>final boss is DLC
Final boss is DLC
Thanks, Asura's Wrath.
Every single Souls game except Demon's.
Beat me to it
Well apparently it was either that with a real finale or nothing, no sequel. Ever.
Because Capcom.
Sawako is cute
>final boss is DFC
But Gwyn is the final boss since hes guarding the first flame and regardless of Manus existing or not relighting it would still take effect
None of the DLC bosses have anything to do with Nash and the stupid throne of want bullshit
Again relighting the fire some the autist and his painting have nothing to do with it.
The only semi relevant one since the Orphans soul actually was causing part of the curse on the hunters.
>has some of the most interesting IPs in gaming
>doesn't do jack with them
Fucking capcom
Wrong, all Souls DLC is additional content that has nothing to do with the game's story.
>Final boss is a cutscene you must watch on YouTube because they didn't finish the whole game
Don't worry guys, Asura's Wrath 2 along with Dragons Dogma 2 announced next E3 for sure.
>One of the two characters that fuse to make the final boss is DLC
Yeah, and I heard they're working on new Megamans for the 10 different subseries it has, a new Darkstalkers, Rival Schools, Red Earth, Dino Crisis, Viewtiful Joe, Okami, and P.N.03. But no word about Deep Down.
>Final boss is a QTE
>final boss is DmC
Really cute girl
>Implying the Dragon fight is nearly as cathartic as Daimon
>Final boss is a QTiE
then he isnt the final boss
>two non-story related optional super bosses get their own music theme and trophy
>but there's no final boss
>final boss is DFC
>final boss is a QT with DFC
You have to achieve 100% completion to unlock the true final boss