often than not. Call me when REAL censorship is happening.

Taking issue with the creator's artistic vision being changed is an entirely reasonable stance to have. My biggest complaint isn't even the panty shots, or whatever, but literally ripping chunks of context out of games like Drakengard.

you're still a cuck thought


Left is ps2 version, both US and JP.
Right is 3ds version, both US and JP.

Sup Forums, you can fuck off.

The Mystery is solved! I think the mods can clean this mess up.

Thank you fish poster.

lol i knew that pic was retarded, but i couldn't find out why, thanks dude.

Dude, not everyone that corrects you is Sup Forums. Simply being a teenager when all this shit was going on, and being into video games enough to be against it doesn't mean I'm Sup Forums.

But hey, thinking I am means you don't need to argue your point, right? Just call me Sup Forums and you automatically win the argument, right?

>Another thread where real life loser neckbeards got triggered over literally nothing

If you're going to type something like that, don't forget to mention how they must live in their mother's basement, so everyone can be certain that your post is worthless.

this "i'm nootrl guise" card is always pulled when complaining/making fun of only the anti-SJWs, gee, I wonder why

why tho?

Why what?

>that puffy japanese vulva

that's not what's different. It's actually the eyes. murrica version made the eyes slightly bigger and to look a little more angry.

>being american

Is that the one whore who tried to shut up Zappa and got royally BTFO'd in supreme court? I remember reading about that shitshow.

bullshit. The invisible gun is german version.

Thing is, it's just pants on head retarded actually taking the trouble to censor a bikini.
I mean, do you need to be 16 years old to be allowed to go to the beach or pool in America?

shame really, we fucking love guns in over here in the parts of America that matter.

No you're not, I'm the leftest of the left and censorship in art, or any medium really should concern you irregardless of your political stance.

Like holy fuck, men like to look at virtual tiddies, get over it gaylord.

don't fall for it. that's not the US version at all.


Back the fuck off ?!!!

it was always been censorship of the the sake of children. now it censorship for the sake of adults. Massive difference.

>Call me when REAL censorship is happening.

Yes? Entire scenarios being removed for story driven games occasionally. Pay closer attention.


man i remember fapping to this outfit a lot, i would choose her as the character to move around the world too
had to fap every 30min out of despair

>goes into a store literally labelled as showing erotic videos
>'Unclear whether the game was going to show me a pornographic video'
What level of retard do you have to be on?

hasn't bulma already shown roshi her bare underage bagina? why settle for panties now

we have to protect innocent christian children from reckless heterosexuality.

I hate Americans so fucking much, they boast about "MUH FREEDOM" at every opportunity and then proceed to unironically defend censorship because "the things that were censored are stupid anyway"

>yuropoors literally want to play games that haven't been tampered with to appease a vocal minority
leling out loud at you

That's how real censorship starts, retard. It's literally always "uh, this is too sexual/perverted/think of the children". And yes, the point of artistic integrity is to include every bit of nudity and fanservice in there. I don't see people redacting Conan novels or 80s hardcore action movies because there are bare tits and ass in those. It works as a part of product's image. People who don't like it should impose stricter ratings on games, not try and scramble parts of them to protect someone. We're all conscious adults. Hell, 14 year-olds have enough common sense and consciousness these days, people should stop trying to protect some nonexistent victims.

This is censorship, grab a dictionary.


We support the freedom of corporations to censor their own products if they think it might in some way result in more profit, you communist liberal

>he can't do both

Waifufags need to fuck off.


>you communist liberal

nice lie guy


>mad FEfags

Im not the type of faggot to defend censorship, it really sucks how they cover it up. Do localization teams try to aim it for kids because its vidya? If so then they should just change the logo and put a warning before like buying the outfit or something and change the "esrb". And leave a disclaimer saying theyre of age or whatever.

>we support the freedom of other people to take our freedoms away


Klipklop is such a fucking fag, holy shit.

I bet he's never even been to a stripbar

I like women and their amazing bodies. Can ya dig it?

you have the freedom to learn Japanese, nothing wrong with that

That was censored everywhere though, not just in localization.

Look so better to me.



user... do you fap in public to women on the beach? you don't do that... right?