How do I make myself autistic enough to enjoy Shmups?

How do I make myself autistic enough to enjoy Shmups?

Replaying the same mind-numbingly linear levels over and over makes me want to kill myself.

Have you tried eating leaded paint chips? Maybe go get every vaccine known to man at the same time?

If you're not having fun, then why the fuck are you playing them?

Why is it so important that you play shmups?


Get a friend who's about as good as you are and compete for high score

I'm not narrow minded enough to condemn a whole genre (except for VNs) so I know there must be something I'm missing, especially because there are so many dang shoot em ups out there. Pretty and good-sounding ones.

It's an acquired taste, just like RTS and 4X games are. Either it clicks or not.

So you're the type of fag that will keep sucking dick to feel those warm, comfy feelings of being so open minded and progressive, eh?

Play enter the gungeon its fun

try Crimzon Clover

It's like Nuclear Throne with more RNG and bullet sponges

Go away. I've already played a lot of Nuclear Throne. I want an auto-scroller.

>so I know there must be something I'm missing
Waifubait. Literally the only reason people give a shit about shmups anymore is weeb pandering.

How are you even playing them? Are you playing them like any other modern game in which you sit down for four hours or eight in a day and just grind it out?

They probably aren't for you then.
There are a variety of shmups out there, though. You're bound to enjoy at least one of them.

Here's a few recommendations:

Battle Garegga, Dragon Spirit (Traditional vert shooters)
Batsugun, Dodonpachi (Vert shoorters with some bullet hell elements)
Darius, R-Type (Traditional horizontal shooter)
Radiant Silvergun (Lets you level up your ship so earlier parts of the game become easier over time)
Ikaruga (Popular shmup with a fun pole-switching mechanic)
Jamestown (Western shmup with a unique setting. Throws a number of curveballs now and then)
Touhou series (Weeb slow shmup that's more about recognizing bullet patterns and very, very precise maneuvers through them)
Tyrian (Long-ass freeware shmup with branching story paths, kind of like in Starfox 64. Really, really forgiving. Lots of ways to power up your ship)
Cotton, Fantasy Zone ("Cute-em-up")



I don't know, this sorta looks like a heap of bullshit. I'm not a fan of maximalism.

Why do True Shoot Em Up Hardcore Gamers hate Ikaruga and does it have anything to do with the fact it's the only game in that post to have the word popular attached to?

Okay we will lump it with Tetris and Bubble Bobble.

>not a shmup
What's next? Half-Life is not an FPS?


>All these Cavefags and Euroshmupfags ITT

How about you play a real shmup like Gradius III, fat boy.

>I know there must be something I'm missing
Here's what you're missing:

You don't like shmups

I like horizontals more than verticals.

nobody actually plays those right?

What exactly is the difference? I mean, why not just rotate a horizontal game to fit my whole screen and change the controls to fit? I don't want to have to bust out the duck tape just so I can use more than 1/3rd of my monitor.

>I don't know, this sorta looks like a heap of bullshit. I'm not a fan of maximalism.
just try it, pirate it if you need to
it's great

Horizontals tend to have level design rather than purely relying on enemy placement and shot patterns. There are some rare verticals that have some level design but that is few and far between.

It always helps if you are playing either one that has good aesthetic elements (Cave shooters) or are just plain good games regardless (Ikaruga)

Play them in easy and use unlimited continues. Nobody is looking. As you get better, you will shed the training wheels.

Also, don't play Touhou, have some self respect

With arms update the average gun is good

Ikaruga is great, but I don't think it can be considered a Bullet Hell, which is the hardcore sub-genre of Shmups. People like are just pretentious children. That are way too many Shmups that are not bullet hells to get all elitist about it.

Try Lords of Thunder, G-Darius, Union Squadron and Ikaruga. These all are fun and accesible

Are platformer Bullet Hell considered shmups?
I mean titles like Rabi Ribi or what have you.

Start with Parodius Da or Sexy parodius. It really depends of your of taste, Cotton is a nice cute Shmup and Darius/R type series are more tolerable on the difficulty than Gradius.
Using continues is fine but don't even think about going easy mode, that won't help you to develop pattern recognition.

