Is Attila or should I get another Total War game? I've never played a TW before so I dont know which one should I get

is Attila or should I get another Total War game? I've never played a TW before so I dont know which one should I get


Medieval 2 or Warhammer

Attila is indeed good. But these are good too:

Shogun 2 is a good starter TW as well. Do NOT start with Empire, Napoleon, or Rome 2.

Shogun 2 is the best TW game to start with. Then get Rome 2/Attila or Empire/Napoleon. And whatever you do, don't listen to , those games are trash and by far the worst ones.

I really don't like Atilla. The climate change mechanic is fucking stupid and makes the game unnecessarily hard. It's also extremely difficult to create a large empire. Just started playing Rome 2 and it's leagues better. Still recommend starting with Shogun 2 (get the Fall of the Samurai expansion). Empire and Napeoleon are also great, but a little stripped down. Might actually be easier to get into those.

Warhammer is the only good Total War since Medieval 2

Warhammer is a 7/10 at best. Dwarfs, Empire and VC are good but the rest are pure shit.

rome 2 is alright, been having a lot of fun with all the campaigns. Other than that medieval 2 and rome 1 are great. Warhammer is larp tier title

medieval 2 is outdated as fuck. modern TW isn't the pinnacle of game design, but at least sieges actually work.

Attilla is good, bit more focus on empire management than the others which are more purely battle oriented.

Shogun 2 is also another one that people usually start off liking.

Personally i think Napoleon has the best combat experience.

who /republic/ here? Imperial and Shogunate fags can fuck off.

Agreed, but every other total war game since Medieval 2 has been 5- so we're both right

Shogun 2, Rome 2, and Empire/Napoleon are by far the best ones. Medieval 2 is ancient and was never that good. Warhammer is fucking abysmally bad. Attila is ok, but I liked Rome 2 better. Shogun 2 is the perfect game to start with.

Shogun 2 and it's expansion are great. Rome 2 vanilla is fucking SHIT. With mods it comes a great game. Attila has the hardest campaign and bunch of stupid ass mechanics. The battles are alright though. Warhammer is pretty good.

All in all, go with Shogun 2 or Warhammer.

how does one become so wrong

how is it possible for a man to play Empire and Napoleon and go "hell yeah this shit is the best in the series"?

I just want to set this straight:

Medieval 2 is hot fucking T R A S H and if you like it you should get your head checked out.

That is all.

Warhammer is the worst thing to happen to the franchise: avoid at all costs.

Seasoned Total War faggot here. Got burned by Rome 2, I liked Attila, but I'm still on the fence about Warhammer. What does it offer that separates it from the past titles?

"Shogun 2 was my first TW game": the post

Medieval 2 is a great old game. Fuck you.

flying units, unique hero units with cool abilities, magic that significantly alters the battlefield flow, and wholly unique factions that put the mass-produced generic factions in the historical TWs to shame

>Medieval 2 is hot fucking T R A S H and if you like it you should get your head checked out.
How so? Not trolling here I've never played it.

>the contrary man is here

You did save Rome, right?

>Medieval Kingdoms 1212 campaign is STILL not out yet

Holy shit.

Best campaign: Medieval 2
Best battles: Rome 1
Best mods: Medieval 2

Napoleon is basically Empire but not completely broken, and Attila is the fixed version of Rome 2. Shogun 2 is boring, there's no unit variety and the endgame is an even bigger grindfest than normal because they just have everyone declare war on you.

Haven't played Warhammer.

Great and fun battles, but a ridiculously watered down campaign map. Honestly the campaign is so streamlined its embarrassing

Also the worst sieges in the series (its amazing how they achieved that)

it's not trash like he said, but compared to newer games it's bad.
>ai is terrible, moreso than newer TWs.
>sieges are a complete joke because of said AI, you can defend against a doomstack with like 5 units of peasents because the AI doesn't know how to properly path.
>cavalry have to be babysat since it's a crapshoot when they'll pull out their lances or not for a charge, if even one knight gets stuck fighting a different unit off in the corner the entire charge changes direction and is ended.
>infantry charges can be broken with jsut the front line charging while the rest of the unit jsut hangs a few feet behind, doing nothing even after the charge is over.

