Some asshole threw you in a TV and now you have to confront your shadow in front of Chad and his harem...

Some asshole threw you in a TV and now you have to confront your shadow in front of Chad and his harem. What dirty laundry is it airing?

I am sure 90% of Sup Forums would just have their shadows talking about how they feel like failures for being NEETs and how traps are gay no matter what they tell themselves.

>255 Games played
>3 completed

Mitsuo played vidya all day and his shadow said nothing so my secrets are safe from Chad Ziodynecock.


but is futa gay?

Who are you kidding, user? You LOVE video games. You play them every single day. And you know what? You have FUN doing it.

It has a dick user. Of course it is gay.
And we both know mommy and daddy won't believe it isn't no matter how much you cry.

I guess my shadow would do nothing but hug me and say that "It's okay we can end ourselves to be free of this world together."

>let's get this straight, you have no friends, no pride, no ambition, no drive to do anything at all
>seems to me that you just need to be yourself and try a little harder, buddy.

What would Wojak's shadow look like?


>Pretty alright with how i live
>know that traps are gay but not giving a shit what's gay and what's now
where's my persona?

It'd probably just berate me for disappointing everyone around me and masturbating too much.

And then go into extreme detail about the shit I masturbated to.

Futa on Futa is gay
Futa on female is not gay

Something about not having my own personality and/or opinions, I guess.

Futa on girl isn't, unless you're a girl I guess, other types of futa is gay.
>I went to college for this

What's your palace Sup Forums?

Probably something to do with accepting that my failed relationships have pretty much been my fault.

some hyper feminized version of me with because i want to be the little girl
oh and probably really energetic/lively acting since it takes a lot of effort for me to actually get to that point

You know this question is literally impossible to answer right? The whole point of shadows is that they're you're emotions and feelings that you have so pent up that you don't even believe you have them.

>implying i dont already have my persona min maxed and social links 100%
my shadow is a completionist and wouldn't allow such a scenario

Well if I am being honest it would probably mock me for being unable to let go of my past. Laughing at how I care about what my middle school friends thought of me despite it being 15 years ago. And how deep down I know that the crap they gave me was mostly justified and wasn't purely bullying. How I just can't accept people not liking me because I am unable to like myself.
Things along those lines.

Clearly you can't minmax in real life if you are posting here, so why would your shadow do it.

I've already ruined my life. It's too late to be a real person now.


I dunno. I like to think I'm pretty honest with myself. I think I know all my hang-ups and stuff.

Well, I tried to convince myself that I needed to be a Computer Scientist, fucked that up, and only now am I focusing on my true passion as opposed to trying to fit into a crowd.

I think my shadow would just be me, but with a bigger penis

>I prefer my women to have a dick

What about a guy masturbating to a girl masturbating to futa?

That's still a guy masturbating to a girl. It's straight.

Confirmed, playing vidya too much fucks your brain so your shadow is just you

Is the joke of this comic supposed to be that two guys jerking each other off makes the question of whether anything else is gay irrelevant?

I am pretty honest with myself about my shortcomings so idk

>preferring man tits fucking a woman over real tits

>implying I would say on Sup Forums

I had the realization what my "shadow" was a few days ago.
Don't know how to describe the shame.

I imagine for me it'd be something like

"Oh god, sucking dicks IS gay after all!"

Is it that you're a dirty pedo?

Would P4 have been improved if you had to earn Izanagi-no-Okami by fighting Yu's shadow?

Nothing I haven't already said or thought. I'd just accept it and ask my shadow if he wants a drink.

I'm the kind of person who buries most problems and hopes they'll stop hurting if I give them time. The poor thing wouldn't even know where to start.

Yeah, my shadow would just be me, but with motivation.

Loli isn't pedophillia


So what's your persona user?

