How viable is Legion, again?
Fire Emblem Heroes
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What special should I give mask lucina? moonbow?
Benchbow. Use better melee reds, there's xander if you don't have ike or ryoma
But what if I like lucina
Is Dragon Fang Minerva's best special?
That depends, is he an axe user that isn't Hector? If yes then he's useless.
He's better than Anna except for Speed (35 instead of 38, but he comes with Fury to make up that difference though Anna can break 40 with her own Fury), Res (18 instead of 28), and his weapon's Might (14 instead of 16, but he still has more Attack). Defense is the same and he has 5 more HP. So he's about as good as Anna is, whatever your opinion of her might be.
Depends on her ivs.
>TFW no alt version of Fir that's as good as she is cute.
Ditch her and start liking xander then. I don't even play fates and i don't mind using him. He killed his imouto too wich is good
Grand GHB Hero Tier List
>Best of the Best Tier
>Top Tier
>OK Tier
>SI Fodder Tier
>Beyond Useless Tier
Luna is fine too, but yeah, moonbow is the way to go unless they have one huge stat (e.g. bonfire on xander, who is a better red)
Navarre is good for discount desperation.
Camus is better than Xander
He only gets the Desp 3 at 5 stars, and it's not exactly an uncommon skill. He's still trash, even in that regard.
Xander has less competition than Camus does. Blue Horses are incredibly over saturated with strong units already, Xander is pretty much the only really good red horse.
Eh, I guess after Lloyd and Xander, Navarre pretty much has no purpose anymore. Hope Clarise is at least decent, I want an archer and she's cute. Also her bow looks fun to use
Eldigan is really good though. Xander might be better but he still has value
I am waiting for BK and Hardin to make armor great again, Hector need some friends.
>the worst unit is the one we've gotten the most copies of
Anyone have success with Fury 3 on Hinoka? Want my buffbot a bit bulkier (also no Death Blow fodder)
I've been running Moonbow Quickened Pulse memes, fun stuff
I'm sorry what did you say about my husbando?
>high speed
>built-in DC 16mt Alondite
>Nihil skill that fucks over enemy specials
Nihil would probably just negate a particular passive under certain conditions. Guard already fucks with specials
But we've only gotten 3 Navarre?
Did I win the mage game?
Even if you have Julia, your BST loses.
Ayy, I like that, I was planning on using a Lon'Qu with Brave Sword to make Quad'Qu, but ended up pouring it all into Setsuna instead.
>How viable is Legion, again?
As viable as any other hero who doesn't have distant counter in this dumb, power creep game.
Ie, not very.
Shhh. let him believe it's only 3. it's the least we can do for some poor scrub.
Sure, sadly i can't see that team reach 4,8k points in arena without merges which is ironic since people keep spouting mage meta
*blocks your path*
>Moonbow and QP
Explain further.
That's because a high score team will have to deal with a team of mages. All merged and decked out with 5* exclusive skills.
>24 Res
*Thundercocks your pussy*
>Still using 0x4 rather than bride Cuckdelia
I think with QP, Setsuna can activate Moonbow twice if she quads
It's mage meta because the whales have merged mages that you have to fight with infantry :^)
*kills all your blues*
>Moonbow starts at 1 because of QP
>charges, procs with the first two hits
>fully charges but doesn't proc with the next two
Luna is still arguably better.
But Setsuna is cuter.
So it's only meta for whales? Fucking hell i should have known
Beruka couldnt even win against my Ephraim
Got a +Spd Setsuna trying to get a Bridelia, so my mind was made up. In the end it doesn't matter if I run Luna or Moonbow, I prefer Moonbow for consistent high DPS instead of ridiculous nukes. With QP I get her double Moonbow combo ready after she quads the first time, or if she can only double, she still gets her Moonbow off.
Well I'll be damned, I do have 4.
I guess that's just how forgettable he is.
When is Beruka's canon husband and canon son being added to the game? We need some better armors.
We posting units now?
Arthur is already in it, Percy never.
But Corrin was in the game from the very beginning.
Seriously though, good taste.
