>[game] is a brand new open-world sandbox survival game...
[game] is a brand new open-world sandbox survival game
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go on
is it early access? are there zombies?
AND there's crafting.
What about Twitch integration
Is there community market implemented too?
There better be fucking loot crates!!
>Crafting, survival, sandbox, open world, early access, zombies, multiplayer
Reminder that Velma is only 15 (FIFTEEN) years old
all those erotic artists throughout the decades that thought they were being pop art af were actually just "unkowingly" being pedo af
>post puberty
Fucking americans
>no pantsu listed in Dress
Petite qt
>finish game
>it was all just a dream
This was a godsend. It's too bad steam is still full of garbage that isn't indie
>free to play
Some girls develop seriously early. I remember a girl I went to school with had actual E cups at fifteen. She wasn't fat and her family was definitely too poor to afford surgery - she just went through puberty and in about the span of three years had tits almost as big as her head. Her hips weren't that bad either. Shame she was a fucking bitch but I fapped to the memory of her huge tits jiggling as she walked down the stairs damn near every night.
>Scooby is fucking 49 dog years old.
>that dog is long gone...
Miss you scoobs. I'll have a snack for us both.
Is it made with unity?
using the best resources from the newest cryengine but entirely unoptimized
>15 years old
>not legal
ameritards not even once
its okay the game is still early access the devs will optimize it...someday
Britfag here user. We don't let that happen either.
Don't forget "high-end" graphics that will look outdated in ~2 years
Doesn't Optimise just releasing?
No man should breed with a womanlet
Bitch wrote this herself. I bet when Fres gets the chance, and no one is looking he takes Velma behind the dumpsters and fucks her like a slam pig, all the while knowing Velma is what he REALLY wants, but everyone expects him to date the perfect cheerleader instead.
>>[game] is a brand new open-world sandbox survival game
>It's actually good
What the heck?
fred is /ourguy/
Velma is a slut.
Who DIDN'T want to ram Velma six ways from Sunday. As far as I know, she was and still is the most popular choice of the two girls.
>tfw my gf in high school looked just like Velma
>Now shes all tatted up and dresses like a skank
Oh ye. I think we all grow up to realise we wanted the nerds all along. 10/10's don't have to actually fuck good because they know they are 10's.
>Daphne cucked
In all seriousness, I though the live-action movies were great fun.
but user now shes "unique"*************
>scrappy fucking doo getting btfo
even in 13 ghosts of scooby doo i disliked the little dinky shit
>mfw just masturbated to ta thicc creamy qt with glasses and tats on ph.
Can't relate user.
is that THE GAME
well I've just got to watch this now
Daphne BTFO.
You should. It's Scooby Doo death races featuring WWE wrestlers. I think it was the last thing Dusty Rhodes did before he died.
You just KNOW
Velma gets cucked by Scooby later on
Fred got cucked too.
That's why he sticks to Traps
Velma best girl.
Daphne is a filthy slut.
no DLC???
What game are you talking about?
>Sup Forums discussing video games vs Sup Forums discussing cartoon series
how did they get away with it?!
The funny thing is that Shaggy and Daphne were high as shit. They both thought Shaggy was Fred.
>Don't forget to join our Patreon too
>dislikes: being so young
stupid bitch
I don't get it.
dumb anime bitch
go die in hell
Are you a lil' bit stupid?
Isn't there a Scooby Doo series where there are nazi robots with mg42's, John Cena actually shows up, and people die?
Are you legit retarded?
>[game] is a brand new open-universe sandbox game
>Eyes: Not so good
>Hair: Perfect
>Eyes: Beguiling
kek, these are great
You seem upset ;)
You're mixing a couple things up, but yes.
And thank god for that too.
>mfw every 4'9 landwhale thinking they are cute because they have tats
they can't keep getting away with it
These are not so bad though
>handsome older space hero comes on to you
Fucking please, if any of us were Velma in that situation we'd let Buck Rogers there slam our asses six ways to Sunday.
>evil cunt Velma
He was no space hero. He was a reality show host.
How fatphobic
This definitively wouldn't air these days
I love how this only became a "problem" after botw.
>tv star
My point still stands.
It only came out three years ago.
it was considered a problem before then
are the kiddos out of school already?
Do you think Daphne and Velma ever got into lewd tickle fights? Who do you think won in them?