Also VR implementation being an entirely separate $60 game instead of an add-on
Why is this allowed?
Other urls found in this thread:
Gotta pay my medical bills somehow sonny!
Because if you're dumb enough to spend $800 to put a phone on your face you're dumb enough to spend $60 (again) on a mediocre game.
They do it because they can.
I've never seen or used a VR thing before, does it actually look just like floating items? Because that's fucking ridiculous.
Floating items or hands work really well actually, it feels different when you're the person in control.
You'd think Skyrim VR would be a huge selling point for PSVR if they can implement it well enough.
Fallout 4 on the other hand, probably not. And the pipboy image is rather unrepresentative, on a HMD you can't make the screen and text out too well due to low resolution.
Movement in this VR adaptation is going to make people ill. There's a reason a lot of VR games adopt a point&teleport mechanic to avoid motion sickness. You're going to be wandering the commonwealth feeling like you're actually being irradiated. So immersive. 10/10.
So the brain fills in the "gap" of your hand? I guess that's pretty neat, though it must take some getting used to.
i love you
Because mouthbreathers will pay for it.
There is no other reason.
Stop asking.
I suppose, but then again the pipboy is something that's held on your arm, not in your grip, so I'm not sure how they'd implement it well in this case.
Motion sickness is something that will vary from person to person, some people will be fine.
However Fallout is a game in which a teleportation movement scheme could actually work, since it sort of ties in with VATS.
Gameplay was already shown. Most of the time the player is standing still but in a few clips they were actively moving around in combat.
>vr porn mods
they have a few different movement options including a teleport one you absolute retard
Evidence I'm right: video
Evidence you're right: your ass
There's nothing to indicate they're going to have a teleport to move option.
>I suppose, but then again the pipboy is something that's held on your arm, not in your grip.
The pip-boy 2000 was basically a PDA.
>So the brain fills in the "gap" of your hand?
yup, and apparently they've done tests and found that is the most comfortable way to do VR in first person
apparently if you see the whole arm (rather than just the hand, or forearm from the elbow down) it causes a really horrible perspective effect on the use which makes them feel uncomfortable and sick
though just doing the guns is pretty fucking lazy on Bethesda's part, they could at least add a hand or forearm
That's true, but the pip-boy 3000 in Fallout 4 is fastened around your arm.
I think they could still implement it though.
You brightened my morning
The amount of work that would be required for a real properly done VR port of a game the size of Fallout 4 would absolutely justify being sold as a totally separate, full-priced product.
First, the basic VR rig itself (play area volume and positionally tracked head+hands) needs to be created from scratch (and tuned throughout development), a significant engine-level effort. An entire new UI system would need to be made from scratch. All audio would need to be converted from stereo-effect to would-positioned-mono sources. Any sequence which takes control of the camera needs to be either cut and bridged, or adapted to use the VR rig if appropriate. All graphical special effects need to be checked over and probably a lot of them changed or remade to play well with stereo rendering. Extensive playtesting-driven iterative development needs to be done, with playtesters of a wide variety of height and body shapes. And etc., it really just goes on - essentially every part of the game would need to be at least touched, and everything that isn't static content significantly changed.
Whether Bethesda will have actually done even half of that, or just shat out a quick cash grab, is basically 50/50.
You give them way way way too much credit. They'll leave it to the modding community to fix as always.
Too bad Fallout 4's GECK is useless.
It depends on how sincerely they believe VR to be an integral part of their future. They seem pretty sincere, as they probably should, given the kinds of games they're known for (the ultimate escapism experiences). If they're confident that all of their future big open world games are also going to be VR, from day one, and eventually probably VR-only, there is no reason not to actually do the work. If they see VR as just a fad or doomed to yet another cyclical fall before the next attempted rise, then they'll just shit out something to make a quick buck.
i hate you
I have no strong feelings one way or the other for you
Why the fuck did they make Doom 4 VR instead of Doom 3?
