Still the worst quote to describe a video game I've ever seen

Still the worst quote to describe a video game I've ever seen.

If THAT'S Skyrim with guns then what was this masterpiece?

Thanks, Adam.

Isn't nu-Fallout Skyrim with guns?

Sonic Adventure with guns.

I'd fuck Adam Kovic

it's especially weird considering that the only thing FC3 has in common with Skyrim is the ability to climb mountains

it's Oblivion with guns

Fallout 3 and NV is Oblivion with guns. Fallout 4 is Skyrim with guns.

"Like Skyrim with guns but without guns"

IGN had a whole article titled 'Why Flappy Birds is the Dark Souls of mobile games'

If I'd have seen that quote I would never have bought the game. Worst marketing, it's not even remotely true. Machinima is the cancer.

>not the dark souls of the persona series
At least try lads.

NV is Fallout 2 with less memes.

Please don't bully Adam.

>The Dark Souls of X

Back in the day Fallout 3 was called Oblivion with guns. And many people thought Skyrim was going to be Oblivion 2.

I keep forgetting that F4 is something that exists

the sad thing is that far cry 3 is a much better game than skyrim, but whoever was in charge of marketing knew that having "skyrim" on the cover would sell a few thousand more copies to casuals so they went ahead and did it. just a soulless cash grab

this quote will follow this man to his grave, this will be his legacy

>Retro-style Action Metroidvania Indie

Continue to do it.

Are they still relevant?

I mean, c''s no m+kb but it's not that bad...

We're talking worst quotes, not accurate quotes.

Please don't bully adam

We all wish we could do this

Wait, is this the first game to do this? Why does Halo get all the credit?


because it was successful, literally making Xbox into a platform off its back, and it also did other console-shooter friendly things like 2 gun limit

no one remembers mediocre alien licensed game 635453465461

Bruce is the best FH member followed closely by Laurence and Elyse

>the sad thing is that far cry 3 is a much better game than skyrim

I've been playing this for the first time recently and it really bugs me how close it is to being a great game. So many of it's design decisions really water down the gameplay and what enjoyment the game could have.

>spoonfeeds the player info making exploration alot less meaningful
>tagging mechanic is poorly implemented since your minimap shows enemy positions automatically and when used removes all tension from stealth
>most of the crafted syringes are useless or highly situational and not worth sacrificing a healing syringe for
>economy is fucked from the whole tower weapon unlock system
>story has an interesting set up, but outside of Vaas all the characters, aswell as the island itself is pretty bland and uninteresting. Jason could've been a cool protag if they went all in on turning him from a wimp to a crazed jungle commando.

It's like if they just improved a few things and didn't try to pander to casuals so hard, Far Cry 3 could've been 10/10.

Elyse isn't funny, she just has a cunt so you think anything she says is funny or cute.

I remember some Wii games being criticized for not having any motion controls during the Wii's first years. Reviewers can really be retarded sometimes.

>owned 2 copies of Far Cry 3
>heard this meme a million times when Fallout 4's first trailer first came out
>never realized it was on this cover


>Bruce is the best FH member
>So susceptible to marketing that he might literally have chunks of his brain missing
Bruce's entire thought process is money=good, he unironically thinks star wars and marvel capeshit is good. Most of them are this way, which makes all candid things they produce awful, but at least they have peake.
Peake is actually ideal husbando.

>peake memer

And everything in your post is invalid just like that

Far cry will release 3 games before elder scrolls releases 1.

And Skyrim 2 will suck shit

Really makes you rhink

>le church on sundays and Le no fun allowed
Peake is fine, but he's a boring person.


Everybody you wouldve ever cared for is already gone

I mean it was the Wii's selling point otherwise it's just another Gamecube

It's like with the Wii U where people are trying to find out what the fuck the gamepad is for

Kovic's legacy. He wasnt serious though was he? He's sarcastic 99% of the time

Oh course an idiot like you would think Peakes the best. It's obvious

True, though I feel something die inside me when I read any article say Wind Waker was "challenging" or "full of puzzles that made you think" or the like.

>Bruce fags in denial.
It's okay, just because you can't see yhe value in a bara manlet doesn't make you totally useless normies. I'm sure you think balding 30 somethings doing tired rehashed jokes for upvotes is the height of comedy.

well its true.

That doesn't mean every game needs them, it should be obvious to the reviewers that a strategy game like Radiant Dawn doesn't have and doesn't need motion controls.


The first game to do this was motherfucking Goldeneye on N64. Get your shit straight.

Before Skyrim the only games Machinima played were Call of Duty and Halo.

The guy who said this now works for Rooster Teeth and still gets mocked by his coworkers over it.

>second analog stick


Well, they weren't wrong

It was Dpad and Analog stick, but it was still the exact same movement style.
Get out of my face you fucking child I'm almost 40 my joints hurt constantly so stay off my yard.

You have horrible standards, it's about the same as every other Ubishit stealtaction game.

blow it out your ass

far cry 1 is a masterpiece, far cry 2 is great.

everything is absolute shit

Halo is really known to have started it. But it was the first FPS on console that had responsive controls without full-on auto aim.


She isn't even the best girl. It's James.

No, the "left stick" moved you back and forwards as well as turning you instead of strafing. The c-buttons let you look up and down as well as strafe you.

>Alien Trilogy NA Release: February 1996
>Goldeneye Release: 25 August 1997


Every time there is a female guest you can tell Elyse is actually funny, because the other girl will make you want to kill yourself

Indie dev:"When im not Browsing Pixel artists (tm) on tumblr, I'm creating my new retro indie game. As a kid I played this crazy little obscure game, Legend of Metroid: Linkbound, all the time but now no one seems to talk about so I'm just going to copy it down to the last legally permissible detail. When you think about it, I'm an extremely creative individual.'

Still better than "You can do anything xD" simulators and Minecraft clones that cost 80 dollars but sell 20 million copies anyway

The Dark souls of Sonic

Anytime a dev says something like 'you can do anything!' it should automatically trigger a full-on UN ebola outbreak quarantine shutdown to stop it spreading.

>The Dark Souls of Persona

you mean another pew pew game thinking it's innovative isn't the worst part??


Not really.
Like it or not Skyrim was huge in 2011 and 2012 when Farcry 3 came out.
They wanted to bank off of Skyrim's name.

The cover of Bubsy 3D has a quote from the preview which was positive when the review score was 3/10.

Also it had a fake award the developers made up LOL

Hard to believe they went on to make Syphon Filter

You are like a little baby, OP. Watch this

No. Respawn, the only thing that actually got views, has been dead for years. The main channel was just game trailers last I saw.

really turns the world on its head, changed my whole perspective, turned me around

Son of a bitch

The worst quote is referring to anything as Dark Souls, regardless of whether it has even the tiniest morsel of difficulty. I mean, I loved the game, but it's not that fucking hard unless you're some kind of three-fingered downs chimp that tries to eat soup with a fork.

Trilogy was a Doom clone. If you were able to read you'd know the original image was about Alien Resurrection from 2000.

>It's the dark souls of x genre

it was fucking godawful. goddamn the n64 controller was such garbage

Replace Trilogy with Fed Force and you'd be summoning some truly satanic shit.

Halo is literally the Citizen Kane of gaming. Idiots who don't know shit credit it with inventing all sorts.