New Dragon Ball Fighter Z interview!

>Are there plans to have characters that are different from the line up?
>For the six characters we have shown so far, maybe Majin Boo is unique, but the other characters are similar. Although we want to say who the new characters are we can promise they are very unique and not standard at all. Please look forward to that.

>Does Dragon Ball FighterZ take a character’s power level into account? For example, could Yamcha actually beat Goku in this game?
>We’re trying to balance that out with the 3v3 aspect. There may be characters that are better at assisting or supporting than fighting. It could destroy the image of Dragon Ball if, for example, a weak character could destroy Goku. Thanks to the 3v3 feature we can balance that out with the Dragon Ball universe.

>Does that mean there are some characters with supportive assists that can buff another character or heal a character instead of fighting?
>There aren’t characters that are only specific for assisting, but basically each of the characters have different supporting skills. We can’t go into the details because we can’t reveal the entire roster. We can tell you it isn’t just coming out and dealing attacks and it is very different across the characters.

OH SHIT. All the other characters are going to have very unique fighting styles and some will even be more geared towards assists and supportive roles within the 3v3 battle system. HYPED

Other urls found in this thread:

>characters that are better at assisting
No thanks. I don't want a roster with dead weight in it

also Taopaipai fags btfo

>Can you tell us one character that definitely won’t be in the game?
>[Laughs] One that defiantly won’t be in the game… we’re not going to have Taopaipai in the game.

like every fighting game

fuck off fag, more gameplay variation and unique mechanics is way more welcome than the plain old thing

Tao always had the problem of having a much better design as a regular person, but having more utility as an ugly cyborg.

That and being jobbed into irrelevancy prior to DBZ.

>Krilling solar flare loops
>dead weight


No Caulifla, no buy. I swear

Wow, what the fuck?

switch version

Its a ruse, he's hella in

And nothing of value was lost

Yamcha is going to be the joke character like Dan, cool fuck Yamcha


My boy Trunks was basically guaranteed a spot anyway but I'm glad he was confirmed and now I need Gotenks to be confirmed to have my team of Cell/Trunks/Gotenks
It would also be nice to have Hit or Zamasu or Magetta for Super representation

>power level
How to ruin your fucking game. Fuck powerlevel autists who get triggered that Krillin can beat Goku.

Wouldn't that contradict their plan of being a competitive fighting game

>Bad characters have good assists
>Good characters have bad assists.

>No 50/50 or unblocakables on incoming characters

It's everything I wanted from UMvC3 AND I FUCKING LOVE THAT GAME!

Shut the fuck up. She is literally the only good thing to come out of super

>weak character could destroy Goku.
why is this a problem? immediately dropped. fuck this game. confirmed blunder

I haven't played an ArcSys game, do they do floaty keep out characters? I'll be kind of irritated if Piccolo ends up like Dhalsim.

you're just a homosexual neo Sup Forums retard from r/anime. continue watching your cartoons made for japanese little girls, queermo

>I'll be kind of irritated if Piccolo ends up like Dhalsim.
ill be fucking happy if he does, more unique gameplay mechanics the better. the idea of characters having strong assist and support roles is fucking awesome too.

it makes sense for a Dragon Ball game

Damn. He would've had the best character intro.

Not saying the style shouldn't be in the game, but Piccolo is a personal favorite and I've never liked playing Sim type characters. Game footage so far has looked fast as fuck though so that sort of thing might not be viable anyway.

>No 50/50 or unblocakables on incoming characters
There is apparently a snap back mechanic that does allow for incoming mix ups.

ArcSys keepaway are more full-screen lockdown focused than just sitting still and making your opponent come to you.

well in guilty gear, dhalsim style characters are still fast as fuck. closest thing would be axl, i think that would be the best playstyle for him. hes still fast and brutal.

There are snapbacks but those cost meter just like in Marvel. What sucked was having a character die and then the first thing you have to do with your next one is guard an incoming mixup that the player already winning has a million years to start setting up.

>It could destroy the image of Dragon Ball if, for example, a weak character could destroy Goku.
Game will be garbage.

