I only have money for one game. Out of these two, which one do I pick?

I only have money for one game. Out of these two, which one do I pick?

Both are excellent but get Breath of The Wild if you can only get one of them.

I literally beat it for the first time last night.
I'd estimate I put around 100 hours to it, give or take. And while I think I did pretty good job cleaning the game out, there'd be still lots of small stuff to finish and find for me. I doubt I've even been to all corners and nooks of the map.

Both are excellent but get Bloodborne if you can only get one of them.

Bloodborne's only 20 bucks

You should get both eventually, that said definitely go for BotW

Both are excellent but get Dark Souls 2 if you can only get one of them.


so is Zelda, if you know where to look from. I got it almost day-1 for 25€, for WiiU.

Both are excellent but as I know this is bait due to the price differences, get nothing.

Bloodborne, the DLC beats everything, it's amazing

if you value gameplay over everything else you definetely should get BOTW

Bloodborne, the base game is already good but TOH is an amazing fucking DLC

>I own a switch, but not Zelda

Yeah okay, sure

Bloodborne, its just beautiful. The lore, the design, the combat, and the music. Perfection at its finest.

I already have Overwatch

did you enjoy the dark souls games? if not then get BOTW cause you will NEVER EVER EVER finish bloodborne

>BotW - $60
>BB - $20

Why do you have cash for only one? You should be able to pick up BB + like 2 more games.

Breath Of The Wild, its just beautiful. The lore, the design, the combat, and the music. Perfection at its finest.

You're an idiot, OP. This bait works only when both games are available on the same platform (see: The Witcher 3 and Bloodborne)

Bloodborne if you can get it with the less gay box. BotW otherwise.

Bloodborne is by far the better game but you should get both as they're both modern classics.

nice cherry picking faggot

I got more hours in botw than in bb but they're both great and whichever you choose is money well spent

>Grass + trees
>Grass + trees
>Grass + trees
>Grass + trees

It looks like your generic open world game.

I bought this thing on a whim and got Mario Kart 8 for free. That can last me until I have enough for Zelda
>less gay box.
What box?

whats wrong with being gay?

>I only have money for one game
Literally how? Bloodborne is like 2 or 3 years old by now and you can grab it on sale for 15 to 20 bucks. BotW came out a few months ago and is still $60. They are not even in the same price range.

>buying things "on sale"

what are you my mother? what kind of poorfag buys things "on sale" i have literally waited to buy things till the sale ended or demanded i get charged the real price cause im not a cheap jewish cheating piece of fucking shit


God this post is cringey. Genuine cringey not meme-cringey.

>cringey cause i pay the real price for things

if you buy things on sale you might as well be stealing you piece of shit

are you a thief?

i bet you use potions and buffs in RPGs too faggot

Bloodbourne is much cheaper. Get bb and a nice lunch


>wii u

I got it for 0 on the wii u.

How the fuck do you not have zelda for the switch yet? If you didn't have the one good game for the console you have then your retarded

If you've already played a souls game, Zelda

Not even a sale though, Bloodborne is like 20 bucks.

PS4 has no other game.

horizen zero dawn
infamous second son

right back at you.

>worst examples of the most generic "kino" openworld trash
ya serious mate?

I don't believe you. Why the hell would you have these two consoles without the only reasons to own them?

>he wont play a game because of some meme

enjoy missing out

Don't listen to the fags, get Bloodborne, its less boring.

No, I've just gotten very tired of playing games I feel like I've played a dozen times before, just with different package. The titles mentioned are prime examples of the most generic AAA console titles you can get this day and age; predictable, and very single-use-only kind of products that lack soul and artistry.


>predictable, and very single-use-only kind of products that lack soul and artistry.

What the fuck are you going on about? How about provide some examples then, fag


fuck you

"art" games means no more killing in games and no more mass slaughter how am i supposed to have fun if i cant kill in the millions?

funny how you didn't reply to the dozen same-fag BB shills ITT... sasuga Sonybro.

>very single-use-only
Joke post? Bloodborne is nigh infinitely replayable. Not only is it the finest example of kino produced by the gaming industry, but the gameplay value on display is immense.

Most of it shilling on your part. I see honest men posting their BB while you post lies and cherry picked images that don't accurately reflect the game play of your boring hack and slash with only 4 dungeons

Keep the images small so you can't actually tell how shitty it looks.

>the lore

What fucking lore? Considering how much potential the premise has, the game does absolutely nothing with it. The best it can do is throw in some trite fanservice here and there.