Why are the first two Golden Sun games so charming? When playing them I remember the dialogue, characters and story were just absolutely dreadful, incredibly bland and often illogical. Virtually all of the dungeons were a boring maze. And yet whenever I think about these games they just seem very appealing, maybe it's the great graphics.
Why are the first two Golden Sun games so charming? When playing them I remember the dialogue...
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Nostalgia. You were a kid then so you actually cared about the story and characters. Looking at them as a jaded adult you see it differently
I'm the same
Something I never understood: In Golden Sun 1, they say that lightning Jupiter is practically the same as lighting Mars. So in TLA, why do they even have to go to Mars lighthouse at all?
>In Golden Sun 1, they say that lightning Jupiter is practically the same as lighting Mars. So in TLA, why do they even have to go to Mars lighthouse at all?
They say that because Jupiter is very close to their home turf. Mars wouldn't be a struggle for them since it's in their backyard.
>Why are the first two Golden Sun games so charming?
They were on the GBA. It's pretty average across the board. Although Djinns were an interesting twist. Maybe you liked the use of them.
I have a friend who didn't play them until much later in life. He seemed to enjoy them quite a bit; so, I'd say it's certainly not just nostalgia. The games are a bit on the easy side and a bit too wordy, but they're well made games, I'd say (particularly TLA).
My favourite game of all time ;_;
sounds like someone got triggered by ayers rock
>Neat little field puzzles
>Cool world map with varying geography and cultures
>Epic scale
>Simple but "punchy" battle system
Perhaps it's not an all timer, but it's still a good game, user.
aaron b told me to buy this in 6th grade. i did, and I still thank him for it. I loved this game as a kiddo, it was indeed a charming game.
>tfw you didn't know the lost age was a sequel
how fucking dumb am i?
other than the game setting, the puzzle mechanics and djinn system it's a boiler plate JRPG. Not a bad game by any means just a average game dressed up nicely and came out at the exact right time it needed to. The launch of the GBA when we needed portable rpgs. Same goes for the success of Advance Wars and by proxy Fire Fmblem. I still get normies who haven't played a jrpg in a decade ask if they ever made a sequel to Golden Sun after Lost Age. I just shrug and say nah because why would I shatter that poor souls nostalgia with how shit Dark Dawn was.
I honestly think these games have one of the best visual styles of any game. It was also used in Mario Golf: Advanced Tour, which also looks amazing. It's just a look that really draws you in and you want to keep playing.
was this a mistake
It had pretty great worldbuilding.
Actual dialogue may be terribly wordy and interchangeable between characters, but the world is interesting to explore with all the different cities all with their own culture and problems and all these ancient ruins of once great civilizations.
Neat ost for a gba game
the soundtrack was great
the graphics were as good as they were gonna get on GBA too, with a unique style
and it had a lot of intrigue, it was a gripping story
That Vale theme
I think it's that fact that, while it's set in a fantasy world, the characters themselves feel as realistic as possible. The art definitely helped. Asides from Mia herself and her clan, there isn't that many characters with zany looking hairstyles with random colors slapped in for the sake of MUH VARIETY. It all feels pretty down to earth. The Djinns feel like odd creatures, but at the same time, they're depicted in a realistic creature-like manner without slapping animu eyes in them or making them unrealistically cute.
Another thing to it might also be the freedom given to you as well as the ability to explore every inch of the overworld without feeling trapped. It's tremendously rare to find a game like that.
All in all, it's a basic RPG, simple even, but tries to twist a few things with Djinns and summons as well. Even in their absolute worst, you can tell there was effort into making these games as well as possible.The characters might not be something out of this world, but I guess that's the point. I don't think Camelot made the game with the characters or the plot in mind, but more with the sense of exploration and adventure in their mind which is why the characters feel rather "common" and "plain" and not quite as eye-catching as your average RPG character.
Posting superior version
The art was good and there were lots of secrets. Being able to cast spells out of battle to interact with the environment made it seem like you were breaking new ground while exploring, as opposed to other RPGs where you're thinking "Why isn't anyone else doing this?" at the back of your mind.
Nah dude, shit was great