>calls me homosexual
>doesnt want this


>>Does Dragon Ball FighterZ take a character’s power level into account? For example, could Yamcha actually beat Goku in this game?
>>We’re trying to balance that out with the 3v3 aspect. There may be characters that are better at assisting or supporting than fighting. It could destroy the image of Dragon Ball if, for example, a weak character could destroy Goku. Thanks to the 3v3 feature we can balance that out with the Dragon Ball universe.
So, this is the proof that she don't know what she is talking about.
Too bad for the "easy" Switch port.

>It could destroy the image of Dragon Ball if, for example, a weak character could destroy Goku.
bullshit everyone knows The Champ can beat anyone

First letdown of the game.

I'm 99% sure it's coincidental, but I find pretty curious how this seems to tie with the current Super arc, Since characters are not only being picked by raw power, but also because of the skills they could add to their respective teams (or at least that's what U7 is trying to do).

It really doesn't. Dragonball is all about waving the biggest dick. There are many situations that could have been solved by a xcom tactical style approach but muh saiyans.

Odd though, Raditz and Nappa were the only fights that really had asymmetrical combat going on. Guess Toriyama found it hard to pull off that sort of choreography.

Will Legendary Buff Waifu be in?


I bet fucking Edgelord Pink Goku got in over him.

Filthy ningen

don't forget the purple donutsteel dude
super has shitty as fuck characters

Jesus, how does that work? That sounds horrifying in theory.

Time to make the doughnuts

>>We’re trying to balance that out with the 3v3 aspect. There may be characters that are better at assisting or supporting than fighting. It could destroy the image of Dragon Ball if, for example, a weak character could destroy Goku. Thanks to the 3v3 feature we can balance that out with the Dragon Ball universe.
Fucking dead on arrival, holy shit. Why does every dbz game have to balance based on power levels, it's the most cancerous shit ever. Have fun playing with only 1 viable team.

such a shame

Yeah it sounds really stupid. Hopefully she was just saying that so casuals are happy. It would really suck if you can't use Krillin against Goku because you'd get aped by high damage attacks 24/7.

fuck off casual shitter. having massive variety in mechanics and strategy is fucking godlike.

I can't wait for based cat to get revealed

>massive variety in mechanics and strategy
>if you put Yamcha or Krillin on point you're playing the game wrong

Just wait until they are solar flaring shit up from the sidelines

Fuck off, a whole 2 people buying it will not justice porting it to a dead console.

Gene best GoD

Game has much bigger sales potential on the switch than anywhere else desu.

People like their cartoony games on the nintendos.

Ah yes another MvC'killer''. We all know what happened to the SFV ''killers'' so dont delude yourself. Nothing can beat Capcom.

>a dead console

>having a great match with your friends or something
>Gohan/Piccolo/Cell for your friend
>Cell/Krillin/Videl for you
>it's down to the wire
>videl actually is weak as fuck and her only use is a GOAT tier assist.

What then? I hope that the producer meant that some characters who are more bottom tier get the top tier assists, not that their only usefulness relies on their assists, because once they tag in, they're dead weight.

keep proving how much of a casual retard you are. this is a 3v3 game. this means you get to balance your team and your strategy however you like. this is GODLIKE compared to merely having a 3v3 tag with every character being a boring equal footing character.

Its called anime, and its not a cartoon

>spics and nogs are the main demographic for mahvel vs capcom
>spics and nogs love DBZ
>DBZ gets turned into a 3v3 fighter with assists by arcsys and it looks like xrd instead of a mobile game
I hope MvC stays dead

Capcom shills are too strong sadly.


>Game has much bigger sales potential on the switch

MvC infinite doesn't even have good visuals, and it's only 2 vs 2
it's going to suck and die, and DB FighterZ will take MvC's place at EVO

Maybe ASW shills should actually play their games rather than do nothing but shitposts 24/7.

>having characters that are better than others
>not a trash idea

So why are they making a version for Xbox One then?
Literally double digit sales in Asia.

Yeah ok, nice come back.

Switch users are the same idiots who believed the Ouya would give them AAA games at an affordable price.


>What then?
what then? that just proves youre shit and you lost. next time choose your strategy and your characters more wisely or practice so you can win with the support + core strategy you seem to be obsessed with. what kind of stupid argument is this?

>having objectively inferior options makes it more strategic

I have to agree. If say, Krillin's assist is a Solar Flare, and if used mid-combo is an instant stun, then you could use that to set up for a lvl3 immediately and wipe out 50% of your opponents HP.

