If you like playing video games so much, why don't you join the army?

>If you like playing video games so much, why don't you join the army?

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Fuck the army. There I said it. The US army treats soldiers like throwaway tools. They promise help with college but few actually get it, the VA sucks at their job, and modern warfare has less to do with actually helping the country than it does with furthering private business interests.

Yeah! And fuck the police too!

>dying for the jew
Hooraah amirite? Faggots.

brainwashed moron

because i don't and won't contribute to society

>he died for his country, fighting for FREEDOM
>3000kms away in some middle eastern shithole


I like fighting strong enemies, what's the point of joining the army when any enemies can simply be carpet nuked off the face of the earth?

we're just gonna ignore op posted the greatest fps of all time?


Fuck everyone who says our soldiers in the middle east are "fighting for our freedom"

money buys freedom retard

The Army sucked, just like video games.

Iraq was fun though.

I did, and it was the best time of my life. Fuck, I just wanna go back and kill some more mudslimes.

Because I did well in school and are of serviceable intelligence to comprehend the time it takes to serve to get a stipen to the time it takes to degree with student loans or learn a trade and the time-salary result?

>yfw recruiters actually say this

Honestly I can't remember one war-themed game that I enjoyed if it was a murican dev studio:

>Operation Flashpoint = Czech/Britbong copro
>Hidden and Dangerous = 2k Czech
>S.T.A.L.K.E.R = Ookranians
>Sniper Elite = Brit's
>Battlefield = Scandinavians or some shite
>Spec Ops = Germans
> MGS = Japanesians

I'll give IW Call of Duty 1 and 2 but then the franchise dissappeared up it's own ass. I haven't played ONE war game, American made, that does not in some way either glorify the American "sacrifice and valour" experience of it's troops without sacrificing or undermining the real facts and other aspects of the conflict taking place.

If you guys wanna be known as the conquering freedom force then sign up for the corps. already because your keyboard jingoism is a real pain in the arse

Titanfall 2, when it's not being silly and fun and over the top, actually does a decent job of the 'war is hell and sacrifice kind of sucks' stuff.

I did.
But I have fucked up legs, my knees would have dropped me before I finished basics.

You'd rather wait until those enemies are in our territory?
Better to go to them and kill them far from our family.

I don't know if you know this but joining the army is a choice. You have no one to blame but yourself.

they arent fighting
they are trying to clean up the fucking mess the US foreign politics have made over the past 50 years

Because I joined the Navy :^)

America is a lie and so are it's families you are even more brainwashed than the spergs fighting for ISIS hahahaha

because grindy mmos are boring and that's a more accurate picture of what the military is

good thing too, because fps games are chaotic death

I got back from the army three weeks ago. Not American though.

I'm not american.
But if there is a thing I know, it's that less shitskins is better than more shitskins.

And I also know shitskins far away is far better than shitskins in my country.

Ghost Recon? Are you literally brain-dead?

>I haven't played ONE war game, American made, that does not in some way either glorify the American "sacrifice and valour" experience of it's troops without sacrificing or undermining the real facts and other aspects of the conflict taking place.

That's exactly what Spec Ops, Battlefield, Sniper Elite, and Operation Flashpoint do, you autistic savant.

>including MGS

I didn't know we were allowed to include fantasy games, why not include fucking Return of the King?

Fun fact, in America's Army both teams of players see themselves as American soldiers and the enemies as terrorists.

really makes you think

How is STALKER war-themed? Metro 2033 is more war-themed than STALKER.

>American made war-themed games
Ghost Recon
Return to Castle Wolfenstein
Medal of Honor

Why does this sound like a Swedish poster?

t. pog

Nigger I just go done playing Luigi's Mansion. Explain to me how that relates to the army in anyway.

He's joking,but in all honesty soldiers are treated like shit more than cops.

Yeah those games are pretty fun rentals at best but you get a code red flavoured mountain dew for your efforts...declare defcon 1 on that thirst bro.

Uhhh not really somehow even with American protags those games managed to reach a greater depth of scope than anything Tom Clancy or IW has shat out. Spec Ops was pretty much a critique of U.S foreign policy, Battlefield has you playing faceless mooks from around the globe, and SE and OF's plot and characters take a backseat to the technically-based gameplay...in fact the only reason any of these games have marines in them at all is because these smart developers know you'll buy any fucking thing that lets you carry a flag and a gun because thats a quality day one purchase for most of your kind.

And Im not even gonna start on MGS if you dont think that is in some way a commentary on the nature of war damn you are dumb man I bet you think Hot Pockets count as one of your 3 required daily meals.

