Is Paradox Interactive still considered Jewish Sup Forums?

Is Paradox Interactive still considered Jewish Sup Forums?

>do the right thing after everyone raises a fuss
>would have been completely content to fuck people over if nobody called them out

You don't get points for fixing a mistake after the fact. That's what you're supposed to do to make things square.

just the fact they fixed their mistake is honorable IMO, there are a few companies that kept doing jewing it out outside of Community bakclash, see Rockstar

Don't congratulate people for being recovering addicts or recovering alcoholics. Don't admire people for the sacrifices they had to make just to reach the bottom floor in life due to their own shitty decisions. Admire people who had the common sense to avoid making those shitty decisions in the first place.


Nice shilling parajew,
>fuck up massivly on purpose
>people complain
>"We heard our fans and reverted it back, 4thecommunity!

Are you serious congratulating a soulless company for realizing their mistake after public pressure?

Exactly. Otherwise you can make mistakes and fix them ad infinitum for endless praise.

>... And then Paradox went back to pumping out DLC ad infinitum for all of their games, designing all of their games from the ground up around said DLC practices.
And then OP was a huge faggot. The end.

"Mistake" sure.
Conveniently for them the prices wont roll back until AFTER the sale ends.

Fuck them, don't support these greedy bastards.

Hahaha what the fuck?
You had a point at first but then you just went full blown autismal edgelord.

>will give refunds
Lmao, thanks for letting us use the basic Steam feature.

literally doing
>oh shit the goyim know, shut it down
yeah they are

Which is the sort of attention seeking behavior many addicts crave when they're recovering. Once the attention and praise becomes less frequent they allow their bad habits to relapse and then play up the struggle to be treated more kindly by people. They become addicted to sympathy and eventually it runs dry. This slow-burns all of their bridges until all they have left is the original dependency on their drug of choice and they let it kill them.

>damn paradox and their jew practices
>still bought HoI 4

Why can't I let it go Sup Forums?

Hello Frederik.

>Johan's face

They have a complete bundle for European Universalis IV during this summer sales.
Only ~120 USD

>I've never ever done one shitty mistake in my entire life. I won't change my mind on
anything, regardless of the facts that are set out before me. I'm dug in, and I'll never change.

Because the games are solid but the company is jewish as fuck.

I've made mistakes. I don't however naively believe that making up for my mistakes somehow makes me a good person. It puts me back at 0. Rewarding people for fucking up and fixing it just encourages them to fuck up more.

I bet you're the same type of person that will forgive someone just because they've apologized and done nothing else to make up for it. Forgiveness needs to be earned, my dude. If you believe otherwise it's because you WANT to believe you can be forgiven for no reason when you fuck up. You must fuck up a lot if life is so easy for you.

I've played almost all of Paradox's main titles and never payed a cent

They're still producing overpriced, contact-lacking DLC for their games.

They're still releasing new patches for the base game that fuck up the gameplay mechanics for people who don't have certain DLC.

They're still breaking their old DLC and making the player's monetary investments into those DLC worthless.

They're still not offering as big discounts on very old DLC like they used to.

I'm not giving Paradox another penny.

meant for

holy shit I'm dumb.

Nobody believed otherwise.


It's a publicity stunt. How much money do you think they have already made? Not even half will ask for a refund, and now they look like the good guy.

It's pretty textbook.

they also donated to the UNHCR so basically they support terrorism


So did it go from 15 bucks to 7?

Jewhan will never stop me from pirating Pdx's shit and that feels fucking great

they charge almost 60 euros for all the Skyline DLC's (and this is during the sale with 33-50% reduction on each dlc)
So yeah, they are at least lvl 5 jew

Do you trust me now goy anima- I mean dear customer.

>any game after CK2