Seriously, Doom 4's pace doesn't fit VR at all while Doom 3's pace and atmosphere screams for it
>tfw left hand holds flashlight while right hand holds gun
Fuck me man that would have been great
Well theres Skyrim VR
In order for the game to work in VR, they have to make every single area run at least at 90 fps.
That means they may have had to retexture everything lower res, and work on render distance in every area and LOD.
>touchscreen interaction with motion controllers
Also, imagine reloading the plasma gun by slamming in the plasma core manually
That would be cool as shit
They fucking confirmed that Skyrim, Doom and Fallout VR will all have both teleport and walking options you retard.
Max bummer
Citation: your ass
IS VR a meme or is it actually worth getting? Also who makes the best VR set?
you're wrong. they've stated that their intent is to include as many different locmotion techniques as possible, and that currently it has both touchpad and teleport.
Source: your ass
Link an article or video with someone from Bethesda explicitly mentioning this. Stop wasting your time and end the argument one way or another.
VR looks fucking wierd in this game with the floaty guns and shit
I've put hours into Onward and H3VR which both have the analog-esque slide movement. Its fine for me, but some people are just sensitive to it.
I'd say not even a third of the people I've had try my Vive got the cold sweat from sliding movement. If you're used to videogames you're fine imo. On the other hand, barrel-rolling in Elite Dangerous makes the bottom drop out of my stomach.
I'm looking forward to Skyrim VR because honestly there's fuck all new titles coming out.
LOL yep dude VR is still the future of gaming. Gotta justify that purchase right?
Skyrim VR uses teleport, just search youtube of any Skyrim VR.
Not sure about Fallout VR desu.
>in VR
It would be a quick way to purge your body if you've swallowed poison.
Would need a 3D cockpit model to really work
Not him but I've seen plenty of E3 footage with slide movement
eg. here at 9:50
Doom VFR clearly shows the teleport option in combat.
Citation: The fucking E3 trailer
Fuck off you insufferable faggot.
And for Fallout 4? Which was the original point. Go suck a dick and then bring me back proof.
Boy, googling sure is tough.
Vive is the best, Rift is the next closest peer but still notably inferior (particularly in maximum tracking area, also fuck Facebook for their exclusivity bullshit.) PSVR is console-tier, halfway between Vive/Rift and Mobile. 'Mobile VR' (inert plastic cellphone-holder HMDs) is shit tier you should actively avoid.
At this point, you should just wait for the 2nd Gen hardware, which will be fully revealed before the end of the year and trickle out most likely in the first half of 2018.
Oculus and HTC both have 'standalone' HMDs coming which are basically supposed to be 'Mobile VR but good.', Microsoft has a bunch of laptop mfg. partners who are doing similar things but they still connect to a PC. Jury is still out on if any of that will actually work (they're all using the same concept 'inside out optical tracking' which none of them have demonstrated 'in the wild', only in controlled environments).
Valve has 'SteamVR 2.0' which is being revealed piecemeal, so far the new tracking hardware (same outside-in laser grid as Vive, just hugely simplified design for cost savings) and controllers ('knuckles' hand-free) are revealed but the HMDs remain unknown/speculative. Several third-party SteamVR-tracked HMDs have been announced (LG, FOVE, Starbreeze), but all back before 'SteamVR 2.0' was even a thing, and none have been explicitly confirmed to be 'SteamVR 2.0' compatible yet. Also none have real release dates, just '2018' iirc.
Was that so hard? That's all you have to do to support any claims you make.
there has to be one of these for motion controls
I'm not even the guy you'd been arguing with. I just googled it so you'd shut up.
Hello fellow young Sup Forumsster's.
Can you perhaps tell the context of this new epic memes?
You expect a pat on the head for doing some asshole's legwork for him? You're phenomenally stupid.
My expectations were clear, as they were stated in my post, but it's obvious have trouble with reading comprehension as you're still being a wankstain and you're still prattling on.
>but it's obvious have trouble with reading comprehension
It apparent you having writing trouble comprension
I love you and hate you at the same time.
Shit, how is this called?
>It apparent you having writing trouble comprension
Yeah, sure thing, champ. You got me.
It's kinda shitty that it's full price.