What went wrong?
What went wrong?
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It's not MN9 tier like Sup Forums wants it to be, but it's unbelievably grating for the game to put in a boring minigame that barely works and then have the characters go "boy that sucked shit huh"
It was released in 2017
Rare belongs to the 90s.
The developers sold out to SJWs
Types of video games:
Something people will try to replicate
Something iconic that started or represented a genre with iconic characters that everyone can like
Something that you like so much you want to make your own version of it with your own characters from your own mind
Trying to replicate something from the past without the creativity, talent, or pride that went into the original product
Trying to make something from a genre that already exists (taking the easy way) or completely copying a formula that already worked with new characters and hyping it like it's good
Making your own characters or version of game from your own autistic fantasy, it always ends up being you projecting your own interests in the characters, who aren't very like-able to anyone except the developer
nothing went wrong. fuck off shitposter.
T. nostalgiafag
Literally fucking kill yourself holy shit
I dont hate the game but theres plenty wrong with it. The fucky camera and minigames are the worst offenders imo
no jontron no buy
SJWs are not a thing.
How similar is this game to Spyro? That's kind of the vibe I've gotten from what I've seen, but I never followed the development closely.
I'm considering picking this up on Switch when it releases there.
This video sums it up to what is wrong with the game
pretty much
not at all like spyro. go play banjo tooie. that's exactly what yooka laylee is
Not Rare.
>leaving bad content on purpose
thanks devs
>without the creativity, talent, or pride that went into the original product
b-but they got the original guys and e-everything
Holy fucking shit user yes, its fucking annoying when they reference how bad it is, to try to make it seem like it was done on purpose, "teeheee these questions are awful arent they :P"
The problem was they delivered on exactly what they promised, and people didn't like it anyway.
SJW shills detected.
The Day of the Rope is coming.
A lot.
>b-but they got the original guys and e-everything
They got like two people from the original Banjo team. Plus Kirkhope.