Best Bioware character

Best Bioware character.

>Best Bioware character
>Not Garrus

OP, why are you such a fag?

>muh drunk dwarf

>le grouchy alcoholic dwarf
Fuck off retard

That's not Sten.

why the fuck is he introduced so late

Irenicus, DAO was mediocre shit

You can go to Orzammar first thing after Lothering though.


but orzammar is awful. I would rather go to the circle or the forest.

i`m not that guy btw
i just wanted to say that orzammar is awful

I was about to ask what the fuck that has to do with anything.

>orzammar is awful
hello neo Sup Forums. you're the cancer killing vidya. orzimmar is the only location worth a shit in dao

what the fuck do you think is so good about orzammar? It's a fucking shithole full of manlets and with that awful music in the background.

>le cool edgy alien that somehow still manages to come off like an uptight nerd

Thane is better than Garrus

I accidentally went Orzammar -> forest -> mage tower on my first play through.

The fucking tower was a joke after all the other stuff.

Never got this one. Always thought he was bland.

>mfw no one remembers or appreciates the best voice acting of all time
Disdain for plebs. David Warner should be a legend.

There's only a few things good about that place:
The Broodmother story
The King selection
and the legion of the dead

The maps, sidequests and music are all awful.

Good voice acting. Terrible character. Literally a pussy faggot cuck.

I turned you all gay

the dwarf noble origin is the best quest in the game. fighting darkspawn and going on expeditions in the deep roads is top tier



i don't get why people hate him.

>ctrl+f mordin
>no matches

What's with Baldur's Gate art? Everybody seems to have huge eyes, often horribly misaligned, especially the elves.

yeah, fuck off you redditor faggot. better yet kill yourself you absolute retard subhuman

Bland man is bland

>cuck memes
kill yourself

Thane is the shittiest character.
He gets his wife killed becomes estranged with his son because muh 'born raised assassin' and can't be there for the guy so he turns to the dark side. Won't shut up about muh dead wife and muh son.
Has a sniper rifle and biotics in a squad that's half biotic already and has 2 other better snipers, resulting in a skills overlap.
Not to mention that Drell were the answer to Asari in terms of offering hambeasts hot male aliens they can fuck.
That raspy voice is really try hard to moisten hambeasts' nasty ragged underwear.
Thane is basically a male asari Carth shlick bait

He's generic as fuck.

Also the Carth of this game.


dude wise master assassin lmao

how wrong can you be


everyone knows its viconia

>defending le edgy earless elf wizard cuck
Literally no u


He gets whiny if you spare Loghain and have him take the Joining.

Alistair has a dumb view of Grey Wardens being noble and a privilege to join, when a lot them are actually criminal conscripts, possibly even the player character.

It's a perfectly fine punishment, either he dies or he is forced to fight Darkspawn the rest of his life, but Alistair doesn't think so.

to all the faggots talking shit about orzammar, get fucked


>ini file


Unless you meant the green frog assassin guy with the twelve packs of cigarettes and melted glass diet.

That's not Varric or Garrus.

how about you learn to live with people having different opinions, autism man?

"Typical. If I had any sense of humour left, I might have found that funny. I do not, on both accounts."

Pic related was the pussy faggot of BGII. Literally, if you did his quest.
He had a pretty great VA too, though.
>My name is Edwin Odesseiron, but you simians may merely refer to me as "sir", if you require a less... syllable intensive workout."


You gonna bitch about the Fade instead? It shits all over Orzammar. Can't shape-shift there and environments are repetitive.


"just tolerate every shit opinion you come across"

where do you think you are?


>still mad you can't prove your innocence and replace bhenis as king
>you can't then go on to marry the queen and unite the realms

>dumps you

Yeah but Edwina is probably very hot.

i don't mind the fade, never did

it was pretty neat playing the first time and on further playthroughs i just thought of it as "oh boy time for the spirit realm, it might be repetitive but i'll get a fuckton of juicy stat points"

Any answer but HK47 is unacceptable

Anyone got the "Always mad" image for the ME3 ending?

The fact that he was an afterthought and retconned protheans to shit in the third installment with the shortest development time

ikr le cuck haha

How embarrassing. Don't you have a Simple Plan album to listen to, Redditor?

Gaider doesn't approve of dwarf secks

still really good char development for the time they spent on him. if he was a afterthought then it must speaks loads about the rest of the characters of bioware.
2nd best character. came in as a psychopathic ptsd cunt and grew into a teacher who got her act together and is a bit more forged and 'tamed'.

Dawn of War 2 had the best voice acting


Most bro companion ever.

Jack was supposed to be a squadmates ME3 but then got dropped. She has the magnetic weapon latches in her and a brand new design whereas everyone else looks the same as they did in ME2. She might've even featured in the leaked script, can't remember.

yep. still mad

It looked better on the screen resolutions of the time. And I guess the major parts of the art budget went into making the scenery in Infinity Engine games.
-You best don't be talking shit about best girl, though. Faggot.

People actually tried that a few years ago. Not actual dwarfs, of course, but people virtue signalling on their behalf.
Warwick Davis blew them the fuck out so hard that they stopped

>Best Bioware character.
>le meme dwarf xdxd

the best character is the one you create to play bg1 and 2

They scrapped a lot of things in 3. Such as ashley having a moment with shepard, where they discuss her having a crisis of faith and, what he saw after he 'died'.
Reading the script makes my blood boil so I rather not read it again

stop it you cuck ;3

Me too!

You think he fucked his hot blood related vampire sister while you were busy adventuring around and fucking Imoen?

Also liked voice acting, very fitting for his character.

Jack definitely looks like she was gonna be a squad member in ME3, but then again I suppose they had to update her looks because she's a teacher.

>tfw no hot young scene girl teacher wearing nothing but suspenders as a top

Then again, her nipples are on point in ME3 and barely covered by bandages.

Why is Orzammar so shitty?

poorman's ironforge.

Is DA: Origins any good?

It's actually one of the better hubs in DAO.

Yes, quite good.


Slow at times, but it's Bioware's last good RPG

I'm glad that you like that place, user.

Why are women incapable of making funny comics, let alone mass effect comics?

poor mans Baldurs Gate 2

yeah, its bioware's swan song

hurf durf feggtz git off mai vidyer

Talk shit to me if you want, but it's my favorite game

Yes. Try jade/mass effect as well.
O, and the fade is the worst part in DA:Origins, don't forget awakenings too. If you hate spiders, theres a mod somewhere that turns them into bears.

>le generic angsty violent punk girl
you could replace her with jinx or vi and you wouldn't even notice a difference

poor man Diablo 2

>jinx or vi

One of my favorites too.

>le sarcastic bro guy
Garrus is boring as shit and has no depth at all. Normies like him because they heard it's cool to like him.

I was starting to wonder if it would get posted

I like thane too buddy but that doesn't mean he's a great character

t. super casuals who claim to be """RPG fans""" when they haven't played a Bioware RPG pre-DA:O