Why do oldfags always hate new things?
Why do oldfags always hate new things?
>Capcom says they want to appeal to casuals
>doesn't put anything in for the casuals
>alienates old school players
Capcom managed to not only piss off casuals but hardcore players as well lmao
Because the new thing sucks
I actually am okay with SFV atm, especially if that SSFV rumour is true. Shit launch though, no one can deny this.
The hate for this game isn't even rational for the most part.
But I like lots of new things. Overwatch is fun, Dark Souls was great fun a few years back, enjoyed the Minecraft fad for a spell even. What is your criteria here? What metrics are you using to evaluate your appraisal of us 30+ folks?
I really want to play it because of a lot of players but it is really boring to watch the fighting where i have put most of my time is 3rd strike. And in sfv like turtling style don't even exist while i know you also can't zone in 3s but parry techs like make whole new styles. Nothing to practice much and have a lot technical faults too like netcode and lag and stuff
Cause new things get worse and more casual due to businessmen hating video games.
I think its a decent fighting game but I liked 4 more.
Just because people (rightfully) criticize it, it doesn't mean they are all oldfags.
Sorry to show your boogeyman makes no sense but it's time to accept the game is crap.
New things happen to be mostly shit. Old things happened to be mostly shit, too. It's okay to hate shit things that people pretend are acceptable or great things.
Official Streetfighter taste test chart. Feel free to add to it.
>3rd strike
meme game cause muh parries
shitty cast, shitty story, and music that doesnt belong
Ultra Street Fighter IV and Street Fighter V suffer from the same problems, but Street Fighter V's problems can be circumvented by playing the game the intended way. Ultra is still plagued with a series of nuanced metgame circumstances that force players to make suboptimal decisions under the most normal and least demanding circumstances (shoryuken on whiffed jump in, option selects on backdash).
I like SFV more, but it has it's fair share of problems too, it's just you can actually DO something about the nonsense instead of waiting for the opponent to feed into your trap/focus attack. I can force the other player to do what I want more easily making it much more agreeable with my tastes.
>shitty cast
Yeah wasn't the best I give you that
>Shitty story
LOL? Story...fighting games...hmmm
>music doesn't belong
Deaf fags pls leave
Keep your shitty opinions to yourself
Old school players love Tekken 7. Same with Rev 2. It's just SF5 is such a huge disappointment in every category, casuals never picked it up, gameplay was absolutely butchered on so many levels the hardcores dislike it as well.
How in the fuck do you ship a fighting game with 6.5 frames of input delay?
Do you want vertical sync or not? Fuck off with this stupid bullshit. Tekken 7 has 7.2 frames. BUT ITS A 3D FIGHTER SO ITS OKAY. Xrd has, I think what? Four frames? You faggots would still complain.
Fastest move in Tekken 7 is like 11f.
Fastest move in SFV is like 3f.
It's more realistic to react to something that has over 11f of startup with 7.2f of delay than it is to react to 3f+ move with 6.5f. Retard.
It's like you don't even know what you're talking about.
to be fair a lot of the players in SFV, especially online have difficulty playing defensively and it is a heavily defensive game.
Arguing from the basis that the input delay causes difficulty is meaningful but it also stands to reason that the game is generally one where you have to block instead of counter. The reward for countering is huge so as a result blocking is encouraged. Meaning if you're getting hit with attacks that are 3f or faster you probably aren't playing with your health bar as a priority.
best sf games:
footsies city
>meme shit that sucks in a2
cc's are cancer and it would be perfect without them
fireball city
>meme shit that sucks in st
some characters are really braindead and borderline banworthy, such as boxer/claw/chun in no particular order, and some supers too
>hyper fighting
pure street fighter
>meme shit that sucks in HF
almost nothing
closest capcom ever got to making it feel like sf2
>meme shit that sucks in usf4
gimmick city, focus attacks, ultras, vortexes and setplay city. i am biased though since i later just started playing guiles/ryus/vegas almost exclusively via my friends list
this has been an opinion
there are niceties in entitlement but i am not sure this one counts
I don't hate SFV, but it sucks that capcom butchered the game, and could have been something special. Hopefully the SSFV stuff is legit.
Vanilla SF4 was the only game I had blind hatred for just because I was such a huge Third Strike fan.
I hate Street Fighter IV.
I hate the way the game rewards you for taking damage, I can't stand the textures, the style, the stage, the atmosphere. If USFIV wasn't so popular I would have played another game really fast, as it stands it's really one of the only games where you can get better quickly on Steam right now, next to Tekken and GGXrd you'll be lucky if you can find Blazblue or KOF competition that lessens the skill gap quickly.
Because they are sometimes bad?
Old tekken players aren't hating T7. And it's not a case "they just 'like' every new game" because a lot of them hated TTT2.
Because they got good at the old thing and the new thing is different so they can't show off as well until they get good again.
I think he means new entries to old franchises
Because newfags have no reference point into what things Could be, and so everything goes for them.
Because it's not new.
