Did you guys ever learn another language just to import or play untranslated games? What games if so?

Did you guys ever learn another language just to import or play untranslated games? What games if so?

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Black Bunny 3. I was NEET and had some spare time. However, it sucks translating hentai scenes so I stopped. And I am no longer NEET.

Bunny Black is better than Rance in my opinion.

Bunny Black 1 and 2 is fully translated. It's the weekend. Try the game and you may fap 13 times straight 1 an hour like me.

Is that the one with the futa queen?


not really worth it IMO, japanese writing (specifically VNs and such) is pretty meh for the most part with some exceptions

Is it worth it to learn MoonRunes, anons?

I'm just starting friend, I'll let you know in 4 years

>only motivation to learn nipponese are h-games, doujins, anime, and untranslated vidya
>just cannot justify the time sink

I learned english.

Overall it made me enjoy vidyagames less

I'm not sure why I keep playing videogames, t b h

same, the struggle is real


In between work, studying my art fundamentals, video games, gym, and stress, I find little inspiration to keep a decent studying habit. I'd read more material, play more games, and converse with more people with Nip, but I still find it difficult to keep it habitual.

How so?
That + wanting to vacation there and job opportunities are my motivation. Hopefully I don't stop.


If you have to ask then probably not, and I'm not trying to be an asshole it's just that learning Japanese isn't something you can snap your fingers and accomplish. It will require a lot of your time and it'll feel useless as fuck for a long while. A large majority of worthwhile Japanese stuff gets localised or fan translated anyway. If you still wanna learn despite that fact then you'll probably be motivated enough to make it.

I was gonna learn Nippon because of the Romancing Sa-Ga trilogy on SNES. Then I took the class, and now it's my major alongside the fact I'm learning other languages. Only reason I'd learn Ching Chong is for memes, movies and some VNs so screw that.

Yes. I am now living in japan and using the skill to read hentai almost exclusively

>in japan of all place.

The only nice thing about japan is a low unemployment rate.

This. I lived there and it was pretty boring.

You can (not) learn japanese



I downloaded a bunch of japanese stuff a few months ago. I started Genki I, then procrastinated about a month and never touched it again ever since. I follow some japanese schools on normiebook, they post interesting stuff from time to time, it's just that I can't find enough time to study. Then again I know it's procastination because I manage to squeeze
in enough time to study a MBA lol

I can't justify dedicating my free time to it. It's either exercising or studying japanese.

But the more important question is, are you impressing the local women by simply being foreign? It's your chance user, everyone on this board knows native Nippon ladies are objectively superior to all

>Wanted to learn Japanese and move to Japan
>Realize how awful of a country Japan is to live in
>Their work culture is archaic and they expect you to be a cuck for the company
>They expect you to prioritize working over everything, including family, otherwise you're "lazy" and "not a team player"
>Not individuality, they think everyone shouldn't rock the boat and instead should stay together

>something about yotsuba
I just learned Kana and did day 2 of Anki. How do I go about learning things in Genki? Just memorize the vocab and grammer rules?

unless you're actually moving to Japan, then nah not really.
It'll look good on you're resume tho.

>job opportunities

If you're over 21 then forget about "job opportunities" unless you want to be a fucking English teacher that gets paid like dog shit and doesn't have any job security.

It's best, like learning everything else, to have a methodical approach to it. After learning the hiragana/katakana charts, did you learn the 2k/6k? I'm going through it now.


No, plenty of foreigners in Tokyo.
Also I already love someone so I'm not living to get my dick wet by some door-hinge squeaking girls.

Yeah, jap companies suck. Better to find a company in japan that isn't a jap company.

this desu

lotta movies and vidya and you'll get the spark eventually, but then I guess english isn't a very hard one so it might be an unfair example

but like he also said, it kind of takes the spice out of foreign media. I think I enjoyed english music more when it was just gibberish to me, it's less.. distracting, when you can't understand the lyrics

maybe that's why people like metal

on the other hand it means i can now have tv playing in the background while i do stuff, can't really get that going if you need to read the subtitles. that's pretty much my problem with anime, i want to tab out from time to time but I don't want to miss anything. Shame dubs are such trash.

>learn a language to read stuff so basic that it can be machine translated
Tell me you weebs aren't serious

I tried learning Japanese, the Kanji was fun in a weird way but they talk way too fast for me to comprehend. It's the same problem that I had in Spanish class.

I'm trying to teach myself Portuguese because they seem to speak slow enough to actually get through while still being marginally a marginally useful tongue.

I hate gideon...

you weebs aren't serious

>>Their work culture is archaic and they expect you to be a cuck for the company
>>They expect you to prioritize working over everything, including family, otherwise you're "lazy" and "not a team player"

Not too different from my experience with minimum wage jobs down here in Atlanta. Since I'm all alone and estranged from my family, I want to do better but find it difficult and quite frankly FUCKING DAUNTING to get into school to get better opportunities to get my foot in my career of choice. I don't have the resources to do jump into animation without considering college.


