Which neurological disorder causes people like Egoraptor to struggle with the controls in this game?

which neurological disorder causes people like Egoraptor to struggle with the controls in this game?

woah really makes u think

it actually control like shit by modern standard

>the only difference between Sup Forums and /vr/ is whether you include an e-celeb in the OP or not

yeah, Assassin's Creed "hold X to parkour" is so much more fun and interesting.

it really doesn't.
such level of fine control has not been done ever again.

ADD. He's admitted to having it and taking medication for it. Comebine that with the fact that he has to multitask maintaining entertaining bantz wih Dan (or more people), playing the game, and monitoring the recording equipment and it's a wonder he can get anything done.

Not justfying it though. Arin is still a piece of shit most of the time but it's pretty clear why he's consistently terrible at video games.

>ADD. He's admitted to having it and taking medication for it.
That explains his "sooo much WAITING!!!" memes. Thank god I was born normal.

Doesn't he also hate Kirby 64 for being one of the slower platformers? That would explain it.

He's right about that, though.

It controls almost identically to modern Mario games, with the one difference being he actually has to turn around instead of just instantly looking at the side you want him to turn to

If you have ADD.

>he actually has to turn around instead of just instantly looking at the side you want him to turn to
No he doesn't. Run at Mario's top speed and then move the joystick in the opposite direction. He does an on the spot pivot.

Or stand completely still and tap the joystick in any direction and he'll immediately face that direction.

You people are fucking bad at understanding controls.

Get a life and play your own games, instead of watching some faggots play the game for you. Fucking manchildren, little fuck pieces of shit.

What "modern standards"?

>No he doesn't. Run at Mario's top speed and then move the joystick in the opposite direction. He does an on the spot pivot.

I could have sworn he did this in the later games too.

Broken joystick? Those N64 controllers were wobbly garbage.

>fine control
>a lot of momentum
>limited air control

Mario 64 was my first 3D game. I must've been 8 or 9 at the time. It was extremely confusing and disorientating for me, and I couldn't play it at all. Eventually I found out that playing while laying down and in the dark made things manageable, but it was really fucking weird. After a couple of weeks I managed to play normally.

I would understand having trouble with the controls in a case such as mine, but people coming from modern games ought not to have any difficulty at all.

he does lol

we must start over, reset this twisted game
go back to zero

Wow, you mean you have to think about your actions before performing them?

What terrible game design.

This. I am literally shaking right now.

>changing the goalposts
Gave up on your "fine control" horseshit pretty quickly lol

Mario's top speed? Or his de-facto speed?

They are fine controls. They're 100% consistent and do exactly what you tell them to do within the confines of the physics engine.

the world of mario 64 made for much more interesting platforming than sunshine. I couldn't find anything as creative as the kind of things you had to do in Boo's house to get to the attic anywhere in sunshine

Unmatched fine control doesn't just mean that they're functional. If the post said the controls are functional it wouldn't be a lie.

>as creative as the kind of things you had to do in Boo's house to get to the attic

What, you mean enter a room and wall jump? Sunshine was a little more exploration and interaction focused, but it still had its moments. Pinna Park or Noki Bay are filled with the kind of creative moments you're thinking of.

It never required you to deduce that there was a door up there out of the frame of view, based on the placement of the platform, then beat boo and do a careful long jump to collect the star on top of the house. Sunshine tended to be more of thing like trying to avoid falling of a moving platform as it rotates.

>Funky programming led to this game being a janky mess
>This janky mess ended up having a surprising amount of depth to it
>Therefore Super Mario 64 is the platformer of all time
Fucking literally meleefags. Like 1:1.

Mario 64 laid out the groundwork for how to make a 3D platformer, and nearly every platformer after this one takes the lessons learned from it and improves on them. Mario 64 was made to be surpassed. It's not even #1 in it's own fucking series anymore, let alone the entire genre.

desu the camera is kind of screwy but other than that it controls pretty smooth

You realise the parallel universes shit is a meme and completely separate to the discussion you're talking about right

I have never had a problem with the camera controls for this game and I never understood why people say it's bad.
>inb4 nostalgia or play them again
I beat SM64 at least twice a year. Same with SFZ, I don't understand how people had problems with the controls, it was fine.

