Im scared anons. Mgs 3 is one of my favorite games and i also loved peace walker. Knowing that this one is a direct sequel to those two how badly did they fuck it up? Is the story still a bit interesting? I have played a bit and im really intrested on how they are going to explain everything. Is hating on mgs5 a meme or is it deserved?
Im scared anons. Mgs 3 is one of my favorite games and i also loved peace walker...
The story is shit but the gameplay is the best of MGS3 and PW combined if you ignore the shitty post game grind that only FOB players care about.
Granted I may have needed one of the tranq snipers that you can only get with two FOB's to S-rank hard quiet.
>Is the story still a bit interesting?
absolutely not
The game is a disappointment on all fronts, however it is a decent time sink.
Core mechanics are amazing
Open world is shit.
Story is mostly nonexistent and what little there is is bad.
It's a great game with a disappointing story. The incomplete nature of the story weirdly plays into the overarching theme, but that doesn't make the pain go away. Just enjoy the fucking amazing gameplay and wish for another decent game in this engine like the rest of us.
>Is hating on mgs5 a meme or is it deserved?
It's a bit of both
Mechanically, the game plays like a dream. 1st act is mostly good. Ruinations come mostly in the 2nd act and because the player becomes OP somewhere past the half-way point. The 'extract everything and their mother via balloon'- shit is also not something that graces the series well, and you'll be doing that a whole lot as time goes by. Also the title fits the emotion of what you'll be feeling at various intervals of the playthrough, but particularly near the end.
If you loved peace walker you will like this too
how could anyone love that piece of shit
great gameplay. systems needed more work, overworld kinda sucks. but those initial 40+ hours you sink into it are a blast.
storywise it's self contained and is trying hard to not be a Metal Gear game. anything related to other games are in tapes which aren't fantastic.
it does interesting things with the character of Big Boss but even those things aren't in the tapes, it's a lot of stuff that you have to fill in the blanks yourself with your knowledge of the series as a whole and the events between Peace Walker and MG1. for a diehard fan of the series that has a deep understanding of the games and their themes it's rewarding, but if you want everything the game advertised in your face and obvious i'd recommend a pass.
The gameplay is excellent. The story is absolute trash. Quiet adds nothing to the story; she is glorified fanservice. It's a shame that they couldn't bother to give her a decent face like Joosten. Skullface is lacking in the story; you don't feel his presence. There isn't anything about him that makes him a particularly good or memorable villain like Liquid or Solidus. Then he monologues to Venom Snake about his motivations while you're riding in the back of a jeep while Venom sits there like an autistic retard and says nothing, then Sins of the Father plays in literally the worst use of a vocalized song in video game history.
It's a lot of fun, but you'll just feel angry knowing that this is the last Metal Gear Solid and Kojima doesn't get any of the blame for how TPP turned out.
The hate for V comes down to two things: misleading marketing and hype saturation. Misleading Marketing is nothing MGS fans should have been surprised by (and even loved previously - see MGS2) yet somehow used the trailers to point to missing content and unrealized promises. Hype saturation came from literal years of this board anticipating the game, making up wishlists and theories, most impossible and ludicrous, yet they held; and when video game director Sup Forums didn't get to see their ideas in the game, they were somehow let down.
The good news is, these complaints have nothing to do with the actual, on-disc content, so if you realize 95% of Sup Forums has no idea what they're talking about, you might - just might - enjoy the greatest single achievement in the medium for at least 10 years.
I love MGSV and even I dont fucking get what Kojima was going for with Skullface's monologue to Venom. Its so fucking awkward and one-sided, but then again that's the whole game. It just goes on and on while you just sit there. What was the point? Why wouldnt he just say something? So bizarre.
