you're missing out on a great game series
Monster hunter thread
>tfw no MHW on switch
>tfw not an assblasted nintenbabby
>that ugly bastard Americanized version of MH
no fucking thanks. If you're more exided for this western trash than for Double Cross, then you're not a real MH fan.
Enjoy your brodude hunter game, faggots
I want both World and XX, when are they localizing XX?
>tfw ironically set my mount call to "je suis monte"
Nope, still looks like complete shit. Where's the real MH5?
I set mine to "Jay soos monty" for ebin irony points
This. It just won't feel right on anything but the 3DS.
If you're unironically excited for more 4thGen, then you're not even a fan at all.
Monster Hunter killed itself when they stopped making 3rdGen games after 3U.
Literally and unironically, in a non-figuratively way, the best weapon ever
>ironically wearing a clusterfuck of armour from different sets with no armour skills active
Looks cool.
4th gen's terrible skinner box mechanics almost ruined the series
>ironically golfswinging your teammates towards an elder dragons aoe
The gameplay demo really sold me, but now the wait begins.
>le poke XD
Go away user, the adults are talking.
Can't be excited for MHW when you know GL still isn't going to be good in it
>best balance between speed and damage
>most style
>versatility thanks to the insect
Literally why would you main anything else?
You guys said styles were fucking gone
>Deals big dick damage even without charging
>Charge attacks reward studying positioning and timing
>Incredibly mobile as long as you keep sheathing
>Cucks hammers big league with PunishDraw
>GS trying to KO
Out of my way shit skins, CB is KO King
You think so?
How is this not muh monster hunter?
Good luck moving around at all without evade arts.
Nobody said anything.
And that is a context sensitive action only available when sliding down a hill.
It's like jumping off a ledge and attacking.
They are gone, this is a flashy new attack. It's a good sign, it means the devs aren't trying to remove the lighthearted or over the top aspects to make it more "realistic"
>tfw not casual enough to enjoy western-focused redesigns
Tfw the fated four are fated to be in games i really didnt like, if i am playing on a handheld, its 4u. I really didnt like the x series
>ironically triple carting
Styles may be gone but STYLE is still there.
That looks good, it's also great my PC can handle it, finally a MH with proper graphics.
>not already being done with XX
I'm farming Dreadking Rathalos to get the armor because I want to start using Lance, it looks very fun to use but I have no idea what style to use other than Striker.
welcome to Monster hunter.
Where you fight giant monsters with giant weapons made out of their carcasses.
It's always been anime.
Adept is useable. If you want a strangely relaxing solo strategy run silverwind set + adept. Now you might be thinking adept is for scrubs. Well it is but at least adept guard is somewhat harder to activate and acts like a parry. Silverwind gives evade +2 and extender for super relaxing backward hops to chase and evade enemy attacks. Guild is shit run striker. Aerial is mediocre gimmick. If you want to counter/guard lance just use striker. If you want to charge use striker.
Stiker's optimal but Adept and Brave have their place as alternatives and Aerial can be pretty fun if you want some variety.
Any major differences between insect glaive from 4U and Gen? Always wanted to try it out but the kinsect upgrading part is tedious
Is MH Stories good? I don't even know what genre it's supposed to be
It's a turn-based rpg, like pokemon or dragonquest.
I just want to play as many MH games as I can, but fuck me, right?
I am totally buying this day one, as long as it's isn't priced overly expensive.
check 4u again
you're just a delusional "fuck the west" fagboy
>might as well make monster hunter pokemon because why the fuck not
I just wish MHW was more colorful
I despise the art direction for world
it looks like another shitty sony cinematic experience.
Where's my color? Monster hunter is full of fucking color in everything
T. french
Game is colorful as shit. What are you on about?
>ironically knocking your teammates down with a long sword
>ironically knocking attacking teammates out of the way with a great hammer
>Hype for MHW
>Announcement gets me in the mood to play again
>Fire up 4U again
>It just feels like a poor substitute for the game I really want to play.
They announced it too early goddammit!
>ironically fucking up a sleepbomb quest by kicking the sleeping monster
>sleepbomb quest
I do not fucking miss those one bit
Sauce on pic? I know there's more monsters that got art like this
It's a shame that all of the new monsters from XX will probably never make an appearance in this game.
the gameplay demo consisted of sunlit areas with a lot of overexposure and a dark forest. it was mostly too bright or dark
why is Glavenus' tail so hard to cut?
fucking hate his tail slamming
I unironically find this thread ironically unironically
Kill yourself
its not on an underpowered piece of shit with 240p resolution and shit controls and terrible ergonomics that make your hands cramp along with a device with no games
longsword lops it off in 2 crit junctures if it's heated