Some guide suggested Remember the kanji, which is kind of useful but then I realized the method is highly flawed. As I said before, my main method of learning kanjistudy (android app) plus the occasional video.

>Machine translated


Don't you mean 読みたくないか?

Are you trying to learn by listening to Brazilians or Portuguese? Because the Portuguese talk way faster than us Brazilians - sometimes we have difficulty understanding them. Their accent is kinda funny.

You could learn japanese in 2 years, and the SMT If translation would still be at 65%. Don't wait for translators. Work on it yourself.

Tsukihime Remake. Still waiting.

Started almost 5 years ago and don't regret learning it though, it's probably the best decision I've made in my life.

I started learning Japanese, but then I realized how irrelevant and useless it is. Fapping to an untranslated doujin every once in a while or playing a few untranslated games that I really want to play isn't worth spending years learning an entire language.

wow the new evangelion movie sounds bad

Nope, I am gaijin.
Could go the ~が欲しい or ~たい, but fuck it.

I'm busy trying to figure out how the fuck do I pay for Steam games in this fuck

Whatever Duolingo is dishing out, so I'm assuming Brazilian; I heard the southern part of the country is relatively nice.

I don't think you understand the extent of the work culture in Japan. There, if you're employed, you can have EVERYTHING provided to you, from application papers to landlords, and they may even pair you with a co-worker to marry. In return, they expect you to work extra hours without pay (it's expected - if you don't, you're letting your team down) and go out with everyone when the boss orders drinks (those nights are paid by the company).

Really, the expression "just a cog in the machine" is what the japanese work ethic is exactly about.

Same fucking thread again? What the fuck.

Anyway, I learned Japanese out of boredom for Manga and Video games a few years ago. I'm far from fluent, but I know enough that I can enjoy myself. Don't really play many video games anymore, but I read tons of hentai, I cannot even imagine fapping to translated-only material now. My fetishes never even get touched so overall it was a good decision to learn Japanese.

Here's an example of a woman and her kid talking with both accents. The woman is Brazilian and the kid is Portuguese:

The Northeast has such a different accent that a few of their movies come with subtitles, like this:

Sounds better than the American approach of being "moderate" and half-assing everything.

>I don't think you understand the extent of the work culture in Japan
You're right. I wouldn't base my knowledge of their work ethic around what little anime, manga, and movies I've seen based around their culture, so I believe I'm not too knowledgeable about it. That being said, it doesn't mean it can't be ALL bad. What if they people you work with are entertaining at the least and are a reliable source of joy and excitement to you even while at work? Doesn't sound too bad if the boss forces you to drink with them if that's the case. Might just be looking at this in an unrealistic way, but I don't want to be too pessimistic with things; I have no intentions of working in Japan anyhoo

Just get to the point where you start reading, which is like 2-3 months tops. Then read for a month and if you hate it, stop. Don't listen to the autistic weebs, since most of them don't even know Japanese anyway, they just read shitty Visual Novels and are overly reliant on texthookers to the point where they can't even understand the language naturally.

Think of all the hours of enjoyment you can have if instead of studying Japanese, you just played video games, watched anime, read books etc. Essentially, what I'm trying to say is, if you don't enjoy studying Japanese, then it isn't worth it.

t. studying japanese for 18 months.


Once you get the fundamentals down, then most of learning Japanese is through playing games, reading manga, etc.
Since you're going to be doing all of that either way, why not feel productive while doing it?

Grammar is hard, and it took me way too long to learn it. I think my suggestion would be to use the DoJG deck from djtguide.neocities.org/ and introduce as many grammatical concepts as you can. Don't feel the need to hammer in the grammar on your first day, just read the sentences and try to understand. You'll learn over time. Same goes for Kanji.

No, but playing S.T.A.L.K.E.R. inspired me to learn Russian/Ukrainian. I have family who live there and while I'm technically a 3rd-generation Ukranian literally nobody in my immediate family speaks it or follow any of the old traditions (outside of Ukrainian Christmas),

Not explicitly to play them, but I do now that I can. Snatcher, Persona games, Mizzurna Falls, etc.

>まだ「Sup Forumsは日本語が分かるのはおろか、書くのはできん」のエピソードだ

>Not too different from my experience with minimum wage jobs down here in Atlanta.

But see, that's minimum wage/unskilled labor. In those kinds of jobs that's to be expected, because you're so expendable.

Japan's "give your life for the good of the company" corporate culture permeates literally everything. In most countries you rise through the ranks and work hard so you *don't* have to be subject to that level of obligation, but in Japan you literally can't escape it no matter what job you do or how well you do it.

you know the whole 'cog in the machine' thing doesn't sound too bad so as long the company has my back, too

Yeah, English.

I learned Japanese and use it for erogames.

