Switch owner here. I own Mario Kart, Zelda, and Shovelknight + DLC. Which game should I buy next?

Switch owner here. I own Mario Kart, Zelda, and Shovelknight + DLC. Which game should I buy next?

Whats the best Switch game out right now that I dont already have.

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>Doesn't even own an exclusive

snake pass if you like creative platforming thats sometimes enraging
wonderboy if you like good old adventure games
puyo puyo tetris if you want puyo puyo and tetris

metroid prime 4 reveal trailer

I can vouch for Snake Pass and Wonderboy. Great platform to own these games for portable gaming.

I can also recommend I Am Setsuna from the online store.

In terms of physical releases, Arms and Super Bomberman II are great co-opt games with single player options.

reminder to not buy cave story plus

Snake Pass looks boring as fuck, nothing wrong with that, just not my style of game.

Wonderboy looks pretty good, but I feel like Cave Story is better? Then again I could just play Cave Story on PC for free using my Switch controller.

Puyo Puyo Tetris is actually REALLY fun, but Im not paying $40 for Tetris.

Well Snake pass isn't boring. It's infuriating at times. It's slow but it takes a lot of time and practice to get used to and a lot of challenge.

Wonder Boy and cave story aren't comparable but I'd go for Wonderboy based on and the fact that cavestory is literally freeware.

Puyo Puyo Tetris. Puyo Puyo is a fucking amazing puzzle game that is in dire need of some more love in the West. Tetris is Tetris.
You can't go wrong at all with it.
>But I don't have friends to play this with
What a shame
It also comes with an online mode, with casual and competitive modes, where you can get your ass handled by japs who had this game for the past 3 years. Or you could actually git gud at both Puyo and Tetris and beat their asses like I did

There are none, I have Mariokart and Zelda, as well as Fast RMX and Snipperclips. Snipper and Fast RMX were a waste of money.

Snake pass is better on every other platform. Not saying there isn't value to playing on a portable but you should put some thought into that purchase.

Get neo turf masters on that bitch.

Yea I tried the demo, and had a shit ton of fun, but Im not spending $40 on Tetris.

I agree with this post but I feel compelled to let you know that Fusion mode that combines Puyo and Tetris is the least fun I've ever had playing a video game. It's fucking awful. You can turn it off completely online and have 0 probelms with finding a game, but I just felt the need to make it known. Fusion is awful. 10/10 outside of that.

>Snake pass is better on every other platform. Not saying there isn't value to playing on a portable but you should put some thought into that purchase.

It has a different art style on switch. I like when games do that. It's neat. It's not just "the ps4 or pc version but worse" its far from the difinitive version but it's neat to play portable and it's a great "time waster" game where you can knock a level or two out while waiting/doing something else and you can drop it without missing a beat.

>but Im not spending $40 on Tetris.

Of course not. You're getting Puyo Puyo AND Tetris. Joking aside, the mode where you switch games mid-match is too good.

It's not tetris.

If you have a friend, Snipperclips

Fuck no. Not at the price it's at. It's cute but it's not more than a $15 game, at MOST.

Not op obviously but I got disgaea and it seems terrible? I usually like weeb games but this seems to drop you right into fighting with no point (I've literally done like 3 or 4 fights), there doesn't seem to be any goal or anything so far? I'm not trying to criticize the game but it's giving me those OPEN WORLD vibes where I don't know where I'm supposed to be going and I get bored.

>splatoon not mentioned in thread at all

it comes out in a month

It's not out yet user.


D5 needs a trailer like the handheld version of 4 so retards can figure out what the game is about.

Fusion is pretty much the only thing wrong with PPT, and is one of the many brain dead decisions Sonic Team has made recently.
>but Im not spending $40 on Tetris.
Of course not. You're spending $20 on Tetris, and another $20 on an actual good puzzle game: Puyo Puyo.
Plus you get a couple of other crazy modes. Swap Mode is fucking amazing and is currently the tournament standard for PPT.
please buy it for our starving community. We haven't had a single new Puyo Puyo game released outside of Japan in over 10 years, and if this game sells, we'll most likely get the upcoming games as well. This series is pretty godlike, user. Even if the plots of the games fluctuate between quite good and utter ass.

don't kid yourself. any sales in the west are going to be chalked up as tetris sales.

I mean this makes me want to play disgaea 4
what's your quick opinion on 4 vs 5 so I can feel good or bad about my purchase for no good reason

Accept the reality that it's a new system and there just aren't many games to play yet. Buy a bunch of shitty games and you're going to feel burned. Just play one of your other platforms, and if you don't have anything but the Switch, seriously consider getting a PC because you're missing out on tons of games

Honestly there just isn't anything worth playing on the system aside Zelda and MK8. BotW DLC lands in a couple days, so get that, and pace yourself

O-Oh but OP said next, he never said when

Thumper if you lwant something different or Arms it you want online fighting

Snipper Clips if you have somebody to play with

the worst part is that you're probably right

>playing tetris in 2017
fuck off grampa

>barely any mention of last nintendo exclusive to come out

So is arms essentially dead?

gunvolt burst

ARMs is fun, but only if you're into fighting games. Kamiko is good too, and its only five dollars but it's short and uses pixel graphics.

It's a shit game with no content
It's the type of thing that should have been F2P, and probably would have been if it were any other developer

Thumper is pretty cool. Bit pricey for a rhythm game imo, but I'm a huge fan of Lightning Bolt and I look at it as a way of making up for pirating a couple albums. If you have access to VR, it'd probably be better there though

OP here, I can tell you right now ARMS is shit. I played all the testpunches. Its fun for exactly 10 min and then you realize theres nothing else there.

No where near worth the money, at least not gameplay wise.

I'm pretty sure its only 30 dollars, fwiw.

>OP only lists ports
>I can only think of ports

Well... damn

>Constantly mentions and shills Puyo
and this is why the West never deserved the Puyo Puyo franchise.

$30 digital I got the launch edition off eBay for brand new and sealed for $33

You have the early essentials but further recommendations include many of the Neo Geo games (Neo Turf Masters specifically) and Snipperclips and Jack Box 3 for hang sessions.

i dont know what this means but go back to redddit you fucking queer

Might as well buy them all since you like shit games

nigga why dont you own blastermaster yet?

For what it's worth?

>he doesnt play tetris at least for half a hour every day
enjoy your slow brain.

Ok, go back to redddit you fucking queer

I love you too, user-sama

Arms is great 1v1. Almost everything else in the game is downright unpleasant to play.

No I'm not joking and I'm not talking about 'everyone who browses reddit except you', go back and fuck off forever.

Says $39.99 US on the official Nintendo website right now.

Downloaded Disgea 5 demo. It was alright, but if Im going to be playing JRPG tacticals, I want there to actually be a JRPG component, not just being thrust into battle after battle for no reason. Something like FF Tactics, or even Advance Wars. And the gameplay itself isnt interesting or exciting enough to be fun. Gets old fast, like ARMS.

Literally Puyo Puyo Tetris

>BUY PHYSICAL COPY right next to price

I only buy physical. Digital makes no sense to me, especially since I can make my money back on physical games if I ever want to sell them, and plus theres no way to transfer my digital copies. If my Switch is stolen I lose all my games.