>There isn't anything about him that makes him a particularly good or memorable villain like Liquid or Solidus.
well he was great in Ground Zeroes and the pre-game hype certainly made him stick out in my mind but you're right he was woefully under utilized in TPP
i took it as Venom depriving Skull Face of the confrontation he was craving. Skull Face was a cartoony Bond villain with modern sensibilities (an oldschool Bond villain probably wouldn't use child rape and vagina bombs) and he craved that final back and forth with the hero. he wanted to lay out his plan in full detail and have Venom argue with him, tell him he was wrong, get that final, gigantic confrontation but both Skull Face and the player were robbed of those things.
that's definitely not what Kojima was going for, but we have to fill in the gaps ourselves to try to get anything satisfying out of most of the game.
looking back, im satisfied with the way mgs2 ended the solid series
all the unanswered questions were basically answered in 3 anyway
Thats basically how I look at the scene, Venom just humoring the burnt up psycho, letting him get his stupid speech out so we can get to murdering Sahelly finally.
It's the best MGS game
the story was never good and never mattered. Remember, the prime motivation for countless characters in the series, 60 years after her death, is THE BOSS DREAM!!!!!!!
okay, now tell me why the boss' dream is important or why anybody would care about it as an ideology. go. explain why seemingly countless powerful people would be devoted to an idea that sounds like it came from a 6 year olds mouth
there you have it, kojima worship in a nutshell: people who don't read books or care about quality writing
wrong on all counts friendo
Best MGS no question.
>didn't outshoot her with a tank
>can't hit her with a supply drop on extreme
What's wrong with you Boss?
The story is so SO stupid, same with the metal gear design. Level design is meh, gameplay is top tier when you disable hand holding
Mfw having so much GMP that you spend 20 minutes dropping tank after tank on that bitch's face
MGS3>PW>MGSV is the story of Big Boss's descent from an awkward, but skilled rookie soldier to a fuck-up who can't fucking stop fucking everything up.
Considering how bad peacewalker is, you'll probably love V. It's basically peacewalker 2.0.
Punching her down is still my favorite takedown followed up by quick pistol action, if you know what I mean.
Maybe Kojima is just a shitty fucking writer.
A stealth action game is nothing without good level design, encounter design, enemy design and boss design. This game has nothing.
>There are only about 3 interesting locations in-game (all worse than omega camp). Every base is composed of 5-10 houses, seemingly randomly placed. You revisit the same bases throughout the 40 hour game.
>every "boss" is a bullet sponge that is very tedious to fight
>repetitive missions, worse than ones in Ubisoft. Every main mission is "Extract this or that", and every side mission is "Extract prisoner #42323, destroy tank unit #2323 (or you can extract it)"
>useless open world where you need to run between missions or call in copter. It is basically just a time waster, having semi open mission structure like omega camp would improve the game immensily. Now you run around open world for 20 minutes, especially if you didn't bring the horse (you can only bring one team mate and horse is counted as that, genius design really)
>tons of weapons to choose from but sooner or later you decide on your favourite ones that you always carry. Also you are limited to carry 2, which is another genius design
And if game was not shitty and repetitive enough, after 30 hours you reach chapter 2, which is literally repeating the same missions as in chapter 1 but with more tedious restrictions now. Wow!
Then we have generic Ubisoft design with side missions, bloody screen regenerating health, lack of story, being unfinished and not really being a MGS game. It's garbage. Biggest disappointment in video gaming for me, especially since everyone is sucking its cock.
FOBs were the real gem of this game. Too bad you didn't get into them.
Yay, more grinding for virtual bases
> wanting a world where soldiers aren't used as fucking tools is childish
> there you have it, kojima worship in a nutshell: people who don't read books or care about quality writing
holy shit, just fuck off back to /lit/ already
it's the best game on the PSP
its a flawed masterpiece. here is my tips for playing
>kill Quiet unless you really care about achievements
>instead of going to the helicopter at the end of main missions just leave the area so you can do side missions
>turn off reflex mode
>turn off HUD if you want but know it makes the game much more challenging
>uses boxes and collect invoices, this lets you fast travel