In fact, it's shit because it removed a million old things and added barely anything, which ended up on an unga rushdown flowchart game with zero depth or style.
That's the fucking issue, it's lacking both old AND new
I'm pretty sure newfags hated it too.
game is fine, brb bodying daigo
>shitty cast
Do you know how many dicks makoto, q or dudley players would suck for these?
And how many people sucked for alex?
And for urien?
SF3 cast was the pinnacle of sf character design, with some rotten eggs like remy which is still miles better from most shit.
>reacting to jabs
What the fuck
>it is a heavily defensive game
What the fuck are you snorting?
the game comes down to picking ibuki/balrog/urien/whatever and rushdown/pull mixups, which will often kill you in one or two resets if you're lucky.
This is facilitated by most v- reversals being shit, dps only being useful against this spending meter, etc.
And if you get out of that, then it's YOUR turn to just go in with the exact same 2-3 best and extremely easy to do combos and rushdown with your v-trigger that you got from being rushed/rushing down.
That's sfv, and it gets extremely boring after a while.
>muh artificial difficult
>muh pure nipon culture, tainted by hip hop
stay mad whiteboi
What exactly will they do to the gameplay in Super if it's real to win people back?
Nothing, it will be a physical version of the season 1 and 2 dlc and people will cry about muh frames, muh rushdown, how USFIV was perfect and how you should really be playing GG or Tekken u guyz its the superior game and whatever else and it will still be impossible for people who enjoy the game to have a discussion.
Well you have to look at the fact.
What does the game reward and what does it punish?
>Crush Counters
>V-Triggers are built up by taking damage or using skills
>You cannot chip an opponent to death unless you have super
>Target combos and regular combos are both options for combat leaving the player freedom to choose between any one which might work
>V-Reversals come with either an attack or a dodge
>technical wake ups only roll you backwards
>Jumping comes with all the same normals for most characters except Chun-li
>throws and command throws all come with an usually low amount of startup frames, encouraging their use moreso than before
Things like these lead a person to think about what the game's orientation is. Is it an offensive game where I can just do anything I want and the opponent won't be able to do anything about it? Or is it a defensive game where my goal is to eradicate the opponent's strategy? Clearly, from just a moments glance you cans see that a lot of the mechanics are defensive in design. There's nothing like a baroque meter that allows you to do more damage, the only character with something like that is R. Mika and it's a joke move that takes way too much time to do (v-skill charged).
mostly Sup Forums babies liking the previous game to sound hardcore
suddenly 1frame links and FADC are amazing
The real question is, why do people sperg out over people prefering old things?
>suddenly 1frame links and FADC are amazing
Said no one ever
Why do faggots always make excuses for their shit games? Street Fighter IV was also new at some point and we didn't all hate that.
4 had content and good online and didn't destroy classic characters.
I would add get rid of the 3 frame buffer to allow 1 frame links to expand combo variety and expression, but that isn't going to happen.
More importantly though, toning down v-triggers, or having at least 2 choices to pick at the start that can offer different playstyles or answers.
Buff v-reversals, since a lot of them are straight up shitty, especially if they take away from your gauge that builds up powerful triggers.
Being able to chip out on even just heavy normals or specials would help in allowing the zoner archetype, since not being able to chip outside of CA forces them to go in.
I'm not an expert at all, but just adding back variety of playstyles outside of throwing out crush counters and building v-trigger would help. I know Capcom want to focus the game on aggression instead of safe and calculated, but if you take away everything else, it's impact feels less meaningful.
Everything there sounds good except 1 frame links.
Pls no.
It's not going to happen anyways, but as long as damage is still largely viable outside of them, I don't see a problem with them existing.
Like fuck, I'm not that amazing at execution, but I play Slayer in Xrd, and I know he has air combos where I can sometimes sneak in like 4 to 6 extra hits in, but I don't go for the extra 15-20 or whatever damage and go for a reliable knockdown instead. It's also something to work to as I get better and better.
V-reversals are kind of good. It's a free knockdown in a lot of cases, which is really more than you can bargain for in the year of our lord 2017. Most counter options today come with such strict timing and high level strategy. At least I can do a meaty wakeup on v-reversal.
Anyway you can't change game specific rules like that now. That wouldn't be sensible, you would alienate everyone who likes the game as is from future releases. Especially stuff about critical arts being chip only. What they did with super was add content, not remove a bunch of it. Ultra was the game where they removed a lot of metagame and features in favor of some more robust designs, but people still prefer AE.
imagine that the input delay was reduced to only 4 frames
now name what problems the game would still have
>dashes are no longer retarded
>jumps are now perfectly balanced
>less mixup and frame trap fuckery
How are jumps bad?
I get knocked out of the air on anti-air all the time, are they somehow too good?
- Slow
- All the characters are too simple and strictly designed for a player to actually have their own style.
- Filled with 50/50 situations
- V-Triggers are in general uninteresting.
The only thing they did right was removing 1f links.
>shitty cast
The cast is not bad at all. Unless you are saying that because of the balance.