There Army is just a job that is simultaneously your entire life

Ghost Recon isnt american made you dumbass

>Yeah those games are pretty fun rentals at best

Yea, try and renting a PC game from 2001, nice fucking try you uk-faggot.

>Uhhh not really somehow even with American protags those games managed to reach a greater depth of scope than anything Tom Clancy or IW has shat out.

Mmmm, right, and yet Ghost Recon was scarily accurate in predicting the Russo-Georgian conflict, years before it even happened, highlighting a greater level of accuracy and understanding of politics than anything presented in any of the games you listed.

Wanna try again, cuck-brain?

>Ghost Recon isnt american made you dumbass

>being this inbred stupid
>and not killing yourself


>Red Storm Entertainment
>Cary, North Carolina, U.S.

>Ghost Recon Wildlands
>Developer: Ubisoft PARIS

the only thing MGS is a commentary of is how video game consumers have absolutely no standards or taste

>And Im not even gonna start on MGS if you dont think that is in some way a commentary on the nature of war damn you are dumb man I bet you think Hot Pockets count as one of your 3 required daily meals.

>he actually thinks MGS is deep
>babby's first pseudo-intellectual war media


>"The most important part is writing something that is fun"

The US should just leave the middle east, the shitshow will be massive

>Ghost Recon Wildlands

Wow, that's not Ghost Recon champ, that's Ghost Recon WILDLANDS, guess you should learn how to fucking read, huh, autistic spazzo?

>Tom Clancy's GHOST RECON: Wildlands

top retard

>mentions video games made in the US
>says Ghost Recon
>"Oh, he's clearly talking about Ghost Recon Wildlands, the most recent one which wasn't even made in the US"

Top fucking retard indeed

Same and I've got a bad back no matter what I do I'm fucked anyway. Shit even working fast food fucking sucks and I feel like shit no matter what. I'm waiting until a couple people in my family die before I kill myself because I don't want them to suffer the why I did it.

>says Ghost Recon is made in the US
>gets proven wrong


Yeah your right guess they aren't good rentals and the whole franchise isn't worth shit after all.

>Mmmm, right, and yet Ghost Recon was scarily accurate in predicting the Russo-Georgian conflict, years before it even happened, highlighting a greater level of accuracy and understanding of politics than anything presented in any of the games you listed.

Oooh man you got me there next Ghost Recon that comes out i'm gonna get straight on the line to the embassy of whatever 3rd world country that game will be set in and say thank fuck some video game was made by Americans because now I know the real story; expressed in their favourite medium of video games; and I can totally ignore all the events that have happened in Russia since 1930 including the Chechen conflict and genocides that could of potentially led to this conflict taking place in Georgia as well.

Fuck you dumbass your a special kind of idiot

The amount of sheer ignorance and stupidity that willed this post into existence is astounding, and what's even more breathtaking is that he seems to legitimately think this.

>in fact the only reason any of these games have marines in them at all is because these smart developers know you'll buy any fucking thing that lets you carry a flag and a gun because thats a quality day one purchase for most of your kind.

And that not-even-veiled spite is just so hilariously, whimperingly, pathetic. Like a kid trying to kick sand at grown-ups. Of course. Kid yourself. It's not because the US has the most powerful, most advanced military on the face of the planet that's located in nearly every major country. That's definitely not why, lmao.

Tell me, has your country been to the moon yet?

>gets proven wrong

Except I wasn't, lmao, since I was clearly talking about the Ghost Recon that WAS made in the US, which is also the best one, lmao. Why are you such a cuck?

So is applying for literally any other job, but they tend to be punished if they lie to you about benefits/pay.

>some backwater Afghan goatfarmer is going to show up on your doorstep in your Minnesotan village and scream "TAKBIR!" until you kiss a copy of the Koran

This is what Fox News believes

>US has the most powerful
>most advanced
Russia or Germany
USA cant even design a rifle that works and has to use german and belgian guns topkek

The unironic truth.

I'm a godamn NEET

should I join the marines?

And thats why we have the Call of Duty franchise; but im not gonna argue with the logic of a man who thinks Captain Price is a cooler eyepatch dude than Solid Snake; your too far gone m8

>The most important part is writing something that is fun

Yeah I agree! Give me the broken charming dialogue of MGS over the same "get over the hill and kill those goddamn charlies/krauts/ragheads/slang-for-enemy-of-U.S-people" any day you uninspired, closeted stars and stripes plebe

>Yeah your right guess they aren't good rentals and the whole franchise isn't worth shit after all.

