What is the best Fallout in your opinion?

What is the best Fallout in your opinion?

new vegas


Not him but, writing, characters, story, quests, endings, factions, exploration, weapons, creatures.

2 >= 1 depending on build > nv > 4 > 3

because its an actual roleplaying game

4> NV > 3, I do not really care for the game system for the game system of 2 and 1

this, and companions were actually worth a damn.


It's the atmosphere. No, really, it manages a special blend of bittersweet, it feels grounded despite its cowboys-vs-Romans conflict because both cowboys and Romans are given decent reasons to be what they are. The world feels like it's more than a playground for the player. The factions have their own agendas, the characters make sense, you like some of them, you hate some of them, and the game gives you plenty of ways to express that.

And you can shoot people with explosive .50 BMG rounds.

4 has better atmosphere (graphics help), and controls, new vegas had better general mechanics

it still boggles my mind that weapon mechanics of f:nv weren't carried into 4. i don't understand how they fucked the levergun so bad.

4 has the same controls as 3 and NV, if anything they're a little simplified.

Fallout 3


Todd, you like new vegas now? Glad you won't be mad anymore because I pirated fallout 4 and the DLCs + special edition. Instead I bought new vegas goty again and all the DLCs for all my mates on steam

I wonder if you just linked to my post because of the word "atmosphere".

I think he realized he fucked up

Yeah, but it's still funny.

Yeah. But I think Todd deep down realizes new vegas is superior and accidentally posted that post without thinking it through

this while switching fo4 with fo3

New Vegas
>tfw to much of a brainlet too into FO1/2

But memes aside I have to say I enjoyed fallout 3's atmosphere more


NV > 2 = 4 > 1 > 3
They're all fantastic though

Couldn't agree more.

3 > NV > 4 > who cares

>4 had better atmosphere
honestly I think that FO3 had the best atmosphere of the 3, probably because it was the first one I played and exploring the wasteland at age 13 or whatever was pretty damn impressive.
If NV was my first Fallout game, I'd probably say that FO3 was unimpressive and awful. To me it felt the most post-apocalyptic though.

FO4's green/grey/blue colour scheme just looks a bit shitty imo and the entire wasteland just feels like the same shit with too many buildings. I liked FO3's green tint

from "old gen" probably 2, from "new gen" 4 no doubt. nv is overrated as fuck and many of the things people praise about it are things they complain about in 3, such as you being able to tell the end boss to just go fuck himself. the choices you make along the story are also inflated in terms of importance. most of them lead only to small changes such as you getting some extra help in the final fight, and some different text at the end, gameplay-wise it changes very little. 4 also had some good QOL added and much better gunplay than 3 and nv.

but the true problem of fallout as a series is the fans, who simply refuse to comprehend that we'll never have fallout 1&2 again. people judge new fallouts based on the originals but the truth is that other than the scenario they're different games and it's stupid to believe they'll go back to having walls of text for every choice, even if the writting was better thanks to it.


>nv is overrated

To this day I don't understand the atmosphere argument people are making as if it somehow redeems all the other unbearably shitty aspects of the Bethesda fallout games.

FO3 did capture the feel of a post-apocalyptic world the best and like it or not the tint contributed to the general feeling of desolation and ruin.

the desert background for NV diminishes the wasteland feel a bit imo, it's hard to explain but it feels a bit less serious overall.

4 is interesting because it's supposed to be a somewhat less affected area, which allows them to have more vivid colors and more preserved stuff. whether it appeals to people or not is subjective but it does provide a nice contrast to the rest of the series. and far harbor had great atmosphere.


Unlike most people here New Vegas was my first Fallout and I absolutely loved it, but for some reason I couldn't get into 1, 2 and 3

NV is a Fallout 3 mod with less interesting locations and worse atmosphere.



The thing is Fallout is a post-post apocalyptic series, besides atmosphere doesn't mean shit when the world bulding is fucking horrible, like in Fallout 3

I find the wild west-nuclear wasteland combination to be absolutely brilliant and great for role-playing.

>less serious
What. Fallout new Vegas was about human vice, war and general human weakness when the world collapses and tries to rebuild. Fallout 3 was the most basic post apocalyptic shit that you could find.

>anons unironically defending fo3 writing and world building
I think it might be time for me to stop browsing this shitheap.

It happens there's been a lot more shitting on new vegas as well.

when you make a game that's supposed to be about exploring a desolated wasteland destroyed by nuclear fallout, you want it to feel a such and not "wacky desert summer camp" or "i went to detroit:the game". of course, nothing you dislike or don't understand is an argument so you'll just dismiss it, but it's still the truth.

>a game that's supposed to be about exploring a desolated wasteland destroyed by nuclear fallout
So, not Fallout?

>a game that's supposed to be about exploring a desolated wasteland destroyed by nuclear fallout
You do realize that Fallout 3 is set 200 years since the bombs fell, right?

>he thinks his game is deep and hard to understand

the main factions: a bunch of corrupt retards, a bunch of roman retards, tony stark and skynet.

the side factions: irrelevant. they're just there to provide a set of side-missions for whichever main faction you choose.

the companions: only ed-e, raul and maybe arcade are interesting, the rest are garbage.

bottom line: people praise the game for having great writting and lots of freedom and choice, when in truth it's writting is as bad as 3's and the choices mean jack shit when all that's ever trully affected is a post-game slideshow.

>the main factions: a bunch of corrupt retards, a bunch of roman retards, tony stark and skynet.
As opposed to Evil Black Knights and Good White Knights?
>the side factions: irrelevant
As opposed to non-existent?

So I got New Vegas the other day. When does it get good? I'm on the way to fuck up Benny after talking to the khan cunts who took hostages.

what the fuck are you talking about user? we're talking about the atmosphere the game provides compared to it's setting, not the game/writting's depth. that would be stupid anyways since not a single one of the fallout games is actually deep.

how does that change the fact you're exploring a land that was turned to shit by a massive nuclear war? time since the bombs fell would only really be a factor if it had been enough for the radiation to dissipate.

Fallout 1 and 2 are fun games that define the entire series as a whole: Fun games if you have a lot of time.
That being said they have not aged well and are very disconnected with the current state of the franchise. Still fun, you just need to be know you're playing almost an entirely different game.

Fallout 3 is a good game. Innovative, good main quest, plenty of side quests, guns are fun, plenty to explore, tons of shit to collect. A good first step.

Fallout New Vegas is the best fallout game that there is. Truly a role playing game, great arching storyline, DLC is top tier, combat is great, the role playing is great, companions mean something, relationships mean something. Karma, great NPCs. There are so many good things to say about this one, it's simply the best game in the series and holds up well after 7ish years

Fallout 4 is dumbed down from New Vegas, it feels like the priorities got mixed up with this one. The combat is the best ever, but the role playing is akin to fallout 3, which is a downgrade from New Vegas. However the NPCs are still enjoyable, great storyline, atmosphere, the settlements are great feature that you could spend hours on. Tons of customization, great guns, a huge game with lots to do.

TLDR; 1. FNV 2. F4 3. F3 4. F2 5. F1