I wish it was good. The driving plot is good. The gameplay mechanics are okay. But everything else :/

I wish it was good. The driving plot is good. The gameplay mechanics are okay. But everything else :/
Just picked it up yesterday. I thought every review out there was just patrician, but it really is a solid 7.

So its not a good game but you score it at 7? From your discription it sounds like a solid 5

I mean I wish it was a 10 outta 10. For me a seven is play it for like a month then drop it.

I bet it was a different game initially. Maybe more linear to fit the focused delivery of the story. And then someone higher up decided to push for the open world setting. Game just feels incomplete and rushed in that regard.

It's like they bit off more than they can chew. The open world focus brought less on A.I. and cutscenes and dialogue. Its not even the glitches I'm mad about because those are patched now. If they took an extra year on it. Probably coulda been a 9

There's a bit too much repetition in taking out every part of an operation. The missions you get at the end are pretty sweet, but they're few and far between.

Balancing the territories between the gangs was pretty easy as well. Doesn't help each gang's specific missions were just doing the same shit over and over again.

Haven't tried the DLC, does it change much?

the story's presentation was probably the best thing about it. the game being styled like some History channel documentary was actually kind of cool.

everything else was complete shit

You are very generous. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

white-hating coon the game

Thank you

How is being historically accurate white hating

>historically accurate
>get bonuses for brutally executing all the whitey

This thread was remarkably positive and rational, for a while.

You kill black people too like right off the bat in the beginning and through out the game.

You sound like an SJW who says killing hookers gets you extra points

Nah the SJW love this game because it glorifies blacks and makes the white man the antagonist. This game was literally praised by them.

It really suffers from the same problems the first watch dogs, the first assassins creed, GTA 4 suffers. Boring repetition. Its like every new ip that's an open world or sequel on a new generation console all have this issue.

lol look at this loser having a meltdown

not a mafia game. i'm excited that it bombed. i hope this san francuckso studio goes out of business for shitting all over an established ip like this to plug their nigger fantasy shit. WE WUZ GABAGOOL N SHEEEEIIT

Go back to pol. You kill black people and white people and have both black friends and white friends. There's no pandering. Do you sit in history class and call white hatred when the professor details segregation.

it's just fucking tedious, i uninstalled after taking over my second neighborhood and realizing that literally every mission in this game is going to be me stealthkilling a bunch of goons and then burning/stealing stuff
tedious as fuck
a shame, since i like the setting

>telling someone on Sup Forums to go back to Sup Forums
The quarantine has been broken over a year ago.

>assuming mafia 2 is an established ip
>assuming mafia 2 sales weren't shit because everyone was busy buying GTA 4
>assuming mafia 2 and mafia 3 weren't both around 6.5 or 7 outta of 10 by most reviewers
>assuming mafia isn't in the game
>assuming that mafia is just a title like grand theft auto and isn't what the game is solely about
Wow user its like you never really played the game
Pray, do tell. What is a mafia game?

The most fun thing to do is play realistic driving. Other than that I agree.

>he didnt run&gun the whole game with occasional stealth
shame desu
gameplay/gunplay is a lot better than GTA and actually fun

Agree but at least GTA had undercover missions, plane missions, boat, chasing a falling plane on a bike, planting bombs while disguised as a janitor, sniping people out of skyscraper towers.
Do you see the variety. That's what mafia is lacking

yes i know, i played and finished both games

Look at the big boy over here

>Mechanics (?? Shitting I guess? Cover etc?)
>All good
>But everything else...

What else? Is that the joke?

I said the driving plot. The reason for the story. The mechanics like the driving shooting stealth. Every thing else is the dialogue. Cutscenes. A.I.. Replayability repetition. mission variety. Free roaming options. Lack of animations during interrogating. Etc

You kill a fair few non white and you get more cash if you recruit the gang leaders rather than kill them, plus many of the endings suggest that Clay wasn't any better than the Italian gang once he took control.

Just beat it yesterday.

Story's amazing. Combat system's dope. Driving's good. Nigger Vision™ and Snitch Radar™ are fantastic features.

Needed another six months development time, though.

John Donovan's one of the best vidya characters ever.

>first few missions is literally massacring niggers
>can kill the niggress captain
go back to Sup Forums

All that shit is boring and tedious as fuck. I'd rather kill faggots over and over again.

The game is filler "HEAVY" it front loads most of the best content near the start and then becomes a ton of warehouse clear outs.
The DLC should pace the game a bit better but it really is one to get the GOTY edition on a steam sale rather than new at launch if you want the best experience.

>mafia game
>main character is a tizzun
really activates my almonds

What's dumb is that I almost skipped the game due to the shitposting. Super fucking glad I didn't.

anyone played the vietnam dlc?

>relying on Sup Forums+Sup Forums aka Sup Forums on game informations

The game is shit but watching the cutscene videos on youtube are fucking great

How can mafia 3 be a 7/10 when mafia 2 was a 7/10 and people are saying mafia 3 was a disappointment?

Most people shitting on the game didn't play it.

Just like every new release. Sup Forums is fucking retarded.

Are you saying it is equal or better than mafia 2? Mafia 2 had movie tier story but it was really linear, I hear in this game they go the other way.