Daily reminder if you play a female Draenei you're probably a trap or tranny

Daily reminder if you play a female Draenei you're probably a trap or tranny.

You just wanted to post that, which raise the question. Why dont you keep posting?

Or maybe you're just a guy who appreciates tits and ass?

is that a guy? if yes, sauce please

weibo solaco

that's gay dude

why aren't you playing as a male and appreciating some muscle and some firm square ass

That's why you have at least 1 male and 1 female character.
It gets fucking complicated once there's multiple races, though.

it's not a guy, what the fuck man

I want a girlfriend (male)!

What the fuck is wrong with you?

Yes it is.

>it's a girl
What shame

>that bulge

I am a tranny but I don't play shit MMOs.


yes, what a mighty puffy vulva it is

Are you implying there are not shit MMOs out?

It's a guy.

No, sorry. All mmos are shit loot treadmill races to the end game.

my bf is cuter thqh

stuffed or tiny dong?

Pretty much, its amazing how we've let MMOs get to such a shitty state.

Honestly, it looks stuffed.
However, it also wouldn't surprise me. Look up users/babypp on pornhub.
chinks have tiny penis

welcome to neo-Sup Forums

daily reminder if you play alliance youre a massive gaylord and probablly suck at pvp

>horde being edgy 12 year olds again

not surprised.