The new Mario game looks worse to me because of the lack of momentum. He just immediately begins running at max speed.

Only because the N64 controller has aged like milk.
SM64 controls fine.


I didn't get that Lakitu was filming the game for me until I saw him in the mirror room. I was very confused by the camera control thing.

high school non-graduates

Bullshit. I have ADD, and even take meds for it, and I can play games like that just fine.

>he didn't read the stuff that Lakitu tells you at the beginning of the game

doesn't he struggle with every 3d game? Maybe he has spacial recognition problems.

almost everyone was born in the late 80s was 'diagnosed' with add if they so much as had an errant twitch in school

I was too

he is ashkenazi jew so he suffers from inbreeding

Which is worse: e-celebs or their fans?

he's not called EGOraptor for no reason

>one of the first 3D platformers
>tightest controls of any 3D platformer to date

still has more air control than sunshine and galaxy

No amount of rampant racism and xenophobia could make JonTron ever look worse than Egoraptor.

Fuck Arin. Fuck him and his alien wife.

So "fine control" to you means you can do anything you want limitlessly?

I guess noclip mode in half-life must have the finest controls in existence.

Its a disease called stupid hands.
Hes lucky he can even fasten his belt

>improves on them

> It's not even #1 in it's own fucking series anymore
Obviously it is, though. Galaxy is for people who like soulless empty shells with dazzling "ooh shiny" bullshit everywhere.

get good.

Because people are too retarded to learn how they work.

I'll admit they're somewhat unintuitive, but they're perfectly consistent and easy to learn how to use.

Galaxy is literally 3D World with gravity mechanics and empty space instead of empty sky for backgrounds

>He just immediately begins running at max speed.
Clearly you haven't watched any gameplay of it.

The momentum and physics are definitely more shallow than they are in SM64, but saying you "immediately begin running at max speed" is blatantly false.

He gets more views for "le epic rage" and incompetence at video games than he does for playing regularly.

he was playing the Wii U VC version which has terrible input lag

So when will all you faggots admit M64 aged awfully?

The controls are still fantastic even by todays standards but the levels and difficulty do not hold up at all. Its one of the easiest marios I have ever played. Hands down.

The controls are better than anything that came out since.

>Mario 64 laid out the groundwork for how to make a 3D platformer, and nearly every platformer after this one takes the lessons learned from it and improves on them

This is so far from the truth. What made SM64 great was the variety and dynamic nature of it's movement. Triple jumps, long jumps, dives, kick jumps, cartwheels, backflips, etc, made it a prime system for mastering, sequence breaking, and speed running.

Most 3D platformers that came after only took the collectathon aspect of SM64, while dumbing down the platforming into slow, boring hover jumps. Banjo-Kazooie, Conker, Rayman 2, etc. Even the later Mario games to a lesser extent.

I don't think the controls themselves are bad, but the N64 controller is what makes it feel bad.

That would fit in with the theory that he's a closeted tranny.

Would it be ridiculous to suggest that Ninty's skill in level design was insufficient, so Mario needed to be made less dynamic to create "difficulty?"

>has more air control than the game that allows you to hover in mid-air

This is true. But at the time, people had never controlled a character like 3D Mario before. The difficulty was and remains a perfect introduction to 3D platformers. The problem is that it isn't most people's first 3D platformer anymore. Most people play it to check out a classic after many hours in the later games, which simply isn't a fair position to judge the game from.

No, you can clearly see that it's the N64 version in their playthrough.

>Galaxy is soulless
>not the game where every level is a boring cookie-cutter biome

>the N64 controller is what makes it feel bad
the n64 controller is the best controller to play the game with, though. at least according to anyone who is actually really good at the game.

what the fuck does "dynamic" mean?

>so far from the truth
>posts a bunch of shit that is objectively wrong
Might wanna take a look in a mirror there, bud.

