Why do tranny devs always seem to go crazy?
Why do tranny devs always seem to go crazy?
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They're not mentally stable, why do you think they don't have normal functioning sexual natures.
Also not video games
Trannies are crazy in the first place. "Gender dysphoria" is a mental illness not unlike schizophrenia. The suicide rates speak for themselves.
>logical reasoning
Not just devs, all trannies, and they don't go crazy, they're crazy to begin with because they're trannies.
O-one second, now I see the diamonds.
>my name is total
video closed
this is a tranny?
would fug
>marries the 1st good looking guy she meets
Nah, Dodger isn't a tranny
Because someone delusional enough to think they are the opposite sex is rather mentally unwell by default.
Mental illnesses further fucked up by taking a gorillion hormones.
Pick one
I don't get it, the video in the OP isn't about trannies.
Did anybody even watch it before posting?
Why do you know who these people are? Why do you care? Why are you talking about them?
>inb4 durrr then don't reply
you don't hear about the noname indie game dev who doesn't sperg out. you also don't hear about the thousands of people who avoided game development because they're doomed to failure.
I don't care. I hate trannies, sjws and niggers and I need the world to know about how evil jews and liberals are, but I don't want to get beat up
Well, that's kinda extreme.
Alex Mauer is a tranny? Maybe?
Trannys already have a mental condition to begin with.
name one(1) eroge better than fate/stay night
Why do you think they always kill themselves in the end when nobody wants to be with a mentally deranged freak?
Nope, he's just some dude. Look him up.
I think you have to be mentally stable and some point to "go" crazy.
Cripple Waifu simulator.
Alex is a MtF tranny
>1) I am female, despite Imagos Softworks leaving up outdated information suggesting otherwise. I came out as transgender very publicly online back in 2016. I'm not offended by the discussions you're having except for the misuse of pronouns. You should refer to me as "she/her".
i hate this "hur you should me call heeer"
i call you whatever i want you dumbfuck mental ilness aids fuck you
I'm sure they might have been for a little while as children.
>becomes a tranny
>instantly begins attempting to play the victim while being a bully
I lmao every time. They wonder why everybody hates them.
>I'm not offended by the discussions you're having except for the misuse of pronouns. You should refer to me as "she/her".
God I hate trannys so fucking much
Any Rance game.
>go crazy
the person cant even accept what gender they are. why would it be surprising for them to 'go crazy' (they already are)
>This issue has been going on since March
>He/She is STILL issuing take downs even now
Holy shit.
i thought dodger preferred bbc? or is this just the sugar daddy to keep her financially stable while she does her white woman duty by breeding with many superior black men?
what does she look like?
Well, it's a mental disease so what did you expect
The painful thing is he will be defended by other cocksucking retards simply because he wants to chop his cock off.
>Why do trannies always seem to go crazy?
Fixed for you
Nothing new here. Trannies love to try to destroy communities for perceived slights.
The mailing list is also a shitshow (lists.gnu.org
One of the highlights is lists.gnu.org
>Long live the LGBT community, and long live the free software movement.
Meanwhile, FSF and GNU can both go fuck themselves.
He later blamed it on gender dysphoria and drugs
Trannies and other sorts of mentally unwell freaks fuck up everything, then cry victim again when everybody thinks they should just kill themselves.
>picture of Dodger and Strippin
>video by TB
>topic unrelated to either
What did OP mean by this?
My concern is how long is too long when it comes to something like this. He's even attacking other videos related to pic related.
This guy is clearly unstable.
Would you rather look at a cute couple in the OP image, or an ugly tranny?
OP was saving your eyes.
Carolyn is cute! CUTE!
she's cute
Do people even try to look female anynore?
"she" is really trying hard isn't He?
Im gonna take a guess and say maybe it's ftm user
Uh, honey, women can have beards, penises, testicles, prostates. wide shoulders, and Y chromosomes too.
Fun fact: No animals other than bigoted humans have constructed genders. It's science. But it isn't my job to educate you sweetie, try google.
when did dodger get married
I forgot dodger existed
is there a sex tape?
Nope. He is female now.
Totalbiscuit is still alive?
Like a week ago.
Why tf did he marry a hobbit
6/10 b8. Good but could use some work
The power of 60fps killed the cancer caused by 30fps rays.
God be praised.