>shitty story
Who cares about the story.
>and music that doesnt belong
I'm a 08er and I hate it just the same. Get bent.
It's supposed to be 50/50
It's literally Street Fighter, if your entire match doesn't depend on a single decision then the gameplay is backwards. In Alpha you were supposed to use V-ISM to do insane amounts of damage and weary your opponent into exhaustion. In 3rd Strike a hard read was the difference between a match in your favor and thirty seconds of footsies. Even in USFIV there are more than five 50/50 default circumstances comprised of Ultra, Jump-in, FADC and Red Focus. It's just the way Street Fighter is played, it's not like KOF or Marvel when the match is upended on a series of successful reads, you really only need one or two.
Why did they have to cut my boy Sagat and take Bison's psycho crusher away? Everything else I'm alright with
They have to fix the amount of spacing between fireballs.
Fireballs are so useless in this game, especially with V-trigger. Either they should be sped up or slowed down, the way they travel now is at such a perfect speed that they are literally useless.
I'm guessing they did that to appease all of the casuals that complained about shotos.
And then they shat all over casuals with every other mechanic a seasoned player can use to stomp them in 2 seconds.
>>Capcom says they want to appeal to casuals
More like:
>Capcom says they want to appeal to everyone
>True Gamerâ„¢ pissbabies throw a hissyfit because they can't share anything with anyone
They travel at this perfect speed that makes them useless for zoning, but perfect for block strings, which if you realize, is retarded because you have more recovery after hadou than a normal.
Guile, Ryu and Urien are the worst offenders, I never have a problem getting past fireballs and I'm using R.Mika 99% of the time. That's REALLY not good. That's like30% of a shoto's game right there and I've chopped it down to a sizable 15% because they move so awkwardly.
Oro dick sucker reporting in
Bisons blast is great though. And ex fireball into his claw slash is satisfying as fuck. Psycho crusher makes much more sense as a super
back to SRS
>implying reddit kappa queers whose first fighting game was SF4 are oldfags
Arguing with people like you is pointless.
In your mind the possibility that the developers could have genuinely fucked up in the gameplay department never enters.
Even professional players have voiced their discontentment with the changes that even persisted after the first season, but somehow you're so above it all, because you apparently know how to enjoy a bath in feces.
sf1 was trash
sf2 eventually got stale
sf3 was bleh
sf4 was shit
sf5 is ok
sfa 2 and 3 still best and most fun with a lot of variety
Arguing with people like you is pointless.
No matter what Capcom does to improve the game and even if SSFV becomes a reality with high reviewer scores after the rebranding and fixes your retarded memer ass will still wank with the rest of the kappaturds in the poo cesspit known as r/kappa and squeal as if Capcom and SFV murdered your entire lineage.
SF2 is still fun to play here and there
No, because unlike most people I am actually interested in the fighting game genre and it's revitalization, so I will check back whenever drastic changes to the game are made.
I'm actively looking for a good game and hoping to get one, but I'm not going to ignore all the present problems like you do.
>professional players
>video games
You people deserve to be laughed at.
Anyone here medicore want to play?
I don't want to get REKT by pro tournyfags that have played for 20000 hours. Not that there's anything wrong with that but id like to play someone on my level
>New thing
V-skills are usually just old mechanics/moves that have existed before. V-triggers are just moves/powerup states that have existed before. CCs are hardly a mechanic and just a way for babies to confirm a counterhit off already good heavy normals. The proxy system with normals is from 3s.
Nothing about SFV is unique from other SF games besides the fact its so dumbed down and linear meta wise. Normals are stubs , framedata on neutral tools is bad but good on close normals , damage is high off easy combos but low off singular neutral hits , jumping/dashing is stronger then most fighting games and harder to stop because of additional delay even with it reduced.
SFV is a joke of a game especially when KOF14/GGXrdRev2 are around along side Tekken 7. Its just barely better then NRS games core gameplay wise and way worse then them content wise. I understand you're most likely trash or a SF fan boy who cannot grasp fighters that move faster then 2 mph so its all you have but its not a good game its just barely mediocre.
What am I missing here? You realize that plenty of esport figures receive salaries, right? Hell, I am currently playing some shitty early access game and I made around a thousand bucks a months for the last 3 months playing some random tours. Making a living off of professional gaming is easy, especially if youre a streamer. Not the safest career choice, thats for sure.
>I made around a thousand bucks a months for the last 3 months playing some random tours
And I'm sure when you got home your dad high fived you and told you how proud he was.
The issue here is that you think making money off of playing video games requires 18 hrs a day of training. I have a degree in stats and finance, went to work for a year afterwards, decided that I want to change careers and am currently studying law. Ive had a part time job in statistical analysis for almost the entire time (4.5 years now) while winning money on the side from playing games. Fairly sure that my CV looks better than yours. On a different note: why would you give a shit about what your father thinks of your decisions? He exists to support you and voice his opinion, but not for you to live your life around his expectations.
SFV is a flop dude, no one likes it