This kills the Sup Forums

This kills the Sup Forums.

change it to say "I am not a casual"

>walk forward
>do a fireball
>a shoryuken comes out instead

Z motion was a mistake

It's not even that hard to pull out.

What about Setsuka/Alpha Patroklos in Soul Calibur

>Assloads of just frame combos

Dude was execution incarnate, but fucked over by the Perfect Block system.

If that's the case, why were you born?

I played Final Fantasy VI, I've got this.

>playing tekken 7
>do the Z motion on akuma
>get shoryuken
>do the Z motion on elise
>get fireball
>turn inputs on to see if im doing the stupid 09er shortcut for some reason
>I'm not
>still can't get eliza to dragon punch without the 09er shortcut
this is literally one of the dumbest inputs honestly, and the implementation of the shortcut made it even more of a clusterfuck

>playing street fighter when you have to treat it as a full time job to pull off moves like in op's image
>not playing the persona 4 fighting game where mashing x makes you do all this cool shit

Could be worse.

Yeah, i don't own a joystick because I don't play fighting games.

>Play Persona 4 Arena
>Yosuke flies at you from full screen in .5 seconds to punish you for pressing a button
>Aigis' unreactable high/low mixup
Your inputs are the least of your worries in that game.

I really should play Uplink again one of these days.

>forward, down back, down forward

>mfw I went back to captcha v1 so I don't have to deal with all this click image garbage

>demoted two bronze leagues in SFV today alone


It's forward, down, forward.

>Z motion was a mistake
nah, streetfighter was a mistake. most other fighting games, this doesn't happen

DSD on keyboard

Is that AJ Applegate?


>can play SF and KOF competently enough
>Blazblue and Guilty Gear are hard for me to grasp
I'm not sure why this is. Something about the animations in those games overwhelm me or whatever.

Does she have the downs?

My nigga, the best pornstar

Fucking ugly

Good taste.

No, she just has taken like 3 light years of dick.

What does the author of Animorphs has to do with porn you fucking idiot?

that only happens in SF because of the insane amount of shortcuts motions the franchise has.

Man, her DNA should have told her body to move at least SOME of the fat into her tits, instead of redirecting everything to her ass.
Seriously, about 60% of the mass of her body is just her butt.

Someone fire the cameraman jesus christ.

It's from a 180ยบ VR video.

So is it right to down to right? Or is it right, recenter, down, recenter than right?

Stop posting this ugly fucking pig


forward, down, forward. you can do that by doing forward+hadouken in any decent game. just hit the attack button in the same time you end the shoryu motion

Am I supposed to do that with a keyboard?

>press left key and release
>press down key, keep it held
>press right key, release both

right, down, right. you don't have to account for diagonal inputs

'kay then, that's even easier

Also yeah I meant right in the first quote, not left

Sup Forums is so bad at inputs they consider the Vargas fight in FF6 unwinnable.

Yes you do. What fighting game are you playing that allows you to do a dp by inputting 626 without any 3 at all?


>Game shows input as left, down, diagonal left down

what fucking input is that, I'll rock it that way and I can never get that shit to come out

sf3, sf4, sf5, blazblue, kof02

Weird, I have to do the true z motion to actually get her DP. But since I'm on stick I guess that makes more sense.

>not sow
>or female pig
You should eat some vitamins.

If doing a shoryuken required as much effort as a full time job, I'd be ready to build a bridge from scratch...

Sorry. My mistake.

I've spent 10 years playing fighting games on a laptop (emulated Street Fighter 2,3,Alpha,Kof 94 to 2003, and tons of Neo geo fighters) and I can do all these moves with the arrow keys...

But that's wrong since I can do a walk forward hadouken 100% of the time

Check your reading. I never said you couldn't do it on a keyboard.

what the fuck, i literally just spent the last hour trying to do dragon punch in umvc3

why are fighting games STILL so fucking clunky? why do they all still use a backwards ass z motion for special moves that was in a game from 1991?

on pc you make 236 by rapidly pressing down then forward on the arrow keys. you don't have to worry about diagonals. because going down then forward/back quickly will generate a diagonal motion. same thing applies to d-pad

I just googled her.
She only fuck with niggers.

have you tried not being bad?
umvc3 is literally easy city.
if you want hard motions, play soul calibur 2

I'm not talking about using a numpad. Directional inputs are commonly referred to by those numbers.

just like ur mom lol

what exactly does that have anything to do with what i said? z motion is z motion in every game it is implemented in, its clunky as fuck yet has been shoehorned into every fighting game for the last 30 years


that is a reverse shoryuken, you dumdum

its literally making a z.
how in gods name is it clunky

because unless you are some fighting game autist who has spent thousands of hours training your muscle memory to do it correctly, you end up doing the down, down forward, forward super instead

are you telling me you are too stupid to remember to make a z with you analog/fightang stick

I've got a much better way of handling that.

is this image supposed to make Sup Forums look bad

AHAHAHAHA NIGGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

doing a Z motion not fighting game autism. it basic human coordination, mate. you just have to press forward then slide from down to forward quickly

>walk forward
>do a fireball
>a shoryuken comes out instead
Doesn't work in Tekken and some anime fighters,

>being Hiro's cuck
Kill yourself.

You sound tiggered

>that's just x

doesn't help with the input

Your idea of an apex job is building a bridge? Sad.

same shit as said. but with back instead forward. you disgusting ape

Down - Forward - Down in one motion



i played Street Fighter II in the arcades era, and on SNES, and never played anymore until i got SFIV Ultra whatever in a humble bundle

i saw that move, and i don't understand what it means

is it Forward, Down, Down-Forward + Punch? if that is the case, why they draw it that stupid way?

Sorry I meant forward down forward punch