Who is THE most iconic video game character ever?
Who is THE most iconic video game character ever?
Other urls found in this thread:
my dick
Mario of course.
Probably Mario or Pac-Man
Mario, hands down.
A tetris piece
It's called a tetromino you fucking casual.
Halo guy
Ricky Bobby
is that a new fuckin sunibee nigga
link me
I thought it would be Mario, but it turns out he takes the #2 spot to Pacman
The minecraft guy.
1st - Pacman
2nd- Mario
3rd - ??
Is this the most iconic bad guy?
The man himself
>Drawing Pikachu as a whore...
Pikachu is bigger than video games
just use e621 u fucking furfag
The ghosts from Pacman.
Minecraft Steve
mario or pacman
pikachu and sonic are probably in the next tier but that's about it. not even link is as iconic as those four.
The dynamic duo
Karl Marx and Launchpad McQuack.
Doesn't female Pikachu have a heart shaped tail? She's asking for it.
>nintenfags think that its mario or pacman
fucking kek the answer is steve from MC
he is the most iconic face of videogames
Mario is dying off
In the future people will think of Minecraft guy the same way we think of Mario
nobody knows or gives a fuck about the MC in minecraft. I don't think any one character from that game would be very iconic but if one was it'd be a creeper, not steve.
knowing that donut doodling faggot its probably already been deleted and hes crying on tumblr again
is it female or male that pikachu
I think you might possibly be right user!
I-I knew it must exist, but I never wanted to beleive that minecraft porn was a thing people masturbate to.. oh goodness....
Literally there was a 5-6 year old era of minecraft domination in the world everyone knows steve
nigga what the fuck
I don't think you can call them "people".
People use custom skins for a reason you dumbass
Who cares
Are you kidding me duder? do you know how many kids pay random assholes with youtube views for that shit?
what's the white thing around his dick
Mario's been a bigger icon than just about everything for a few straight decades now. Even normalfags know about it. Steve is a default character skin in a game most parents use as an alternative to daycare. It's the first thing they overwrite and forget about, it doesn't even have a name to them.
The aliens from space invaders
You're right, that definitely makes Steve more iconic and recognizable than Mario, a character that fucking elderly Chinese dirt-farmers can usually identify.
most popular right now =! most iconic ever
maybe in USA in EU mario is fucking dead
18 years and over to post etc
>leaving those lines up like a lazy faggot
>who cares
me, it's important
>implying anyone cares about what euro backwaters like
you do know there are angry bird games for the wii, right?
is it a cock lock?
That pikachu has Schrödinger's gender. You will not know what it is until you observe it.
do you mean real iconic or ubisoft iconic?
>cock lock
As a cuck I find this amusing.
It's still a dumb and funny image
it's pac-man
I believe his brand recognition is higher worldwide than coca-cola, or it was at one point anyway
source: I saw it on the internet once and can't be arsed to look it up again
at least tell me if it's a new pic, because i can't find it on e621
This came out i7 months ago and has 132 million views. I don't even know what language this is.
Pikachu is worldwide
>actually visiting e621
>without shame
back to the with you
He's really not any good at what he draws. Circles for faces and anuses, wew
That nigga's still pissed at me for having more followers than him. He launched such a fucking tirade at me over discord, he's terribly hypersensitive about his porn
Just fixing this! Boing boing WAHOO!
You know that shit is literally autoplay bait that the video channel makes to garner views and shit? Some of them are really fuckin' creepy too. Really good example is that video title itself.
It's literally a farm of shit quality videos that people eat up. Can find those literally anywhere if you look up 'spiderman' 'nursery rhyme' or 'superhero' kind of shit.
Post your porn instead and enlighten my dick then, because it's got a mighty need for donut
>the only surviving photos of a zombie mascot convergence in the quarantine zone
>they're capable of organizing marches and possibly an army
truly horrifying
That be impressive, I thought the coca cola and Mcdonalds logos were more recognizable then the Christian cross, the American flag, the Red cross symbol, etc.
Yeah I wondering why so many dislikes for pikachu song lol
>implying that anyone ever gave a fuck about halo besides americans
Just jerk off to the beepis or the cunny you square.
Found the real square
the straight block in tetris
Apparently these suits are pressurised, and an air leak puts the wearer in danger of suffocation. That's according to comments on this meme video though, so take it with a pinch of salt.
Did you not notice e621 was already on there when you edited this, or is that part of the joke?
>losing a chunk of my watch base over drama because I was stupid enough to out myself on Sup Forums
Great idea user. Suni knows, and the only evidence he's got is his own crying on various messengers.
(Dude if you like donuts then you've probably seen my shit)
Give me a hint fucker I know I haven't seen that shit.
why were they rushing like he was dying or something
>Having such a pussy fanbase about the big bad 'Sup Forums'
I sense a degenerate brony
like I said my source isn't exactly solid
but I am pretty confident he is the most iconic vidya character at least, could be mario though
of course in don't have shame, nobody suspect that I'm a degenerate, it's all about hiding your power level user.
Is Sunibee the Shadman of furry porn?
only character that comes close is pacman and maybe pkachu
Does Sunibee even draw anymore?
>deadchan anything that low
How about you go back there and wait 5hrs for a response to your thread?
no, sunibee draws delicious fat butts, shad human art is trash
He does but he never posts it out of some sense of misplaced elitism.
>Apparently these suits are pressurised, and an air leak puts the wearer in danger of suffocation
Female, look at the eyelashes
>those hips
I don't know where the fuck you got it but I appreciate the share my dude
Hard to say between Mario and Pikachu. Feels like 3rd worlders know Pikachu more which gives it the extra numbers. Pikachu is the one on TV, has all the merch like shirts and shit. Mario is mostly known to the millions who have played Mario games.
Pikachu is barely a videogame character though. I'd say between the actual characters and shit, Mario easily.
nice edit
e621 is on there twice
bing bing
He comes.
>Mario Sunshine Mario beats Master Cheif
Furfolk get pretty pissy over drama
I really don't care for admiration or a good fanbase that I resonate with. As long as they snap up commission slots, I'll keep drawin'
Pretty much. He's apparently given up caring because of all the "backstabbing" and needs to emphasize it with "humour". He's so insecure it's kind of amazing
christ, is he on his period again?
or did he quit for good?
reading sure is hard
how are you holding up?