God tier games that not many people played and it genuinely confuses you as why they weren't more popular

>God tier games that not many people played and it genuinely confuses you as why they weren't more popular.

Pic related is literally one of the funnest games I've ever played, great story and gameplay, including the stealth sections that reviews bitched about because i liked challenging myself to kill everyone without getting spotted. Was made by Capcom too

I gotcha senpai

Just replayed this a couple weeks ago and still holds up. Agrippa should have been in MvC3


solid srpg

this game had some bugs but i cant name anything thats even close to the formula it tried. I'd give fucking anything for a VC release as it's difficult to emulate

God-tier is too strong, but still a good game no one has played

This bad boy right here. I had so much fun as a kid and I remember your armor changed as you leveled up and that was a huge plus for me.


this game was so hyped when it was coming out. never ended up hearing about it.

I was a scrolling, and saw this, just want to let you know that you are a cool guy.

Op here. YES! Just went on amazon after posting the thread to see how much shadow of rome was, and saw this is well. Great game. Favorite special attack was where you just slid forward and cut everyones head off.

Best fight in the game was the sand pit im Africa with all the traps and a small arena with you and a bunch of people in it.

I played this earlier this year, but I dropped it because there was a mission that was too hard for me, I can't remember which one. Still a good game though.


I remember picking it up on a whim at a used game store in a mall. Still one of my favorite games of all time.
I also remember my disc was messed up and it froze on the final fight and I had to get it buffed or whatever to be able to finally beat it.

Freestyle Metal X. Fuck, even on Sup Forums this game is unknown. Best motorbike game I've ever played. It was a mix of Tony Hawks with GTA but on Motorcross bikes.

Played this recently, it was great but I wish the squad mechanics were more in depth. If only it got a sequel.

This was good but I hated how some missions forced you to fight against factions you were allied with, which fucked up your standing with them. Made my autism flare up. Also a lot of the airstrikes and abilities are made useless by the fact they cost so much, and the only way to afford them is by taking targets alive which means you can't use airstrikes for the most part anyways because they will kill the target. Or, there are fucking AA in the area and you can't use them anyways.

God damn anons, this entire thread is fucking great so far. All these games... The only one I haven't played is Shadow of Rome. :(

Reminder that Capcom was developing a sequel for 360 but decided to turn their concept into Dead Rising instead

Really!? Damn i would have loved a sequel. The game had such a unique mix of gameplay and the special arena battles like team battles and the literal steel cage match were great

A lot of them were affordable, except for the carpet bomb and the faeb, and hell, I mostly used them for the awesomeness, there were a few real use for them, about the faction missions, you could get away with them if you don't directly kill them, the he was a we some, a shame it died along pandemic

Why noone talks about this game? It's fucking awesome, there was so many shit you could do, the ship optimization is one of the most complex I've ever seen, I don't get it

Because this place is not interested in discussing videogames, all people here want is to shitpost about internet sensations, have brand loyalty contests and make up arguments one more idiotic than the other in order to discredit their opposition as means of getting a kick out of it all.

Yeah I know if you didn't kill them you could get away with it, but sometimes it was real hard. Like the South Korean one where you have to fight against Chinese and get to their base. Fuck it was so hard and annoying not being able to do anything to defend yourself in that level. The game was good but just little things like this kept it from being great. I wish there were more non lethal options, that would have solved everything.

And yeah carpet bomb was fucking awesome.

Maybe I should give it a replay with a different mindset and not care about perfectionism and muh faction rankings and perfect captures so much, and instead just have fun.

>he he was a we some


>tfw there are more waifuthreads than actual game discussions
Its quite bad

I meant to say the game was awesome

>I wish the squad mechanics were more in depth. If only it got a sequel.

What more in depth do you want ? what more do you want ???

I really don't remember too much about it other than a few levels. I remember my favorite was your group running up some hills to take some fortification and my charatcer had just gotten the leopard kilt thing. Number one badass moment of the game for me.

I never got far into this game, can't for the life of me remember why. Liked what little I played though.

threads almost dead so bump so I can type an answer.

I wish I could dismiss troops from my squad for one thing. Many times I'd grab a bunch of guys from starting area, and some would have a weak handgun or something, then I'd find more Freedom Fighters later in the mission, some with better weapons like AK's or SMG's, and couldn't pick them since I had handgun units wasting the space. I wanted to swap them.

Only way to get them was either kill my handgunner which is retarded, or do the first part of the level with one less squad member so I could get a better one later, but that felt like min maxing bullshit so I didn't do that either.

Also I wanted a more precise order system. Sometimes I'd order a guy onto an MG, then order the rest of the squad to rush a position while I grenaded and molotov'd ahead to clear the way. Then I'd send the squad to go to cover but since it's either ALL of the squad, or cycle between your guys in a linear order, you either ended up with your MG gunner getting off the gun and joining the rest of the squad when you didn't want him too, or you had to remember the MG gunners number in the squad, manually order your guys into cover one by one and remember to skip the MG gunner.

Just smaller gripes, but overall I loved the game. I just wished for more precision in the mechanics.