Da Nile aint just a river in Egypt

>tfw my shadow would be me with an Italian accent
>tfw no on would understand why I'm breaking down and sobbing


It's also the misissippi

user we all know that male on futa is best

get fucked

Yea, but honestly the comic focusses more on nudity than actually funny jokes or plot most of the time

>tfw you're the shadow and the real you won't stop screaming

the amount of mental gymnastics """straight""" men use to justify this to themselves is hilarious

thatvid rather fuck my shadowself then any girl

>every comic with nudity ever

I don't PLAY video games!
I only watch people on youtube and twitch play them!
f-f-FUN is a M-MEME!

The game should have done this. I don't know how the anime got this right and the game didn't about Yu facing himself. I mean it didn't give him his Persona, but it's still better than a simple handshake by the gas attendant and that's it

I'm a shotacon

I mostly just go to work, come home and jerk off, play video games. I guess I should do more? Idk

Hol up, before I read this thread, is it just Sup Forumss latent homosexuality coming out

I got nothing real wrong with me, but it seems that my immediate family's relationships with each other are deteriorating and I can do nothing about it as I'm hundreds of miles away and can only watch it happen

I guess that's something

I would honestly be interested to see where it would go. I have so many insecurities it would need to have some fucking chairs to really air it all out. Biggest would be my lack of success by late twenties and fear of growing old and lonely, and that I feel like less of a powerful man than I should be, yet pretend I am fine.

What's the problem?

It'd just be the usual self-loathing spiel about how worthless it is to be constantly afraid of rejection so you never make the attempt to even try and make friends or do new things. I've been through that song and dance several times already

Lots of issues compounded. divorce, sides taken, money being lent out and not being spent wisely.

Also, an upcoming wedding which everyone will attend.

>Be psychopath
>Have no ego
Hmm good question actually, I hold no strong convictions and there's nothing I won't consider, petty insults and provocations mean literally nothing to me, not sure what'd even happen beside some lame-ass staring contest before I ask him which hand he prefers to masturbate with.

>Also, an upcoming wedding which everyone will attend.
Your life is a movie, user

/ss/ is the purest form of love

Probably the fact that I've fucked up so many opportunities and second chances that were handed to me that I have to be a broken machine that can't be fixed and is doomed to be a black hole of opportunity and good will.
That and my fetishes, but that goes without saying


Still a couple months away. Just enough time to figure out a good excuse to bail.

It's okay, but I prefer shota x shota

Nah senpai, I'm not even that degenerate

What are you gay

That's a pretty good series.

I just have maternal-related issues and find /ss/ extremely attractive


People always forget that the shadow self tries to pass off as you, not just going around and insulting you about stuff deep in your heart.
Mine would be :
>a beautiful death is all that I need! Look how much I want to be protected by a gentle dom girl, this would be so much easier than try to be assertive and try to talk to women!
>I value other people's opinions more than I my own! My name is user!

Anxiety. I can't even go to fucking Subway without having a seizure over ordering my sandwich.

You keep excusing your laziness with "I'm smart but unmotivated" but we both know that's bullshit because slacking off isn't smart. You're just terrified of failure, and too cowardly to admit it.

>What dirty laundry is it airing?

Who gives a shit? I'm inside a godamn TV.

>hey user, remember August 2nd 1999

Probably something about how I put of a fake personality and pretend to care about people when I only talk to people because I get bored easily and I don't like being alone because it gets boring extremely fast.

How I listen to their problems and try to give them advice because I practically see their lives as games which I use to keep myself occupied.

How I'm turning out like both of my parents, being a manipulative, spiteful, abusive person.

You know, classic edgelord stuff.

My shadow would probably talk about:
>my disapointment in myself for never reaching the lofty heights everyone in my generation set as a goal, despite knowing that there's very little happiness to be had THERE either
>that I probably have too many radical political views for my own good, to the point where I have a hard time existing in normal society without a need to point out things I don't like
>despite having very clear definitions of degeneracy I have a very liberal porn-taste, to the point where it's probably hypocritical
>my desire to bury these and other deep character flaws in video games and other forms of mindless entertainement till I'm dead, knowing full well that the last thing this society needs is "another one of me" right now

What happened?

Get a fidget spinner.

For some reason I thought you meant subway as in the transportation system and I became very confused. Then chuckled at the thought of some user standing on a train talking into his phone trying to order a sandwich.