>the campaign is so streamlined its embarrassing
Oh, I really like the campaign portion of the games. How bad is it?


Medieval II or Rome 1. I hear Shoguns are good too. Pick your favorite nerd history shit and go. I wouldn't fuck with anything else.

Different user here. I find Warhammer's campaign map stuff better than Shogun 2's, personally. Even if you're someone who would find campaigns streamlined the fact that there's so much unit variety across races and factions makes up for it.

None, is the exact same game as Rome II but with fantasy skins

Still gotta pay $5 to have blood in your war game.

Fuck CA and fuck their ultra-shitty nu-TWs


Attila is probably my favorite Total War game since Medieval 2. They did a great job fixing all the issues with Rome 2 and the game is actually playable which is rare for that developer.

It does fucking everything for you, there is literally no management. And the battles certainly aren't good enough to make up for it. Warhammer is garbage, avoid it.

All fixed with mods.

>he didn't experience the glory of invading the Americas with a handful of Conquistadors and beating those subhumans while outnumbered in every battle.

What a fucking faggot.

If you're expecting a trait system like M2's then forget it. Im not even trying to troll here but Warhammer has by far the worst trait system in the series, you end up getting traits such as "Likes Chaos" or "Untrustworthy" for playing the most lorefully pious lords in the game. However CA said they'll fix the trait system for WH2 so who knows.

Since you liked Attila, everything that made Attila's campaign "complex" is gone in WH, stuff like food, famine, family trees and so on. Theres barely any management involved, you just focus on making buildings and reduce corruption and thats it.

>Dinosaurs fighting natives
I don't remember that in the history books.

> Rome II reskin
> $5 blood pack
It's still pricey but if you have it for TWW1 you get it for the two subsequent expansions/games for free

Anglo revisionist propaganda. Little known truth about the Conquistadors is that they rode to battle on giant dinosaurs.

My advice to you, if you want to play the older games too, do that first because if u start at rome 2 or attila u cant enjoy the older ones. so either start with the old ones or play only the newer ones.

There is absolutely no reason whatsoever to play Rome 1 Medieval 2, or any of the even older ones. They have been utterly and entirely surpassed in every way by every game from Empire onwards.

Get the Barbarian Invasion expansion from Rome 1.

Best expansion

Attila has a really slow campaign pace. It's probably not the best entry into the franchise.

Mechanically maybe, but design wise no.

should I just buy Shogun 2's FotS then choose another TW?
I really want to buy Attila for the setting and that Charlemagne expansion, but you guys say it's not good to play for a starter

Buy and play what you want. If you don't like refund.

Regular Shogun 2 is the best entry point, FotS is great but different and not a substitute. But honestly if you prefer Attila's setting, just buy that, you'll be fine.

You should get whichever game has the setting you like the most that way you'll stick with it as you learn the mechanics. Shogun 2 is probably one of the best mechanically but the setting puts a lot of people off so if Attila is more interesting then just go with that.

>Rome 2
Three strikes and out.

Warhammer and Medieval 2 shitters need to leave.

and what about the Charlemagne expansion? is it better than vanilla? should I play that one instead of the regular game?

My favorites are Rome 1 and Shogun 2, so you're wrong.

You need the base Attila game to play it.

Charlemagne is a much smaller experience and is more like Shogun 2 in that most factions use basically the same units and buildings. It has a neat aesthetic and it's nice to get away from Attila's darkness but it feels more limited. It's still solid and is better than Last Roman but I preferred Attila over it.

You retarded or what, it's a solid game

It's solid for what it is, but it's entirely lacking in any depth.

attila is a shit band and you should feel bad

>it's entirely lacking in any depth
Total war series in general

No it really isn't. By far the worst game in the series, utterly gutted of depth and content and so many mechanics ruined. Sieges are awful, no campaign map management, etc. Awful game.

It's a good Warhammer game, but a mediocre TW game.