I want to roll +spd FCorrin to merge and give her Windsweep for memes. My Alm is not doing me any favors anyway
Fuck off, people can use whoever they want.
Teir fags need to fuck off and die.
I'm not into the netorare fetish
>Windsweep + debuffs
That sounds really strong, actually.
daily reminder I was robbed of my hope of a 4 fangs team by this appalling pile of shit
Lloyd is cute!
yeah ok not like I triple checked the image was attached or anything, fuck you too Sup Forums
I want Elise and Maria but I don't want to roll why
Fury 3 + Moonbow
Pretty much the same thing what every other character has.
how bad would fury use drop off if the damage could be fatal?
How do you not have Maria? She's pretty common.
Can I steal some of that speed stat? My cuckdelia can 4x but needs Eirika speed buff to do so but at that point, might as well use a blade tome user.
What the hell, Lucina is very viable with the standard desperation build or even as a healer falchion you memeing shitlord
I'm thinking of adding desperation to Lucina. Wouldn't her weapon ruin the activation?
Other options like Death / Darting Blow / Sparrow might rise in usage, but the +3 speed is almost always valuable for avoiding double attacks and such. So many extra stat points are just really valuable in general.
There's no reason to run Lucina over other red swords in the slot except as a waifu.
Ryoma is better.
Ike is better.
Xander is better and is free.
Eirika can't outrun me this time!
Lucina has a niche as the best Paladin healer with Fury, Renewal, and Reciprocal Aid. (especially if she has a +DEF or +SPD IV).
Tempest Trials make the build useful.
square peg in round hole
Can't kill green mage on counter which is common. In the end compete against other same color might as well use blue unit since they have WTA. Viable?sure. Efficient? No way fag
A dedicated healer is way better for tempest.
Especially Maria or Elise with speed IVs running miracle who never get doubled by anything.
We in the biz, like to call that a nonbo.
Lol, now I know you're full of shit.
Healers are perfectly viable for Tempest but they are in no way better than a Falchion paladin for healing.
Summer event is here!
Special Swimsuit edition heroes are now available. That's not all! The Swimsuit edition heroes are all looking to be impregnated during the summer heat. Camilla, Lucina, Linde, Ursula and more. Complete the special maps and you can choose which one of the heroes will carry your child, who will become one of your unique units. The appearance and stats differ depending the mother so choose wisely!
>Rehabilitate staff literally takes you from 1 hp to full
>'paladin' gives 10 hp per turn at the cost of your own health
nice meme :^)
Miracle is really good in Tempest, because on most maps you can clear everything without risk and charge it so that it's available for times when your healer is forced to take an otherwise lethal hit.
You run a reciprocal aid on another ally, and then you can instantly get both units back to full on the following turn and begin charging it again.
Swimsuitfags are mentally ill.
>I don't know which assist skills do what
Ok user
Do you guys roll for skills or units? I'm in desperate need of a Hinata for my Anna but don't want to roll just for skills fodder.
Gays not welcome
Rolling was a mistake. It's nothing but trash.
Add this map to Arena NOW
it's still 10 HP per turn retard. you get 10 back from weapon and 10 from Renewal every 2 turns. you can't spam RA every turn like a staff.
>ISIS can afford to design one unique child unit so they open it up as a voting gauntlet
>Lucina wins again
>You can now pass on unique weapons.
How does the meta change?
>Zaphiel, Ike and Xander with Lyn's weapon and Brash Assault
>Dire Thunder WoM Linde
Has there ever been an arena season where the most recent banner hasn't decided the bonus units? After the season after this one, there won't be anything new to use as bonus units.
This isn't a problem across 7 stages where the triggers go off on the starting turn.
If you need more than one heal per map you probably aren't playing aggressively enough.
IIRC every banner gets two seasons, so we're getting the same bonus units next week.
nice moving goalposts. if you only care about aggressive strats all healing is irrelevant anyway because you just run cav memes and blow through L7 in 14 turns
>After the season after this one
Lol, hope you never cross a eliwood.
just poke him in the eye, you can't miss
Camus should be bumped up.
Narcian I have a guilty pleasure of using him in grinding sessions. I love a perfect man hanging around for moral support