>cavefag telling anyone to not play touhou

As expected of bullethellfags.

Are there any shmups with really conservative graphics? Like the player's ship is just a tiny square the exact size of the hitbox, anything that can kill you is the same color, the background is a solid white, pressing fire shoots out a stream of single bullets instead of 32 per tap? I get these are designed to be really sexy and flashy but so many just end up looking incomprehensible. Any games with a death cam feature, where every death you get a brief "lets-see-what-happened" so you know why you died?

>Play them in easy and use unlimited continues.
Is this really how I'm meant to experience these games? Spoil the whole game for myself and then just replay them constantly until I have an aneurysm and get a 1CC?

autists enjoy getting hi-scores. if your not into that, then grinding shmups isnt for you. I enjoy them casually. I play not to improve for the hi-score, as in memorizing bullets patterns and dodging them so i can get better.

I play to shoot. Moving fast and shooting shit is the best fun vidya has to offer, thats not what top level shmups are. Its the difference between a little kid using console commands in SC singleplayer and a Korean pro-player or just attempting to beat sm64 as a casual and a speedrunner grinding for the world record. The're different games played completely differently, but they just happen to use the same medium

Don't listen to that faggot.
If you are starting i suggest you to play in normal and using a max of 3 continues.
As the time passes you'll want to try doing a 1cc so try use less and less continues until you feel the flow of the game.

just stay with nukethrone and gungeon forever, actual shmups are shit games for weebs

>he plays touhou

Being open minded doesn't mean sucking cock just because you wonder what you're missing out.

You can not like things, you just need to respect or at worst ignore people who do. That's what being open minded means.
Instead you sound like an insecure faggot who wants to fit in every possible fanbase.

>nukethrone and gungeon forever

Those games suck thought, even more than actual shmups.

>doing gay things when your not gay is the same as dipping your toes into a genre
That isn't what he said, though. He went into and swam in the pool of shmups, but didn't like it. Posting on Sup Forums to asking other nerds to convince him is what makes him a faggot.

haha op thats a lie.
you're still here how do you know it kills you.

Get a Saturn and pirate
>Galactic Assault
>Kingdom Grandprix
>Soukygurentai (Might be spelling it wrong)
>Battle Garegga
Each of those games will take you 100 hours to get great at if you're lucky and thousands to master so I don't feel a huge need to recommend much more but I will say that the most recent Darius game is insanely accessible and might help ease you in to the genre

Ikaruga can be beaten without firing a single shot.
It's quite far from a traditional shmup.

People who hate on Ikaruga are stupid though.

A lot of shooter fans don't hate Ikaruga they just hate the heaps of attention it gets when, as you stated, it isn't a traditional shmup. Ikaruga has more in common with the puzzle genre if anything

So you don't hate the game, but you hate that a lot of people enjoy it? It's still stupid.
It's not a traditional shmup, yeah, but why does that matter?
Let Ikaruga have its spot, traditional shmup or otherwise. It's a good game.

Shit, let's not pretend shmup is even an appropriate name for what most "hardcore" fans enjoy. Danmaku is more dodge'em up than anything, the shooting is practically an obligation with little thinking involved.

Actual shooting is just for show in a lot of shmups, especially bullet hells.

This is the genre for me that I really, really enjoy from what little I've played of them but I've never made a real attempt to really get into it and try to git gud at them.

Shoot'em'up is my favorite genre of vidya, there's a very passionate group of us and while retarded vidya (((reviewers))) claim that Ikaruga saved the genre it actually succeeded in killing it. That is at least why I have issues with Ikaruga and I'm not the same guy that posted about it in the first place but his reason is probably somewhat similar

How do you stand living your mind-numbingly linear life?

Which ones have you played?
I only got seriously into it when I played Dodonpachi. Before that my friends tried showing me Touhou but I never gave a shit.

That's not true. A lot of shmups, incluiding bullet hells, use mechanics where you need to time your shots to destroy enemies that otherwise will fill your entire screen with an unavoidable mess.

>far from a traditional shmup
>more in common with the puzzle genre

Both these statements are exaggerations.