>herp a durr whats the difference between air time and air control hurr durr purr durpy durr

You're right, games should just let you move a cursor freely around space with no physics whatsoever, just like in Bethesda RPGs. That makes a good physics-based game, right?

In order to make the game interesting and, you know, actually viable as a fucking GAME with rules and challenges, the controls(among many other mechanics) have to limit you in a certain way. You can't move through walls. You can't change your direction midair much. You can't turn on a dime. You play by these rules in levels that were carefully designed to work with these rules so you can get better at them and master the game. This is game design 101. I don't know why I should have to explain this sort of thing on Sup Forums.

here, let me google that for ya

There's nothing fun about playing through Galaxy a second time. It's the same straight line to the end with no variance or room for experimentation.

SM64 is always fun to play through, because there are a limitless number ways you can complete objectives.

uh, almost literally every game on earth does let you do that if its got a cursor. could you imagine trying to click menu options or move your inventory if your fucking cursor had weight or was magnetic or some stupid bullshit.
>This is game design 101
This is interface 101

Except everything he said was correct, obviously.

I swear that everyone who says "hurr durr the n64 controller is so bad lol" had either never used one or is too retarded to know how to actually hold it.

When you're controlling mario, you are making more important decisions than you are if you play a modern platformer which is much more forgiving and simplistic. Mario 64 has an intricate set of rules that you have to learn and become accustom to.

If you'd take that cock out of your mouth and pay attention for a minute you'd notice that people are complaining about the CAMERA controls.

This makes a lot of sense.
Theres a reason his physics are tweaked in the 2d games as well though.

Seems more like the first generation of games had to use far too many hacks and cheats to achieve simple 3D game logic so it led to way more than they ever anticipated. GC had no such problems.

so basically, mario is clunky and difficult to control, and doing its basic moves requires you to fight with the system

mario doesn't gain traction. like cheeto buttered controllers aren't for everyone

I'm talking about moving an entity around. Like mario or meat boy or whomever you're playing as. If there were no physics, e.g. if the gameplay were reduced to just moving a cursor freely across the game space with no obstacles(whether in the level design or controls), it wouldn't even be a game anymore. Obviously.

In other words, saying a game has shitty controls because the controls limit you in some way is fucking retarded. You judge a game's controls based on the levels that are designed to work with that control scheme. Mario 64's levels work extremely well in that sense, which is why players of all skill levels, from children to professional speedrunners and just about everything in between is capable of enjoying Mario 64.

How can people defend the controls in this game when super mario sunshine had way better control. Mario was way too slippery when coming to a stop, turning and jumping were clunky and the camera panning was awful.

Hold the fuck up how do apples poop?

>mario doesn't gain traction

>Mario was way too slippery when coming to a stop
You literally just have to let go of the joystick. Go ahead, try it.

>attempt number 87

I can do it like this every try, it's not hard lmao

>people are this bad at childrens games

That's pretty rough man. My condolences.

he still skids when you let go that's my point. He doesn't exactly stop on a dime.


I'm not bad at the game I'm just not delusional to the fact that it was far from perfected.

>he still skids when you let go that's my point
No he doesn't. Letting go of the joystick makes him come to a complete stop every time unless he's on a slope or on actual ice flooring.
Sorry that you're bad at games and can't fathom that someone could actually be less mediocre than you.

>if the gameplay were reduced to just moving a cursor freely across the game space with no obstacles(whether in the level design or controls), it wouldn't even be a game anymore. Obviously.

you mean the entire point and click genre

Because Mario 64 has better level design. Sunshine's levels hardly work most of the time because even a novice player can skip 99% of the platforming segments using the hover nozzle. Mario 64 has sequence breaking to a much lesser extent with the long jump, but Sunshine took it way too far.

platformers are about the movement of your character.

point and click games aren't about the movement of your character.

I don't think many people defending it are saying it controls better than Sunshine. They're defending it from accusations of it being bad, which it certainly isn't. Though the lack of a long jump is pretty shit in those bonus levels of Sunshine.

apple are the poop of the tree