Select your character

Select your character.

Always Pinstripe

I spent so much time playing this game as a kid and never knew there were unlockable characters
how do you get them?

I don't even know why really, probably from playing Twinsanity. Crash has so many good bosses that I struggle to have a personal preference.

>Select your character.
Ben fischbein

The trophy is mine!

The eject button character so I can play a better game

>spent so much time playing
>didn't get the 100% ending

Your childhood was one of failure

Never understood this game when I was a child and now I lost the game. Remake when?

Wonder why Koala Kong and N. Brio weren't in the game.

>tfw Rilla Roo will never be in another game

you ask it like you can't just google it.

They didn't exist yet.

Coming through!

Wasn't he only in Crash Bash? Makes sence that he wasn't in CTR

Dingodile because funny name.

N. Tropy - Beat all his Ghosts in Time Trials
Pinstripe/Ripper Roo/Komodo/Papupapu/Fake Crash - Gem Cups in Story Mode
Penta Penguin - Cheat Code

Rilla Roo is just a OC to put Dingodile clone in Crash Bash. They were so lazy with characters in that game.

Should make a chart similar to that Mario one

pic related, I'm boring

>Pick Penta because penguins were my favourite animal
>Find out later he's got maxed stats in everything in the PAL version

>koala kong and brio
>didn't exist yet

You didn't spend a lot of time if you never unlocked any unlockables, those were about to happen at some point if you really wanted to put in hours into your save file.

What do you guys want for the remaster?

my apologies, i made a mistake and thought you're talking about rila roo only.

The game started development after they finished Crash 2, and the engine was created at the same time with Crash 3, so I'd suppose it was just natural to use the more recent villains instead of creating the villains from the first game on a new engine. And Rilla Roo is irrelevant as shit.

Your screen is already on my main man, mate.

Penta to not be his PAL type so online doesn't become Penta Team Racing

Coco or N.Gin for races, Polar or Pura for battles
Let other players pick unlockable characters if you want to handicap yourself
Let someone pick Penta if you want to scream at them for being a fucking cheating bastard

>One fuckin' road

Weren't the Tiger and Polar Bear OP as fuck?

As with every Mario game it's always better to have Higher Acceleration and lower Max Speed. Because you are guaranteed to get stunned during the race, whereas there are very few long straight sections for drag racing.

>every one picks penta

that would be an interesting match

I remember really liking Cortex, because he had high turn, which made it easier to constantly boost.

N. Gin all day every day.

Polar every time

Yes and no, people get w.r speeds on Dingodile and Penta, Penta because he has maxed stats and Dingodile has great acceleration and okay handing, while Tiny who has max acceleration and poor handing gets worse times because CTR is all about drag racing 100% of the time.

Wait I thought N.Gin and Coco were the ones with max acceleration?

Tiny and Dingo were the ones with poor handling and sanic speed.

While Polar and Pura were the slowest with good handling.

My nigga. I almost exclusively played as Cortex. I think I 100% the story mode like 3-4 times as him too. Hell, I played him so much that naturally I like the blue haired science podium girl most.

i want to hug dingodile so i pick him

>N. Gin and Coco always have parallel stats in every Crash racing game
what did they mean by this?

>i want to hug dingodile
My nigga

Who would you add to CTR remaster/sequel?

you're correct, the other user is misremembering
the unlockable characters are based on the same stat layouts
Penta is a broken max stat fuck in PAL version though


I always thought the crazy blue dog was cute, even as a kid.
Can't believe I was only 5 then.

N. Brio
Koala Kong
The Warthog from Crash 1

Polar + Dingodile master race

>Crash 1
Koala Kong
N. Brio

>Crash 2
Komodo Moe

>Crash 3
Baby T

N. Oxide is now playable
That blue hippo who got scrapped
Lab Ass

Twinsanity Nina (not the bratty radical version)

Cortex and/or Ripper Roo

>N. Brio
>Koala Kong
>Komodo Moe
>Baby T-Rex
>Playable Trophy Girls

Bonus Non-ND characters:
>N. Trance

100% completion bonus:
