What the FUCK was her problem?

What the FUCK was her problem?

Upset that best girl had natural beauty while she had to work for it.
Also just a general cunt.


Anne needed a role model.

I'd be upset too if I had to interact with a teenager that had no respect for what I was doing

Being perfect

only girl portrayed realistically and manchildren cant take it when they get their ass handed to them by a girl

lack of joker dick

>Lies, cheats and screws others over to advance her career
>No option to change her heart

Both Anne and Mika are based off of Fujiko Mine, at least to a degree. Anne wants to be more like a femme fatale, and since Mika is like that, she lets her live.

She didn't particularly do anything wrong. She was "mean" but she's succesful because of it and then washed her hands of that behavior when she didn't need to resort to it anymore. She's bascally a younger, perkier, more succesful Sae honestly.

No idea why she has her own portraits and even a second outfit for her model though, maybe she was a planned confidant or maybe a dropped design for a different character or something.

She's a cute teenager duh

She's might've been a dropped Anne design that was repurposed.

Nepotism was her problem.
Ann is a horrible person.

Mika is like, 20.


She was a dev waifu he snuck in like that cunt in makoto's link

>the hopless NEETs idea of love
top kek

She's trying to be successful in a cutthroat industry and doesn't have magical powers granted by yabadabadoo to fall back on.

Makoto's girlfriend didn't have a portrait

>she has her own portraits
Some of Mika's underhanded behavior isn't obvious without the angry/smug portraits.
Eiko, on the other hand, is a dumb airhead all the time, which you can easily convey via dialogue.

this, patting her head? she's not a fucking dog jesus. cringe as fuck

Sexual frustration.

Can you imagine being that much of slut, being surrounded by cocks all day?

Not to mention all the
semen that isn't gushing into her cunny every waking moment she's in the vicinity of a man?

She really can't take it anymore, her custom made vibrator with a dick hole for easy backroom fucking really isn't enough, despite being on high.

She wants dick so bad and feels that Anne is stopping that for happening.

That's why she's so mean her, her desire for penis cannot be tamed.

no fun allowed samefag

I think he was just ruffling her hair.

Hotter than Ann desu

>every dissenting opinion is a samefag

That's a slippery slope though, because you can start applying that to a lot of the other antagonists in this game. Mika doesn't seem as bad because the shit she pulled was relatively small in scope and she fesses up at the end, but it's still not right.

She was just irritated that she was stuck in one of the worst social links in the game.

Who the fuck translates and typesets only half of it.

fugly bitch that became pretty and grow a huge ego over it.


Unironically this desu

Who is worse, Mika or Eiko?

Eiko was just stupid and even becomes a better person in the end, Mika was actively antagonizing Ann because she could never live up to best girl

Eiko by far. Mika was at least an interesting foil/rival to Ann, where Eiko and her stupidity solely exists to string out Makoto's confidant, even though I did like the 'amateur detective' aspect of it. I'm actually jealous that Makoto got to slap Eiko, instead of Joker.

Eiko was much worse written. The idea of Anne being loosely based off of a character and then meeting someone much like that character is interesting. It's a shame that the actual SL was shit.

>Anne is almost perfect right now
>She's going to become more like Mika day after day
>Soon she'll just be blonde Mika

>implying Mika isn't perfect

Ann would never become so self-absorbed! She cares for her friends!

But Anne says she wants to be just like Mika. Does that mean that Anne is a liar?

I assumed that was more having a cutthroat attitude when it comes to working, not becoming a full out bitch

But that's all Mika was, cutthroat.

Someone should cut your throat.

That's pretty rude desu fampachi

I've nearly finished P5, it was my first foray into JRPG's-- what should I play next? Looking for something that will fill the void that'll surely come soon after completion.

This, so fucking sexist.

You can always give the other Personas a shot.