>projecting your sub-conscious feelings of your euro-trash onto a noted American franchise

lmao, the euro-cucks are even forced to include Tom Clancy's name onto all their titles as well

>Oooh man you got me there next Ghost Recon that comes out i'm gonna get straight on the line to the embassy of whatever 3rd world country that game will be set in and say thank fuck some video game was made by Americans because now I know the real story; expressed in their favourite medium of video games; and I can totally ignore all the events that have happened in Russia since 1930 including the Chechen conflict and genocides that could of potentially led to this conflict taking place in Georgia as well.

Of course not, you're going to go buy your shit-house 6 metal gear game because it has stupid shit like women who drink through their skin while wearing bikini's and pussy nukes, lmao. But I guess Kojima knew exactly the kind of man-children he was catering to, the kissless neet virgins that love anime way too much.

kek, what a fucking loser

I don't play FPS' though.

Anderson didn't deserve to die by getting half his fucking body phased through the floor

neither of those are cool, both are pretty shit
but if any of those 2 gets to be called cool, thats Price because of the british accent is fun to listen vs sticupmyass Hayter or 24




Wow, looks like your dead wrong.

>USA cant even design a rifle that works and has to use german and belgian guns topkek

Much like how they can't even design planes and have to use the US throw-away's? lmao

i thought about joining the chairforce but i'm going to school now

besides i dont think they accept autistic people

>Spend months in training
>finally get sent to the frontlines
>In a firefight
>You're struggling to deal with whats going on around you
>you see your friends getting killed one by one
>and you finally meet your fate
>you spent all that time, only to be killed by some shitskin faggot wielding a rpg that literally just joined a few days prior.
>Will not even get a proper funeral
>just to die for someone else that needs to make a quick buck.
that doesn't sound like something anyone would want to do.
My brother went to go talk to one of those guys that sign people up, they literally try to win you over with payed college, housing, waterbottles.
thats got to be the most pathetic thing Iv'e heard of.

Autism runs rampant in the military

this is the biggest non-sequitur I've ever seen

you're a naïve idiot if you believe the last part

"businesses" are anti-war because it gets in the way of their profits I know because I'm an actual corporate business consultant

GOVERNMENT supports war for purely political reasons, but they couldn't give a flying fuck about the "security" or "safety" of actual private citizens

>being this out of touch


>look at my US made media sites to prove you wrong ;)

>Much like how they can't even design planes and have to use the US throw-away's? lmao
You mean the Russian ones that straight up shit on the US ones? lmao

has nothing to do with money

quit being a gullible faggot

hahaha keep posting man you've got more sand in your vagina than two platinum blonde FOX correspondents getting spitroasted in Bagdhad ; why don't you just go to the moon and stay put

>has nothing to do with money

Because I don't play westerngarbage LMAO REKT

>Red Orchestra 2/Rising Storm1

>"businesses" are anti-war
>what is the MIC

Are you retarded by any chance.

>look at my US media to prove you are wrong

Okay, then how about a British website?


"While the U.S. economy is considered post-industrial, characterized by the dominance of services and knowledge economy, the manufacturing sector remains the second-largest in the world.[41] Accounting for approximately a quarter of global GDP[42] and a third of global military spending,[43] the United States is the world's foremost economic and military power"

>You mean the Russian ones that straight up shit on the US ones

Name one. Oh, wait, you can't, because the Russian's are still trying to counter the F-fucking-15, lmao.

This is why you join the Chair Force and get a nice comfy air conditioned job. You basically become a super "neet".

>here is a website that anyone can edit and heavily media biased also ;^)
you are a bit out of loop arent you?

Actual military here.

War is human chess, nothing more. Just politicians trying to beat disobedient countries into submission via bombs once they decide that just asking them to do what they want won't work.

Want someone to blame for war? Blame globalists.

I don't like this shit anymore than you do. The quality of the military and its personnel has gone sharply downhill in recent generations. The idea of "saving the world" is a thing of the past and there isn't even really any pretense that they care anymore. Now it's just "the UN can't get [country] to do what they tell them, so send in the big dogs to wipe out their military/government/infrastructures". If the economy/job market wasn't in the toilet most people wouldn't even bother signing up anymore. Literally 90% of the current military is there for a paycheck.

Believe what you want I bet every other person on Sup Forums that has trolled you before has gotten their dick wet at least once because no girls outside of the U.S want to fuck a dumb ass patriot who's balls are too small to actually go off and die for a rich mans gain so he has to play a video game simulating the conflict instead hahahah

>You mean the Russian ones that straight up shit on the US ones? lmao

The Russian's haven't developed a single good fighter aircraft since the early 80's, and no other country has developed a fighter that's been as advanced as the F-22 either.