I'm hard

Doing away with the needless campaign bullshit was the one good thing Warhammer did. The city building system since Empire was been fucking aids and it's just needless busy work with arbitrary penalties and limits because for some reason CA want to make Civ.

>That province garbage mechanic they put in starting with Rome 2
The people who made this shit should be cut down on the spot.

Should've remained as it was in the older games.

it has the best battles. i prefer it to the red spearmen vs blue spearmen of other games. i agree the campaign has been stupified like all newer total wars

Unit variety matters little if the gameplay and main campaign is trash.

It has the best gameplay though (the battles). If I want to manage an empire I can play one of the many 4x games that is suited for that.

Sieges are pure garbage though.

Like fucking hell it does. The battles suck. The unit variety is no greater than any other game and without actual unit clashes it's just a terrible, boring clusterfuck. Also, there is no strategy involved or needed with all the giant super units like huge spiders, ogres, dragons, etc. The game is fucking garbage, stop shilling.

sieges are tedious and boring in the old total war games as well

>The unit variety is no greater than any other game
>giant super units like huge spiders, ogres, dragons, etc

I want both.

Not at all. Sieges are the best part of TW and Warhammer utterly butchered them into the most embarrassingly shitty thing I've ever seen. Shut the fuck up already you piece of shit, you have no idea what you're talking about and have obviously never played any of the actual TW games.

For the most part they aren't. For Rome II and Shogun 2 they are because the walls are really shit but in the other titles they are fun.

Even Med 2 with its broken ai has more fun sieges than Warhammer.

Shogun 2 and Rome 1 sieges are 10/10

What you want is eye candy and that's what they will give for supporting this shit.

Start with Rome 1 and Medieval 2. Move on to Shogun 2 then Attila and mebbe Warhammer if you are ok with a fantasy setting.

I see you've clearly never actually played it

Shogun 2 sieges are terrible user.
>Castles are barren with no signs of the city within or without
>Defenders can't see how the attackers are deployed
>armies of spidermen who just climb over everything
>defenders are at a disadvantage when it comes to ranged weapons as the attacker can concentrate fire from archers better
>walls offer next to no benefits for archers upon them making full stacks of archers the strongest sieging armies

Shogun 2's sieges only become fun in FotS because of how ridiculous it all gets when naval bombardements, cannon towers and breach loading rigles are added to the equation.

Alright, cool
You can get buttblasted about warhammer all you like but if people enjoy it and buy it that's not really a problem in the end seeing as history and fantasy are separate development teams anyway

Rome 1 sieges are only fun if you mod the game to hell and back. Otherwise the ai doesnt know what the fuck to do.
Sieges in TW are pretty ass in general but the ones in Attila and Rome II after a shitload of patching are fine.

The only thing you got right was best mods

Did a mod make propper city sieges yet? I've seen the village maps and such, but not a propper city yet.

ITT: Sup Forums complains about newer games being broken/shit while nostalgiafagging over older games which were just as broken/shit in different ways.
At the end of the day TW is such a polarizing series because usually which ever TW you play first is likely to be your favorite one, actual quality be damned.

>Middle Earth mod was better than TW:Warhammer game

You can't make this shit up.

That's bullshit and you know it, you mentally retarded manchild.

I started with Rome 2 and honestly it's a good entry TW probably, I wasn't angry at it being barebones because I didn't know other Total Wars had mechanics like family trees and such. Also by being so simple it's easy to pick up and by now it functions pretty well, plus the setting is great ofc. Better than Attila desu.

>bought tw:warhammer on pre-order
>bought every single paid dlc the day they were available
>bought tw:warhammer 2 the day it was announced

And there is nothing you can do about it :^)

I did the same

But got the High king Edition and pre-ordered the Slann edition

Great argument there friend

Me too. I feel like scum but I cant stop.

>People try to shill the fuck out of Warhammer for a year
>Finally play the cracked versión
>Is shit
What went wrong?

By that point the fertility has reached an absolutely comical low literally everywhere in the fucking world

Casualized the game for the braindead Warhammer audience.

>the most broken and buggy expansion
Nah man. Your generals never gain positive traits. They all slowly gain negative traits no matter how many battles they win or large provinces they govern