Yes I learned English

This, might be that I'm fairly young but it really doesn't seem bad at all. Especially if company covers my drinks.

Kiseki and Dragon Quest got me to attempt learning Japanese, and I've actually been playing Zero no Kiseki in Japanese recently.


I learned English just to play video games.
Yes, video games.


It seems pretty shitty having to work long hours. If you're an introverted individual who doesn't mind working a lot and enjoys a solitary lifestyle, Japan may not be that bad.

Yes, English.
All of them.

I learned Japanese and played through Zero no Kiseki in Japanese, and then the shitty fan translation came out.

Whatever, at least I don't have to wait for Sen III.

Man, the more I learned Japanese the more I realized I don't trust fan translations worth a shit.

At least if I go through it myself I know if/where I'm making mistakes.

Why are there no games in Latin?

Dead language

>Be 10 years old
>Pokemon Yellow comes out, get it for christmas
>Don't understand a single fuck of English
>Motivated as fuck, I decided to learn English and beat this game
>Fast forward to today
>tl;dr my job consists of communicating with people from all around the world
>People say my English is pretty nice
>All of this because of fucking Pokemon Yellow

Yeah, true enough.

all i want is a wife, family, and vidya games

so as long as ive got that, i'll be able to achieve my peaceful quiet life


I speak Serbocroatian and English

can understand French and Russian and Spanish

I would learn Japanese if it didn't involve brute force memorization and constant reinforcing of said memorization

This. The more I learn about Japan, the more I hate the very idea of living there.

>Tsukihime Remake
My realistic expectation for its release would be 2019, at the EARLIEST.

If you're waiting for the English translation, then 2021 at least.

>learning a foreign language
>not "brute force" memorization and constant reinforcement

>that IQ
My fucking eyes.

so wait, are they NOT really saying "my hips are moving on their own"?!

It feels oddly good being able to understand Sup Forums memes in other languages.

Like that Arabic Toddposting last week, didn't save the pic though.

If it's a language you actually intend to use it doesn't need to be like that you know

Fuck learning japanese

by 2025 machine translation will literally be perfected

I respectfully disagree. Living in a foreign country after five years, I still do daily repetitions and learning to keep things active and to keep engaging more with it.

You can get to a point where you 'get by' decently enough, but I never found that to be fulfilling enough.

Pretty much this. However, I want to learn it simply so I can troll my 二ちゃん chums.

You... uh... got the structure backwards, mate.

I am interested in japanese because I'm a weeb and it'd be cool to be able to understand un-tld stuff and enjoy content more, but I've tried a few times and I just don't have the motivation to stick with it. I get a few weeks or months in and then just stop.
I do want to learn a second language but jap is the only one I can think of that I might use.

It's a PSP game, not much you can do with 2D assets sadly.

>jap is the only one I can think of that I might use.
you won't.

Yes. Currently studying Japanese everyday. I am now also studying Esperanto and dabbling in Turkish, Mandarin, and Spanish.

Learning a second language has been the most fulfilling thing I have ever done in my life, being a socially withdrawn loser. It connects you with other cultures and gives your the opportunity to meet people who are nothing like anyone else you ever met. It really is a lot of fun, and you only need to dedicate 30 minutes a day to it if you want. It's fun, if you can play 30 minutes of video games a day, you can have fun studying a language 30 minutes a day. A couple years will pass, and you will come further than you thought.

The catch is that there will be a period during studying where you will lose interest in the simple things like anime and Japanese video games completely while you are studying. Eventually you will want to come back when you can actually read through things and it feels great. DO IT!

>expecting machines to ever learn the intricacies of pragmatics in translation, much less by 2025

You got a long wait, buddy.

Nope, it was intended to read the way it's presented.

At least play the PC version of Zero and Chinese Ao with the 日本語化 patch.

Pretty optimistic here

>Waiting for the English translation
I'm not a faggot so no

Well, differs per person I suppose.

I'm not at all a language-oriented person (failed french, german and latin in school) but through reading, watching playing and shitposting I'm now perfectly comfortable referring to myself as fluent in English.

Though I guess they do say it gets harder with age huh, I can't say for certain I could learn it again if I had to start from scratch 10 years from now.

>Old as shit now
>have a good paying stable career and a healthy marriage
>had a sudden urge to quit my job and teach English full time in Japan and live in the country in some run down shack, biking to work, getting paid in dog food, just hoping to make it by day by day.
>The urge was so strong I started taking Japanese lessons along with evening online tutoring.

I almost went through with it too if I wasn't now convinced Japan is just a cesspool with chocolate coating.

still wish I could teach nip kids english

Sup Forums can't even write Japanese, let alone understand it. It doesn't make sense to me but whatever.

>wants to give up a perfectly fine life to be a token tape recorder monkey in ramen land

It's a post written by someone on Sup Forums showing off in Japanese referring to how Sup Forums can't actually into Japanese.

It's a joke aimed at those that can read it, user.