Maybe you need to play the game a bit more to understand it better. If you watch an expert play video it'll make a lot of sense too

Has anyone brought up Silvergun? That game is fucking garbage

I wouldn't be stupid to say Ikaruga saved the genre, especially when I haven't really seen it inspiring stuff or bringing people to the genre beyond itself.
But I wouldn't say it killed it either.
Hell, Steam seems to be experiencing a sort of shmup Renaissance right now. It's not as alive as the arcade days, but arcades themselves are dead, so.

How did it kill the genre? I'm not a hardcore fan by any means so I might be wrong, but as far as I can tell it didn't seem to have much of an influence on the genre.

First level of Ikaruga
Sin & Punishment 2 (it has a lot of 2D shmup elements
Various shmup minigames in a few different games, like No More Heroes, W101, etc.

That's just off the top of my head though.

They're all bullet-hell games though, something Ikaruga helped to popularize bigly. I'd much rather play any of my previous recommendations than the bright gook garbage being pumped out on Steam. Cave being the face of shmups for the last decade has also helped nail the coffin shut on the genre

>it actually succeeded in killing it
How do you figure?

I'm pretty sure Shmups, like most 2d scrolling vidya tapered off with the major shift to 3d and especially with the death of arcades in the West.
Japanese Arcades are what determine whether the genre subsists or not and there were other great Shmups out before, during and after Ikaruga.
We're just lucky to get ports of good JP Arcade Shmups and the occasional decent indie take on the genre.

It's niche but the genre isn't dead.
Certainly not in Japan and certainly not because of fucking Ikaruga of all things.

Maybe you need to explain it since you're the one who made the claim.
The scoring system doesn't make it a puzzle game.

The fact there is an ideal order to eliminate enemy ships in doesn't make it a puzzle game.
By that logic rail shooters like Time Crisis and House of the Dead are puzzle games because every enemy appears in the same order each time.

Galaxian is good but way too old to get you into it.
Ikaruga is great but read the thread and you'll realize that it's also not a GREAT place to go from if you actually want to play a shmup.
I haven't played S&P but wasn't that closer to Star Fox? Either way, of course that and minigames won't really bring you in either.

Recommendations are tricky because, keeping it simple, there's basically two groups of people who enjoy shmups. There's people who enjoy the more traditional shmup, with level design, really fast bullets and more about shooting.
And there's people who enjoy bullet hell/danmaku.
I like both, honestly, but you might not.

If you want some traditional stuff, maybe try games like Gradius/R-Type/Darius.
I guess Darius Burst CS might be a good idea, it's quite new and it's on steam, I enjoy it a lot.
Maybe look into something like Truxton if you want vertical although I don't personally enjoy Truxton but a lot of people do.

For bullet hell I've played a whole lot of 'em but I think my favorites are Dodonpachi, Ketsui and Guwange.

It's a niche genre now

It's like expecting AAA devs to get back into the 2D Action Platformer game
It ain't gonna happen.

So fans are gonna have to settle for
>gook garbage being pumped out on Steam.
A lot of indie/doujin/fan-made games kick total ass though so nbd.

>trying to move diagonally on this fucking game

Wish they had ported it to the PSP instead

>Maybe look into something like Truxton if you want vertical
Surprised you didn't mention something like Raiden.

What game is this, seems really fun?

>not using mame

why would they be you stupid fucking idiot

you retards see more than 10 bullets on a screen and call it bullet hell

cave owns, BITCH

Yeah that might actually be a better idea.
When it comes to traditional shmups I've honestly played mostly horizontal ones so I'm not that good at recommending vertical ones.

Get back to the /vg/ general fag.
Oh wait, you can't lmao.

Is this game hard or do I just suck?
I can't get through segment 6 for months

Hellsinker is pretty nuts even for shmup standards

It's definitely strange and quite hard. But for some reason it was my first 1CC (and only for now), it somehow just clicked with me. I used the moon cradle ship. Do you use training mode?

Sometimes yeah but most of the time I keep repeating the same mistakes again and again anyways. I'm using deadliar btw

Well, you should probably keep using whatever you're good with (at least if you're going for 1cc) because the ships play very differently. From what I can remember stage 6 (especially the boss). Once I got through it - stage 7 I actually beat on my first try going blind, same with 8 (boss not included)