Anyone else really enjoy CoD zombies? I think its gotten worse over time but can still be fun...

Anyone else really enjoy CoD zombies? I think its gotten worse over time but can still be fun, especially pre Black Ops 2 zombies.
Treyarch are the only ones who have done it well though.
>ywn play nacht der untoten for the first time again
>ywn make friends with random zombie players again

Other urls found in this thread:

This map was pure Kino Der Toten

mm, I think its improved over time

I played all the maps up through origins and quite a lot of time spent on it. I wouldnt mind a standalone sequal with options like starting at a later round with certain gear to speed up matches.

>tfw you will never have late night zombies and Halo sessions with your friends again
>tfw you lost those friends and all your other ones
>tfw you're all alone
>tfw the only social interaction you have with people not in your family is when Sup Forums does an open lobby
>tfw a random CoD zombies post on Sup Forums makes you hate yourself even more and reflect your past

I wish they would just name the maps in english so i wouldn't have to hear people who barely have a grasp on their first language try to pronounce german names

God tier: Ascension, Kino, Dead Ops Arcade
Very Good tier: Nacht Der Untoten, Moon, Der Riese, Shangri La
Good tier: Call of The Dead, Five
Shit tier: Verruct, Shi no Numa

Honestly I think that my reasoning for disliking CoD zombies as time went on is the fact that its became the only reason to buy CoD and its locked with a bunch of other modes I don't care for.
Also Tranzit was massively disappointing and took me out of Black Ops 2 zombies for a while.

Quick, post your favorite song.
Zombies was good when the autistic easter egg hunters didn't take over. I never played any of BO3's zombies maps because I didn't want to have to look up a fucking tutorial to understand how to do the most basic shit.

Thats kind of me, but I dont really care about losing those friend anymore. They were jerks during zombie sessions anyways.

I want to make a circle of online buddies to play oldschool fighting games online and its a more relaxing experience


Curious here, I see on a lot of people's fav lists they list Ascension was it really that good? I remember playing it a couple of times and didnt think much of it

Replace Dead Ops with Der Riese and we're done fucboi.

WaW were the best, even more fun with unlimited ammo, gravity and speed among other fun console commands.

Get good you fucking faggot

>Shangri La that high
I never saw the appeal. Easily the weakest map on BO.
>Verruct that low

Best map is Moon.
>complete the easter egg
>richtofen gets the voice of a possessed loli

I didn't want to pay $30 USD for zombies Chronicles but my friends got super nostalgic for the summers we spent on Blops zombies.

Fuck you activison, Fuck you

Moon was my favourite map along with Ascension, completing the Easter Egg to get every perk and then fucking around in the low G Botany area was fun as fuck.

I fell of the nazi zombie train after blops 2 but I still love Nacht der Untoten the best. It had a really eerie and claustrophobic atmosphere.

What the fuck, Activision?

Haha this is fake right?


No it's real all swastikas have been removed.

>NAZI Zombies
>No NAZI swastikas

I easily would have spent $15 on that pack or the full $30 if it had more maps and included the original weapons. I just can't justify $30 for an incomplete rehash.
It's just laziness. They would have had to create a separate version for market in Germany and Austria if they included Nazi imagery. It's the same reason they ripped the sig runes off of Group 935's logo.


The game mode got renamed to zombies and is actually about aliens and time travel shit now.

What does Sup Forums think about gobblegum?

ayy what

can't make this shit up

Perk cola > gobblegum

>go to Call of Duty wiki to confirm this
>Zombies, originally known as Nazi Zombies, is a game mode
>on top of that the logo of the Call of Duty wiki is gay pride themed

>it's real

Eh its not like your gonna really care about cosmetics of a zombies map when theres explosions going off everywhere and your teammates are all busy doing their own stupid tactics spraying everywhere.
>I can already hear the Sup Forums angry typing now

Heres an example of the new retarded time travel shit if you need it in all its glory

>they added a dragon
>but it's not an undead dragon
One fucking job

>tfw always play as a nazi in any kind of game that let me
>tfw rather have a better and more awesome icon to portray the side i play instead of 8 fucking lines on a white circle
>people rather have a swastika instead of a cool iron cross or a badass eagle.

treyarch's zombies is literally the single best survival mode in gaming

Oh god what the fuck is this shit?
it fucking scream "what kids find cool and hip" every damn second since the beginning, also what the hell with the russian guy shooting what i suspect are the 4 PC.

>russian guy
It is Nikolai

They're travelling back in time to kill themselves and collect their souls.
The Russian dude is the guy that yells "this is part of your plan?!" At the start.
You're all time travelling world war 2 soldiers that were made strong by a space element called element 115.
Also the German dude is Richtofen.

But the iron cross and the eagle isn't exclusively a Nazi symbol unlike the swastika.
I mean, you can see in all Nazi Germany pics that they had swastikas literally everywhere and the iron cross was nowhere to be seen.

And on top of time travelling you're dimension hopping. Forgot to mention that. Pretty sure like 3 dimensions have been destroyed.
Its beautifully retarded.

I had COD WaW, i know the 4 guys, what i want to know is what the fuck is with that video, what's with the mech and the dragon? what with the paratrooper that appeared?

Call of the dead was the one with the ship and the old zombie dude right? That was was top fucking tier

>the old zombie dude right
It's George A. Romero, you uncultured swine.

>uncultured swine
>george a romero
Sure whatever fucking redditor normalfaggot

I unironically like Tranzit

Okay, I haven't played Zombies since moon. Can you faggots give me a brief summary of the story since? Sounds like so much shit has happened.

How about you use google fuckface

this is getting too real

Is Black Cocks 3 worth it for the zombie DLC alone? I wanna play Shi No Numa again

Yeah id get dlc 3 as well gorod krovi is pretty fun