It seems like the weak characters will have assists that are extremely useful. And each character is unique, so they must have some viability on the battlefield.

Like how Pokkén outsold SFV on a dead console?

Hopefully it's more subdued than that, but I'm alright with some characters being not as good in straight up fights but having good support abilities. Krillin dishing out solar flares and senzu beans from the sidelines is definitely fitting, and I doubt they'd waste the effort on making the character if they're garbage when it's time for him to actually fight anyway.

Does Pokken still get played?

Don't forget Destructo disc/kienzan

>>having characters that are better than others
>every fighting game

>better than others
clearly you are underage if you think a "support" character is made to be intentionally "worse" than a dps character or something. how pathetic are you?

>having objectively inferior options makes it more strategic
its not objectively inferior, in any other game the team composition with a support will always beat the team composition full of shitters like you who think only DPS matters. keep proving you havent finished puberty retard. its actually incredible how low IQ the reddit faggots on Sup Forums are.

It will be when the switch version™ fixes all of the problems

In the end, we will get another Dr. Doom situation.

Oh NOW sales matter for Nintendo kiddies lmao.

have with your shitty meta where only 1 strategy is viable

Pretty sure they had Pokken at EVO so there has to be at least 2.

>in any other game the team composition with a support will always beat the team composition full of shitters like you who think only DPS matters.

An unbalanced cast where each character has a niche to benefit your team comp in different ways >> homogenized roster where characters are balanced but play more or less the same

If you think otherwise, you're literally a shitter

Fucking underage, leave this board, it's 18+. DBZ Super posters are the biggest cancer walking on this planet

>Goku lost his best friend, a whole planet got blown up, was nearly dying, turned into a SSJ in the last moment

>DBZ Super some fucciboi looking faggot from a parallel universe saw Vegeta turn into a SSJ, goes back home, "HOL UP CHECK DIS YO UNEED TO JUST GET MAHD BRO "
>Female (SJW) turns into a SSJ after only 1 minute

Pokken already dropped out of EVO.

Pokken sold a lot because its based on one of the biggest videogame franchises, but it had no lasting power.

Yeah the Pokemon children bought a Pokemon game. How many of those are hardcore fighting fans now? How many still play? Yeah thought so you dumb bitch. Nobody played it on Dead-U and nobody will play it on Switch.

>retards trying to theorycraft and figure out how a game will be played before it's even released
this shit happens every fucking time a multiplayer game is released and you're always wrong
loving every laugh

>An unbalanced cast where each character has a niche to benefit your team comp in different ways >> homogenized roster where characters are balanced but play more or less the same
Before this announcement, we could have all assumed most teams are going to be characters that are just really good on the battlefield, and with maybe a character like Frieza who has an instant juggle assist. Now teams are going to be comprised of a mixture of that and Weak/Strong characters based on assists and team composition.

Game sounds much better now.

I don't think I've ever seen Sup Forums right about shit like this, but they are still more accurate than /vp/

These faggots who are saying "Hurr support means they're intentionally weak" are exactly the type of fucking QUEERS who obsessively pick Hanzo in every game in Overwatch no matter what your or the enemy team's composition are. Holy shit you need to kill yourselves.

Thank God this isn't a team game and I can make control all my characters, or else you'd have these faggots obsessively picking Goku every game no matter what characters you or the enemy has.

Look up Axl competitive play in GGXrd. Dhalsim is slow, but has a teleport and focuses on close to mid-screen range. Axl doesn't have a teleport, but his moves focus on mid to full screen. Better summary: Dhalsim waits for you to come closer to punish. Axl actively tries to push you as far out as he can.

>online will be filled with only the most viable team
into the trash it goes

Man, I want DBFZ to succeed, but MVCI 2v2 with the free tag seems way deeper than UMVC3 and DBFZ 3v3. You should look some good matches before saying that kind of thing.
But nothing excuses the graphics, and if they don't fix some models, even I will wait for the game to be on sale.


>being this predictable
LMAO go home Hanzo fag

It still gets regular tournaments retard. The only reason it didn't get to EVO because there were a shit ton of new games this year and it got outbid by fucking Mahvel.


this is pretty true. well for mmos, mobas etc